Election 2019 - Count and related news
KOMPAS TV is showing pictures of smashed up and burnt out cars.
It's just a mess with no excuse, political or religious - These are the actions of criminals, not protesters
The centre of Jakarta, the main targets, are peaceful at the moment, mostly because the cops have sealed the streets. That's left smaller crowds, many seemingly leaderless and easier to control, smashing up whatever they can in side streets.
I'm watching footage of the Thamrin area - the whole lot, even the central divide in the road, smashed up.
I suppose the mobs used the concrete to sling at the cops - This is going to cost a lot of money to clean up.
A large mob are trying to push their way past police lines on Jalan Thanrim, The police shield lines are holding.
The cops have set up a double defence line consisting of two shield groups, the second acting as back up if the first is breached.
This does appear to be a lot like an attempted coup.
Seeing pictures of a brimob lodging - Smashed up, smashed up and burnt out cars - all a serious mess.
A couple of coaches have also been burnt out.
Perhaps any people arrested should have their cars, motorbikes, houses, and everything else confiscated and sold off to assist with the clean up costs.
hello how is going on in Jakarta?
Alllll wrote:hello how is going on in Jakarta?
It's a mess with loads of violence and what looks more like an attempted coup than a demo.
Gangs of thugs are smashing up whatever they can and attacking the police, but the police are remaining calm and keeping things under control.
The cops have deployed forces to secure Kota Tua
https://en.tempo.co/read/1207975/may-22 … e-kota-tua
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - West Jakarta Resort Police deployed at least 529 joint personnel to help secure the May 22 rally movement.
West Jakarta Police Chief Senior Commissioner Hengky Haryadi said the combined personnel would focus on securing tourist sites in the Kota Tua area.
"Today we have set up hundreds of joint personnel at the Kota Tua Museum square," Hengky said through his written statement, Tuesday, May 21, 2019.
I knew one rioter had been killed, but I've only just found the story.
Social media is saying more, but those reports can't be trusted until I can find confirmation from reliable news outlets.
Even this story has a lot of versions, some saying one bullet to the chest, others saying two in the neck, and some claiming he was an FBI member.
I'll use this version as Tempo is trustworthy so likely to have it about right.
https://en.tempo.co/read/1207985/may-22 … ma_Click_1
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Director of Budi Kemuliaan Hospital Fahrul W Arbi said there was one person who died as a result of being shot while rioting in Tanah Abang area, Wednesday morning, May 22, 2019. The victim was known in the name of Farhan Syafero.
"When he arrived, the victim had not died yet, so he was resuscitated. Sadly his life could not be saved. We contacted the family and we sent the victim's body to the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital," Fahrul said in a statement on Wednesday, May 22, 2019.
"The victim died because there was a translucent gunshot wound to the back of the chest, possibly to the lungs. There was a pneumothorax. The pneumothorax was torn so the air collected there and hit the large blood vessels," Fahrul further explained.
The riots around the Brimob (Mobile Police Brigade) Dormitory building in Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta began when a group of people tried to enter the Bawaslu office by force on Tuesday night at around 23:00 WIB (Western Indonesia Time).
The big clean up has already started in areas where the rioters have been dispersed - and it's a pretty big clean up.
The mess in Jakarta appears to be confined to the big city, so other areas of the country are normal.
Let's hope it stays that way.
Medan is reporting a small, peaceful demo.
https://en.tempo.co/read/1208041/mob-be … abang-area
Editor: Petir Garda Bhwana
22 May 2019 11:58 WIB
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The access to Tanah Abang Market up to Slipi, West Jakarta, is currently inaccessible following the clash between a group of people participating in the May 22 rally and police personnel earlier at dawn in the Petamburan area in Central Jakarta.
The mob consisting of mostly local residents constantly attacked authorities with stones that were responded by police personnel blasting teargasses aimed at where the mob was concentrated.
Facing this retaliation, the mob retreated up to the Jati Baru Raya Street where they set up a blockade and also burned numerous items such as tires and household trash.
https://en.tempo.co/read/1208053/may-22 … ma_Click_2
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Indonesian National Police secured more than 20 people from the May 22 rally that unfortunately ended in a hard clash between police personnel and the protesters.
“[The apprehended people] are believed to be the inciters of the riot that sparked in front of the Bawaslu (Elections Supervisory Board) headquarters on May 21, 2019,” said Brig. General Dedi Prasetyo, Police Public Relations Officer.
Dedi revealed that police already obtained the identities of the provocateurs of the initial clash.
“Polri identified that the suspects provoking the clash are firstly non-Jakarta residents,” he asserts. “We reminded that there will be a third-party that will use the mass-rally [for their benefit] and this is why the public should not be provoked.”
https://en.tempo.co/read/1208055/anies- … ma_Click_3
Anies Makes Rounds to Hospitals; Says 6 Have Died
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Jakarta governor Anies Baswedan visited a number of locations this morning. The governor said that six people have died due to the clash between the mob and the police last night and this morning.
He also said that there are 200 people injured because of what is happening.
"As of nine o'clock, six people have been pronounced dead while some 200 others are suffering injuries," Anies said at the Tarakan Hospital in Central Jakarta, Wednesday.
The victims were taken to a number of hospitals in Jakarta including Tarakan, Pelni, Budi Kemuliaan, The Mintoharjo Navy Hospital, and RSCM. Anies said that Tarakan Hospital is currently treating 80 people, while more than 70 are treated at Pelni Hospital.
Since the front line police don;t have guns, this could explain the shooting
https://en.tempo.co/read/1208062/moeldo … ma_Click_1
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko said security forces had arrested three people for illegal firearms possession. The three men, he said, had different roles.
"One person was prepared to look for weapons, one to provide them, and one as an executor," he said here on Wednesday, May 22, 2019.
The people arrested are Asumardi, the weapons seekers; Helmy Kurniawan, the seller, and Irwansyah, who was in charge of making the execution.
"To execute whom? I think we all know—they are targeting officials," he said.
Moeldoko said officers seized two pistols and ammunition. The evidence isnow held by the Police Headquarters' Criminal Investigation Bureau (Bareskrim).
It looks like my thoughts were about right. It seems the rioters are trying to start a battle, then blame the police in the hope of inciting a far bigger riot, maybe even a coup.
From the link in the above post
According to Moeldoko, the arrest and confiscated guns are proof that there are systematic efforts by certain groups—outside of the terrorist networks—with the purpose of creating unrest during these sensitive times. He appealed to the people not to march roads and join protests rejecting the 2019 elections results.
"There are systematic efforts to create bad situations," he said.
Hardly surprisingly, train services where there are riots are disrupted
https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/201 … karta.html
Election result protests that escalated into riots late on Tuesday have led to the disruption of commuter trains in the capital since Wednesday morning, resulting in passengers being left stranded at stations.
A riot that began on Jl. MH.Thamrin, Central Jakarta, expanded to Tanah Abang, where one of the major commuter line transit stations is situated.
Leila, a commuter line passenger who departed from Rawabuntu Station in South Tangerang heading to Tanah Abang Station in Central Jakarta for work, was forced to disembark at Kebayoran Station in South Jakarta due to a route modification by the state-owned commuter line operator PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KCI).
Back to General Sunarko's arrest
https://jakartaglobe.id/context/former- … g-firearms
Jakarta. Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security Wiranto said law enforcers have arrested a former commander of the Army Special Forces, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Sunarko, for alleged treason and smuggling of arms.
"Sunarko's arrest is related to his remarks [in a video] giving orders to his men, which was recorded and made viral," Wiranto said at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta on Tuesday.
He said the firearms were allegedly smuggled from Aceh at Sunarko's request, but police are still conducting further investigation.
"[The arrest of Sunarko] is linked with the presence of illegal arms from Aceh, which [Sunarko] allegedly requested for a specific purpose that we don't know about. It is a violation of the law. That is what the police are investigating now, we are waiting for the results," he said.
Sunarko's arrest should not be associated with a political move or the recent elections, the chief security minister said.
inews is showing drone footage of a lot of people running around in Jakarta and ground pictures of a large mob being held back by police shield lines. They seem noisy but not violent.
Lots of petrol bombs and fireworks earlier, but no large explosions or suicide bombers so far.
Lots of military hanging about in support of the police.
Some social media has been restricted in some areas in order to stop rioters communicating
https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/as … 39bd119dce
It seems some of the six dead had gunshot wounds, but the cops didn't have firearms so how did they get shot?
The cops captured weapons and ammunition from some protesters - I'm taking a guess they were shot by their own side, perhaps in the hope of starting more serious violence.
Indonesian police confirmed the death toll based on reports from hospitals. They said the cause of the deaths was being investigated.
The national police chief said the public should not assume police were responsible.
Social media has been restricted in some areas to stop rumours spreading.
National police chief Tito Karnavian denied that his officers had used live ammunition and called for calm.
"Some had gunshot wounds, some had blunt force wounds but we still need to clarify this," he said, referring to the six dead.
The police have said the protests were planned and "not spontaneous".
"A majority of the protesters came from outside of Jakarta," said Muhammed Iqbal, a spokesman.
It seems and ambulance owned by an as yet unnamed political party was full of stones to ,ob at the police, and envelopes to pay rioters for their trouble.
Wonder which party.
https://en.tempo.co/read/1208091/stones … ma_Click_4
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Following the fiery riot that broke at the mobile brigade (Brimob) police housing complex, National Police Spokesman Insp. General Muhammad Iqbal announced it has confiscated one ambulance vehicle owned by a political party that carried stones and envelopes filled with cash.
“There are pieces of evidence. One of them is an ambulance owned by a political party that was filled with stones and tools. After it was searched, police discovered that it still had large quantities of money inside envelopes,” said Iqbal who firmly said that the case will be investigated.
Police have yet disclosed which political party owns the suspicious ambulance.
It seems some extremely silly lies have been spread on social media.
Nobody sane would believe this one - it's daft
https://en.tempo.co/read/1208136/police … from-china
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Police Headquarters strongly denied rumors went viral on social media saying that its Brimob personnel deployed to secure Bawaslu (Elections Supervisory Board), KPU (General Election Commission), and several other locations in Jakarta were from China.
"Images spread on social media informed that Brimob personnel was from China. It's not true," the police chief of public relation M. Iqbal said in Jakarta, Wednesday, May 22, asserting that the Mobile Police Brigade (Brimob) personnel were purely Indonesian.
Iqbal also refuted that Brimob personnel had attacked mosques as the pictures on social media say. "Our TNI fellows have never attacked mosques. But [certain people made] the news viral," he said. His office is currently searching the social media accounts that spread the hoax.
Whoever is spreading that rubbish must be desperate to find reasons to attack and destroy whatever they can. It's so obviously rubbish, and can only be believed by people who want to believe it, or are due for one of those cash stuffed envelopes to believe it.
I've no idea who that ambulance stuffed with cash belongs to, but the Globe offers a possible answer
https://jakartaglobe.id/context/police- … al-jakarta
Tarakan Hospital
https://en.tempo.co/read/1208231/may-22 … -live-ammo
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Tarakan Hospital’s Head of General and Marketing Department Reggy S. Sobari announced that there are no victims of the May 22 riot that were treated for gunshot wounds caused by lethal ammunition.
https://en.tempo.co/read/1208121/moeldo … pread-riot
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Presidential chief of staff Moeldoko said that there are certain groups that intend to spark riots following the 2019 general elections final vote count. However, he maintains that today’s May 22 riot is not aided by the Prabowo Subianto – Sandaiga Uno campaign team (BPN).
“This is clearly an attempt to entice a riot. The 02 (Prabowo camp) chose to file their lawsuit via Constitutional Court, but there are other groups that want to create havoc,” said Moeldoko on Wednesday, May 22.
Medan has also had problems, including a couple of people clearly there with foul intent
https://en.tempo.co/read/1208299/police … y-in-medan
TEMPO.CO, Medan - The authorities arrested two men trying to provoke the mass of May 22 rally in Medan. The two were caught red-handed bringing sharp weapons and firearms.
Based on Tempo's observation, the man suddenly came to the demonstration rally in front of the North Sumatra Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) office by riding a blue automatic bike. An officer wearing casual clothing who guarded the rally saw the men had firearms that were inserted into their pants.
The police immediately apprehended and brought the men and the bike to the police station.
The traffic cams in yesterday's riot areas are showing clear streets - so far.
It's still early and I gather there are still protesters hanging around.
If they decide they have enough evidence to blame a person or persons for the mess we saw over the last two days, someone is going to be in deep trouble.
We see a mention of "Paid thugs", something very likely to bring police action against the paymaster.
https://en.tempo.co/read/1208435/wirant … ma_Click_4
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Coordinating Minister for Politics, Legal, and Security Wiranto said that the government has already identified the intellectual actor behind the riot on May 22, 2019.
“We have already known the mastermind behind the act, and law enforcers will take stern action,” he underlined.
The former Army commander said that his side acknowledged a certain party attempting to cause public chaos after monitoring the series of actions until the riot broke. This was clearly seen from remarks made by figures who blame law enforcers for the loss of lives.
He saw attempts to create resentment up to anti-government acts. While in fact, there are brutal actions practiced by other groups other than protesters, paid thugs. “They attacked officers, damaged police dormitory in Petamburan, fired a number of vehicles, and practiced other barbarous actions,” he added.
Good news for stability and peace
https://en.tempo.co/read/1208397/sby-co … ma_Click_1
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Democratic Party chairman Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono or SBY congratulated presidential candidate Joko Widodo or Jokowi and the running mate Ma'ruf Amin for winning the 2019 presidential election.
The former president said that he was grateful and relieved as Jokowi determined to become a leader and protector for all Indonesians during the latter’s press conference after the election result announced by the Election Commission (KPU).
“That's a leader’s commitment we’ve been waiting for and wished by the people to be actualized after this election completes, both by those who vote Jokowi - Ma'ruf and those who don’t,” said Yudhoyono in a nine-minute and 23-second video published on Tuesday evening, May 21.
Well. 2 days of riots and what sums it all up?
We saw thugs smashing up everything they could, including the only livelihood some of the poorest people in Jakarta have, their street stalls
Billion in damages, and a hell of a mess for the street cleaners
We've learned at some some of the rioters were paid by one of the political parties or, at the very least, that party's vehicle was used to transport stones to throw at the cops and the money to pay the rioters
What was very possibly an attempted coup by person or persons with an interest in a power grab - Epic fail, likely to get more epic when they're arrested - and they very probably will be.
A lot of coppers that held their cool and did exactly the right thing
An attempt to bring the army in on the side of the rioters fail
A bunch of really pathetic lies about how Brimob were Chinese troops that smashed up mosques (What rubbish)
A lot of people got a day off work
The local transport network in a mess
6 rioters dead - One seemingly shot by his own side in an attempt to blame the police and cause more trouble (Pawns are expendable pieces in chess)
Loads of rioters injured
Loads of trouble makers arrested
I don't know if any police were injured - hope not
Some rioters bringing illegal firearms with what seems to be the intention to kill officials (Treason?)
Several people accused of treason and a bunch of other very serious crimes including gun running
A Muslim preacher in Tanah Abang doing a great job of calming down the rioters and very probably saving a lot of injuries by his brave actions
Absolutely no political change at all, but the clear up is likely to be a lot more than just brushes sweeping up glass and stones, more likely we'll see arrests for a whole bunch of very serious offences.
The losing side in the elections has decided to go to the constitutional court.
Muslim Students Union Rejects Prabowo's Call for People Power
TEMPO.CO, Bogor - A number of student elements, initiated by the Indonesian Muslim Student Union (SEMMI), calls on the public to accept the 2019 Election results as announced by the KPU. They also urge the public to reject the call for people power by losing candidates over accusations that election was fraudulent.
"People power is not a shortcut to achieving democracy. It is a road that can hurt democracy and divide the nation," SEMMI chairman Bintang Bayu Saputra said on Wednesday, May 22.
SEMMI has just held the 2019 National Student Revival Symposium in Bogor, which was attended by students from dozens of universities and student organizations, as well as youth organizations in the Greater Jakarta area.
Bintang said that there were a number of points generated from the symposium related to post-election political situations. Among them is to respect the decisions made by the constitution and encouraging reconciliation.
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