Election 2019 - Count and related news
Without bothering with the politics or opinions regarding them, posters might be interested to see the KPU's real count.
It's published here
At the time of posting, Mr. Jokowi is a little less than 10% ahead of Mr. Prabowi, but there are a lot of votes still to be counted so that could change.
Mr. Jokowi is still ahead at the moment, but only 150,000 out of 800,000+ stations have been counted and included so we're still far from a confirmed result.
The KPU will get there, then we'll know who the president will be.
Versi: 24 Apr 2019 12:30:05 Progress: 230.901 dari 813.350 TPS (28.38889%)
230 from 813 thousand polling stations counted
Jokowi 55.63
Prabaowo 44,37
With only around a quarter of the stations completed there's still time for the positions to be reversed, so nobody can be sure who has won and lost at this point.
Version: Apr 25 2019 06:03:15 Progress: 261,331 of 813,350 polling stations (32.13020%)
Jokowi - 55.8%
Prabowo - 44.2%
Version: 27 Apr 2019 09:15:05 Progress: 335.360 of 813.350 polling stations (41.23194%)
Still short of half the stations counted, this is the position so far
Jokowi 56.32
Prabaowo 43.68
Neither candidate can be sure yet, but things are looking better for Pak Jokowi at this point.
Versi: 28 Apr 2019 13:15:04 Progress: 381.048 dari 813.350 TPS (46.84920%)
This is the position so far with just under 47% of the stations counted
Jokowi 56.35
Prabaowo 43.65
Things are looking better for Pak Jokowi at this point, but still more than half of the total number of stations uncounted.
The thread is purely factual.
Indonesia is a democracy so, regardless of our personal choices, we have to accept the will of the majority.
Anything else will damage this beautiful country very badly.
Disappointing someone said?
Here in Bali, Jokowi has over 90% of the vote, so I can say there's little disappointment here.
I gather Bali was heavily in favour of Pak Jokowi, so I suppose most people there are happy at this point.
However, still about half the stations still to be counted so it's possible they may be less happy next week.
Time will tell.
Versi: 30 Apr 2019 12:00:03 Progress: 450.172 dari 813.350 TPS (55.34788%)
Jokowi 56.13
Prabaowo 43.87
Over 55% of stations counted, and Pak Jokowi is maintaining his lead of around 12 points, meaning the likely outcome will be for the incumbent.
However, it isn't over until the fat lady sings.
Versi: 01 May 2019 08:00:02 Progress: 477.449 dari 813.350 TPS (58.70154%)
Jokowi 55.99
Prabaowo 44.01
A slight gain for Pak Prabowo over the last 24 hours or so, but he's still well behind Pak Jokowi at this point, the latter's lead still around 12 points.
Versi: 02 May 2019 07:30:03 Progress: 496.326 dari 813.350 TPS (61.02244%)
Jokowi 56.07
Prabaowo 43.93
With over 60% of the stations counted, Pak Jokowi is still in the lead.
However, there are very serious accusations and demands flying around, most of which seem to have little or no evidence to back them up.
Versi: 04 May 2019 11:15:03 Progress: 530.978 dari 813.350 TPS (65.28284%)
Jokowi 56.12
Prabaowo 43.88
With over 65% of stations counted, it looks like Pak Jokowi's rough 12 point lead is staying put.
Versi: 05 May 2019 14:45:05 Progress: 545.414 dari 813.350 TPS (67.05772%)
Jokowi 56.25
Prabaowo 43.76
Almost 70% of the stations checked, and Pak Jokowi is looking more and more like he's clear, but we still can't be 100% sure so neither candidate should organise any parties just yet.
Versi: 06 May 2019 18:15:05 Progress: 558.009 dari 813.350 TPS (68.60626%)
Jokowi 56.29
Prabaowo 43.71
Versi: 07 May 2019 11:00:05 Progress: 564.542 dari 813.350 TPS (69.40948%)
Jokowi 56.32
Prabaowo 43.68
With close enough to 70% of stations counted, and the numbers for each candidate staying about the same over the last two weeks, there's a better than average chance Pak Jokowi has won.
However, there's always the chance of a last minute upset.
As for parliament, PDIP have the best numbers so far with 20%, Golkar second with 13.36, third Gerindra at 11.81.
Versi: 08 May 2019 06:30:03 Progress: 576.204 dari 813.350 TPS (70.84330%)
Jokowi 56.24
Prabaowo 43.76
I decided to add a little election and election related news as it seems like the correct thread to do so.
I will not be adding opinion from myself, simply reporting what I see in the press.
This is an opinion from a military officer, not actual fact but, if his thoughts are accurate, expats should keep an eye on the news ... and a week's supply of food in the fridge.
https://en.tempo.co/read/1203037/milita … ma_Click_4
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Military Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto predicts there will be groups objecting the official 2019 general elections results released by the General Elections Commission (KPU).
Hadi based his fears following the loud calls of claimed elections frauds throughout the election process.
“This is indicated by the growing disdain for the ongoing recapitulation process. Some are calling out elections frauds despite the fact that official elections organizers continued to deny such accusations,” said Hadi at the Regional Representatives Council (DPD) in Jakarta today, May 7.
Moreover, he also sees indications of provoking rebellion by promoting the opinions of people that refuse to accept the vote recapitulation in the social media realm.
“There can be protests or even attacks on the headquarters of elections organizers such as the KPU, Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu), which we predict and why we have prepared the necessary [security measures] together with the Indonesian National Police (Polri),” said the TNI Commander.
The TNI and Polri have prepared a rapid response strategy and constant joint patrols in areas considered as high-risk areas.
Versi: 09 May 2019 05:00:03 Progress: 594.822 dari 813.350 TPS (73.13235%)
Jokowi 56.23
Prabaowo 43.77
The results so far suggest Pak Jokowi is in for a win, but a last minute upset may still be possible if the remaining areas, as happened in Aceh, vote heavily for Pak Prabowo.
It's very probably a good idea to avoid these two areas during the protests
https://en.tempo.co/read/1203490/police … ma_Click_1
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Impending protests from an "anti-Jokowi" crowd is reportedly set to take place at the headquarters of two Indonesia election organizers, Bawaslu and KPU, following the group’s strife against the temporary vote count favoring incumbent presidential candidate Joko Widodo.
The rally at the elections supervisory agency (Bawaslu) and general elections commission (KPU) is scheduled to take place on Thursday, May 9.
Metro Jaya Police Spokesman Grand Commissioner Argo Yuwono said they have received the notice for the protest and plans to mobilize 11,000 police personnel to secure the two locations. It is not clear how many protesters will take to the streets tomorrow.
Things are getting a little tense in some quarters
https://en.tempo.co/read/1203411/retire … ma_Click_4
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - A police report on hoax spread and attempts on a coup were filed against retired Army general Kivlan Zen and Prabowo Subianto’s campaign team spokesman Lieus Sungkharisma.
The report against Kivlan was filed at the National Police Criminal Investigation Department (Bareskrim) on Wednesday, May 7, by an individual named Jalaludin.
Meanwhile, the police report on Lieus was filed at the same location but by a different person named Eman Soleman.
National Police’s Spokesman Brig. Gen. Dedi Prasetyo on May 8 confirmed the two police reports, “Yes, we received it last night. The pieces of evidence are lectures delivered by the two men,” he said.
The Jokowi team is now claiming it has more than 50% of the total eligible to vote, thus has won the election.
I don't know if this has been confirmed officially as yet.
https://jakartaglobe.id/context/jokowim … 0-of-total
Jakarta. The national campaign team of Joko "Jokowi" Widodo and his running mate Ma'ruf Amin announced on Wednesday that the number of votes the candidate pair had received in last month's presidential election exceeded 80 million, which is more than the required 50 percent of the estimated total to win.
The announcement was based on a calculation provided by the campaign team's "war room," staffed by more than 250 people, who have been gathering data from all polling stations across Indonesia and abroad.
With the announcement, the campaign team implicitly claimed victory for Jokowi-Ma'ruf.
UK government advice - and it seems fair and balanced.
General elections were held in Indonesia on 17 April 2019 with official results set to be announced on 22 May 2019. You should avoid all protests, demonstrations and political rallies as there’s a risk of violence.
At least one group want Jokowi removed as a candidate, but their reasons seem a little unclear. Whatever the reasons, I strongly recommend expats to avoid the area this afternoon as there is a risk of violence.
https://en.tempo.co/read/1203547/kivlan … ma_Click_1
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Retired army general Kivlan Zen will hold a protest in front of the headquarters of the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) and the General Election Commission (KPU) today afternoon, May 9. The rally is aimed to demand the election organizers disqualify presidential candidate number 01 Joko “Jokowi” Widodo - Ma’ruf Amin.
“We will fight whoever tackles us,” said Kivlan during a press conference in Tebet, Jakarta, Sunday, May 5. Attending the event were former Home Affairs Minister Gen. (ret) Syarwan Hamid, Gerindra Party politician Permadi, and National Mandate Party (PAN) politician Eggi Sudjana.
The former aide of Gerindra Party chief patron Prabowo Subianto did not further detail the reason for his disqualification demand against the incumbent candidate to the KPU and Bawaslu. He stressed that the two institutions should be honest, true, and fair.
The demonstration is initiated by an alliance Kivlan established dubbed 'Gabungan Elemen Rakyat untuk Keadilan dan Kebenaran' or Gerak. The protest will kick off at 13:00 Jakarta time.
Added to the above..
The police say they've broken up a terrorist plot aimed at murdering police officers covering election protests. As bombs tend to be indiscriminate killers, and the police may have missed some, it's a very good idea not to be near any protests.
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-indo … SKCN1SD0RZ
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian anti-terrorism police have shot dead one Islamist militant and detained six suspected of planning attacks on officers with firearms or suicide bombings under the cover of rallies tied to recent elections, a police spokesman said.
Versi: 10 May 2019 05:00:03 Progress: 611.095 dari 813.350 TPS (75.13309%)
Jokowi 56.20
Prabaowo 43.80
It's now a pretty safe bet to say the incumbent will remain in his office for the next term, but not all the results are in as yet and the number 2 camp are very likely to contest the result in court.
https://jakartaglobe.id/context/police- … on-suspect
"Suspect" here can be a lot more serious than suspect in other countries, the title being close to 100% sure you're going to face a trial.
Jakarta. Political activist Eggi Sudjana has been declared a treason suspect, a police spokesman said on Thursday.
Investigators interrogated Eggi for several hours as a witness in April after a member of the public filed a police report against him over a statement he allegedly made on April 17, encouraging supporters of presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto and his running mate Sandiaga Uno to embark on "people power" to overturn the result of last month's presidential election.
Eggi allegedly made the statement while addressing a crowd outside Prabowo's residence in South Jakarta. He stated that if the election result was not in favor of Prabowo-Sandiaga, it would be an indication of fraud.
"[Therefore,] as our guru, Mr. Amien Rais, has said, we must embark on people power. Do you agree? Are you brave [to do it]? When people power is implemented, we don't need to follow [legal] steps, because it will be the people's sovereignty," Eggi allegedly said at the time.
"This is maybe the way of Allah for Mr. Prabowo to be inaugurated [as president]. We don't need to wait until Oct. 20," he added, amid chants of "Allahu akbar!" ("God is greatest") from the crowd.
Another good day to avoid some areas of Jakarta
https://en.tempo.co/read/1203904/fpi-gn … ma_Click_1
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The secretary-general of Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Novel Bamukmin, confirmed the poster circulated on social media that aimed to call for people to hold a rally in the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) headquarter on Jalan Thamrin, Central Jakarta, today, May 10.
The rally call was initiated by several elements including the 212 Alumni Brotherhood or PA 212, the National Movement to Safeguard the Indonesian Ulema Council Edict (GNPF MUI), and the FPI.
Based on the poster, the demonstration will start with Friday prayer in Istiqlal Grand Mosque, then a convoy to the election organizer’s office. “Yes,” Novel confirmed the issue when reached on Thursday, May 9.
https://jakartaglobe.id/context/thousan … nouncement
Jakarta. Thousands of members the police and military will be deployed to secure key points in the capital when the official results of last month's presidential and legislative elections are scheduled to be announced.
"For May 22, the Jakarta Police have prepared a detailed security plan. The number of personnel to be deployed will be around 30,000. This includes the police and military," National Police spokesman Brig. Gen. Dedi Prasetyo said, as quoted by Antaranews.com.
The focus will be on the headquarters of the General Elections Commission (KPU) and Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) in Central Jakarta.
Dedi said four security rings will be implemented, with the first around the headquarters of the two agencies. The second ring will encompass areas around the buildings, the third will be around the parking lots of the two buildings and last will secure the road in front of the KPU building.
Prabowo Camp: We will not Join People Power
https://en.tempo.co/read/1203980/prabow … ma_Click_1
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Prabowo - Sandiaga campaign team (BPN) spokesman Andre Rosiade said that his side committed to not joining the people power movement to protest the alleged electoral fraud in the 2019 general elections. He underlined that his team preferred to take the legal process rather than hold a demonstration.
“I assert that BPN has no plan on people power aiming to intimidate election organizers. The BPN will take all constitutional ways; that’s the commitment of BPN and Prabowo - Sandiaga,” said Andre to Tempo via a phone call on Friday, May 10.
According to Andre, the team would file a report to the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu). “At 14:00, we will officially file a report on structured, systematic, and massive election fraud to the Bawaslu. We have the data,” he explained.
Versi: 11 May 2019 05:45:05 Progress: 623.472 dari 813.350 TPS (76.65482%)
Jokowi 56.30
Prabaowo 43.70
I understand Pak Prabowo intends to challenge the results in the constitutional court if he doesn't win.
A perfectly legal and correct course of action.
Press stories indicate two instances of possible disagreements in the opposition ranks.
https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/201 … ners-.html
Chairman of the opposition National Mandate Party (PAN), Zulkifli Hasan, appears to have broken ranks with his ally, presidential contender Prabowo Subianto, as the former asserted the need for all parties to reconcile and put the nation’s unity forward following the hard-fought election last month. The move, which is being seen as the latest attempt to ease post-election tensions, came as Prabowo’s supporters pressed ahead on Friday with a rally accusing President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s camp of election fraud after quick-count results put the incumbent on course for victory..............
The other one is the apparent problem reported to have occurred between Kivlan Zen and SBY.
https://en.tempo.co/read/1204170/agum-g … ma_Click_2
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Senior presidential advisor Agum Gumelar said Kivlan Zen’s insults on Democrat Party chair Susilo “SBY” Bambang Yudhoyono had violated the soldier's ethics.
“However you may want to see it, Pak SBY was elected president twice. In no way should he be insulted that way. I personally see that the soldier’s ethics just do not allow that, especially against fellow military members. SBY was a military general and president,” Agum said at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta on Friday, May 10.
Stupidity is going to get you arrested
http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2019 … video.html
Versi: 13 May 2019 04:45:04 Progress: 638.314 dari 813.350 TPS (78.47962%)
Jokowi 56.20
Prabaowo 43.80
With almost 80% of stations counted and reported, things are looking good for Pak Jokowi; however, there are many reports and complaints of fraud and cheating so the results are very likely to end up in the constitutional court where such reports will be examined for validity.
Things are happening
https://en.tempo.co/read/1204791/pdip-n … ma_Click_5
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) faction secretary Bambang Wuryanto states that party leader Megawati Soekarnoputri has no issue with the Democratic Party entering the Jokowi coalition political parties.
“That is up to the president,” said Bambang as quoted from Tempo Magazine’s May13-19 edition.
Bambang expressed this following strong speculation that the move is still hampered by past unresolved-issues between Democrat’s Susilo “SBY” Bambang Yudhoyono and Megawati.
So far, and this could change, the evidence of polling fraud is too limited to be accepted as evidence.
https://en.tempo.co/read/1204796/prabow … ma_Click_3
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) announced that it has not officially processed the complaint submitted by the Prabowo Subianto – Sandiaga Uno campaign team (BPN) upon alleged systematic elections fraud in the 2019 general elections.
Bawaslu chairman Abhan said that the pieces of evidence provided by the BPN members failed to qualify the crucial formal and material requirements needed....
.............However, he revealed that Bawaslu is processing the report on suspected administration violations regarding KPU’s vote-count information system (Situng) and another report on quick count results issued by domestic pollsters.
Prabowo`s BPN campaign team officially reported Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and Ma’ruf Amin to the Bawaslu for suspected elections frauds in the 2019 presidential election. BPN is aiming to submit five reports in the near future.
Fred wrote:Stupidity is going to get you arrested
http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2019 … video.html
He's been charged with treason. The cops are clearly taking the possibility of an uprising seriously.
https://jakartaglobe.id/context/man-thr … e-sentence
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