
How many Indians in Norway??


Dear Rakesh,

I am planning to come to Oslo for searching a job in sales field.

I have total 18 yrs exp. and have good command over English.

Please guide me what are my chances of getting a job in Norway.

Your advice will highly be appreciated.


Anwar, Mobile : 9959625915
Hyderabad, India



Thank you for your reply.


Cool venk

hey anwar

hi bro watz up ????//
even m planning to come to Norway



Just go Ahead.


anwar_rhr9 wrote:

Dear Rakesh,

I am planning to come to Oslo for searching a job in sales field.

I have total 18 yrs exp. and have good command over English.

Please guide me what are my chances of getting a job in Norway.

Your advice will highly be appreciated.


Anwar, Mobile : 9959625915
Hyderabad, India

Chances of getting a job in Nordic country => Very very bleak. They don't need sales men. There are 10000 of Norwegians who can do this job; many  of them are jobless. It is impossible to get a job in Norway without learning Norwegian, Swedish.

Even if you learn the language properly, you would struggle hard to find a decent sales job.


Hello All,

I am new in this forum. My husband has got an offer from an IT outsourcing company to move to Oslo for work. We have 2 months old daughter.

I need your help to know more about the place, an ideal time to move into the county, the lifestyle. we are vegeterian and would like to know the food options. Is there a social life in Norway..??

Are there house on rental basis. if so, what will be monthly rental..??

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,


I don't think so since the customers speak Norwegian - unless it is a shop in which most customers are not Norwegian - e.g perhaps Pakistani/Indian fashion shop, but there are so few of these in Norway - another option is grocery store/ pizza delivery.

There are English-speaking jobs available in Norway - they are few and far between and they are usually in fields such as Oil & gas which seeks to import foreign expertise

deepak kumar pandey wrote:

so its easy to find jobs for indian in retail field without knowing norway language


hi swati,

this may also help you. its about dark winter. … rk-winter/




Naman: It is possible to buy Vegetarian food in Norway allthough it is uncommon. Your best off buying the ingredients from Pakistani-owned grocery stores (dhaal, chappati flour, mango pickles etc) and from supermarkets and then cook the food at home. If you move to Oslo then there is no problem finding all the ingredients.

If you however go out to eat then there are hardly any vegetarian options on the cafe menus except for things like chips.

Social life: Well, it is very expensive to eat out at restaurants in Norway and people certainly are not as social as in India, Italy, Spain etc


new_in_norway wrote:

Well, it is very expensive to eat out at restaurants in Norway and people certainly are not as social as in India, Italy, Spain etc

I've noticed that even foreigners become less social after moving to Norway. Perhaps it is caused by the high prices. It is fairly difficult to be social if you can't afford a beer :D.


:P High prices and cold weather is probably what is to be blamed

In southern Italy for example you can have cafes, street musicians and piazzas full of families throughout the year...but this is not really possible in Norway with temperatures down at minus 25

I also read that in a full welfare state, the solidarity/give-take system is quite different as it is a State - individual relationship where the individual does not really rely on relatives and friends if he needs anything, but the State manages all of this - old people's homes, unemployment help etc

:D But you look very social, well-travelled and leftist, global which is great

ThisFieldIsRequired wrote:
new_in_norway wrote:

Well, it is very expensive to eat out at restaurants in Norway and people certainly are not as social as in India, Italy, Spain etc

I've noticed that even foreigners become less social after moving to Norway. Perhaps it is caused by the high prices. It is fairly difficult to be social if you can't afford a beer :D.



My name is Ches and I am from Bangalore India. My hubby has got job offer in Norway for six months period. I have a Three year old son.
I am little horrified by the recent incident about Indian Bengali couples fighting for custody of there two kids.

Wanted your inputs on the following .. Please advise.
1. Can my baby sleep along with us in bed
2. We should not feed him with our hands
3. Is Stavanger is a good place to stay?
4. How is the weather in month of Jan?
5. Things to bring from India.. which is not available over there?(Medicines, processed food, Cooker so on)
6. Can we find a good apartment over there
7. IS it safe
8. Suggestion on clothing for me and kid

Looking forward for you valuable feedback



kshatriya wrote:

Norway is indeed a good place to live in, before moving to a new country its important to do your own research too. I will tell you the positives and negatives of living there from my perspective.

It is a very beautiful country, if you are an outdoor person you will enjoy the breath taking nature. Are you interested in outdoor activities like camping, trekking and so on? if not maybe you will not enjoy it after a few months.

Country is safe.

Coming from India you will feel even Oslo is relaxing when others complain about traffic and so on, rest of the country is practically empty.

You can survive with English, most of the locals do speak English. Its easier to survive with just English compared to other European countries. However I will recommend you to learn the local language for so many reasons, one is to socialize.

People are friendly and helpful at a third person level even though it is difficult to make real friends.

In my opinion if you dress well cold is not a big problem, the question is can you adapt to the darkness?? for many months you will not see any real day light, at the peak of winter there will be light only for 5 hours maybe from 0900 to 1400 (light means like early morning). If you dont make friends soon you will be alone in a cold and dark country, and it is very difficult.

I know the salary will sound very big, did you take into account of the taxes and living expenses? As a new immigrant and if you are single you will have very few deductions from tax, so roughly calculated 35% tax. You will benefit from paying high taxes only if you want to settle here, otherwise you will just pay very high taxes and get nothing of worth in return before you leave. So if you dont want to establish here then think very hard.

You can survive as a vegetarian on potatoes and some frozen vegetables, the choices are very few; in this aspect its more difficult than other European countries. However vegetables are cheaper than meat so you have an advantage.

Decent apartment will cost 7000 kr per month, in most of the cases you pay for utilities above that.

There are very few Indians in Norway, however they have started arriving now (mostly skilled professionals). Pakistanis are one of the largest minorities in Norway.


Hey there, I'm Karan Shah and I'm 22 years old. My friend Amit and I are finding a place in Oslo to stay as I'm looking for jobs while Amit is working with Aker Solutions in Fornebu. We need something for the short term, till we finalize on a longer term apartment. We are quiet people who socialize easily. We are looking for an apartment immediately for a week. Could any of you'll help out?



Hello Friends,

I will be in Oslo in mid of Jan'13. I am coming there for project of my company and little worried about cost of living of Norway.

Can any body guide me what could be rent of apartment having 1 bed room + kitchen near by 123 Drammensveien, 0277 Oslo ?



Hi Guys
I m new to this  forum , I just want to discuss few things if some one can help and give me good advise in relation to this situation
I am  resident  in Ireland  since 2001 and have got Irish citizenship
8 years in worked in McDonalds Resturant as a manager, then I decided to do my own business and  opened a franchise retail shop I spent  nearly  70,000 euro, I tried to do my best in this business but couldn't achieve anything and lost approximately all my money.
Due to Recession it is very hard to get a job these days in Ireland also if I want to go back to McDonalds they will start paying me 8.50 per hour which is really very low income.
I want to ask u guys is it good idea to move to Norway and search for  job in which I can make  a satisfactory living, my wife is still holding Indian Passport but she have stamp 4 in Ireland is she eligible to work as well or she need some kind of visa for work, my kids have just started their education
I can speak  very good English, still will I b able to survive
Please help



I think you should take a look at these Norwegian job sites:

Click on "Jobb" on the website and then you have to search for jobs using English keywords such as "English-speaking" or "Sales". The minimum salary will be higher in Norway than in Ireland, but the expenses are also higher. I recommend you move to Norway, but don't loose even more money on accommodation etc if you can't find a job in Norway.

Education in Norway is free (also for international students) - people study at all ages. It is possible to find courses even in English.

Almost all jobs in Norway require you to speak Norwegian fluently. Even if you find an 8.5 euro job in Norway (which would be around 15 euro in Norway allthough it sort of feels the same when you deduct expenses, say at a Pakistani-owned grocery store, then at least you are in Norway, and you can work your way up - this is normally what people in your position do right? If they once had 70,000 and loose them, then they tend to succeed and come back up again after 2-3 years, I know one or two people like that.


People looking for sales  and marketing jobs: Norwegian language is a must,even though everyone speaks English,

If  you are going to show up to try your luck, it might be hard and its expensive, because your competition comes from lower paid Europeans (There's a rule that says that people with worker visas from outside the EOS have to get paid above a certain amount). Europeans which are part of a free-labor area are not subject to this condition.  Your competition is Polish etc.

My advice is do your networking and queries from India first and come to Norway with some leads in hand, because its  kind of hard to just show up and begin looking for a job. Since cost  of hiring are kind of high for Norwegian companies due to regulatory compliance issues  as a result of the benefits and entitlement of workers (workers get good treatment), they are slow to hire, since firing can be expensive.

Also to the doctor or people with  educations-   you  might need  to validate your studies. The norwegian   institution for  this is NOKUT 

If you are interested on Norwegian issues /conditions in  English see to get a feel  for the country.


No. In sales you have to know  norwegian cause potential clients will trust you more if you do. Same with marketing.

nazrul islam

Hi dear all,
I am Nazrul from Dhaka, Bangladesh .I am planing to come to Norway
Anybody know how many Bangladeshi live in Norway ?


any info on flights to india mumbai ??


Nazrul Islam - the poet? :D

nazrul islam wrote:

Hi dear all,
I am Nazrul from Dhaka, Bangladesh .I am planing to come to Norway
Anybody know how many Bangladeshi live in Norway ?


Hi, I am nelson from india. I have done my masters in networking and currently working in a mnc. I am a fresher and i have no work experience as of now. I completed ccna certification. Is it possible to get job in norway? I have heard that there are good no of indians in norway. Any indian can help me finding job there? Also my gf is over there, so if i get job there i can migrate to norway. Anyone help me plz. Thank you


Hi Friends,

I am Ramesh and i work in Bangalore, India. I am an software Engineer working since 5+ years and i have been certified in TOGAF, ITIL 2011 and OCUP. I am very good in software technical languages and management as well. Can anyone please help me in job search in Norway. I really like this beautiful country.

Thanks in advance,


Hi Nelson,

Me too trying an job in Norway. Can we be in touch, share the information and try job in Norway together. Please do mail me at



(Moderated: no free ads pls)

Mouna Challa

I am planning to come Norway on Language Course. Before that I would like to know about doing professional job while studying language course. I mean can I work as an engineer in a company by coming on Language Course Visa. I would also like to know about Job opportunities in Automotive/Mechanical Sector. And how is part time jobs scenario.
Can anyone guide me please!

Thanking you
Kind Regards
Mouna Challa


Hi...I would be moving to Oslo with my family. Wanted to know what are the options for school. My son is in Grade 2.


Okay, I see your dilemma there.

In that way I understand why you want to set up your own business.

deepak kumar pandey wrote:

so its easy to find jobs for indian in retail field without knowing norway language


Hi Swati
I am of Indian origin but grew up in UK before moving here 7 -8 yrs ago because of my husband. I must admit it took almost 7 years before I accepted living here permanently!
A lot has changed in Norway and Oslo since I first visited 10 years ago. The big supermarkets offer much better range of "ethnic food". There are many thousands of Pakistanis living here but not that many from India. Many Indians come on contracts like you.
The quality of life is good here with much shorter working hours than you´re probably used to but you may struggle with getting a network of friends. I have children now so work and family are hectic and use most of my time. The Norwegians are "special" in their social behaviour and take some getting used to.
No problem speaking English everywhere.

There are plenty of Asian shops to get the vegetables and ingredients you need to continue on your usual diet. These are concentrated in one area in the East of Oslo.

No getting away from Norway being very expensive to live in. Especially when you convert to rupees!

Lots of outdoor possibilities if you like sport-especially skiing i winter. Winters are long, cold and dark.

If you are coming on a time limited contract then I think it´s worth trying. It is a beautiful country and relatively untouched nature wise. Also very safe compared to many capital cities.

Good luck!


Hello uhartgill -> Thank you for your help. Hope it will be useful to other members. Just to note that Swati's message is quite old (2011). ;)

Thank you,


Yes, I realised after I sent the reply! I guess I should pay more attention to the details whilst reading.


Hi,we r from india iam doin sales n marketing job my wife is a teacher n we wanna do work or job in norway.:-) - vikram.


Hi, i'm an expat living in Dubai and now planning to migrate to Norway. I will have a job offer soon but before that i would like to know more on taxes, living standard, expenses, etc..

Although i'm a Non-Veg too, but still prefer to Vegetarian most of the time, so not sure if i would get Vegetables in this Frozen country.

People already living here are requested to give more details...

Thanks to all of you.

Rgds, Anil



If you want an idea of the cost of living you could look here: … try=Norway

Taxes on income generally aren't so bad if you ask me. The problem is the taxes on everything else. I seem to remember reading that over 70% of your income will end up going to pay for some kind of tax.

Most people seem to agree that it is a bit more expensive than listed on that site, but it will give you an idea. You can get vegetables here without any problem. At least if you live in a city. In the countryside you shouldn't expect the quality to be so good.



roshik wrote:

search for indians in oslo on fb for more oslo centric information

i m from india iwand travel all over norway if u can giude me


lot of people mentioned here about indian/pakistan grocery stores in gronland... but any stores(south indian) in particular, landmark/address will be more useful for new immigrants?  very difficult to search in this winter :(


m a S/W engg from idian and will be at onsite to oslo for 1 yr if get 22000 nok/month.
how much can i save on the avg basis i'll be staying alone ther not wid the family...


I am shifting to Norway shortly for 2 years with my wfie and 2 Son (7 year and 1.6 years).
Please let me know how much the house will cost me and education for my kids (please note that my son do not know local language hence need to go to English school).
How much tax I have to pay for family of 4 and other taxes like National Insurance and others.
Any average salary if some one can let me know so that I can negotiate with my company accordingly.

I really appreciate your help as it is a decision of life and carrier for me and my kids education and future. Please help me.
