Huge DROP In Cost of Living

(I'm in Đà Nẵng, but I think my experience probably holds true across all of Việt Nam)

In one day, my rent dropped ₫2,000,000, my hotel room size tripled (with an extra bed!), my seaview became totally unobstructed and the price of my meals decreased ₫50,000 on average.


I moved FROM the Expat/Foreign Tourist area of Đà Nẵng (Mỹ Khê Beach/An Thượng) to the "local" (Vietnamese) tourist area of Đà Nẵng Bay/North Đà Nẵng.

Everything here is less expensive. The biggest price you pay for living here is the lack of signage in the English language, and fewer merchants who speak English.

However, help is available if you are willing to look for it.

I have a Vietnamese lady friend who lives nearby. She has been helping me learn to navigate the local market and restaurant menus.

Also, the family owners of my hotel all speak some English, especially the mother, who works as a manager at a foreigner-friendly resort across town.

My expenses would be even less if I didn't insist on being close to the beach WITH a sea view:

I'm paying ₫5,000,000 (about $215) per month for this 4th floor bay view and beach access across the street. Normal daily rate during the off-season (now) is ₫300,000.

However, a room in the rear of the same hotel is only ₫180,000 daily, so you could surely negotiate a monthly rate around $150.00, or less.

FYI, these are not kitchenette apartments. If you need that, you have to probably rent a block or more away from the bayfront.

*I think*, if you are willing to explore areas away from expat/foreigner comfort zones, you will be rewarded with lower cost-of-living expenses AND a much more authentic Vietnamese cultural experience.

Congrats on the beautiful view and great price.  The lack of a full kitchen would be a deterrent for us though.

We spent ₫550K at the market today and came back with enough ingredients for 10 days of breakfast, lunch and dinner -- a plethora of Vietnamese, Chinese, and Italian dishes.  A lot of work for me in the preparation, but plenty of healthy meals for both of us.

O.B. - There's a Google app that runs on your cell phone which will translate the text in a photo. You take a photo of a sign or a menu or whatever, highlight the text by dragging your finger across the portion you want translated, and hit the translate button.It works very well and it's getting better.

Yes, I've noticed that the rental prices of small apartments are much lower north of the river.

I'll be coming for a (very) long stay in March and am now spending all my spare time on line, researching prices and collecting advice and info. For me it's not a big thing to be on/close to the beach - more important is a feeling of openness and space.

I would imagine there are a great many properties for rent along the river bank (which I like the idea of) but I've  never seen one advertised.

But if you're saying that just a few Km north of the tourist zone means that there's less English spoken, then I can only assume that a) online estate agents make their profits from the higher-priced condos pitched at English speakers and aren't bothered in scruffy little riverside houses and b) any agents which DO feature them are hidden away in Viet-speaking areas.

Am I right to think this? Any ideas about the best way to find a riverbank house?

Maybe you or/and your lady friend might be prepared to consider looking around for me (for a generous finder's fee) - in a few months time!


Isn't this the same the world over.

I have always lived in Vietnamese areas away from expat enclaves, but sadly there are many who actually enjoy being surround by expats, expat cafes and expat restaurants. Places like Thao Dien and Phu My Hung in Saigon are just full of expats and I couldn't imagine living there and paying the ridiculous prices that are requested.

PS. I still can't figure out how to post pics on a post, I have tried several times, but have failed miserably.

Ciambella wrote:

Congrats on the beautiful view and great price.  The lack of a full kitchen would be a deterrent for us though.

We spent ₫550K at the market today and came back with enough ingredients for 10 days of breakfast, lunch and dinner -- a plethora of Vietnamese, Chinese, and Italian dishes.  A lot of work for me in the preparation, but plenty of healthy meals for both of us.


I have no doubt that you would be able to find something generally fitting your needs, especially since there are only two of you, although your current deal is pretty sweet for a lot of reasons.

I'm looking to the future, realizing I may need a three bedroom apartment or house...with four bathrooms...soon. Joking a bit, but 3br/3ba places do exist here, just not near the shore.

Again, prices are much cheaper away from fellow foreigners.

Still hoping to cross paths with you two soon!

colinoscapee wrote:

PS. I still can't figure out how to post pics on a post, I have tried several times, but have failed miserably.

I suppose you've tried this already? What happens? Do your pics end up an an album somewhere and not on the page?

ps I just tried it - all you can do is to post a link to your uploaded photo. ;-(

colinoscapee wrote:

Isn't this the same the world over?

You are right. In Germany my rent dropped dramatically once I moved away from my military kaserne.

I just hadn't seen much talk about it here on the Vietnam forum.

colinoscapee wrote:

PS. I still can't figure out how to post pics on a post, I have tried several times, but have failed miserably.

The photo needs to be hosted somewhere.

1. A photo you upload to the photo albums here will work.

Upload a photo.

Go to the photo albums and find it.

Right click (on a computer) or long press (using android phone)

Select "open image in new tab"

Copy the URL of the new tab. Make sure you "select all".

Paste that into the image sharing interface on here.

OR (easier)...

2. Open a Wordpress account.

Upload a photo to your account

Find the photo in your media manager (this is very easy in the android app)

Copy the URL. Wordpress provides a button to click for this.

Paste that into the image sharing interface.

I hope that  :offtopic: info is helpful


Jim-Minh wrote:

O.B. - There's a Google app that runs on your cell phone which will translate the text in a photo. You take a photo of a sign or a menu or whatever, highlight the text by dragging your finger across the portion you want translated, and hit the translate button.It works very well and it's getting better.

Yes, I've used it a few times with mostly good results. I ate lunch by myself yesterday, and it helped me eat something healthy.

robsamui wrote:


...if you're saying that just a few Km north of the tourist zone means that there's less English spoken, then I can only assume that a) online estate agents make their profits from the higher-priced condos pitched at English speakers and aren't bothered in scruffy little riverside houses and b) any agents which DO feature them are hidden away in Viet-speaking areas.

Am I right to think this? Any ideas about the best way to find a riverbank house?

Two things:

1. As Colin mentioned in another reply, Expats and other foreigners tend to drive the market in their search for the "comfort and safety" of other foreigners; misguided efforts in my opinion. Crime seems to be higher in Expat areas.

So those looking to make a buck (so-called "agents") focus on offering properties they think we want. They do know how to hone in on our "needs".

Just know, they are usually not true agents. They find properties already listed by the owner. Without permission, they re-list the property. When you bite on their listing, they THEN approach the owner and offer to bring them a renter, for a fee/percentage.

Who cares?

As Ciambella has noted, rents are not negotiable. However, if you can navigate around the agent and deal face-to-face with the owner, you'll get the true rent without any agent mark up.

Airbnb is one way to directly contact some owners.

2. Because the "agents" are focusing on foreigners, their websites are not bilingual. But most apartments of all types are getting posted somewhere on the internet.

My lady friend is out of town at the moving and reburial of her father's casket today (there was a landslide that is threatening the current graveyard).

When she returns I'll get info from her about the apps she is using to search the local Vietnamese housing market.

robsamui wrote:

Maybe you or/and your lady friend might be prepared to consider looking around for me (for a generous finder's fee) - in a few months time!

I would say we would do it for free, but I'd probably be ill-advised to make a decision for her regarding the potential for profit. Besides, that is the kind of work she does; helping mostly locals with one-off tasks.

I'll post the app info when she gives it to me.

As I always advise, don't try to set something up long distance. Come to town and get an inexpensive hotel room for 3 to 7 days and then do your own search with the help of a local who also drives you around to the places YOU choose. YOUR agent.


OceanBeach92107 wrote:

However, if you can navigate around the agent and deal face-to-face with the owner, you'll get the true rent without any agent mark up.

I did that at one apartment complex in Saigon.  The unauthorized agent didn't do her job properly, we had to find the place ourselves, and she didn't show up until after I already talked to the owner.   During the talk, I came into an agreement with the owner in which he would tell the agent that I rejected the place so he didn't have to pay her commission.  For my part, my water and electricity were free within a certain amount, anything above that, I would pay.

Agent do not mark up the rent because you don't pay the rent through them, but their commission (paid by the owner) equals one month rent for each 12 month contract.

OceanBeach92107 wrote:

When she returns I'll get info from her about the apps she is using to search the local Vietnamese housing market.

In the meantime, the app called "Rent Express: Thuê nhà nhanh" may serve someone's needs.  It's also available on iOS devices, unfortunately.

To find a room for rent within a house, Ohana is available for both Android and iOS.

HelloRent is another app (both Android and iOS) that has received favourable reviews by Vietnamese renters.

OceanBeach92107 wrote:
robsamui wrote:


...if you're saying that just a few Km north of the tourist zone means that there's less English spoken, then I can only assume that a) online estate agents make their profits from the higher-priced condos pitched at English speakers and aren't bothered in scruffy little riverside houses and b) any agents which DO feature them are hidden away in Viet-speaking areas.

Am I right to think this? Any ideas about the best way to find a riverbank house?

Two things:

1. As Colin mentioned in another reply, Expats and other foreigners tend to drive the market in their search for the "comfort and safety" of other foreigners; misguided efforts in my opinion. Crime seems to be higher in Expat areas.

So those looking to make a buck (so-called "agents") focus on offering properties they think we want. They do know how to hone in on our "needs".

Just know, they are usually not true agents. They find properties already listed by the owner. Without permission, they re-list the property. When you bite on their listing, they THEN approach the owner and offer to bring them a renter, for a fee/percentage.

Who cares?

As Ciambella has noted, rents are not negotiable. However, if you can navigate around the agent and deal face-to-face with the owner, you'll get the true rent without any agent mark up.

Airbnb is one way to directly contact some owners.

2. Because the "agents" are focusing on foreigners, their websites are not bilingual. But most apartments of all types are getting posted somewhere on the internet.

My lady friend is out of town at the moving and reburial of her father's casket today (there was a landslide that is threatening the current graveyard).

When she returns I'll get info from her about the apps she is using to search the local Vietnamese housing market.

robsamui wrote:

Maybe you or/and your lady friend might be prepared to consider looking around for me (for a generous finder's fee) - in a few months time!

I would say we would do it for free, but I'd probably be ill-advised to make a decision for her regarding the potential for profit. Besides, that is the kind of work she does; helping mostly locals with one-off tasks.

I'll post the app info when she gives it to me.

As I always advise, don't try to set something up long distance. Come to town and get an inexpensive hotel room for 3 to 7 days and then do your own search with the help of a local who also drives you around to the places YOU choose. YOUR agent.


Thanks for the gracious reply!

Re pseudo agents - one joker (on his FB profile he looks about 16) advertising a "penhouse" - and describing it "like a townhouse" - so I already got a feel for this!

I'll be waddling to the airport with baggage in mid-to late-March, and initially camping for a week or two in a nice cheery tourist area while I enjoy the newness and scout gently around - so no rush! If I may, I'll contact you again at that time. I'd be quite happy to pay a month's rent as a fee, simply because you're already out of the tourist area. In the overall scheme of things it will quickly be absorbed into 'settling expenses' and it'll be well worth the expense, if you're agreeable!

Ciambella wrote:

...the app called "Rent Express: Thuê nhà nhanh" may serve someone's needs.  It's also available on iOS devices, unfortunately....

Did you mean to say it's ONLY available...?

robsamui wrote:

...I'll be waddling to the airport with baggage in mid-to late-March, and initially camping for a week or two in a nice cheery tourist area while I enjoy the newness and scout gently around - so no rush! If I may, I'll contact you again at that time. I'd be quite happy to pay a month's rent as a fee, simply because you're already out of the tourist area. In the overall scheme of things it will quickly be absorbed into 'settling expenses' and it'll be well worth the expense, if you're agreeable!

Your inbox is going to get SO slammed with SPAM!


Happy to have coffee with you when you arrive. PM me then.

OceanBeach92107 wrote:
Ciambella wrote:

...the app called "Rent Express: Thuê nhà nhanh" may serve someone's needs.  It's also available on iOS devices, unfortunately....

Did you mean to say it's ONLY available...?

Yep.  Same amount of letters, different meaning.   ;)

Ciambella wrote:
OceanBeach92107 wrote:
Ciambella wrote:

...the app called "Rent Express: Thuê nhà nhanh" may serve someone's needs.  It's also available on iOS devices, unfortunately....

Did you mean to say it's ONLY available...?

Yep.  Same amount of letters, different meaning.   ;)

I once wrote a parody blog post about how errors in "smell check" get by us because the mistake is still a dictionary word.

Your post smelled that way...


Thanks for the post. I'm sure it will confidence for some to cut the cord.

II was in Q1 in HCMC the other evening, the first time in months. I couldn't tolerate it on a routine basis, as it seems the worst of both worlds to me.

Virtually no one in my neighborhood, Binh Tan, about  14 km, due west of Q1, speaks English. But I get by in that international sign language.

In general I have found that the more people who speak your language in your neighborhood, the higher the prices. In other words, you are paying a "speak my language" tax.

But If I surround myself with expats in a foreign country, what's the point of being in the foreign country?? 

Yes, you can convince yourself that you are still getting the "indigenous experience", but trust me, you aren't. And it's not a function of the country. Every country is virtually the same. The locals learn to adapt to what the tourists expect.
Go to a tourist restaurant in Italy, the food has more similarities to an Italian restaurant in Des Moines, Iowa, then Italy.

OceanBeach92107 wrote:

1. A photo you upload to the photo albums here will work.

Upload a photo.

Go to the photo albums and find it.

Right click (on a computer) or long press (using android phone)

Select "open image in new tab"

Copy the URL of the new tab. Make sure you "select all".

Paste that into the image sharing interface on here.

I don't find "photo album" here in the forum.
Only "Cummunity -> Pictures". I can upload pictures but I can't find them.
And on my computer no pictures are indicated.

OceanBeach92107 wrote:

2. Open a Wordpress account.

Upload a photo to your account

Find the photo in your media manager (this is very easy in the android app)

Copy the URL. Wordpress provides a button to click for this.

Paste that into the image sharing interface.

I hope that  :offtopic: info is helpful


Are you sure with Wordpress it's so easy?
With DropBox or Google Drive you have to convert the URL ( … 1515136008).

In this thread you can find a instruction for adding pictures from DropBox or Google Drive:

Andy Passenger wrote:

I don't find "photo album" here in the forum.
Only "Cummunity -> Pictures". I can upload pictures but I can't find them.
And on my computer no pictures are indicated.

I used to be able to find "My photo albums" from my profile, with the photos of each destination properly stored in one labeled album.  Now, I have to do the long way round: 
Community --  Pictures -- My destination.

The above photo is shown when I posted the particular link from my uploaded photo on this site, the same way as I would've done with any outside link, except with the photo (landscape) icon instead of the link icon.

If you want to post a protected photo from the web, then use View Page Source to find the URL first.

Andy Passenger wrote:
OceanBeach92107 wrote:

1. A photo you upload to the photo albums here will work.

Upload a photo.

Go to the photo albums and find it.

Right click (on a computer) or long press (using android phone)

Select "open image in new tab"

Copy the URL of the new tab. Make sure you "select all".

Paste that into the image sharing interface on here.

I don't find "photo album" here in the forum.
Only "Cummunity -> Pictures". I can upload pictures but I can't find them.
And on my computer no pictures are indicated.

OceanBeach92107 wrote:

2. Open a Wordpress account.

Upload a photo to your account

Find the photo in your media manager (this is very easy in the android app)

Copy the URL. Wordpress provides a button to click for this.

Paste that into the image sharing interface.

I hope that  :offtopic: info is helpful


Are you sure with Wordpress it's so easy?
With DropBox or Google Drive you have to convert the URL ( … 1515136008).

In this thread you can find a instruction for adding pictures from DropBox or Google Drive:

1. I clicked on my Wordpress App

2. I clicked on "media"

3. I clicked on a photo I previously uploaded

4. I clicked on the "copy URL" button

5. I clicked on the "insert photo" button, here, in the message interface

6. I pasted the URL

7. I got this:


If you are really on a budget, move to the countryside where you can live on 2 million per month and get to know the real VN.  Get one of these and you will be able to converse with all the locals, problems solved!  :) … translator

vndreamer wrote:

Get one of these and you will be able to converse with all the locals, problems solved!  :) … translator

Really? That would be too good to be true.

Speech recognition is still a challenge today.

With today's smartphones with ultra powerful processors and lots of memory, I wonder why there isn't an equivalent app for smartphones yet.

Ciambella wrote:
Andy Passenger wrote:

I don't find "photo album" here in the forum.
Only "Cummunity -> Pictures". I can upload pictures but I can't find them.
And on my computer no pictures are indicated.

I used to be able to find "My photo albums" from my profile, with the photos of each destination properly stored in one labeled album.  Now, I have to do the long way round: 
Community --  Pictures -- My destination.

https://expat-03cdkbceglbjg.stackpathdn … 50x560.jpg

The above photo is shown when I posted the particular link from my uploaded photo on this site, the same way as I would've done with any outside link, except with the photo (landscape) icon instead of the link icon.

If you want to post a protected photo from the web, then use View Page Source to find the URL first.

I uploaded a picture twice under Vung Tau yesterday.

I can't find it.

Also, I only see a few on my computer (I tried two different browsers) as well as on my smartphone.  And even the few ones are no longer displayed when I click on them.

Probably my wifi is the problem.
When I use 4G the pictures are indicated more or less fast.
Probably I have to give the website more time to display the pictures via Wifi.  However, this takes a long time with Wifi, although I don't find the Wifi to be very slow during normal internet surfing.

OceanBeach92107 wrote:

1. I clicked on my Wordpress App

2. I clicked on "media"

3. I clicked on a photo I previously uploaded

4. I clicked on the "copy URL" button

5. I clicked on the "insert photo" button, here, in the message interface

6. I pasted the URL

7. I got this: … ag0384.jpg


I don't use Wordpress.

In the past, with DropBox and Google drive it was only possible when you convert the URL by the online tool.
Has changes something in the past few months?

Andy Passenger wrote:

I don't use Wordpress.

In the past, with DropBox and Google drive it was only possible when you convert the URL by the online tool.
Has changes something in the past few months?

DropBox and Google Drive are built with storage security in mind, so as aggravating as it is, I understand how and why they have made it difficult to directly share an image on a website using a redirected URL.

Because Wordpress is a blog site, it's all about sharing content, so they make it easy to share with a direct URL.

I understand you don't "use" Wordpress.

I'm saying, you don't need to create a fancy blog.

You just open a free account. Then get the app. Then upload an image into account storage. Then share the URL.

I'm saying it's one option for hosting images, for those who want to share quickly and easily at no extra cost.

Andy Passenger wrote:
vndreamer wrote:

Get one of these and you will be able to converse with all the locals, problems solved!  :) … translator

Really? That would be too good to be true.

Speech recognition is still a challenge today.

With today's smartphones with ultra powerful processors and lots of memory, I wonder why there isn't an equivalent app for smartphones yet.

Last night I had cà phê with Vietnamese friends who barely speak two words in English.

We all had our own android phone with the Google Translate app.

We all used "conversation" mode and "speech to text".

We were able to communicate very well with only a few problems.

The gadget shared (according to the website info and reviews) does the same thing.

Except, it requires you to carry another device.

Extra devices/items I no longer carry, because my android smartphone includes them:


I'll probably think of something else as soon as I post this.

Oh, yeah. I also don't carry the briefcase/purse I would need to hold all those things...

Andy Passenger wrote:
vndreamer wrote:

Get one of these and you will be able to converse with all the locals, problems solved!  :) … translator

Really? That would be too good to be true.

Speech recognition is still a challenge today.

With today's smartphones with ultra powerful processors and lots of memory, I wonder why there isn't an equivalent app for smartphones yet.

yes, they have a smart phone app to use as well.  :)

vndreamer wrote:
Andy Passenger wrote:
vndreamer wrote:

Get one of these and you will be able to converse with all the locals, problems solved!  :) … translator

Really? That would be too good to be true.

Speech recognition is still a challenge today.

With today's smartphones with ultra powerful processors and lots of memory, I wonder why there isn't an equivalent app for smartphones yet.

yes, they have a smart phone app to use as well.  :)

So, we get away from the device, and use the app, and unless the app is better than Google Translate, the purchase of the device (and the use of the app) seems pointless.

Am I missing news that someone else has developed better translation capabilities than Google?

Andy Passenger wrote:
OceanBeach92107 wrote:


I don't use Wordpress.

In the past, with DropBox and Google drive it was only possible when you convert the URL by the online tool.
Has changes something in the past few months?

Free image posting service:

I'm glad OB92107 started this post about cost of living - I've now learned how to post photos on the forum!

robsamui wrote:

I'm glad OB92107 started this post about cost of living - I've now learned how to post photos on the forum!

It's the nature of the beast. 

In this particular case, OB himself veered left at the fork on the road (explaining to Colin on the different ways to post photo), then veered right at another fork (talking about translation app).  He could easily turn around and go back to his original topic (sharing his finds on less expensive locations in Da Nang), but I have a feeling he's content to wander.

Now we have two active topics and one inactive topic in the same thread.  I call that a good conversation.

Although this thread has gone a bit off topic, I am really interested in why so many have decided to call Da nang home.
I realise that everybody sees places differently but having spent time in Da nang over the last 10 years, we concluded that the excessive building, inflated prices and Koreans who seem to be taking over the place, generally turned us off. We have long time Vietnamese friends in Hoi an who were disappointed that we chose Saigon D2 to live. We have no particular interest in mixing with other expats but we considered our area supplies everything we need. Did any of you guys consider Saigon?
Why did you choose other places especially Da nang?

In this particular case, OB himself veered left at the fork on the road (explaining to Colin on the different ways to post photo), then veered right at another fork (talking about translation app).  He could easily turn around and go back to his original topic (sharing his finds on less expensive locations in Da Nang), but I have a feeling he's content to wander.

Now we have two active topics and one inactive topic in the same thread.  I call that a good conversation.

Well said.

There's different ways to go off topic and I generally prefer strolling around rather than striding forcefully ahead. . The only time it gets annoying is when an argument breaks out - but the sort of genial stroll that's happened here has been a pleasure to sit in on.

And that Android app which instantly translates speech is a real godsend and seems to be much more accurate than Google Translate which works on character recognition - I use it a lot to help me out in Thai when I need words or a sentence structure that's eluding me. Most of the time the Thai people can understand the app better than when I'm trying to say it directly myself!

robsamui wrote:

And that Android app which instantly translates speech is a real godsend and seems to be much more accurate than Google Translate which works on character recognition - I use it a lot to help me out in Thai when I need words or a sentence structure that's eluding me. Most of the time the Thai people can understand the app better than when I'm trying to say it directly myself!

What is the name of the app?
I couldn't find the app that vndreamer mentioned.

Andy Passenger wrote:
robsamui wrote:

And that Android app which instantly translates speech is a real godsend and seems to be much more accurate than Google Translate which works on character recognition - I use it a lot to help me out in Thai when I need words or a sentence structure that's eluding me. Most of the time the Thai people can understand the app better than when I'm trying to say it directly myself!

What is the name of the app?
I couldn't find the app that vndreamer mentioned.

It's a device, not an app as far as I can see. It also doesn't get very good reviews.

michaellieptourists wrote:

Did any of you guys consider Saigon?

Why did you choose other places especially Da nang?

We lived in Saigon (Phu Nhuan) for 6 months.  The district by itself is a very good area to live in where the number of expats is very low.  There are thousands food places of every cuisine, tons of shortcuts (a good indication of authentic Vietnam), home service for every need (including currency exchange), and pockets of absolute quietness dotted the unavoidable chaos. 

We moved to Vung Tau for a much slower pace and cleaner air while still maintain an easy distance to Tan Son Nhat and medical services in Saigon.

Ciambella wrote:

Congrats on the beautiful view and great price.  The lack of a full kitchen would be a deterrent for us though.

Ciambella - one of my greatest regrets about moving to Vietnam is leaving my well-equipped kitchen behind. Most of the cookware is cast iron which would cost a fortune to ship.
I spent a huge amount of time on each piece grinding it mirror-smooth and seasoning it to perfection.

colinoscapee wrote:

It's a device, not an app as far as I can see. It also doesn't get very good reviews.

Vndreamer said in a previous post:
"yes, they have a smart phone app to use as well.  :)"

Andy Passenger wrote:
colinoscapee wrote:

It's a device, not an app as far as I can see. It also doesn't get very good reviews.

Vndreamer said in a previous post:
"yes, they have a smart phone app to use as well.  :)"

Andy, from what I read, it sounds as if it is a "value added" app. If you purchase the device, you can use the app. Maybe I'm wrong, but the app doesn't seem to be available by itself.