Election 2019 - Count and related news
Some people have just made some serious allegations
The election news isn't quite over and done with as there could well be some very nasty stuff yet to come, this story suggesting a potentially rough time for at least a few gentlemen.
https://en.tempo.co/read/1213146/hitman … -confesses
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Iwan Kurniawan, one of the suspects apprehended in the assassination plot on four Indonesian State Officials, confessed that he was surprised when he was initially informed of the target he had to assassinate.
The would-be hit-man was first tasked to murder a Joko “Jokowi” Widodo buzzer but eventually was given four names of Indonesian national state officials as the actual targets.
“Hearing the names of the targets got me immediately shaking,” Iwan confessed in an interview with a team from Tempo magazine on Tuesday, May 28...
...Iwan opted to be open about the assassination plan to Tempo, which includes the mastermind behind the plot that he claims to be from the Former chief of the Army Strategic Reserves Command (Kostrad) Kivlan Zein.
The former army soldier that committed desertion in 2005 explained why Kivlan Zen aimed to terminate the four state officials.
Another treason suspect named
https://en.tempo.co/read/1213371/ex-met … ex_Click_1
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The retired Metro Jaya Police chief Comr. Gen. M. Sofyan Jacob has been named as a suspect for alleged treason together with Prabowo Subianto’s campaign team (BPN) spokesman Eggi Sudjana.
Metro Jaya Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Argo Yuwono has confirmed the news.
Yet another report of misconduct and an attempt to win by disqualification
No idea if the evidence holds water or not, but it appears to be based on information from websites
https://jakartaglobe.id/context/prabowo … okowimaruf
Jakarta. The legal team of losing presidential ticket Prabowo Subianto and Sandiaga Uno went to the Constitutional Court on Monday to submit a revision of the lawsuit they filed last month to challenge the result of the 2019 presidential election......
......Bambang said Jokowi's running mate Ma'ruf Amin, a Muslim cleric, was still registered as chairman of the sharia supervisory board at two state-owned banks, BNI Syariah and Bank Syariah Mandiri.
He said according to Indonesia's Elections Law, a candidate or a prospective candidate must sign a statement pledging that they will relinquish any official position before they run for election.
"According to the information we have, the vice-presidential candidate's name [Ma'ruf Amin] is still listed on the official websites of BNI Syariah and Mandiri Syariah [as head of the banks' sharia supervisory boards]," Bambang said
The vice president has responded
https://www.viva.co.id/berita/politik/1 … dah-mundur
(In Indonesian)
This lot is ongoing, but in court
https://jakartaglobe.id/context/lawyers … l-election
Prabowo's legal team delivered a total of 15 demands to the court on Friday:
1. Approve all the demands set out by the team.
2. Declare that the KPU's presidential election result was not valid.
3. Declare that the correct vote counts were 63,573,169 or 48 percent for Jokowi-Ma'ruf, and 68,650,239 or 52 percent for Prabowo and Sandiaga.
4. Declare that Jokowi and Ma'ruf have committed election offenses and a structured, systematic and massive fraud.
5. Disqualify Jokowi-Ma'ruf from the 2019 presidential election.
6. Declare Prabowo and Sandiaga as the elected president and vice president for 2019-2024.
7. Order the KPU to issue a decision establishing Prabowo and Sandiaga as the elected president and vice president.
8. Declare that Jokowi and Maruf have committed electoral offenses and fraud in the 2019 presidential election by inflating and stealing votes in a structured, systematic and massive manner.
9. Decide that Prabowo and Sandiaga are the elected president and vice president for 2019-24.
10. Order the KPU to issue a decision immediately establishing Prabowo and Sandiaga as the elected president and vice president for 2019-24, or
11. Order the KPU to conduct a fair re-election in all regions, or
12. Order the KPU to conduct fair re-elections in several provinces in Indonesia, including West Java, Central Java, East Java, Banten, Jakarta, North Sumatra, South Sumatra, Lampung, South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Papua and Central Kalimantan.
13. Order the appropriate state bodies to dismiss all KPU commissioners and recruit their replacements.
14. Order the [new] KPU [commissioners] to determine a new permanent voters' list.
15. Order the [new] KPU to evaluate its vote counting system.
Prabowo's legal team said Jokowi was not a run-of-the-mill rival for their client, but an incumbent president who was able to use his power to gain more votes.
"A few days before election day, [Jokowi] said his supporters should come to polling stations wearing white shirts [Jokowi's unofficial uniform] … This call, by a presidential nominee who also happened to be the incumbent president violated the confidential principle of election," Bambang said.
He said the statement could have had a huge psychological impact on voters, which violated the principle of free choice.
Another of Prabowo's lawyers, Denny Indrayana, accused the National Police (Polri) and the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) of taking Jokowi-Ma'ruf's side.
"The fact that state apparatuses like Polri and BIN were biased [toward Jokowi] is proof that there was a structured, systematic and massive [electoral] fraud happening all over Indonesia," Denny told the court.
Next Session
The trial has been adjourned until Tuesday next week when lawyers representing the KPU, the Bawaslu and the Jokowi-Ma'ruf ticket will present their argument.
Jokowi was just in Bali the day before yesterday for the opening of the Bali Arts Festival. The people here love him!
He is polled as among the top 5 most popular world leaders...and no surprise IMHO.
Ubudian wrote:Jokowi was just in Bali the day before yesterday for the opening of the Bali Arts Festival. The people here love him!
He is polled as among the top 5 most popular world leaders...and no surprise IMHO.
I gather Bali voted heavily for Pak Jokowi so I'll bet his reception was pretty terrific.
Last I checked, the tally for Jokowi in Bali was 93%. WOW!
Smart people...those Balinese!
Ubudian wrote:Last I checked, the tally for Jokowi in Bali was 93%. WOW!
Smart people...those Balinese!
As this thread is purely apolitical, I won't comment as to my preferences
Seems there are new witnesses
https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/201 … court.html
Ahead of the second hearing on June 18, losing presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto's legal team has announced it will present 30 witnesses at the Constitutional Court to support the appeal against the 2019 presidential election result. The Prabowo campaign team said all of the witnesses would be “unexpected” and could strengthen its argument that incumbent Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and Ma’ruf Amin committed structured, systematic and massive fraud. "We have prepared them […] There will be witnesses who will give surprising testimonies," said campaign team member Priyo Budi Santoso on Saturday.
"As this thread is purely apolitical, I won't comment as to my preferences."
Mengerti amigo...you don't need to.
The court battle continues. It seems the Prabowo side are claiming bias from the police and BIN, but the piece goes on to say the allegations are based on an Instagram account.
https://en.tempo.co/read/1215740/police … ma_Click_1
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - In today’s Constitutional Court trial, the Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin legal team rebutted the biased police and intelligence forces allegations pointed out by the Prabowo Subianto’s camp during the elections.
They called out Prabowo’s legal team for providing unclear and unspecific examples or even number of cases of what they allege against the police.
I Wayan Sudirta representing Jokowi’s team said that the allegations from the opposition is saturated with assumption and has a tendency to be based on baseless conjectures.
The IG mention in the article is here so you decide for yourselves on its worth in a court preceding
The 02 teams the vice president ran illegally because he was a state employee, the KPU dispute the claim
https://en.antaranews.com/news/127280/m … kpu-lawyer
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Vice presidential candidate Ma'ruf Amin did not violate the general election rules over his position in the supervisory board of Bank BNI Syariah and Bank Mandiri Syariah, subsidiary companies of state-owned banks, Ali Nurdin stated.
General Election Commission (KPU) lawyer Nurdin noted during the trial of the electoral dispute at the Constitutional Court here on Tuesday that the two subsidiary companies' shares are separate and they are not government shares.
Moreover, the position in the supervisory board in accordance with article 1 of Law No. 21 of 2018 is described as a party that provides service to shariah banks, such as those of a public accountant, assessor, and legal consultant.
"Hence, Prof. Dr KH Ma'ruf Amin, as a vice presidential candidate, is not obligated to resign from his position in the supervisory board of PT Bank BNI Syariah and Bank Syariah Mandiri," he clarified.
Evidence for election fraud claims considered vague, weak: KPU
https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/201 … k-kpu.html
Reacting to allegations of fraud that have been leveled against it, the General Elections Commission (KPU) has said that the ticket of presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto and running mate Sandiaga Uno did not have sufficient evidence to prove claims it had rigged the election in favor of incumbent Joko “Jokowi” Widodo. Hearings for a lawsuit filed by the Prabowo-Sandiaga camp, which challenged the presidential election result, continued at the Constitutional Court (MK) on Tuesday, with the KPU presenting its response to Prabowo’s petition. KPU lawyer Ali Nurdin argued before the court’s nine-panel judges that the evidence and arguments were weak and vague. .
Interesting - A witness is refusing to testify
https://en.tempo.co/read/1216223/haris- … ma_Click_2
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Executive director of Lokataru, Haris Azhar, will not be testifying for Prabowo Subianto and Sandiaga Uno in the presidential elections dispute at the Constitutional Court. Haris sent a letter to the court judges saying he was unwilling to testify.
The letter was given to the Court judges today, June 19.
Haris was supposed to have testified in court, as he was among the witnesses that the lawyers of Prabowo and Sandiaga planned to present.
Just this morning, Haris was still saying that that he would testify about the confessions of Sulman Azis, former chief of the Pasirwangi Police Precinct of Garut, West Java. Sulman had told Haris that he was instructed by Garut Police chief to map out and mobilize support for Joko Widodo-Ma'ruf Amin.
Haris acted as Sulman's pro bono lawyer, but Sulman retracted his statement not long after.
Evidence without evidence?
The talk is about millions of fake voters, but they offered no evidence to say it actually happened.
To clarify, your NIK never changes so my original Wonosobo NIK was on my Bintaro ID card, family card and so on, as it is on my documents in my new town.
According to that evidence, I would be down as a fake voter.
https://en.tempo.co/read/1216273/prabow … rification
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The second witness presented by Prabowo Subianto – Sandiaga Uno’s legal team, Idham Amiruddin, said that he discovered 2,155,905 cases of double voters and owners of multiple identity card number.
He claimed to have obtained these records from the Gerindra central executive board (DPP) on February 2019. “I don’t remember the exact date. It was around the second month of 2019,” said Idham in the election dispute court trial held today, June 19, at the Constitutional Court (MK).
He continued to say that he started to take notice of the general election’s final voters list (DPT) since 2006 when he had just finished his service as a consultant of national ID cards and was made familiar with issues regarding NIK.
Idham admitted he was elated when he received the records from Gerindra on February and started to look into the NIK of the voters. From his research, he found that there was a “ghost district” based on the unusual 5-6 numbers within the NIK, which should have been filled with the area’s code.
For example in Bogor, where he discovered two digits representing the city in the NIKs that were more than 40, when in fact, he said that Bogor only has 40 sub-districts.
“The owners of the “fake NIKs” are those with the number 5-6 which were more than 40. Because there are only 40 sub-districts in Bogor,” said Idham.
However, Idham contradicted his findings by saying that such anomalies can happen due to the changes in voters residency. He made sure he understands that NIK can never be changed even though the voter moving to another area. He also acknowledged that a voter from outside of Bogor but ends up moving to the city can eventually have an unusual NIK.
He also admitted he did not follow the development of the final voters list revision by the General Elections Commission (KPU), where the KPU had numerous times issued a revised version under the name “revised DPT.”
The witness in favor of Prabowo Subianto also admitted he never conducted a field verification following his findings and only analyzed it based on the records he obtained. “I worked based on the Laws. [Working] outside that border is incorrect. I am not mandated to verify the data since that is the task of the KPU, not mine,” said Idham.
MK's verdict on the election could well come this week
https://en.tempo.co/read/1217668/mk-ver … ma_Click_1
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Constitutional Court (MK) spokesman Fajar Laksono said that the final trial of the 2019 presidential election dispute trial that was scheduled to take place on Friday, June 28, could possibly be expedited. This, he added, depends on the justices.
“Is it possible to expedite the verdict? It is, if all (things) are considered to be completed and ready, the schedule is possible to be expedited before June 28, 2019,” said Fajar in MK building, Central Jakarta, Monday, June 24.
The police and army are preparing for possible trouble
https://en.tempo.co/read/1217540/police … ma_Click_4
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Jakarta Metro Police planned to conduct a raid on people coming from outside the capital city prior to the 2019 presidential election dispute trial verdict in the Constitutional Court (MK). The last trial of the appeal filed by Prabowo - Sandiaga team is scheduled to be held on June 28.
“Yes, we will conduct a joint raid, not only on the traffic but also on other functions,” said Jakarta Police Traffic Directorate Chief Sr. Comr. Yusuf on Sunday, June 23.
Yusuf explained Indonesian Military (TNI) and the regional administration would involve in the raid on the people entering Jakarta from other cities. Officers, he added, would monitor people from outside the capital who want to visit MK.
“So if the person has no clear purpose [coming to Jakarta], he will be asked to return,” he remarked.
The 02 camp is saying (in public ) they don't want mass action for the court's ruling.
https://en.tempo.co/read/1217927/prabow … ma_Click_3
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Prabowo - Sandiaga campaign team (BPN) asserted it did not instruct supporters to form mass mobilization during the court ruling on presidential election dispute in Constitutional Court (MK).
“If there is a mass mobilization, that is not our instruction,” said the BPN spokesman Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak in Jakarta, Monday, June 24.
However, Dahnil said that the team would not take any action if masses stage a street rally. “We have no authority to ban state constitutional rights. We fully honor it,” he added.
As previously reported, MK is set to deliver its ruling on 2019 presidential election dispute filed by Prabowo team on Thursday, June 27. Albeit the BPN had asked supporters not to stage a rally, 212 PA determined to hit the street at around MK building.
Others are calling for street protests.
The Indonesian constitution (UUD 1945 - I've read it) clear states demonstrations are in the lists of rights for citizens but they must be peaceful and not cause other issues.
https://jakartaglobe.id/context/ulemas- … t-protests
Jakarta. Religious leaders, including heads of Islamic boarding schools, from Prabowo Subianto's electoral strongholds have called on Muslims to refrain from participating in street protests during the election dispute trial at the Constitutional Court.
"I urge restraint. Muslims have to maintain unity," said M. Saidih Hz., the chairman of the South Tangerang branch of the Indonesian Ulema Council, on Sunday.
Saidih made the statement at an event in Tangerang, Banten, one of Prabowo Subianto's electoral strongholds.
Saidih's call came after a message spread on social media and WhatsApp group chats urging Muslims to take part in street demonstrations at the Constitutional Court from Monday to Friday.
The event has been called "Halal Bi Halal Akbar 212" ("Grand Meet-Up 212"), a clear reference to a similarly named street protest to bring down Jakarta's former governor Basuki "Ahok" Tjahaja Purnama in 2016.
Hopefully the mess is coming to a close, but not quite yet as some more "Interesting " groups are planning a rally today around the MK building
https://en.tempo.co/read/1218336/road-a … ally-today
Road Access to MK Closed as PA 212 Holds Rally Today
On a better not, common sence and reason are being called for by some influential groups
https://en.tempo.co/read/1218352/mui-ca … ma_Click_1
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) deputy chairman Zainut Tauhid Saadi has called for all Muslims and the public in general to accept any ruling delivered by the Constitutional Court on presidential election dispute.
Seems the 212 thing has been banned, probably safety reasons after the lest mess extremists too part in
Police are also improving their security
https://en.antaranews.com/news/127749/p … t-building
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Police intensified security arrangements around the Constitutional Court (MK) building as a precautionary measure against any public disturbances during a rally to be staged by the Movement of Public Sovereignty for Justice and Humanity members.
All those entering the premises of the MK building on Wednesday have to undergo screening through metal detectors and get their bags checked.
Currently, several people, mostly hailing from West Java Province, have gathered around the Horse Statue square, not far from the MK building.
The FPI has called for mass mobilisation for the court ruling
https://en.tempo.co/read/1218574/fpi-ca … ma_Click_2
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The people joined in the 212 Group (PA 212) is set to continue their public mass-gathering tomorrow on Thursday, June 27, which coincides with the day the Constitutional Court (MK) will deliver its verdict on the election dispute case.
“We are ready to be present tomorrow and to fight again,” said Islam Defenders Front (FPI) head Sobri Lubis at Central Jakarta today.
This link (Indonesian) tells a story of FPI leaders instructing schoolkids to go the rally.
I can think of few reasons for that, none of them good, some of them terrible.
https://www.idntimes.com/news/indonesia … kalah/full
As a note, roads around the court are closed today and there is the possibility of violence so I would strongly recommend avoiding the area
The KPU will announce the election result within three days IF the number 2 complaint is rejected
https://en.tempo.co/read/1218646/kpu-to … ma_Click_1
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Election Commission (KPU) will announce the elected presidential and vice presidential candidate in the next three days after Constitutional Court (MK) delivers the ruling on Thursday, June 27. The announcement will be held if MK denies the appeal filed by Prabowo Subianto - Sandiaga Uno.
“[It will be] no longer than three days after the ruling delivery. The next step is the determination of elected candidates. KPU will set the date, but for sure, within three days ahead at maximum,” said the agency commissioner Hasyim Asy’ari in Jakarta, Wednesday, June 26.
Hasyim explained if the court denies all plaintiff’s appeals, his agency will make the announcement earlier on Friday, June 28 or Saturday, June 29 through a public plenary meeting by inviting various parties, election participants, political parties, community organizations, media, and state representatives.
However, if MK favors the demand related to the acquisition of the vote, such as re-election, the KPU cannot announce the victor yet, Hasyim added.
The police are expecting terrorist groups at the MK building
https://en.tempo.co/read/1218769/police … ma_Click_3
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - National Police have run a detection on 30 terrorist groups that would allegedly infiltrate the mass action during the Constitutional Court’s (MK) ruling in Central Jakarta, Thursday, June 27.
However, the police won't have lethal ammunition
https://en.tempo.co/read/1218721/no-liv … ma_Click_1
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - A total of 13,747 personnel from Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) and National Police are standing guard around the building of the Constitutional Court (MK) ahead of the verdict trial on presidential election dispute today, June 27.
Central Jakarta Resort Police Chief Sr. Comr. Harry Kurniawan said that during the last police ceremony, the personnel was reminded to not equip their firearms with live rounds in the field.
“Provost has run a check to make sure no personnel brings live ammunition,” said Harry in Jalan Medan Merdeka, Central Jakarta, Thursday, June 27.
The MK (Constitutional court) seems to be rejecting everything I've seen so far, either because there was limited evidence, no evidence, or the matter doesn't rest within the court's limits.
I gather the court reading has been suspended for prayers
The court has tossed out the 02 claims
https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/201 … -says.html
The Constitutional Court rejected in its entirety the legal challenge by losing presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto to the 17 April presidential election result, which saw President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo named the winner.
“The court rejects all of the plaintiffs’ claims,” Chief Justice Anwar Usman stated after the panel of nine justices had spent almost eight hours reading out their ruling.
https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/201 … -says.html
The Constitutional Court on Thursday rejected the version of the presidential vote tally put forward by the legal team of losing candidate Prabowo Subianto, which was intended to support the claim that the Gerindra Party patron and his running mate Sandiaga Uno had won the April election.
Justice Arief Hidayat called Prabowo’s own vote count — which was included in his petition challenging the officially announced result — “legally baseless” since it lacked evidence to verify it.
Pak Prabowo has accepted the court's decision
https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/201 … efeat.html
Losing presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto announced on Thursday evening that he accepted the Constitutional Court’s decision to reject his petition to overturn the April 17 election result, though he stopped short of conceding defeat.
“Even though we understand that the decision is very disappointing to us, we will abide [by it] and follow our Constitution and the prevailing legal system in our country. We respect the court’s ruling. We rely on God for truth and justice,” he said at his residence in South Jakarta.
The former general said he would seek advice on whether there was still a legal avenue available to appeal the court’s ruling, which is final and binding.
Jokowi is calling for unity - That's essential if Indonesia is to move forward.
https://www.thejakartapost.com/amp/news … unity.html
President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo and running mate Ma'ruf Amin called on the nation to unite following the Constitutional Court's decision to reject the opposition camp's petition contesting the presidential election result.
Jokowi said the court had upheld the "people's decision" and the process had gone smoothly, as befitting a "cultured and civilized nation”.
"Now, there is no longer number one and number two," he said, referring to the presidential candidates' ballot number. "There is only the unity of Indonesia."
Prabowo declares party coalition defunct
https://en.antaranews.com/news/127955/p … on-defunct
Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Adil Makmur (Justice Prosperity) coalition that carried the Prabowo-Sandi pair in the 2019 Presidential Election is defunct, Presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto has said while handing over political decision-making back to their respective parties.
"Prabowo at a meeting with the coalition party leaders said the Indonesian Adil Makmur coalition had finished, and Prabowo-Sandi's BPN had been over," Gerindra Party Secretary General Ahmad Muzani said at the Prabowo-Sandi Media Center here Friday.
Prabowo handed back the decision-making process to the respective political parties so that their leadership could take the next political steps without him intervening, he said.
The court's rulings mean Pak Jokowi is now both president and president elect of Indonesia.
Congratulations, Pak president
I hope he had a good time at the G-20 Summit.
The fallout continues, as do the police investigations
https://en.tempo.co/read/1221616/prabow … ma_Click_3
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The National Police said they had named 10 people who acted as rally commanders as provocateurs of the May 22 riot in Jakarta.
The ten have been identified as DW, AA, F, R, MY, AH, YN, IG, FA, and YN. YN remains at large to date. Police spokesman Dedi Prasetyo confirmed YN had been listed in the most wanted list (DPO).
“YN is suspected of being a riot commander in the field as he narrated ‘burn, throw, fight’,” said Dedi in his office, South Jakarta, Friday, July 5.
As reported earlier, the riot broke out after the General Election Commission (KPU) announced the victor of the 2019 presidential election. Masses who rejected the vote tally results staged a demonstration in front of the Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) building.
Read: Police Yet to Uncover Masterminds Behind May 22 Riots
https://en.tempo.co/read/1221616/prabow … ma_Click_3
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The National Police have found the alleged involvement of political parties and volunteers backing the Prabowo-Sandiaga Uno pair in the May 22 riot, aside from masses and Islamic organizations.
The Jakarta Police's special crime investigation unit director Sr. Comr. Suyudi Ario Seto explained the alleged involvement of the four was based on the investigation into pieces of evidence, crime scenes, witnesses, CCTV recordings and visual, as well as the questioning of 447 suspects.
The mass organization included GARIS, Forkabi, GRIB, and Pemuda Muhammadiyah. “While parties allegedly involved are GR, PN, and PS parties. The volunteers are RMP, Garda08, and Rumah Aspirasi Prabowo-Sandi,” Suyudi outlined at the National Police HQ, South Jakarta, Friday, July 5.
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