What was ur best Quotes in life?

True. Nationality is irrelevant for Stupiditity. It only depends on the persons actions. Could be any human being. Nowadays the entire world is on chaos mode.


" Reality Bites.. "


Especially with everything going on nowadays across the world and how people have been affected.

I remember what Neil DeGrease Tyson say in one of the science convention back then..
"We human 96% made from the same thing, the same atom, same like earth, tree and others.
It doesn't matter if your black, white, Asian, Europe, Aboriginal, have different religious background, have different faith, poor or rich,we all the same, made from the same atoms, no difference and only stupid people will says there are different because what? If there are different maybe they are Aliens not humans.."
I try to convert it into real life situation and I see what he mean it...

What is reality?

On your feet and get the meat .

"The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives,
            and the dream shall never die."

   -- Edward M. "Ted" Kennedy

"O YOU who have attained to faith! Be ever steadfast in your devotion to God, bearing witness to the truth in all equity; and never let hatred of any-one lead you into the sin of deviating from justice. Be just: this is closest to being God-conscious. And remain conscious of God: verily, God is aware of all that you do"

Muhammad Asad[Leopold Weiss]'s  translation of the quran

O ye who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye serve, and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do

Al-Abbas was asked: Are you greater (older) or the Messenger of God, Peace be upon him? He said: He is greater than me, and I was born before him;

It shows how much respect he has for him. Even if he was born before him but he said it the way that reflects his intim respect for him. (you can imagine what relationship was between the two)

“Be respectful to respect yourself always, be thoughtful, honor decency and fellas, be courageous, be  yourself, be a gentleman, be generous, be fair, be yourself. Peace.”*

“Always remember two words:
“Im Batman”

Michael Keaton  (Michael John Douglas)
(1951) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Best American genuine, cool actor ever

(*)  May 12, 2018 , Commencement Speech
      Kent State University, Kent, Ohio



Fans, for the past two weeks you have been reading about a bad break I got.  Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.

  -- Iconic first-baseman Lou Gehrig, his voice echoing around Yankee Stadium, on Lou Gehrig Appreciation Day, July 4, 1939.  Gehrig had been diagnosed with ALS, now referred to as Lou Gehrig's disease.  Almost two years later, just shy of his 38th birthday, Gehrig passed away.

With growing confidence and growing strength, we shall defend our island (Britain), whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight on the fields and in the streets, we shall fight on the hills.  We shall never surrender.

  -- British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, on the Battle of Britain, addressing the House of Commons, in June 1940, seeking to strengthen British resolve during wartime.

First of all, let me affirm my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is .. fear itself... nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to turn defeat into advance.

  -- Franklin D. Roosevelt, at his first Inauguration as President of the United States, in the depths of the Great Depression, after his landslide victory over the incumbent, Herbert Hoover.  Roosevelt used his Inaugural Speech to lay the framework for his sweeping New Deal policies.  March 4, 1933.

Ask not what your country can do for you.  Ask what you can do for your country.

  -- U.S. President John F. Kennedy, in his Inaugural Speech, seeking to inspire citizens to find a way to make a civic contribution.  January 20, 1961.

Russia, if you're listening, I hope you will be able to find those 30 thousand emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.

-- Long before his two impeachments, his re-election defeat and (allegedly) fomenting an insurrection at the U.S. Capital, a certain politician openly tried to bribe Russia into interfering in his 2016 campaign against the opponent he called "Crooked Hillary" Clinton.

Money Quote$...

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

-- Benjamin Franklin

Money Quote$...

Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.

-- Winston Churchill

Money Quote$...

The best thing money can buy is financial freedom.

  -- Rob Berger, advisor/contributor at Forbes.com

Money Quote$...

Expect the best.  Prepare for the worst.  Capitalize on what comes.

-- Zig Ziglar

Michael Keaton  (Michael John Douglas)
(1951) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Best American genuine, cool actor ever

- Iirish-English (his mom) - Scottish (his dad) - catholic family roots
He is the youngest son of seven children (3 sisters &  3 brothers)

His life in Montana State countryside landscapes:
https://www.facebook.com/batman.experie … 771110359/


You live your life once...so live it fully...

The Greatest use of Life is to Live it for Something that will Outlast it

my best quote for me is

"we find ways..."

- a motto from BDO (bank from the philippines....

You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.

  -- Kahlil Gibran, Lebanese-American writer and poet, in the book The Prophet (1923).  Translated into 100 languages, The Prophet is one of the best-selling books of all time.

Life is worth each minute of it...if you live each moment fully...

On an 2017 Russian TV Programme interview:

“In Russia, if someone loves you they will keep you in their hearts forever..”
Mickey Rourke:
“ In Hollywood they don't. They keeps you as long as they need you!”

“Do you believe in God?”

Mickey Rourke:
“Yeah. very much,yes. Otherwise I'll kill many motherfuck**s”

~ Mickey Rourke ~
September 16 , 1952.  Schenectady, NY  U.S.

A couragious brilliant New Yorker, cool mesmerizing actor,
a down to Earth soul,
ethernal badboy-tender-heated sexy seducer..

I love this guy!! Love all his movies, his voice and his open-minded sincere charisma.






Real is rare fake is everywhere

Some people say you are going the wrong way,
when it's simply the way of your own.

  -- Angelina Jolie

Confidence never comes from having all the answers, it comes from being open to all the questions😎

Life is too short to hate.
Love, Love, Love.

  -- Ralph Sherman, Hendrick Hudson H.S. calculus teacher

despite his brilliant acting skills, above his acting career,
                           * * * Mickey Rourke * * *

is an awesome great unbeatable champion:  :one
A talented Professional Worldwide Championship Boxer /Fighter
With Irish (father) and Scottish (mother) family roots 
– He loves Europe, specially Russia where he feels like he's at home –

Fifhting-trainning helped him to get his self-discipline by following a rough daily basis routine.
Being a life-fighter against his own inner-demons  all his lifelong,  he's  a proud example of life falling- rising personal willpower reassuration, coming from someone who after tasting the sweet honey flavour of the always envious international acclamation and megastar-fame with his stardusting role in the worldwide cosmic-launching box-office hit film “9 weeks and a ½” lost everything in his life, he changed his defiant attitude against the world, realizing that with that negativity attitude he wouldnt go any further but to gererate more fear by others around him and instability towards himself. 
A smart intuitive man, who for 9 years he even worked on writing and starring his own film “Homeboy”(1988). Someone who finally today after  several years of perseverance has archieved his own personal peaceful mind- body and soul mindfullness balance by working on enhanting his own inner-strenth,( something he had ahead just genuine already had it in his genes): being himself an intelligent (unlike unconprenhended unfocused rebel) long- life-fighter.

- A trully jewel astonishing star  - he rules!







zndurani wrote:

Confidence never comes from having all the answers, it comes from being open to all the questions😎

thats true


All are not faqe . No doubt some people are faqe . But thay are least

Watch what they do, not what they say.

  -- MSNBC host Rachel Maddow created a drumbeat behind a
      national drama by repeating this mantra about the most
      corrupt administration in USA history;  she probably was not
      the first to say this phrase but gets credit for bringing the concept
      into popular discourse.

"To declare [a twice-impeached insurrectionist] the winner of a shrinking minority, that's not a territory you want to head up.  The future of the party is not going to be a 75-year-old man talking in the mirror at Mar-a-Lago and having all these sycophants come down and do the limbo and get his approval."

  -- Barbara Comstock, Republican politician and political commentator, quoted today in The New York Times

"I tell CNN that people shouldn't lose sleep over the possibility that the CZ-5B rocket might hit them.  Though it might."

  -- Harvard astronomer Jonathan McDowell, concerning speculation about a rogue (unmanned) Chinese rocket ship that is currently hurtling uncontrollably toward an unpredictable landing location on Earth...

Last year China launched a 5B rocket that re-entered, causing damage along a 100-mile stretch of Ivory Coast, Africa, according to McDowell.

On Elon Musk and the 'electric future'...

"I just really, truly, utterly believe in sustainable energy and the electric future and making humanity a multi-planetary species....
There are a lot of problems in the world that we need to solve.  The government does not truly have the capacity to solve them.  My boyfriend is actually doing it, tangibly, visibly -- like, you just can't deny it."

   -- Pop savant Grimes, on her controversial 'boyfriend' Elon Musk.  Musk is the billionaire industrialist/mad scientist who acknowledged, while hosting Saturday Night Live, that he is on the Asperger's spectrum.   
      Grimes recently gave birth to Musk's fifth son, named X AE A-XII. 
Pronouncer:  Ex-Ash-A-Twelve.

"To anyone I've offended, I just want to say -- I reinvented electric cars and I'm sending people to Mars on a rocket ship.  Did you think I was gonna be a chill, normal dude?"

  -- Elon Musk in his SNL monologue (5/8/2021)

"Putin laid down only two rules for Russia's hackers.  First, no hacking inside the motherland.  And second, when the Kremlin calls in a favor, you do whatever it asks.  Otherwise, hackers had full autonomy.  And oh, how Putin loved them."

  -- Nicole Perlroth, in her recently-published book
           This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends: 
                 The Cyberweapons Arms Race

Perlroth covers cybersecurity and digital espionage
for The New York Times.

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