
Election 2019 - Count and related news


A bunch of roads are still closed

list here … t-subsides


Business is messed up … d-by-rally

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Businesses fear that the rally since May 21 would affect the movement of export-import activities. The flow of goods through the Tanjung Priok Port is also feared to decline as logistics activities around Tanah Abang are crippled.

"From my observation, there are about 10 containers of garment exported. There aren't many for imports," general secretary of the Indonesian Logistics and Forwarder Association for Jakarta, Adil Karim, said on Wednesday, May 22.

Adil said that around Tanah Abang and Petamburan the export activities with African destinations are quite busy. In addition, there are logistics activities along Jl KH Mas Mansyur, Jl Wahid Hasyim, and Petamburan for shipping between regions. These businesses are disrupted.


Tanah Abang Market Faces Rp200bn Loss due to Riot

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The economic activity in Tanah Abang Market went down following the riot that spread to the area. The anarchy started from the mob in front of the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu), Jalan M.H. Thamrin, on Tuesday, May 21, and moved to Tanah Abang until Petamburan, Slipi.

The market operator PD Pasar Jaya decided to close the shopping center to avoid any impact from the riot. Moreover, the police and the mob clashed on the market’s main route, Jalan Jati Baru.

PD Pasar Jaya president director, Arief Nasrudin, said the loss from the closure was estimated to reach Rp200 billion, based on the market daily turnover.

Arief asked for the police's help for the security measure. “Block A and Block B are guarded by 160 officers and extra 100 Military (TNI) personnel,” he said on Wednesday, May 22, adding that 49 law enforcers stood guard at Block F and 9 officers at Block G.


Rupiah May Plunge to 14,700/US$ if Rallies Don't Stop

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The rupiah is expected to fall this morning and trade between 14,300 and 14,700 per US dollar. Analysts said that the currency correction would be the result of the ongoing rally-turned-riot since Tuesday night.

"The rupiah is hit by domestic and external pressures," Monex Investindo Futures analyst Ahmad Yudiawan said on Wednesday, May 22.


Did the police we know (and could see on TV) were armed with only tear gas and rubber bullets shoot the dead rioter, or was it the rioters we know had firearms (Some were arrested for carrying them) that shot him?

Mmmm, tough one - NOT! … s-building

"Hopefully the shooter was not an official from the National Police. We will pursue it to the edge of the earth," he (Rias) said.

I find that quote less than agreeable.


Hoax news is as dangerous as it is idiotic … ma_Click_5

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Chief Inspector General Luki Hermawan from the East Java Police said that the Tambelang, Sampang Police Station was set fire by a group of people after they were misled by a hoax.

The hoax informed that a number of Madura figures were arrested by police in the May 22 riots in Jakarta.

"[The arson] is related to the news of a string of arrests made on several Madura figures in Jakarta," said Luki in a press conference at the East Java Police headquarters on Thursday, May 23, 2019.

He revealed that a group of people arrived at the police station to clarify the information and urged police to release the Madura figure who they thought were arrested.

"Where in fact it was a hoax," said Luki.

Although the police chief handled the situation in an orderly manner and dispersed the group, out of nowhere, these people returned to the police station and threw rocks and Molotov cocktails.


Seems the treason plot is very likely real - in this case small groups of extremists trying to get a big portion of power … ma_Click_4

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Head of Public Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police (Polri) Insp. Gen. Mohammad Iqbal, said that there are two groups strongly believed to be the behind the riots in Jakarta on May 22, 2019.

"The first group is the GARIS that is affiliated to I S IS," said Iqbal on Thursday, May 23, 2019, at the Coordinating Ministry of Politics, Law, and Security Affairs office.

According to Iqbal, the discovery was made is after the police managed to gather information from two suspects who are currently detained at the Metro Jaya Police headquarters.

The GARIS group once declared its support for ISIS and had also sent their members to fight alongside the now-defunct terrorist organization in Syria.

Based on their information, this group intended to treat the May 21  and May 22 protests as their jihad. "We uncovered very strong evidence of that," said Iqbal.

The second group, which is not affiliated to GARIS, infiltrated the May 22 rally and was armed with two firearms says police. This group also intended to entice a riot by bringing protesters into conflict with police and drive protesters to become martyrs.


Constitutional Court to Rule on Prabowo's Election Dispute Before June 28

Jakarta. The Constitutional Court is waiting for Prabowo Subianto to submit his election dispute to the court in a move many hope may reduce tensions in Indonesia after violent clashes between protestors and police in Jakarta over the past two days.

The court will consider disputes related to this year's presidential election next month and has until June 28 to issue a ruling on such matters, Constitutional Court spokesman Fajar Laksono said on Thursday.

The losing presidential hopeful was planning to submit his complaint to the court on Thursday, after backtracking from his earlier threats to overturn the election result through mass action.


This is damning stuff - but who paid them? … ma_Click_4

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The authorities have arrested 183 suspected rioters in Mobile Police Brigade (Brimob) dormitory complex, Petamburan, Tanah Abang on May 22.

“We are currently intensifying the investigation,” said West Jakarta Resort Police Chief Sr. Comr. Hengki Haryadi in his office, Thursday, May 23.

Hengki explained that some of them were non-Jakartans.....<LIST SNIPPED>
....The shocking truth, Hengki went on to say, all suspects possessed an envelope packed with money. So they were allegedly paid thugs. “We have seized a total of Rp20 million,” he added.

The suspects were part of demonstrators rejecting the election result before the Election Supervisory Board’s (Bawaslu) office on Jalan MH Thamrin, Tuesday evening, May 21. The police turned away the mass to the Tanah Abang area.


These are good words, but someone out there is paying people to set this country down a road to conflict, death, and misery. … ma_Click_3

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The country’s largest Islamic organization Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) chairman Said Aqil Siradj fiercely condemned the May 22 riot initiated by the People's Sovereignty National Movement. According to him, all parties must bigheartedly accept the final vote tally announced by the Election Commission (KPU).

“This is the character of a statesman we must show. Our main interest should be the country, the unity. Not a group’s interest, but the sustainability of the country’s integrity,” he said in the PBNU office, Jalan Salemba, Central Jakarta, May 23.

He demanded the public to observe and learn from the disunity and conflict happening in Afghanistan and the Middle East. “For 40 years, there is a civil war in Afghanistan, while 100 percent of the citizen is Muslim.”

In the Middle East, he added, at least 1.5 million people died in Iraq, Yaman, Libya, and Syria. “How about we become like that? Nauzubillah (God, protect us).”


Prabowo is taking it to court today - Let's hope there are no more acts of violence. … on-results

Jakarta. Sandiaga Uno, the running mate of losing presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto, said their campaign team is still preparing a lawsuit to contest the election results that they plan to submit to the Constitutional Court on Friday.

They have also briefed a team of attorneys to challenge the election result in the court. Prabowo’s right-hand man Fadli Zon had earlier said that it was useless to go to the court just as they did in 2014.

In the previous presidential election, which also pitted Prabowo against winner Joko "Jokowi" Widodo, the former challenged the election result at the Constitutional Court, but the lawsuit was rejected.


Prabowo group says it wasn't them … on-results

The campaign team of Prabowo Subianto and Sandiaga Uno has denied responsibility for the deadly riots that started during a rally involving supporters of the losing candidates in Jakarta on Tuesday and that have continued on Wednesday

In other news, a member of the Prabowo team is being interviewed by the police today about the suggestion masses rise up about the election result. He's a witness (at this point) in a treason case. … rta-police

National Mandate Party (PAN) co-founder Amien Rais arrived at the Jakarta Police headquarters on Friday, showing off a book titled "Jokowi People Power" to a crowd of waiting journalists. Amien was questioned as a witness in a case of alleged treason involving suspect Eggi Sudjana, a supporter of presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto. Amien had threatened to put on a show of "people power" at the slightest hint of fraud in last month's elections. (Antara Photo/Aprillio Akbar)

As a note, the book is about people taking part in fully democratic elections, not violent mobs attacking and destroying, but the gentleman is claiming he was referring to the book.
His mother probably believes him.


Court cases filed … on-results

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The official website of the Constitutional Court (MK) recorded that until Friday at 9:40 a.m. local time, a total of 226 cases concerning dispute over the 2019 Election results had been filed.

Of the 226 cases filed, nine are related to the disputed results of the Regional Representatives Council (DPD) election, while the rest are cases challenging the election results for the House of Representaties (DPR RI) and Regional House of Representatives (DPRD).

Two legislative dispute cases were registered beyond the deadline set on Friday (May 24) at 1:46 WIB, specifically to contest the results of legislative elections in the DPR RI/DPRD submitted from the Electoral District of North Maluku, which was distributed at 1:50 WIB, as well as from the DKI Jakarta Electoral District registered at 9:06 WIB.


I have to agree with this statement. Jakarta is a generally safe city (as long as you avoid a couple of dodgy areas at night) and, now the paid rioters have all gone away, it should be pretty much back to normal over the next day or two.
I'd still be tempted to avoid the Thamrin area until it's finally over with.

Thank you to the police for keeping the place safe.

Police makes assurance of post-riot situation in Jakarta staying safe

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Jakarta Police Chief, Insp. Gen. Gatot Eddy Pramono, has ensured that the situation in Jakarta was safe following the riots that erupted on Tuesday night after the official election results were declared.

"Yes, thank God, the situation in Jakarta is conducive," Insp. Gen. Gatot Eddy Pramono remarked while reviewing the situation in front of the Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) building, Jakarta, Friday.

Pramono remarked that the security forces along with Jakarta's residents had maintained a conducive situation in Indonesia's capital city.

Pramono confirmed that currently, the situation around the Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) building was safe.

He noted that means of transportation or public vehicles were allowed entry into Jalan Agus Salim towards the Tanah Abang Area.

In the meantime, several security forces were on alert along Jalan M.H. Thamrin.

They restored the barbed-wire barricades at several locations, including the side of the Sarinah shopping mall to the Sarinah Crossing Bridge (JPO) and along the busway on Jalan M.H. Thamrin.


Perhaps this can help with the hunt for the operator of the dodgy ambulance that was found stuffed with stones and cash.


The fallout continues

Amien Rais No Longer a Professor at Gajah Mada University

Jakarta. Gajah Mada University in Yogyakarta distanced itself from Amien Rais's political activities on Friday and stated that the academic-turned-politician was no longer a professor at the state-run institution.

"He has retired. So his academic title as professor was removed," said Koentjoro, head of the university's professorial board, as quoted by

Amien, who heads the honorary council of the National Mandate Party (PAN), was reported to police for treason after he made a statement allegedly urging presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto to launch "people power," or mass protests, against the government led by Joko "Jokowi" Widodo.


Police Arrest Man Behind Hoax of Foreign Security Officers at Post-Election Protests

Jakarta. The National Police's cybercrime unit has arrested a man suspected of spreading fake news about foreign security officers being deployed during post-election protests in Jakarta this week, officials said on Friday.

The suspect's name is Said Djamalul Abidin. He was arrested in Bekasi, West Java, on Thursday afternoon.

"[The man] has spread [false] information to trigger racial and ethnic hatred against individuals and groups, and share fake news to create public unrest through social media," Chief Cmr. Rickynaldo Chairul, the head of the cybercrime division at the National Police's Detective and General Crimes (Bareskrim) unit, said.

A photo showing three officers with slanted eyes from the Police Mobile Brigade (Brimob), accompanied by a caption that questioned their origins and suggested the protests in Jakarta were guarded by Chinese security officers, went viral on social media on Wednesday.


That ambulence stuffed with stones and cash is being investigated, the police seemingly quicker than Gerindra at getting results.
This report is especially significant (if true) as it suggests a deliberate attempt by someone to organise paid violence, and suggests links between a political party and a suspected extremist group affiliated to the Islamic state lot.
One hopes this report is in error as that would mean a mainstream Indonesian political party is consorting with a suspected terrorist organisation.
One politician was noticed, according to another report, using one of the Islamic group's cars, but I have no way to confirm the truth of the story. … 22-rioters

Jakarta. Seven people have been arrested while misusing ambulances to transport protesters, weapons and logistics to the location of the May 22 rally in Central Jakarta, police said on Friday.

Two ambulances used by the suspects, who are members of the opposition Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) and Islamic Reform Movement (Garis), were seized, National Police spokesman Brig. Gen. Dedi Prasetyo said.

"One ambulance [belonging to Garis] was found near the offices of Bawaslu [Election Supervisory Agency]. We found money, arrowheads and bamboo spears inside the vehicle, which was also used to smuggle protesters through security checkpoints," he said.

The perpetrators' actions were captured by closed-circuit television cameras installed on a nearby building.

"There was an ambulance that dropped off protestors and distributed money, while someone inside issued commands and suddenly the crowd started moving [to join other protesters in front of the Bawaslu offices]," Dedi said.

Police previously arrested two members of Islamic State-affiliated Garis in the case.

Separately, police also seized an ambulance belonging to Gerindra's Tasikmalaya branch in West Java. The five occupants, including the driver, two party officials and two Riau-based supporters of losing presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto, were also arrested.

The misuse of ambulances during mass protests is a new phenomenon in Indonesia.

Police previously announced the seizure of one of the ambulances, but chose not to reveal the name of the owner.

"We received an order from Gerindra's West Java provincial office, which had been sent to all district branches, to take our ambulances to Jakarta," said Andi Warsadi, the secretary of Gerindra's Tasikmalaya branch.


Some social media platforms were closed or restricted for a while because of what were frankly idiotic stories designed to cause trouble so, much as losing the platforms was a pain, I can fully understand and accept the position.
They work again now, but the government is cracking down in epic fashion - Quite right too. … uring-riot

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Indonesian Government on Saturday, May 24, lifted temporary restrictions on some social media functions aimed at stopping online hoaxes during recent violence linked to the announcement of official election results, a communications ministry official said.

"Social media had returned to normal," the ministry's information applications director-general, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, told a news conference.

BUT, and there's always a big but … ma_Click_1

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Communication and Informatics Ministry will impose sanctions on social media and web operators who do not delete hoaxes on their pages.

Semuel Abrijani, the ministry's director general of application and informatics, told the press here on Saturday that sanctions comprise administrative sanctions, fines and page shutdowns.

"Even, if they (operators) continue to do so, they will be charged with (criminal) law," he said during a press conference organized with the National Police spokesman.

The sanctions will become effective when a revision of the Government Regulations (PP) No 82 year 2012 on Implementation of Electronic Transaction and System is passed....

...The Government will impose stern action and take down the accounts of those disseminating hoaxes.

Bit hard to argue with that when you consider the serious consequences resulting from some of these hoax messages.


They claim serious fraud and errors, but they're going to have to show millions of miscounted or fraudulently cast votes before it makes a difference to the result.
Assuming there was fraud and so on, it all had to be in Jokowi's favour, and all has to be proven, and they have to show at least 15 million such cases in order to even out the score.
If you assume a TPS covers a thousand people (and that's a massive overestimate by a factor of about 9 or 10)  51 cases of fraud at all stations will make 51,000 votes difference, assuming all cases are proven and all votes in those stations were wrongly counted in Jokowi's favour.

Fraudulent Elections Evidence List Collected by People: Sandiaga

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Vice Presidential candidate number 02 Sandiaga Uno said 51 lists of evidence detailing alleged fraud during the recent presidential elections were submitted by his team of lawyers to the Constitutional Court (MK) on Friday evening.

The contributors of these lists of evidence were individuals within communities who participated in supervising the recent parliamentary and presidential elections, he said here on Saturday.

Speaking to journalists after attending an entrepreneurship event at Palapa Baitus Salam Grand Mosque, Uno said voting anomalies were found in many polling stations.


The court challenge is the first and last legal stage to dispute the election result.

Gerindra Confirms Prabowo Has No Plan Yet to Meet Jokowi

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto had no plan to meet rival Joko Widodo (Jokowi), as he is focusing on a lawsuit challenging the presidential election results, Greater Indonesia Movement (Gerindra) Deputy General Chief Ferry Juliantono stated.     

"Prabowo has not yet planned to meet up with Jokowi. There has not been any communication either," he clarified on Saturday.

Juliantono remarked that presidential candidate number 02 Prabowo and his running mate Sandiaga Uno as well as the Prabowo-Sandi National Winning Body (BPN) were yet channeling all their efforts for a lawsuit to challenge the 2019 presidential election results.


The police are still hunting for, and arresting, fake news spreaders. … nformation

Police Arrest Gerindra Legislative Candidate for Spreading Disinformation

Rickynaldo said Mustofa, who was arrested at 3 a.m. on Sunday, faces a maximum penalty of six years' imprisonment under the Criminal Code and the Electronic Information and Transactions Law.

He served as the coordinator of information technology volunteers for Prabowo's national campaign team.


As to the defence - His lawyer says his account was hacked … ga-diretas


If this turns out to be true, the fallout is likely to be extremely serious for anyone involved.
Basically, we're talking assassins paid to kill prominent public figures, that leaving the question - Who paid them?
Whoever it was had a lot of cash at their disposal and this, along with all the other cash we know was paid out to rioters, means a well set up attempt at something - possibly a coup. … s-revealed

May 22 Riot; Group Attempts to Kill National Figures Revealed

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The National Police have found another group, other than the two arrested earlier, that was allegedly ordered to stir a public riot on May 22 in Jakarta. The group consisted of 6 people and had a mission to shoot dead four national figures and the head of private pollster......
.....The six suspects, identified as HK, AZ, IR, TJ, AD, and AF, possessed illegal weapons and were arrested on separate days from May 21-24. HK, a resident of Cibinong, Bogor, acted as the leader and tasked to seek guns and executors. He received Rp150 million from someone and was arrested in Mega Cikini Hotel, Central Jakarta on May 21. ..
...AZ, a local from Ciputat, South Tangerang, acted as an executor and executor seeker. He was arrested on the same day as HK at Terminal 1C of Soekarno- Hatta Airport, Tangerang.

The third suspect, IR, lived in South Sukabumi, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta. He got Rp5 million to act as an executor and was arrested on Tuesday evening at Pos Peruri, security office, near his house.

Two of the suspects, TJ and AD, proved to have consumed illegal drugs. TJ served as an executor and got Rp55 million for his act. He was later arrested in Sentul, Bogor, while AD in the Swasembada area, North Jakarta, for selling homemade firearms to HK and got Rp26 million in return.

The sixth suspect was a woman, AF, who lived in Rajawali, Pancoran, South Jakarta.  Arrested on Friday, May 24, in Bank BRI, Central Jakarta, AF had a role as the seller of illegal weapons to HK and got Rp50 million.


Added to the above - The "Someone" mentioned has problems. … on-targets

The police did not want to reveal the names of the national figures who were targeted for murder. However, Iqbal said, both the National Police and the Indonesian military (TNI) knew who the targets were and who the 'someone' was who ordered the murders.

Fred … ma_Click_2

Kivlan Zen Named Suspect for Attempted Treason

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Former Army Strategic Reserves commander Kivlan Zen has just been named as a suspect in the case involving the distribution of false information or hoax and attempt on treason. He was previously questioned by police as a witness to the case.

“[He has been] named as a suspect,” said Brig. Gen. Dedi Prasetyo, Indonesian National Police Spokesman on Monday.

Kivlan’s lawyer Pitra Ramdhoni said his client gave clarification to police investigators regarding the protest on May 9, 2019, he helped organize and that there were no intentions to commit treason.


Looks like another election complaint is dead in the water … rt-lawsuit

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The General Election Commission (KPU) questioned one aspect mentioned in Prabowo Subianto’s campaign team (BPN) election dispute lawsuit to the Constitutional Court (MK), which sees demands for the KPU to erase 17.5 million final voters list (DPT) BPN deemed preposterous.

KPU Commissioner Viryan Azis explained that the increased amount of voters is a natural increase if compared to prior election trends. The 2009 general elections saw the DPT amount to 176 million voters and saw that number grow to 190 million in the 2014 elections before KPU concluded that there are 192 million voters in the 2019 DPT.

“If the 2019 DPT is reduced by 17.5 million then the number will be lower compared to the 2009 general elections DPT. Would it make sense for the KPU to do such a thing? That is our simple explanation upon responding to the lawsuit,” said Viryan on Monday, May 27.


I can only think of two reasons to take kids into what you know is a dangerous situation:

You're stupid
You're hoping they'll get hurt in the hope of political gain … ay-22-riot

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Social Ministry’s children rehabilitation director, Kanya Eka Santi, said the ministry was overseeing 52 children arrested for involvement in the deadly May 22 riot.

“We receive 52 kids sent to us. So far, we’ve conducted an initial assessment,” said Kanya during a press conference at the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) office on Monday, May 27.

The assessment process consists of only physical or biological test albeit their tasks also included psychological, social, and spiritual matters. “But, considering the kids’ condition, we can only run one step for now,” she said.

After then, Kanya added, the ministry would identify if the children acted as perpetrators, victims, or witnesses in the riot. “We will synchronize [the assessment results] with the regional police's investigative reports (BAP).”


SBY talking a lot of sense - I'd suggest breaking the fast together on live TV. … ade-public

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Democrat Party Chairman Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono or SBY asked that the meetings between political elites after the 2019 general election be made open to public. He said that it would be a good thing, and would educate the public as well as reduce tensions and prejudice.

"There is no need to hide and go through the back door because it can ignite slander," SBY said in a video played during his party's Ramadan fasting break at his home in Jakarta, Monday, May 27.

SBY used the meeting between his son, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono or AHY, with President Joko Widodo or Jokowi as an example.

Soon after the 2019 election was over, AHY recorded two meetings with Jokowi on May 2 and May 23.


The legal fights continue … st-prabowo

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Advocate and legislative hopeful from the National Awakening Party (PKB) Farhat Abbas underwent police questioning for the Ratna Sarumpaet hoax case involving presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto.

“[I was asked] to clarify what the report is related to, and what I am reporting,” said Farhat at the Metro Jaya Police headquarters on Tuesday, April 23.

The questioning, says Farhat, is a follow up of his report to the police on October 3, 2018. The report that he filed incriminates known political figures such as Prabowo, Sandiaga Uno, Fadli Zon, Rachel Maryam, Rizal Ramli, Nanik S. Deyang, Ferdinand Hutahaean, and Ratna Sarumpaet.

His police report was a reaction to the press conference made by Prabowo on the physical assault against Ratna Sarumpaet, which she later clarified her assault as a blatant lie. Farhat argues that Prabowo’s press conference is meant to harm public trust on President Jokowi.


Here's a little follow up on a very early arrest … ma_Click_3

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Activist Ratna Sarumpaet, the defendant in the case of spreading false claims, hopes that the public prosecutor will drop charges against her. Prosecutors are scheduled to read their indictment in today's hearing at the South Jakarta District Court.

"I want to walk free—what else is there to hope for?" she told reporters this morning, May 28.

Prosecutors are ready to bring number of people to the witness chair, including as Ratna's driver, academic Rocky Gerung, and Amien Rais. Ratna Sarampaet's defense team has also prepared a number of witnesses; including criminal experts to linguists.

In the previous hearing, Ratna was cross-examined by both the prosecutors and her defense team, where she testified about the chronological events that led to her trial.

Ratna's case began when she claimed to have been assaulted by several people in Bandung, on September last yeat. However, the police discovered that it was all a lie after they tracked down the activist's whereabouts during said dates. Ratna then admitted she told a lie, and confessed that the bruises on her face were the result of a cosmetics surgery at a hospital in Central Jakarta.

Ratna Sarumpaet is being charged with two accounts. She is accused of violating Article 14 of Law no.1/1946 for spreading lies, and deliberately causing public unrest. For this she is facing up to 19 years in prison.

She is also charged with violating Law no.19/2016, a.k.a., the Electronic Information and Transactions Law (UU ITE) for spreading false information with the purpose of inciting discriminative hate and hostility between individuals/groups. The maximum punishment for this violation is a prison sentence of 6 years.


The assassination plot is seriously heavy stuff, and likely to bring very nasty consequences to the plotters.
The targets are very powerful people, so missing them is more than likely to bring that power right down on the plotters' heads.
Whoever did this should be very, very scared. … SKCN1SY0WM

Police announced on Monday they had arrested six people suspected of plotting to assassinate four officials during chaos surrounding protests against the confirmation last week of President Joko Widodo’s election victory.

National police chief Tito Karnavian on Tuesday revealed the identity of the four allegedly targeted for assassination: the chief security minister, head of the intelligence agency, chief maritime minister and a special presidential security adviser.

Karnavian declined to reveal more details of the plot, or say who was suspected of being behind it.

“We are still looking into who masterminded the plot and soon we will prosecute them,” Karnavian told a joint news conference with one of the targets - chief security minister Wiranto.

Fred … mpaet.html

Prosecutors demand 6 years for Ratna Sarumpaet

Prosecutors have asked the South Jakarta District Court to sentence Ratna Sarumpaet, a former campaign team member of losing presidential pair Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno, to six years' imprisonment for spreading hoax news.

"We ask the panel of judges to sentence the defendant, Ratna Sarumpaet, to prison for six years, reduced by the defendant's detention period," prosecutor Daroe Tri Sadono said on Tuesday, as quoted by

The prosecutors said that Ratna had caused unease by spreading pictures of her swollen and bruised face and claiming that it had been the result of an assault.

Prosecutors charged her under Article 14 of the Criminal Code, which relates to spreading false news causing public unease.

Ratna claimed in September last year that she had been assaulted by a group of men at an airport in Bandung, West Java. She also suggested that the assault was related to her campaign on behalf of Prabowo.


Spreading fake news is a very bad idea … ing-hoaxes

Police Arrest Ten People for Spreading Hoaxes

MAY 28, 2019

Jakarta. The police arrested 10 people for reportedly spreading hoaxes between May 21 and 28 and have now charged them with the crime.

"From May 21-28, we found 10 hoax cases in Jakarta and regional areas," National Police spokesman Brig. Gen. Dedi Prasetyo said in a press conference at the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs headquarters in Jakarta on Tuesday.

He said that since the violent demonstrations in Jakarta on May 21-22, the number of social media accounts that have been spreading hate speech, hoaxes and provocative content has risen.

The goal of these accounts is to provoke the public and create widespread unrest.

"This is dangerous if left unchecked," Dedi said.


Protest cancelled … y-canceled

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - A group calling themselves the National Sovereignty Movement or Gerakan Nasional Kedaulatan Rakyat (GNKR) said they were denied permit to hold a protest at Bawaslu building today, May 29. This is the second time that their protest plan is canceled.

The GNKR had also planned to hold a group pray for the May 22 victims in front of the Bawaslu building on Monday, May 27. That was also canceled.

"It's canceled, the chief of police did not allow it," GNKR coordinator Jumhur Hidayat said last night, May 28.

Jumhur added that the police, for now, are not allowing any form of mass gatherings in areas near major roads.

The 'national solidarity' movement was first echoed by Amien Rais, a supporter of losing presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto. Amien suggested using that term as opposed to 'people power', a call that he also first made.


This is more than extremely serious. … ma_Click_3

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - National Police spokesman Brig. Gen. Dedi Prasetyo said that the police was still examining the involvement of Kivlan Zen in the assassination attempt of four national figures. According to the police, the initial evidence was the possession of an illegal weapon.

“We’re still examining the matter,” said Dedi in Police headquarter, Jakarta, Wednesday, May 29.

The police earlier named the former Chief of Staff of the Army Strategic Reserve Command suspect for alleged treason and spreading of false news. The latter underwent the initial investigation today, May 29.

The assassin group allegedly had ties with Kivlan comprised of six members arrested sometime between May 21 and May 24. They possessed illegal guns and had indications to assassinate a number of national figures.


I mentioned the possibility the dead rioter was just a pawn in a far bigger game, and there was a possibility he'd been shot, not by the unarmed police, but by rioters with firearms.
Seems my musings are shared by others … SKCN1SZ1A4

JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian authorities believe different groups coordinated plans to exploit political rallies last week to cause chaos, which included a bid to create “martyrs” by shooting protesters, President Joko Widodo’s chief of staff said.....
....Security officials suspect the violence, which broke out after Widodo was confirmed the winner of last month’s poll, was organized by a number groups, including one linked to Islamic State and another to a retired special forces general accused of smuggling weapons to Jakarta

In totally separate news, not linked in any way to the extremely serious charges including treason and attempted assassination plots brought against high ranking members of the number 2 team, their leader, Pak Prabowo, has left the country for a medical check up and some business meetings. He departed Indonesia on his private jet a couple of days ago. Reporters didn't mention how long he'd be out of the country for,


Kivlan Zen was arrested … ion-charge

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Ex-chief of the Army's Strategic Reserve Command Major General (ret) Kivlan Zen was taken into custody by the Jakarta Metropolitan Police following interrogation as suspect in a firearm possession case, Wednesday evening, May 29, 2019.

Zen's arrest was made after being charged for violating Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951 during questioning at the National Police's Criminal Investigation Department (Bareskrim), coordinator of Kivlan's lawyer team Djudju Purwantoro, noted on Wednesday.

"Hence, the investigator has made the report. It pertains to the question of whether he keeps or uses the firearm without right. It is related to the testimonies from the suspect Kurniawan, or Sugi and (five other) colleagues," he remarked.

One of the six suspects in the firearm possession case, identified as Armi, was arrested along with Zen. Arni is believed to be Zen's private driver and coordinator of an outsourcing company as a security officer.


Some odd stuff is coming out of the election and related violent stupidity, but this is really strange.

Jerry Duane Gray … ina-jokowi

It's in Indonesian so I'll paraphrase.
An ex American, who may have been born in Germany, insulted President Jokowi, had a good rant about communists taking over Jokowi's government, and was part of the demo earlier this month in Jakarta where the Facebook video in question was said to have been shot. … ly-police/

This one gives background - Not flattering to the gentleman


The police reports go on and on - The point they're referring to in a post further down the thread … ding-riots

Jakarta (ANTARA) -
Spokesman for Prabowo-Sandi National Winning Body (BPN) Andre Rosiade revealed it will report back 98 activists, who had approached the Police over allegations of Prabowo Subianto masterminding the riots on May 22, 2019.

"The legal team will later report back the activists, if indeed they are really activists," Rosiade had stated in Jakarta on Thursday.

Rosiade remarked that the accusation was leveled to defame the 02 presidential candidate.

The member of the Gerindra Communication Agency noted that Prabowo being accused of masterminding the May 22 riots was an attempt to spread slander, and he was certain that the activists reported about it without evidence.

"I am certain that there is no evidence, as it does not exist, and this is an attempt to spread slander against Pak Prabowo, and it cannot be tolerated," he emphasized.

Rosiade pointed out that if they were indeed 98 activists, who had clashed on the streets, what should have been highlighted was the loss of lives during the riots, such as during those in 1998.

I'm only guessing here, but I seem to recall the 1998 pro democracy activists being quoted as supporting the result of the election and saying they would actively support the outcome of the vote. If my memory is accurate, I would suspect the 1998 reference might well be misplaced.

I suppose it's possible Pak Prabowo will comment upon his return to Indonesia.