Schools for Thai Speakers in Bahrain

Hi Everyone,

I live here in Bahrain with my wife, who is Thai, and new son. My wife has a daughter from a previous relationship who currently lives in Thailand with my wife's parents. We would like to bring her daughter here to Bahrain to live with us. However, I have had very little luck in finding a school that would be willing to take her as her command of English is very limited.

She is 11 years old, and there is very little English spoken in the province she is from. English is not taught in the schools, so I have been paying for private lessons for her.  My wife had a tough job finding a tutor but found one in the local town, however she is only teaching spoken English to a small group of children, no reading or writing.

Can any one recommend a school here in Bahrain that would take her?

Failing this, the other option would be to bring her here and take her out of school for a year while we try and bring her English up to speed. Does anyone know of a Dual Thai/English speaking teacher who could get her up to speed?

Ultimately, we feel her opportunities would be greater here in Bahrain, however, she will never attain the level of fluency and comprehension in English required for school entry here whilst in Thailand, so this is a bit of a chicken and egg situation as the schools won't take her until she has attained that level.

Any advice greatly appreciated...

I only saw this post now
Are you still in Bahrain and did you manage to get her daughter over to Bahrain