
Parking tickets in Alicante City

Last activity 04 July 2024 by pehirsch51

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I was recently ticketed for parking in a blue zone downtown. New to Spain, I didn't realize what the blue lines meant. The fine on the ticket itself said 40 euros if paid within 15 days, 80 euros after that. That's a lot for a minor indiscretion!

I talked to the few people I knew in town and everyone had different advice as to how I should pay the fine. In the end, it turned out to be an easier answer than I thought, but getting to that answer was a struggle. In the hope it will save someone else time, money and frustration, here is what I learned.

First of all, I learned that a parking spot outlined in blue means you must pay in advance. Look for a kiosk somewhere on the block.

I've since learned that should you overstay your time and get a ticket, you can take that ticket back to the kiosk, scan the bar code and satisfy the infraction for just a few euros. I think you can even do it several days later although I understand the cost to bail yourself out increases.

After a seemingly endless string of phone calls to various agencies, I finally learned that parking in Alicante city center is managed by the city. Don't waste your time trying to handle it through SUMA either by visiting their office or calling their help line. They won't recognize the ticket number. Alicante city tickets have letters and numbers, SUMA tickets are numbers only.

Eventually I learned that I needed to call the Alicante City parking office (965 14 59 74). I asked for someone who spoke English and finally reached Antonio Espinosa Segura, a very helpful gentleman, whose sketchy English skills far exceeded my non-existent Spanish skills. He [wisely] suggested we carry on the discussion by email. His email address is

I explained the problem and he asked me to send him a scan of the ticket so he could process it. I sent him a photo of it from my cell phone and a short while later he replied with instructions and the codes I needed to make the payment online.

Armed with the info in that email, here's the process for paying the ticket online:'

1. Go to  or
2. At the top of the first page, click on "Tramites" thenselect "Pagos on line" press Enter
3. Enter in "Acceso al tramite" (it's in blue)
4. Open the window and select the number 9052180  mod.2
5. In the "referencia" block, type the number [provided in the email respone]
6. In the "identificacion"block, enter the number [provided in the email response]. Click "continuar"
7. Press "completar proceso de pago" A new window appears. It says that you have to print after to do the payment. Click "Aceptar"
8. In the new page click "continuar
9. Enter your credit card information. Click "continuar", after which you have to validate and print.

Simple, huh? I hope you never need to use this information, but if you do, at least you'll know where to start.

Niclas Jonson

Thanks soo much. This helped a lot!


Glad to help ... and good to know somebody actually reads it!


Good to know only ever parked in a closed car park in Alicante.


... and now you know why! :-)


You can park in a blue zone, but your time is limited to what you purchased from the parking machine {which can be a block away ... but trust me, it's there somewhere!)


Yes we had to try and get PCR tests done and hadn't a clue where to find the machine - asked postman didn't know...ended up hairdressing salon pointed us in the direction.... Luckily we paid a few times as the traffic wardens were walking around ready to put a fine on the car!


Hello, Recently, I found myself in a similar situation where I received a ticket. However, as I attempted to follow the instructions provided, I became confused about which number was the reference number and which one was the identification code. I have attached the ticket to this message and would greatly appreciate any assistance in deciphering the correct information. I really appreciate any help you can provide.

(The ticket picture) … 5toj7xjoux


I think the ticket number is the one at the top and the reference number is the one at the bottom under the bar code. It's been almost 5 years since my incident and my memory of the event is far from fresh, but give it a try that way. If that doesn't work, send an email to Senor Espinosa and ask. Good luck.


Dear RestaurantDoc, thank you for your response. I attempted the suggested solution, but unfortunately, it did not work. In addition, I tried contacting Espinosa via email, but it appears that his email is no longer active, and he may have retired or left his position. Currently, I am actively seeking out a resolution to this issue and gathering more information to post it here to assist others who may encounter the same problem.


Even if my old contact is no longer with them, the ticket should still be handled by the Alicante City Parking Office. If you can't make things work online, I suggest you find out where the office is and go there. You'll probably have a hard time finding someone who speaks English, so bring a Spanish friend to translate if you can.

If not, my approach was always to write out my request in English, run it through Google Translate, print it out in Spanish and show it to whoever you talk with at the parking office. Their job is to get your money and I'm sure someone will figure out how to do that!


Email: unidad.sanciones@[link moderated]

NB - You cannot use a email address as this won't deliver, use a .com address.

They will issue you with a document, which you can take to the bank to pay, or if your on holiday pay online.

The parking ticket reference has a combination of Letters & Numbers, the document issued has a reference 'referencia'.

Open the window and select the number 9052180  mod.2

Type in "referencia" the number that you will find in the file enclose.

Type in "identificación" the number, And press "continuar"

Press "completar proceso de pago" A new window appears. Press "continuar"

In the new page press "continuar"

Enter your Email so that the bank can send you the proof of payment

And then you have to type the number of your credit card, and the date of expiration. Press continuar, and after, you have to validate.

Hope that helps!


Hi What do you mean buy file enclose?








I wont be able to reach an office in time for my departure are you able to help me with this?

many thanksk



I think I’m in love with you! I started with suma and was getting frustrated when it didn’t take my information on the ticket, so I did a search and found your instructions. I sent a message via email to Antonio and we will see what happens. Thank you so much for being so helpful for those of us who also make a mistake and not buy a parking pass!



yes, this email and the rest of it which expat took out for some reason is:





thanks to you and restaurantguy for both your help on this.

i did have to call the phone number and a very patient woman asked me to send a picture of the ticket and she would return an email explaining to me what I had to do. I’m sure it will also have the “referencía annd the  indentificación numbers to enter into your given websites   


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