
Hidden costs/service charges for gated communities


Hi everyone

We will be moving to Malaysia in August and specifically Selangor area. My husband's work will be in Shah Alan and the kids will go to school there also.

We've started to look at areas to live and we don't want any high rise condo' s or heavily built up areas.

There are some gated communities that are within our budget but I'm wondering where I can find out details of extra charges which are for example, using the additional facilities on site such as swimming pools, gyms, tennis courts, golf courses etc....
Are these an annual charge per household? Are they paid by landlord or tenant?
Where would be best value for money for a golf mad family with 2 sporty boys?


See also

Real estate listingsKuala Lumpur's neighbourhoodsBuying property in Kuala LumpurAccommodation in Kuala LumpurAccommodation in Malaysia

Both condos and low rise gated communities have some kind of management or maintenance charges. That generally includes everything such as security, waste collection, use of the facilities (pool, gym, tennis courts, squash, parking space etc), maintenance of the electrical system and water pipes and internal roads and so on.

I know that for high rise condos it is nearly always paid by the landlord, so I assume that also goes for low rise houses in gated communities.

Tenants generally just pay their electrical and water bills, internet and television accounts and regular maintenance of the air conditioners.

The landlord pays the Assessment bill once a year and the sewerage bill. It's important to ensure that everything is working well in the house before making a down payment. Check the air-conditioners are efficient otherwise ask the agent to get the landlord to service them all. Same goes for leaks, make sure the landlord sorts these kinds of problems out before you move in as afterwards he may keep delaying doing anything about it. Also check the water quality and if the water seems not as clear as you expected then try asking that the landlord installs a filter.

There are several golf courses scattered around the outskirts of the city, sorry I don't play golf so cannot give much advice on that.


Thanks so much for replying. Appreciate that. Guessing agents advertising properties will know if actual costs so we can factor these into our budget.


Most of the costs are pretty much fixed although there might be the occasional landlord who tries to get the tenant to pay for things that he would usually pay for. But owners like these are not common. Any property that you visit I would ask the agent to bring you to the management office where you can ask them directly should you have any questions. I lived in Malaysia for around 21 years and invested in property and used agents to rent out my properties or to buy and sell them. Always be cautious with agents and be careful what you sign. Their ultimate aim is not to represent the tenant or the owner, but to make as much money as they can.


The above post should read 12 years living in Malaysia and not 21 years.


Thanks for the info. Lots of research required I guess!