Keeping fit in Hungary

Hello everyone,

Keeping fit during your time in Hungary is of utmost importance. How about sharing with us and your fellow expats how you keep healthy in your host country?

What are your daily health hacks in Hungary?

Do you exercise regularly? What is your go-to sport?

Do you manage to keep your diet healthy and balanced? How easy is it to maintain a balanced diet in Hungary? Are you able to find organic products easily?

Are there national or local incentives to foster a healthy lifestyle: sensitisation campaigns, sports infrastructure etc. ?

How much of your monthly budget is dedicated to keeping fit?

Please share your experience,


There are tons of opportunities to walk and enjoy nature in Hungary.
I personally have slacked from working out as hard and long as I did when I was younger.Went to the gym daily or at least 6 days per week for over 30 years and spent at least 2 hours or more taking classes and using the machines.
Worked through having bad knees and had my share of muscle pulls etc.
Used to go to a few gyms in Budapest but my fave gym closed and was sold while I was out of the country.
Just decided time wise and personally to work out at home instead.
My husband is retired and he resented me spending so much time at the gym since he was not interested in joining me there.
Had several joint surgeries so am now following my own workout plan for my own needs.
At age 64 it also isn't a thrill to work out with people half my age with twice the energy, people my own age seem to already be half way to the grave and most do not workout like I do.

My normal day is 45 mins of some yoga then 20 to 30 mins on my elliptical machine then another 30 to 40 mins of various floor exercises and light weights. A good 15 mins. spent just on knee PT exercises.
If I went to a gym it would eat into my workout time going back and forth.
I invert daily also, hang upside down to get the blood flow going and to keep my spine in order.Also a good way to keep my knees stretched out.
Yes, I'm a bit of a "kook" when it comes to exercise.
On days when we take a trip or go swimming I will just do my yoga and then either walk or swim elsewhere.
We also walk all over Budapest to the markets or just to sight see. At least an hour every day of walking when the weather is good. Basically I can't sit still for long.
I'm hooked on working out , would think about getting a bicycle in Hungary if I lived outside the city limits.
I do enjoy a good group exercise class but after 30 some years of going to a club it just got old.
A few times in Hungary I'd go to the gym and the teacher wouldn't even show up.
At least with a home workout one only as to rely on themselves.
Out of all those years I did about 20 years of yoga, must of been a bit too much for me in some poses because my shoulder went bad, used to hurt while doing poses but I thought I could get stronger, no just got a bad shoulder.

Diet is mostly homemade foods and lots of fresh items, have cut back on sugar and have added more seeds to our diet.
We also take organic apple cider vinegar in water once or twice a day , first thing in the morning, drink a tea brew of fresh grated ginger root with fresh tumeric and black pepper with cinnamon and maybe some organic honey added.
Not a total health freak but we do eat enough "odd" things to be considered "health freaks" by some standards.
Was off red meat for over 30 years, my husband was off red meat only 7 years, still do not eat a large portion of it when we do have some.
My goal is to have my husband cut back more on his sweets, so far it's working, I've also cut back on my ice cream and sugar in drinks
Never have had a weight issue but less sugar in one's diet is better for all one's systems, sugar is the no. 1 health enemy.
More dried fruit and nuts and less dairy and meat  makes a difference plus we filter our water for drinking and cooking.
Wouldn't mind buying a reverse osmosis system for filtering all the water, even bath water.
Going to look into a water distillering system soon as well.
Have no plans to live forever but want my years to be healthy ones.
Reading this post over it does seem I am a bit of an excentic after all...
My tip for health would be everything in moderation and avoid doctors at all costs, no pills, no big pharma.
For mental health avoid negative people and home school your children if possible.
If something doesn't feel right emotionally, then run from it.
Don't allow anyone or anything to mess with your peace, never compete with others and money in excess does not make one happier.
Wherever you go, you bring yourself, a new enviorment is not going to make you happy if you don't work on being happy.
Shut off the tv, shut off the internet, put the cell phone down and shut it off take a walk in the sunshine and enjoy God's green earth as it should be without electronic gadgets. Take time to smell the roses.

Budapest is very walkable. When tge weather is good I enjoy going for a jog at Margit island. Or I talk a long walk along tge river. As far as gyms go I find Life 1 fitness center to be the best. High quality equipment, pool, sauna, classes, clean and modern, personal training etc..2 great locations too. Very convenient both along the tram line. I checked several gyms out but found this one to be the best.

sandiegan wrote:

Budapest is very walkable. When tge weather is good I enjoy going for a jog at Margit island. Or I talk a long walk along tge river. As far as gyms go I find Life 1 fitness center to be the best. High quality equipment, pool, sauna, classes, clean and modern, personal training etc..2 great locations too. Very convenient both along the tram line. I checked several gyms out but found this one to be the best.

Good to know about the gym, maybe one of these days I'll look into them myself.
Noticed so many gyms over the years that have come and gone. not sure why so many have closed over time.