Reading habits in Germany

Hello everyone,

Books can be your greatest companions whether you have already settled in Germany or are now planning your move. Are you an avid or occasional reader? We would like to know more about your reading habits.

What type of reading do you enjoy? Do you read novels, comics, magazines, newspapers, etc.?

Where do you purchase or borrow books in Germany (bookstores, online, library subscription, etc.)? Do you prefer digital reading?

Do you have an average budget devoted to reading in Germany? Do you buy books or pay a library membership fee?  Do you spend more or less than in your country of origin?

In what languages can you find the books that you usually read?

What books or magazines would generally be found on your bedside table?

Thanks for participating,


In Germany, as elsewhere, books and other printed media are getting out of fashion in favour of digitalk txts (or videos) read on electronic devices.
While public libraries are still common (and cost no or very little yearly membership fee), bookshops and newspapers are disappearing quickly.
In many places, the authorities or private organisations have installed book exchange boxes, where you can bring a book you don't need any more and take another one - free of charge. The variety is of course limited, but there are usually more books available than anyone wants to take.
I personally have switched to reading news and information purely online - and due to time constraints I didn't read a book in years.

I read lots of books but mostly in German the last few years. For expats one can find some English language books in public libraries or in Stuttgart in the Wittwer-Thalia book store in the Königstr near Schlossplatz. But expect to pay around 25 Euros plus or minus 5 euros for a paperback novel. For cheap reads one finds used books on flea markets or there are usually some reasonably priced in the Oxfam shop in the upper Königstr.

But the best deal is the Pörksen bookshop in Stuttgart-West in Schwabstr. right by Rotebühlstr. They have baskets out front on the sidewalk with a couple hundred used books, mostly for a euro or two and while most are in German they seem to always have some English and on occasion other languages. They also change the selection on nearly a daily basis. These books are donations and the money they take in for them go to Doctors without Borders charity. So this is a good place to donate books you have already read.

Or one can find used books on Ebay. Usually people will sell a dozen or two for a set price, normally around a euro per book. There are some small book exchange cabinets around but not many. More often it has become common in Stuttgart in the last years for people to just set a box out in front of their house with stuff they want to give away, particularly books.