What was ur best Quotes in life?

"Do what's good for you, or you're not good for anyone"

A quote from a children's show...

The Zen master Thich Naht Hanh tells the story of a monk who decides to spend a day meditating alone, eyes closed, on a small boat in the middle of a lake.

After two hours in peaceful meditation, the monk feels the jarring smack of another boat into his boat.  He feels anger well up inside him and is ready to shout, for who is the boatsman who has been so careless as to cause the collision and disturb his meditation?

"But when he opened his eyes, he saw that it was an empty boat, not tied up, floating in the middle of the lake....

"At that moment the monk achieves self-realization and understands that anger is within him; it simply needs to hit an external object to provoke it.

"After that, whenever he meets someone who irritates or provokes his anger, he remembers the other person is just an empty boat.  Anger is inside me."

  -- Thich Nhat Hanh (1926-  ), Vietnamese-born monk and peace activist, has spent most of his long life based at a monastery in France and traveling internationally.

"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."
Forrest Gump

In the early days of television, many shows were owned by corporations, some of them BBD&O clients, and it was Mr. Clotworthy's job to make sure their interests were protected.  On General Electric Theatre, for example, he made sure that there were no gas ranges on kitchen sets.

  -- From today's New York Times obituary of William G. Clotworthy,
              longtime in-house censor for Saturday Night Live (1926-2021).

Truth sets you free. Imperfections makes you real. What  Is essential Is invisibile in the Eye.

If you were to look at my resumé, you'd see that I'm ... bald, I'm overweight, I don't make all the smooth moves and I dress like a slob.  I take tremendous pride in the fact that I beat the system.

  -- From the autobiography (1982) of Willard Scott, the lovable long-time Today Show weather personality, who died this weekend at his home in Virginia.  He was 87.  His autobiography is The Joy of Living.

Willard Scott was the original Ronald McDonald on Washington, D.C. TV .. was Bozo the Clown .. and famously saluted centenarians live and in color on the occasion of their 100th birthdays.  He personally fell 13 years short of reaching that mark himself.

[A]nti-abortion forces were somehow able to hijack the Supreme Court and Republicans will have to contend with the backlash when the court tosses Roe v. Wade aside.

   -- New York Times opinion writer Maureen Dowd in her latest Sunday column

Gay people have children for the same reason that straight people do.  They have run out of things to talk about.

   -- Bill Maher in his monologue on HBO's Real Time With Bill Maher, discussing Pete and Chasten Buttigieg and their new baby twins, a boy and a girl.  Maher, 65, is an avowed bachelor.

Norm Macdonald, the acerbic comedian who famously imitated Burt Reynolds and Sen. Bob Dole, died this week from a long and undisclosed cancer illness.

MacDonald, on SNL Weekend Update, skewered O.J. Simpson for years over his murder trial and acquittal.  "Well, it is finally official -- murder is legal now in the state of California," MacDonald quipped after the verdict.  His persistence in the matter got him kicked off the SNL anchor desk in 1998 because he had ticked off a top NBC executive who was a friend of Simpson.

MacDonald didn't do much topical material on SNL, preferring jokes that would still be funny for years, according to his obituary in The Times:

Among his most famous ones is one he told on The Tonight Show With Conan O'Brien in 2009, about a moth that goes to a podiatrist.  After a setup that rambled on for minutes, in which the moth pours out various emotional troubles, the podiatrist asks the insect why he came to a podiatrist rather than a psychiatrist.
Mr. MacDonald's punchline:  "And then the moth said, because the light was on."

Norm Macdonald was 61.

"Everything is okay right now." It helps when you feel overwhelmed by things.

Ken Burns on the perpetual wars since 1945...

When Eisenhower warned about the military-industrial complex at the end of his second term, he wasn't talking about something that had just started last Thursday. He was talking about something that began the second World War II was over.

All of these people had made so much money in this war effort.  Franklin Roosevelt, who was a traitor to his class and he welcomed their hatred he said, turned around and made them immense profits, and nobody wanted that to end.

And so there's a momentum of war because there's something deep in our psyche that we have to investigate about who we are and the blood lust that is deep inside each one of us. 

But there's also a financial incentive to be at war and be at war perpetually.  And that's where we've gotten into so much trouble since the end of the Second World War.

   -- Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns ("The Civil War," "The Vietnam War")
                     on CNN's The Axe Files With David Axelrod (September 2021)

"If it is not okay, it is not yet the end."

差不多 ("Cha Bu Duo")
Literally translated "not much lacking", it means "good" in Chinese - and in just three words explains their attitude towards quality. (Is there anyone who wasn't annoyed yet by Chinese cheap but shoddy goods?)

“When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.”
Dalai Lama
(I couldn't find this in Tibetan, the original language. If anyone knows, please tell me!)

If not now, when? If not me, who?

Know yourself  and never stop feeling the Joy of being alive!!! :top:

Reach for the Top..The Bottom is Crowed..

I never met a man I no like, it was after I met him I found out I no like him...

Alascana wrote:

Reach for the Top..The Bottom is Crowed..

I never met a man I no like, it was after I met him I found out I no like him...

Thank you for this tribute to Norm MacDonald (1959-2021).

Joe Biden at the United Nations:

As I stand here today, for the first time in 20 years the United States is not at war.  We've turned the page....

All the unmatched strength, energy, commitment, will and resources of our nation are now fully and squarely focused on what is ahead of us, not what was behind....

We've ended 20 years of conflict in Afghanistan, and as we close this period of relentless war, we're entering a new era of relentless diplomacy....

   -- Joseph R. Biden, Jr., speaking to the United Nations General Assembly
            in his first address to the U.N. as U.S. President, September 21, 2021

cccmedia wrote:

Joe Biden at the United Nations:

Despite not having boots on the ground, the USA is still actively pursuing combat activities in Afghanistan - e.g. through drone strikes. The country's military is also fighting in 13 other war regions (source: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/ … -180970997).
As the president of his country, Mr. Biden surely knows this. Therefore I must assume he is lying above.
It needs far more to make this world a world at peace!


Moderated by Priscilla 2 years ago
Reason : Insults are not allowed

Washington, D.C., is running out of phone numbers.  So the iconic area code (202) will have a sister code of (771) as early as November (2021) when new numbers are assigned.

This will mean less prestige for some phone customers in the nation's capital, according to interviews reported by The Washington Post.

The Post illustrated the point by recalling a scene from 'Seinfeld' when the Big Apple got a (646) code added to accommodate new numbers in Manhattan...

Elaine was explaining the meaning of her new 646 code to a prospective date.

Elaine:   "It's a new area code."

"For what area?" the man asks.  "New Jersey?"

"No, no," Elaine insists.  "It's right here in the city.  It's the same as 212."

After asking if he has to "dial 1 first," the man retreats.  "I'm really kinda seeing somebody."


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