Coronavirus update websites
You bet & No Chewing gum either!!!
Spitting in public. Singapore is not a place for spitters. Reasonably, it's illegal to spit in coffee shops and markets, but it's also illegal on public roads, sideways and any other place that's open to the public. If you break this law in Singapore, you'll be slapped with a fine of up to $1,000.
manwonder wrote:You bet & No Chewing gum either!!!
Spitting in public. Singapore is not a place for spitters. Reasonably, it's illegal to spit in coffee shops and markets, but it's also illegal on public roads, sideways and any other place that's open to the public. If you break this law in Singapore, you'll be slapped with a fine of up to $1,000.
Not even smoking in public spaces....Singapore is a FINE city!

mugtech wrote:Philippine Destiny wrote:manwonder wrote:A spitter once told me when I approached him...that he found it disgusting that people actually swallow their phlegm instead of spitting it out...can you believe that?
I am guilty of spitting, but I am conscientious of where I spit. Usually i try to target smokers.
Don't do that in Singapore.
smoke or spit?
Philippine Destiny wrote:mugtech wrote:Philippine Destiny wrote:I am guilty of spitting, but I am conscientious of where I spit. Usually i try to target smokers.
Don't do that in Singapore.
smoke or spit?
In Singapore as far as Spitting/Smoking is concerned :
As for smoking in public *ONLY at DESIGNATED smoking sheds within a yellow box boundary & NO throwing of yr cig butts on the floor after your smoke!
They have plain clothed inspectors ensuring you comply to these best be warned & comply!!!
Dear members,
As distracting this topic may be about smokers or Singapore, can we please refocus about Covid-19 related websites?
Thank you very much.

This is posted on the earlier pages but to get back on track I post it again
It's the best page I have found and it shows everything all over the globe for Coronavirus.
Philippines has been clear (on paper) for several weeks with no new cases.
Philippine Destiny wrote:Philippines has been clear (on paper) for several weeks with no new cases.
Seems to be the case. If so, it may have something to do with the climate here. Certain coronaviruses are “seasonal”, like influenza. High humidity knocks them out of the air, and out of circulation, and high temperatures soften their protective shell so they can’t infect a host as easily. If so, it would certainly explain the low transmission rate here, as well as the severe impact in China, Iran, and other northern latitudes where it is still cold and dry.

pnwcyclist wrote:Philippine Destiny wrote:Philippines has been clear (on paper) for several weeks with no new cases.
Seems to be the case. If so, it may have something to do with the climate here. Certain coronaviruses are “seasonal”, like influenza. High humidity knocks them out of the air, and out of circulation, and high temperatures soften their protective shell so they can’t infect a host as easily. If so, it would certainly explain the low transmission rate here, as well as the severe impact in China, Iran, and other northern latitudes where it is still cold and dry.
I think that might be correct.
Looking at the numbers by countries the big numbers are all northern hemisphere and as you move to the lower latitudes of the northern hemisphere the numbers get smaller. There are relatively few cases in the southern hemisphere. There are 52 in Australia, which is not a huge number compared to the worst outbreaks, but I wonder how many of those acquired it in Australia.
This report only cover up to Feb 29 and only the first 25 cases … b_2020.pdf
25 COVID-19 cases were notified up until 19:00 AEDT 29 February 2020;
The first 15 cases are all considered to have had a direct or indirect link to Wuhan, Hubei
Province, China;
Nine cases were among the ‘Diamond Princess’ cruise ship passengers repatriated from Japan
to the Northern Territory on 20 February 2020;
The most recent case in Queensland had traveled from Iran
Of course this could all change proving the theory wrong.

According to some French epidemiologists the coronavirus19 is not sensitive to temperature contrary to inluenza which is not a coronavirus. If there are no more cases in PH it could also means that people sick with corona do not report to the hospital. So I would not be too optimistic !

geolefrench wrote:According to some French epidemiologists the coronavirus19 is not sensitive to temperature contrary to inluenza which is not a coronavirus. If there are no more cases in PH it could also means that people sick with corona do not report to the hospital. So I would not be too optimistic !
or when they report to the hospital no one tests them for coronavirus
okay name one place in the earth where humidity is higher than 60 and temperature higher than 20 has cluster of infection or community infection. if u dont understand the term cluster of infection or the term community infection pls dont ask the french epidemiologist.just ask google.

Suphil1986 wrote:okay name one place in the earth where humidity is higher than 60 and temperature higher than 20 has cluster of infection or community infection. if u dont understand the term cluster of infection or the term community infection pls dont ask the french epidemiologist.just ask google.
I am not arguing with you. In fact I lean to the idea that the coronavirus is negatively impacted by higher humidity and temperature.
But there may be a cluster of infection, yet if no one is testing for it no one will know it is there.
Even highly developed nations have struggled with testing for the virus.
The rate of severe influenza and pneumonia is far higher in the Philippines than it is in other nations like the United States. The system is already strained in Philippines with diseases that have symptoms very much like coronavirus. It could be missed.
The Japan Health Ministry states that the number of coronavirus cases could be 10x (or more) what they have reported in that country. How much worse the Philippines?
Again, not arguing. This is for discussion and dialog.
there is no cluster infection if there is very less posibility of transmittion expect the people who have travalled to the places where there is a widespread epidemic. like Qom in iran is a new community infection and the one the daegue korea is a cluster of infection. Where tramission is not forgein brought in is cirulating it self in the community. QOM and Dague have u seen the temperature and humidity in those areas. have u seen the temperature of wuhan. Ncov is a new form of corona. but corona it self is not a new virus. corona does transmittion is insignificant in the countries with higher humidity and higher temperatures. so chill brother just drink ur buko juice
yes that i can agree with 10*3 =30 usually those infection could be brought from abroad for god shakes " it is more fun in the philippines " 8.2 million tourist visited philippines but those 30 uncofirmed tansmition causing any epidemic in the tropics is next to zero

This story is very interesting … cted-study
some are reading a lot into it but I won't plant any ideas
let me share this one in the facebook groups where they are selling surgical mask ,people will go nuts there i saw a guy buying 200 boxes of surgical mask last time in cebu.
last time i saw my cat mutated into a dog. i am telling u brother biology is so confusing sometimes
Suphil1986 wrote:last time i saw my cat mutated into a dog. i am telling u brother biology is so confusing sometimes
I'm not sure if thats a possibility
However HUMIDITY + PLUS HEAT CAN KILL even HUMANS so why not Covid 19
(Just brainstorming/my humble opinion)
Take Singapore for example
As a gauge, the current relative humidity in Singapore varies from more than 90 per cent in the morning to around 60 per cent in the mid-afternoon when there is no rain, Relative humidity frequently reaches 100 per cent during prolonged periods of rain.
I'd concur wif what pnwcyclist mentioned :
pnwcyclist wrote:Certain coronaviruses are “seasonal”, like influenza. High humidity knocks them out of the air, and out of circulation, and high temperatures soften their protective shell so they can’t infect a host as easily.
Here too the spread has relatively been contained except for a few new cases popping up every now & then.
Whatever it is ...Lets all hope that humans,dogs & cats will eventually WIN the battle vs covid 19.

Suphil1986 wrote:sorry i was not arguing , if u thought that way
you weren't
This came out today … ansmission
2 new cases
1 is community acquired
I have forsythia for sale. If anyone is interested message me.
ah abs-cbn , this the same news agency who told the child from cebu was infected , when WHO was saying the chinese child from cebu was a suspect and they had sent out the samples to australia for confirmator diagnosis, which later turned out to be negative (pls refer to WHO philippines facebook page to the issue WHO had with this piece of grabage new agency.. I would would not relay on this piece of grabage new agency. just wait for WHO and DOH to do a retroprespective study on the new infection if it is really a new infection.

Suphil1986 wrote:ah abs-cbn , this the same news agency who told the child from cebu was infected , when WHO was saying the chinese child from cebu was a suspect and they had sent out the samples to australia for confirmator diagnosis, which later turned out to be negative (pls refer to WHO philippines facebook page to the issue WHO had with this piece of grabage new agency.. I would would not relay on this piece of grabage new agency. just wait for WHO and DOH to do a retroprespective study on the new infection if it is really a new infection. … D-19-IN-PH
same story
Suphil1986 wrote:facebook page to the issue WHO had with this piece of grabage new agency.. I would would not relay on this piece of grabage new agency.
Grabage ? Some kind of New Zealand term?
mugtech wrote:Suphil1986 wrote:facebook page to the issue WHO had with this piece of grabage new agency.. I would would not relay on this piece of grabage new agency.
Grabage ? Some kind of New Zealand term?
Philippine term for when a fast moving Filipino is able to intercept discarded material from the time it leaves the owners hand and the time it hits the bottom of the can
Not Grabage... He must have meant Garlic which has shown promise as a treatment for preventing colds and the flu. Studies have shown that garlic reduces the risk of becoming sick in the first place, as well as how long you stay sick. ... If you often get sick with a cold or flu, eating garlic can help reduce your symptoms orprevent your illness entirely.
So yes good to stock up on this too!
Any one noticed that as this outbreak escalates, it results in people raiding the retail shops, irrespective of cultures and national borders. (Quite severe raiding of retail shops was/is being carried out in quite a few developed countries). To be sure, some of the stockpiled items are directly associated with disease prevention, such as face masks and hand sanitiser. But there has also been a *mad rush for general household staples, such as rice, eggs, noodles,tin food items despite there being no indication whatsoever of any impending shortage.
Some unscrupulous retailers have used this mad rush in upping their prices too.
The situation is comparatively a non-event where I currently live (Surigao) which is a 3rd class city in the Philippines. (Maybe its due to ignorance of local residents to current world events)

This is going to get very bad. Not worried about the virus though.
Armed robbers held up an armored truck full of toilet paper.
Philippine Destiny wrote:This is going to get very bad. Not worried about the virus though.
Armed robbers held up an armored truck full of toilet paper.
Sorry I missed Toilet paper...yes that too is being raided fm retail shops!

manwonder wrote:Philippine Destiny wrote:This is going to get very bad. Not worried about the virus though.
Armed robbers held up an armored truck full of toilet paper.
Sorry I missed Toilet paper...yes that too is being raided fm retail shops!
I have stockpiles of banana leaves.
I like watching basketball and American football, and once in a while I hear this comment: The best defense is a good offense.
When we see a doctor for the first time, we fill up a questionnaire and one of the questions would be: Do you smoke cigarettes? We all know that smokers have a higher chance of compromising their immune system and developing certain diseases than non-smokers. … une-system … s/2309893/ … -12354004/
Instead of focusing more on wearing face masks and using hand sanitizers (not that they are unimportant), perhaps we should focus more in maintaining a healthy immune system. So, in addition to promoting good hygiene to avoid getting infected, shouldn't there be also a campaign to convince smokers to quit smoking to improve their chance of surviving?
But the thing is it is profitable to tell people use this, use that, buy this, buy that and unprofitable when you tell them to quit using this and that. Think about this: Who has the final say on what to print or broadcast?
I truly believe a healthy immune system is ones best defense against fighting this disease, better than hiding behind a mask. So, to smokers, quit smoking. Also, have a good night's sleep, be active, eat healthy, avoid too much processed food, refined sugars and alcohol, relax.
My two cents.
In Virginia tobacco used to be the currency. The US government likes people who pay taxes and smoke cigs their entire life,pay Into Medicare until 65 years old and then die of COPD. Helps funding Social Security and Medicare. Money doesn't talk it swears.

I have known many who smoked up until the day they died from it.

mugtech wrote:In Virginia tobacco used to be the currency. The US government likes people who pay taxes and smoke cigs their entire life,pay Into Medicare until 65 years old and then die of COPD. Helps funding Social Security and Medicare. Money doesn't talk it swears.
strange coincidence the age range at which most smokers die and the age at which one can collect SS
Thats why we have garlic! stop COPD dead in its tracks!
Smoking Times have re-started..especially wif a cup of Strong Brewed Coffee & catching up on old movies & offcourse staying out of crowded public places where covid 19 could lurk!!
Vietnam’s Ministry of Health: Catchy coronavirus-prevention song
Vietnam’s Ministry of Health worked with singers Min and Erik, the artists behind the 2017 hit Vietnamese song “Ghen,” to produce a catchy music video called “Jealous Coronavirus” to help inform the public on how to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
The song starts by giving context about the outbreak, informing the listeners or viewers that it started in Wuhan, China, then goes into the importance of preventing the spread of the disease and exactly how to do so!

I hate to say I told you so, but this is now breaking out here in Philippines.
As you may know Public Health Emergency has been declared.
Now is a good time to get stocked up and limit your coming and going, because under the Emergency condition DOH will be doing contact tracing on all confirmed cases and if one of them was at a place where you happened to be you could get caught up in something unpleasant.
Those who do not prepare now will panic later.
good luck
Just to add another piece to the puzzle.
A lot of miss information flying around on social media, I even heard some one say “It seems to be under control.” The later they pretend that they know what is happening.
At least some people have “stockpiles of banana leaves. “
Glad that every one “see people with different perspectives.” I am sure that people will accept my view and appreciate that “Most of the problem that people have is ego. They cannot detach self from comment.” Some people post so many comments, other's only a few. All comes down to the size of there ego's i guess.
Remember the Philippines is a poor country and does not have facial recognition, not even at airports. So if you do feel it is safe to go out and you enter a high risk area they will not be able to track you down, and nothing unpleasant will happen to you.
If you were identified to be in a high risk place, the Philippines does not have enough money to jail even the prisoner's. I don't think that they will be able to place people in a quarantined area to accommodate 30% to 50% of its population, this is the figure that is expected to come to countries in the coming months . What will be imposed, as is happening in other countries, where people have been exposed to a high risk area, is that they are placed in there homes, home detention, or if wide spread through and area, the town, city or maybe in the case of the Philippines the island would be quarantined.
So let's not panic. As we know that Philippines is a place of 7,000 island's the big advantage is that to transit from one island to another you have to go via a port of entry, most airport's are already doing temperature control infection. (yes i am aware of the non symptomatic incubation period), but this is at least better that just been able to drive from one state to another, which is what happen's in Australia and the US
Most of us have already stockpiled, i have 300 surgical masks and 250 N95 Respirator's. Stockpiling food, is just good planning, i think that we have all done it previously in preparation of earth quakes and typhoons, it is the Philippines after all, and most of us would have stock's for just an emergency.
But trickle stockpiling purchase is better than people all running out at once and stockpiling. This causes panic, and panic is itself infectious, and disrupts normal supply chain lines that can meet normal purchase demands.
Another effect of panic stockpiling is that the retailers up the prices so it makes it harder for the poorer in the community to be able to purchase goods.
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