Marriage in Buenos Aires

Hi all, i (indian living in Australia) am planning to go to Argentina in may for marrying my partner who is Venezuelan. As we know no one in Argentina, i would like some advice with regards to civil registry marriage. Since i can not speak spanish, i need a translator. Can anyone advice me how and where to book a translator (online if possible). I would also need two witnesses for our wedding. How will i be able to find witnesses when we are just tourists. Kindly advice and much appreciate your valuable time

Why are you getting married in Argentina if she lives in Venezoela and you live in Australia? I mean, if she is living here, she should know any person just to sign as witnesses.
About the translator, you or her must go to "Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires" and hire a "traductor" there, cuz it must be an oficial translator and not someone that knows both languages you need, in this case: spanish - english

Hi, thanks for your reply.
I actually did try to go to Venezuela, but was in vain because of the on going crisis there. Thanks for the information with regards to translator. Any suggestions on how to get/pay for a witness?

When are you both getting married? Maybe I can ask some of my friends to be your witness.


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We have similar situation like you. I am Canadian and my partner is Ukrainian. Currently we are on a trip to Latin America together. We have decided to marry. Presently, we are staying in Colombia. Colombian law doesn't allow to marry two foreigners (This is what I have understood so far).

I came across your post and would like to know your experience. It seems Argentina law allow two foreigners to marry on their land.  Do we need to go in person at Registrio Civil to schedule the marriage? Some of my documents are not physically in my possession, but I can produce them through email or through my Canadian Lawyer.

We would really appreciate your help and kindly reply back to this post or alternatively PM me on my email: ***

Thank you.

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