Hepatitis B infection

perdanasiswa wrote:
perdanasiswa wrote:


perdanasiswa wrote:


dear perdanasiswa,

thank you for all your informations and for being resourceful....you are such a great person ......may Allah bless you always.....also  i want to thank sias and bobot for their helpful informations bcoz i read this forum from page 1...thank you and congratulaions to everyone

Many thanks to Perdanasiswa and all people here for giving great imformations here!

I would continue to follow this forum due to it is memorable in my life.

May God bless you all guys!

One more question, how will you guys celebrate the good news? :)

Alhamdulillah! this is gr8 news perdanasiswa. YOu have done really well to get us all the news. Gr8 work man thanks alot. Congratulations to all the people who have gone through the stress in last 2 years for this.

perdanasiswa wrote:

HBV Tests are Cancelled Effective This Week

There you go guys,

Ministry of Health is canceling HBV tests effective this week. This is out in the news. Look at the following article

http://www.albayan.ae/servlet/Satellite … FullDetail

It is in Al bayan Arabic news paper. You will need to use google translate to translate it to English.

Praise to Allah for rewarding our patience.

Hi everyone, below is the English translation of the news that came from Al Bayan Arabic newspaper:

Arabic to English translation
Cancel check hepatitis (B) as a condition for the establishment of

  Official sources in the Ministry of Health said the ministry will this week introduce a new system to check the medical fitness for a residence or renovation where decided to abolish the examination of hepatitis «B» to some occupations and groups as was the case until July of 2008.

The sources said that it will check out the Hepatitis «B» only to groups that deal directly with the public such as workers in restaurants, food, nannies and maids, and some other professions within the system of medical examination of the entrants for the granting of residence or to renew it. It is anticipated that the new system in the course of this week in all centers of the Preventive Medicine Department at the State level.

Yes how to celebrate?? by thanking god and by  being  better  persons  that  v were.....   If  god can b so kind  to us, v can b kind to others...A small deed of kindness goes a long way.... I always believe a good deed never  goes waste......lets b considerate to others problems....sometimes a person is only helpless  and not actually a   culprit.....smile..

Finally we got the good news!

Thank you for everyone in this forum updating time to time and shared their issues.

Please pass this information as many as possible, many of our brothers and sisters going back if they know they are positive. Help them they are mentally disturbed.

Once again thanks a lot to every one.

This is good news!!!

Has anyone checked personally in Al baraha or any medical fitness clinic if the law was indeed effective today?

My wife was deported last year due to Heptitis B. Does anyone know the procedures how she can secure resident visa again?

congratulation to all and for never stop hoping and believing.
your right finder lets us all thank the lord and be a better person. Since i been reading this forum, every sunday mass i  offer prayers for all the people in this forum.Praise the lord!!!!

finder wrote:

Yes how to celebrate?? by thanking god and by  being  better  persons  that  v were.....   If  god can b so kind  to us, v can b kind to others...A small deed of kindness goes a long way.... I always believe a good deed never  goes waste......lets b considerate to others problems....sometimes a person is only helpless  and not actually a   culprit.....smile..

Praise GOD, thanks for your kindness and having time to help our brother and sister in this forum. May GOD always bless u.

perdanasiswa wrote:

HBV Tests are Cancelled Effective This Week

There you go guys,

Ministry of Health is canceling HBV tests effective this week. This is out in the news. Look at the following article

http://www.albayan.ae/servlet/Satellite … FullDetail

It is in Al bayan Arabic news paper. You will need to use google translate to translate it to English.

Praise to Allah for rewarding our patience.

aadil84pk wrote:

Congratuilation to everyone. :) I will cal Preventive Medicine tomorrow and confirm this for all of you.

perdanasiswa wrote:
dennisp wrote:


Please clarify this to me "and some other professions within the system of medical examination of the entrants for the granting of residence or to renew it"

And in the case of a worker's spouse asking for residency but not working, does she has to take the HBV test?

I would say no need, is this correct ?



That remains to be discovered. But I agree with you, there should be no restriction now on house wife (as it is called by officials in UAE). After all, the amendment is clear, HBV tests will now be limited to certain categories that do not include House wives.

Now that the new amendment is approved and applied, i would like to recommend that members of this forum who are inside UAE go directly to "preventive medicine" departments and ask them for clarifications about the status of house wives.

We helped each others so far, So I call upon you to do this to help our brothers/sisters who are worried about this tiny ambiguity.

thats really a good news god bless pardanisiswa for sharing such great news he is really a nice person but still confused will they allow housewives to enter but as they did not mention about it but if any 1of u clear this it  wud b a greathelp as i m outside uae, thanks.pls  reply me soon.

CONGRATULATIONS, EVERYONE!!  And thanks a lot Perdanasiswa for all the efforts of sharing this very important information to all of us.  God Bless you and your family!!   

perdanasiswa wrote:
perdanasiswa wrote:


perdanasiswa wrote:

its  d  same   law  as  per before......

finder wrote:

its  d  same   law  as  per before......

what does it mean the law which was before 2008 or the existing law

it means  law for  6 categories.....law before 2008....


PLEASE HAVE A SHOUT OUT. If anyone of you has gone to any medical fitness yesterday or today and confirmed that Hepatitis B was indeed NOT included in the medical test in Dubai.

Appreciate your inputs please.

OH MY GOD!!!!!! answered prayer!!!!!!! that's good news for everyone!!!! congratulations to all of us!!!! thank you for this information.. i was so lucky that i found this blog site.. thank you so much perdanasiswa... godbless!! :)

congratulations everyone! thank you so much perdanasiswa for keeping us posted. this calls for a big celebration!

we've been together through all the hardships. and we won the battle in God's grace. I hope this will not be the end of this forum, it has been very helpful for many people since page 1.  And I hope, in the future we can form an Organization and meet everyone in this forum.

God Bless us All.

thanks a lot perdanansiswa. really you have done a great job.and also i thank each and everyone in this forum for helping each other.you people are really great.

i still have a doubt.can anyone help me in clearing that doubt??will the new law will allow deported people like us to enter uae again. i am really dying to live with my husband.

hi ms annfrank

well i will pray for you to be with your husband.i'm praying every single day just to be  with my husband too. GOD knows we don't want to have this kind of disease.. godless.

Every body;

May I suggest that we set-up similar forums dedicated to each country where this rule is still in effect. We can use "expat-blog" platform.

This should be very helpful for every one. You might be contemplating a career in UAE, but you never know what will happen in the future and whether or not you will be faced with the possibility of moving to another Gulf state for a better job or for what ever reason.

So, I say starting now discussing every country individually should help us few years down the road.

dennisp wrote:

Following this great initiative, could we imagine that all the middle east countries will follow the UEA and remove this Hep test from their residency requirements. Lets hope.

You are welcome every one. If you found my posts useful, then please don't forget me in your prayers.

Congratulations Once Again.

This site gave me hope...My fiance is about to return to his homecountry because he was positive for hepatitis B....Still God answers prayers...

Thanks for the great news...

perdanasiswa wrote:

You are welcome every one. If you found my posts useful, then please don't forget me in your prayers.

Congratulations Once Again.

Thank you all for sharing this info.I was looking for this news since last year.

Thanks again,

yes  v shd.... @least someone wl b helped like this....but lets see whats in store for us here... wondering y no english newspaper dint puiblish in detail....

finder wrote:

... wondering y no english newspaper dint puiblish in detail....

Because this is sort of, still, an insider information that Al-Bayan Journalist obtained from an official in the ministry of health.

Also, Al-bayan news paper was the first source that indicated that the HBV rules are going to be changed. That was an article in January 29, 2010.

No need to worry now.

will the new law allow deported people like us to enter uae?If any idea please let us know God bless you.

henrydets wrote:

will the new law allow deported people like us to enter uae?If any idea please let us know God bless you.

Unfortunately, I wouldn't know the answer to this question. I'm outside UAE and hence won't be able to check on this. For deported people, their issue now is with the ministry of interior and departments of "residence and naturalization" in the different emirates. Someone inside UAE has to go directly to these authorities and ask them.

As far as I know, there is specialized courts as well as prosecution system for residence issues. Ultimately, one might have to appeal the deportation decision through court system and procedure. I don't see any other way of doing it. But in order to do this you will need to have some one inside the UAE to file the case on your behalf. Also, before starting this you might want to seek a legal advice from a local lawyer.

I believe that the ministry of health has nothing to do with it. They will only test you according to the new law if re-admitted into the country.

Guys; can someone call the "residence and naturalization" department in Dubai and ask them to help answer this repeated question. Their Telephone Number is  04-3139999.

thats a great news which perdanisiswa share but i want to clear one thing that yesterday after reading the albayan newspaper my husband went to preventive medical centre to enquire about the new rule but they replied that it is unofficially announced but till now they havent get any instructions about this issue they said to inquire fromhealth ministry sohe went to a health ministry no body was responding there then one of the local official  said it is only a preliminary approval not a final decision, it will take time and u all will come to know when the final approval will come as it is not published in any other news paper exept albayan

ALHAMDULILLAH! Congratulations Everyone!!!!

may  be next  week Raksh.... even i m waiting for it to b announced officially so v proceed.... keep praying...it will b done soon inshallah....

hello everyone
i just had my medical last thursday we had it urgent so i had the result sunday and i was positive with hbv so we had to check again we went to muhaisna med center monday and they told us the result will be today...im worried before but since i read about perdanasiswa post i was enligthen i just hope i will have my residence visa...

R u a housewife or  working..... new or  renewal visa????????? Dont worry  all will b fine.....pls do post , so that v all  know   what actually  the scene is....

hello there
i m new in ur blog but i want to know that the news is not yet confirm so plz confirm it first and then anounce coz no other news paper have yet shown intrest in that plz clear it first and surely i m praying for all that we r not waste material we r just carrier and we can work better then other

and yes if the news is authenticated then surely the people who have been banned from uae have to take noc from court and as the law come in progress there bann will also be eliminated okk take care

i just want to know where is the preventive medicine dept?in al baraja only? and i just wanna clear the new law, if i will secure a resident visa, i will not undergo to a hbv test? thanks.

i feel little worried  about this matter i just pray that the final and positive approoval may come soon fast inshallah coz all the hopes of us rely on this news just pray for if it is not mentioned in any  other paper then what wud b the reason of it? i hope they may not change their dicision i m praying a lot finally the good news to come soon

stresslady wrote:

i just want to know where is the preventive medicine dept?in al baraja only? and i just wanna clear the new law, if i will secure a resident visa, i will not undergo to a hbv test? thanks.

i dont think so that u people should go to any preventive medical department because it is still an inside news wait for few days b cos none of the news paper published this news there is still a point why they  have not published in any other paper  according to me dont go to any hospital