Moroccan Man
don't give the money he is a thief im moroccan and i advise you, sister cute this relationship, because this relation will because toxic
and remember all the real man don't need the money from women
what the problem with Moroccan man about reputation ? that on depends the person

I know this is late, but want to add I also had such a bad experience. Almost 4 years as my guy from Meknes agreed to wait for my retirement date to expat there. His entire family was in my life online. Mom, sisters, and brothers and even his 93 year old grandmother were always inviting and welcoming me to be in the family! There was a 20 year age gap and I struggled in believing was ok and workable but was made to believe it was acceptable to my guy and his family. Trust me it took months for me to finally believe we could make it work and I truly knew at some point I would have to release him from any bond to me because of age and health in the future would be unrealistic to hold him in the relationship.
I was ok with this in all fairness I knew at some point he would want children.
My own mother had a husband just 3 years younger than than me. After my father deceased of course and several years later.
They were together for 30 years until her death so I have seen it work well.
For me, I was made comfortable with the age difference by my guys mother who
told me she accepted me. That was the convincing point.
Mind you this took place over nearly 4 years. It all seemed so natural and loving. I was always feeling loved and absolutely amazed by this family!
Once the time came, I had all things prepared to go there to marry, my guy suddenly began a huge argument
and dissolved the relationship!!! Over nothing!!!!
He became seriously cruel and said horrific things to me! Laughed at me and was blunt in saying what a stupid old cow I was and how he never asked me for $ and I used him by sending $ to him! That I paid him for his services!!!
After some shock, and confusion, I finally faced reality that he never wanted me to go there but to keep getting the Western Union money grams! He was convinced I deserved what I got from him! He asked how could a young handsome man as himself love an old
cow like
Oh yes he did and he played it out up until the day came that I showed him the flight tickets and all documentation to marry was obtained.
It took me more than a year to be conned into believing the age difference was not a problem. It took me 3 years to discover he had many social accounts that he fished for older women who were sending him money and clothing and other gifts. Yeah he was a pro at this!!!
Quite handsome and always loving and he smothered me in affection and was a constant in my life. He slowly conned me to delete all other people from my social media as he expressed severe jealousy. He was always contacting me day and night! I was smothered by him but not once was I suspecting this was all a technique to prevent me from
questioning him.
So when the sudden change in his behavior occurred, me being blocked from all his accounts he suddenly felt
at ease and began adding all these women from USA, Germany, Brazil and more to his known accounts. I noticed some seemed to know him as well as I did!!!
I contacted Western Union Fraud department and this guy was investigated. In less than 3 days they blocked him from that service!!!
I got a message from this guy on the 4th day and he was furious. He had unblocked me
suddenly! He made the mistake of sending me a snapshot of the Western Union screen that showed he was denied a transfer of $54 and some cents. Such a small amount it mustve been a beginning for an unsuspecting lady or one on a fixed low income!
I took a screenshot of that before he could delete it. Which he did delete once he realized the information he sent was revealing allot! He demanded me to tell him if it was me who had him blocked! My first response was ' just exactly how many women would have? Meaning how many are sending you money that you actually have to ask me if it was me?!!!'
I contacted Western Union and it was confirmed that a woman also in USA had sent him this money in the transaction I had information on and it was blocked. They could not give me a name but gave me city and state. They also said he was blocked rather quickly after my report because he had over 10 different people across USA sending him money within days apart!
Get that??? Over 10 in USA! I wonder how many in Europe?!! Oe who knows where else? What a busy man!!!
I confronted this guy but of course, all
lies and denial and naturally deflected everything onto my behavior!
So I lost thousands of dollars for the fake affections of a man who never worked. He still sits in a cafe and talks to women all over to this very day. He has hundreds of selfies on his IG and FB. He is on SC as well. I cannot even begin to wonder how many social medias he uses!
I had considered warning some of the new lovers he has but I realize none will believe me. In fact one man in Morocco from a travel tourism site for Morocco tried to warn a 2 women about him after listening to my story.
Naturally, the women did not believe a word. In fact they defended him!
I noticed right away that since this relationship mess ended that this guy wears all designer and big brand sports clothing yet has no job. He has no Job!!! Does it NOT occur to these women that for a man with no job or income he has the most expensive wardrobe and has money to eat and drink in a cafe daily??? Has internet connection to video chat all day and night???
So I had senr $ so he could pay for daily internet connection cards so I still wondered once he leaves the free wifi cafes, how he can stay online day and night?!
-The world is full of women like me who are blinded by the charms of a young handsome man temporarily down on his luck in a lovely exotic world that we all dream of encountering the true romance of our lives. What a novel!!!
Oh wait, his job is romancing lonely older women in exchange for gifts. Yeah the real ugly truth hits too late!!!
He even has tried to get me to be his 'friend' by contacting me in my email! Yes! with the excuse of a religious holiday period he wanted to ask my forgiveness and invite me to be his 'friend'. He said regardless of the problems that
I caused him, he realized he did not want to lose me!
He really meant lose my $ !!!
So I do know this can happen in any country, man or woman, even here and not necessarily just online.
What I am doing is sharing my misfortune and ridiculous shameful trust for a man who seemed to be suffering from the
tragic inability to find work or even find a way to feed himself.
I dont reget helping another human and would have continued to be helpful if only once
he was honest and not used romance to con me. It was not necessary to lie and abuse my compassion.
With all this said, please be cautious and most of all TRUST your gut instincts!!! I wish I had been more sensible and realistic!
In no way am I blaming the beautiful country and people of Morocco. It still is a travel
destiny on my upcoming Itinerary. This just happened to be a bad luck encounter for me that should have not happened.
Hey Hun
I'm so sorry this happened to you.
I'm not moroccan but I'm divorced from a Moroccan man and have 7 children.
I loved Morocco but sadly now it's a huge wound in my side. I'm currently trying to leave and return to England with no help from the fathe of my children.
If you ever decide to come to Morocco while I'm still here or in the near future, I know some good people since living here. Few, but none the less good
Sad but true reality..the issue is that there is no law to protect women. We are all susceptible. I once lost time and all I had. I thought not everyone can be like that but they involve their family to trick you .that is the trump card I m all alone now but sad a lot of my youth was wasted. But I have no kids luckily or they could have been taken away from me... I literally have no job nothing but still look amazingly I live in hooe to encounter real love and caring one day not based on passports or money exchanges.. A sad fact of life. Beware ....
Love does not start, grow or revolve around looking young or good looks.
Keep your heart open and your mind, more open.
Ru serious to give him money ur from where?
Hello I’m Moroccan but witch type of job n witch agency
U ask that person name of agency n I’ll ask for my peoples in Morocco

Beatriz Lozano wrote:Can someone tell if work agencies in Morocco ask you to pay money to them to give you a job? I am talking to a Moroccan guy and he ask me for $400 dollars because he said he needs to pay the money to get the job
That doesn't sound right, Please be careful. It may be true but I've been talking to a Morrocan guy for a while and he's never asked me for money for any reason and he's currently looking for work also.

Beatriz Lozano wrote:Can someone tell if work agencies in Morocco ask you to pay money to them to give you a job? I am talking to a Moroccan guy and he ask me for $400 dollars because he said he needs to pay the money to get the job
This does happen in the UK but it is usually a scam where they don't guarantee a job after training so it could be something similar to that. He needs to avoid a company asking for fees to register
No. Not at all. Sorry to dissapoint you but he is probably talking to you just because of the money. Please dont send hin anything. He can find a good work by his own and please dont believe when he says there is no work, because there is
Beatriz Lozano wrote:Thanks but can u ask if there’s any chance the any agency charges money to get a job I just to know that
Im a British Expat.
There has been times where agency ask for money in advance to obtain work - Iv seen this happen a lot but i do not recommend you send any money at all as usually they just mislead the person or the contract does not last long or the person who trying to get the job runs of with the money,
I do not recommend it but some agency ask for this fee. However they are not proper legal agency its more of a black market/bribe situation which I do not recommend.
Beatriz Lozano wrote:Thanks but can u ask if there’s any chance the any agency charges money to get a job I just to know that
Im a British Expat.
There has been times where agency ask for money in advance to obtain work - Iv seen this happen a lot but i do not recommend you send any money at all as usually they just mislead the person or the contract does not last long or the person who trying to get the job runs of with the money,
I do not recommend it but some agency ask for this fee. However they are not proper legal agency its more of a black market/bribe situation which I do not recommend.
i hope you did not give him any money that screams scam all over. its revolting that there are men and women out there like this. well when they day of jugement comes its those that will need to answer to Allah.
i am married to a moroccan , he has never asked me for money and refuses to accept anything from me i have to force him to accept a gift. im stating so you all know that not all moroccan men are scammers there are decent kind honest men there to.
😂😂don’t we all!
Goodness sake - move on!
7 children and not a happy marriage😱
Hello everyone,
Please note that I am closing this thread. The thread has been inactive since 2021 . I suggest members not to revive old topics on the forum and to pay attention to the dates of posts before participating to a thread.
It is better to open a new thread if you have genuine concerns or check for new threads of the forum.
All the best
[Topic Closed]
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