Hepatitis B infection

yes pls all of u read bedazzled link of khaleej times, 16 june.

Page 7 of Ganotheraphy says:

1. Our body is the best doctor. Everybody has the ability to cure diseases with their natural immune system.
2. All chronic diseases is caused by the imbalance of body function.
2. Reishi Gano works on the body directly but not on the diseases thus making it possible to help the body to cope with wide range of disease.

Page 9:

Reishi Gano is a kind of mushroom essence (ganoderma lucidum) widely known as "King of Herbs" It is established to have great effect for:

1. Scanning Diseases
2. Cleansing toxins
3. Regulating body functions
4. Ensuring recovery of health
5. Preserving youthfulness

page 15:
GL (Ganocelium)

1. Helps increase oxygen supply to blood system
2. Helps relieve cell tissues by increasing oxygen supply to body
3. Helps relief fatigue
5. Helps strengthen blood circulationbody's

henrydets wrote:

Hi everyone no one read this post from Bedazzled and why hpb not mentioned?
Policy changes in handling TB and HIV cases soon Asma Ali Zain

16 June 2010 DUBAI – Changes in policies regarding treatment and handling of TB cases are expected to be approved by health authorities soon.

Among a number of policy changes that can be expected includes a tuberculosis (TB) free status certificate issued by the home countries of expatriates seeking residency in the UAE.

Officials have also been pushing for changes in the deportation laws regarding infectious diseases such as HIV and TB. According to senior health official from the Dubai Health Authority, four new policies related to dealing with pulmonary TB have been prepared and presented the authority's strategy council for action.http://www.khaleejtimes.com/displayarticle.
“The policies have been approved by the council and will be announced in due time,” said Dr Ali Marzooqi, Director of Public Health and Safety Department without elaborating on what the policies were. As per the current federal law, expatriates who test positive for HIV and TB during the medical fitness process before obtaining a work permit/residency are repatriated.

But unlike HIV cases that are sent back immediately, people with TB are quarantined, treated and then deported. According to Dr Kulthoom Hassan, Director of the National TB Programme at the UAE health ministry many GCC states are already following this policy.

Expatriates who travel from endemic countries to some Gulf countries for employment need to get a clearance from a pre-approved medical fitness centre stating that they are free of any communicable diseases such as TB and HIV, she said.

Authorities including the DHA, MoH and Health Authority of Abu Dhabi, however, have approved of and are in the process of developing standardised TB management guidelines which require all healthcare providers across the country to follow the same treatment methods. A recent study done by DHA found that 576 people seeking residency in Dubai were infected, and most cases were imported from endemic countries including India, Bangladesh and the Philippines.

The study also showed that 60 per cent of patients did not show up for follow-up treatment for several reasons, including fear of deportation. 

what abt HB cases. u mean there is no update on that.

Hi Aya...

Is this RG /GL effective???

What i know abt Hepatitis B= that in many cases, ppl get the virus and their body fights n becm amune to it. so ppl just remain carrier for their life. but there is no medicine that can remove this carrier IMPACT from the Blood. even if ur body has fought against it n u r no more in danger and in future also u will nt get this problem. but blood test will always b positive.

no updates on hep b?i m reading all of ur posts it seems  few of u persistently discussing about the medication which is i think of  no use because once u get this status it wont b clear i tried few herbal remedies but to no avail virus may in- active but the positivity of hbsag is not goin to clear u all must b aware of that  and i have accepted the fact with  lot of  diificulty and pain so our main criteria shud b the amendment of rule what is goin on till now no updates we shud focus on the updates relating to hep b rule due to which all of us are in problemm we r unable to live with our love one because of this matter.it is only perdanisiswa who regular bring some or the other updates. i have a request pls if upeople get the time to collect some updates it wud b great help for all of us, thank u.

Dear all,
I got the job offer from Singapore, but I don't know anything about medical requirements of Singapore Authorities. Please anybody share any information about medical test in Singapore.
I prefer UAE, but I was life long banned in Emirates (I am hepB carrier). It is necessary to find new work destinations because UAE Authorities still keep silence about people like me who was banned due hepB and no any official confirmation about amendments in the law.
Thanks to all

And one more note, guys…
I am sure there are people among us who can create (too many IT-engineers read this blog) special i-net site for travelers and abroad-workers who carry inactive hepB.
For example, this is http://hivtravel.org special resource for travelers infected by HIV. This is very useful resource for them. We can to develop same thing for us because it is the best way to share info about hepB rules in different countries. 
Very often we discuss here about the rules in GCC and another countries. But it will be more useful to collect all information about hepB restrictions in one place.
And it is good way to concentrate totally attention of society around our problem, around violation of our human rights!
I search info about travel and work restrictions for hepB carriers too much time and I never see common list of countries which deport people with inactive hepB. I think it is wrong. If we shall not create this list nobody will do it.
Perdanasiswa and All, what do you think about this idea (to create special resource for expatriates with hepB)?

T D 99 wrote:

And one more note, guys…
I am sure there are people among us who can create (too many IT-engineers read this blog) special i-net site for travelers and abroad-workers who carry inactive hepB.?

I did suggest this idea in one of my previous posts. It might be a little too much to have a dedicated website, because it will eventually need funding and resources to supply reliable information, not to mention dedicated people to run it.

What we can do though, is to take advantage of web sites like "Expat.com" and create HBV forum for countries where this might be a potential problem.

So far this is an issue in some GCC countries and Libya. I have never heard about any other place with such rules. I have traveled the world and never had an issue.



stresslady wrote:


dont b dissappointed even i m also dissappointed no good news nothing but dont worry everything will b alright just pray a lot wait for 1 july as i hope for that day b coz it was the datewhen rule was implemented till then wait for 1 july inshallah just pray for it is our only strength

Dear all,

we wrote to 1 of the journalists (Khaleej Times), and this was the reply>>>>>

Thanks for writing in. In fact, I am trying to get in touch with
> officials regarding the issue. I have been told that the law has been
> passed but medical centres have not yet been informed about it. I
> suggest that you wait a couple of months max more for the issue to
> take shape since this is summer time. I will also be doing a story in
> this regard soon.

i hope the rule will be implemented as soon as possible...what is the tentative date or month that the law will be implemented?

anmari9 wrote:

Dear all,

we wrote to 1 of the journalists (Khaleej Times), and this was the reply>>>>>

Thanks for writing in. In fact, I am trying to get in touch with
> officials regarding the issue. I have been told that the law has been
> passed but medical centres have not yet been informed about it. I
> suggest that you wait a couple of months max more for the issue to
> take shape since this is summer time. I will also be doing a story in
> this regard soon.

This is good news in a way. I hope more members of this forum would contact these journalists to urge them to investigate and publish what they get to know.

I doubt it, but even if it takes two months and if worse come to worst, you guys can take these published stories and argue with your potential employers that the law is about to change. Hopefully, with that you will be able to buy some time until everything becomes clear. If we can drive these journalists to write something then it will become a basis for future use instead of relying on rumors.

Thanks for your effort ANMARI9.

Perdanasiswa is right, I urge everyone to write to the following so as to get the recent update of the issue. This is a joint effort from all of us.. So please.. I hope for everyone's cooperation. Bear in mind that we will all benefit from this battle...

1- Mitya Underwood (munderwood@thenational.ae) who said that she is currently preparing a story about how the HBV rules are applied differently from emirate to emirate and from doctor to doctor. She is senior health correspondent at "the national" and she is unaware of any law changes.

2- Asma Ali Zain (asmaalizain@khaleejtimes.com) who is a health correspondent at "Khaleej Times"

All the best!

salam and hello
dears all of u r tense and in worse condition listen carefully jus believe on GOD and pray coz i know that this rule will be change soon coz u jus read all the news that is pointing that rules r going to be changed and very soon u will feel the good plz i request all of u that wait if nothing happen then we will make a fouram and start writing to every body like sheikhs news papers and etc and i m fully a=gree with sister perd
okkk wait for few days and hope that good will out take care have nice day all of u and byee

hello and salam
the person i have reffered for u named mujahid u people can call him and ask from him abt gainotherapy his mob number is 0503273515

pls give me some advice.. i will be going to dubai this coming september under husband sponsorship.. what do you think people.. do i have to secure a residence visa right away or get a visit visa only,and wait for the implementation of the rule?

dear lady u jus wait for the time means 4 weeks and move then u will have ur sfae visa

you mean by the end of july? hopefully the law will be implemented?

ibrar258 wrote:

dear lady u jus wait for the time means 4 weeks and move then u will have ur sfae visa

how do u know? ur in pakistan right now isnt it?

I think Ibrar258 confused us, you meant the new law will be implemented in 4weeks or HBV can be removed from body in 4weeks?   

If for the law, how do you know?

If for HBV removing, I doubt about it.

So far it is very  hard to remove HBV from body by any medicine within 4 weeks.

I know some herbs and herbs medicine can protect livers and maybe rid off HBV but takes time even whole life.

For removing HBV, we must take:

1, correct medicine which is suitable to your personal satus,
2, Light excersices, such as jogging,walking,yoga but no
   heavy ones.
3, light and nutrient food which are easy to digest.No cold
   heavy,oily and stimulating food.
4, Good mood, free-pressure.

The last point is the most important for HBV carriers, but we can see most people in this forum are pressed and distressed, worrying at all time.

Take it easy guys, life is very short, we should enjoy it even we have such problems, God closed the doors but keep windows open  for us......
Wish all the bests......

spk wrote:
ibrar258 wrote:

dear lady u jus wait for the time means 4 weeks and move then u will have ur sfae visa

how do u know? ur in pakistan right now isnt it?

Yes u r right now ppls are confusing. I think we should pray for good and wait for good time.


Hi All,

I just went to Al Baraha and follow-up regarding my situation, the official told me that it is really true that there is a new law to be implemented regarding hep b. as of now, they are still waiting for the call if the computer system is done (allowing healthy hep b carriers to be pass in medical exam), He told me to call next week to follow-up again. (Take note that this is my second visit to that official).

As I observed to the official, he is really sure that this week or this month of July the new rule will be implemented.

I think this is Ibrar258 is trying to explain.


Stay Positive. I know the one who suffers knows the pain, but humans can survive tough situations and its the hope that keeps us going. So lets atleast just hope for the best.


Aya1976 wrote:

Hi All,

I just went to Al Baraha and follow-up regarding my situation, the official told me that it is really true that there is a new law to be implemented regarding hep b. as of now, they are still waiting for the call if the computer system is done (allowing healthy hep b carriers to be pass in medical exam), He told me to call next week to follow-up again. (Take note that this is my second visit to that official).

As I observed to the official, he is really sure that this week or this month of July the new rule will be implemented.

I think this is Ibrar258 is trying to explain.

what to do  guys????? my grac  e period  ending  8 july.... its a renewal visa but bcos my husband changed his job its a  different emirates.... so dont know how they will consider my case...my previous visa was on dubai for 7 years now it has to b renewed on abudhabi visa, so d typing centre ppl r saying its a new visa and not renewal case...after 23 years here do u all think i will havve to  exit  with so bad memories...i m a housewife, not working, on my husband visa, just bcos my husband changed his job to abudhabi and my visa has to b renewed and has to b in a new emirates ......really dont know....what shd i do....pls suggest.... Perdasvsnia  and all pls suggest..... dying with stress.....jus 8 days left....

Your husband should have asked for HIs VISA transfer by paying extra amount. Then you didnt have to change your visa. This is what i know as of now. If anyone have a different version please share. I still think its worth staying back and then trying instead of exiting and coming back. That situation is still not clear.

finder wrote:

what to do  guys????? my grac  e period  ending  8 july.... its a renewal visa but bcos my husband changed his job its a  different emirates.... so dont know how they will consider my case...my previous visa was on dubai for 7 years now it has to b renewed on abudhabi visa, so d typing centre ppl r saying its a new visa and not renewal case...after 23 years here do u all think i will havve to  exit  with so bad memories...i m a housewife, not working, on my husband visa, just bcos my husband changed his job to abudhabi and my visa has to b renewed and has to b in a new emirates ......really dont know....what shd i do....pls suggest.... Perdasvsnia  and all pls suggest..... dying with stress.....jus 8 days left....

its was a visa transfer by noc a year back, but bcz his visa got transferred frm dubai to abudhabi, now my visa xpires and has to b renewed... till now it was on dubai visa....its me who is positive and has my visa renewed twice wd hb positive status....but now will go for medical  first time after visa rules changes... will they consider me as a new visa   or will they  have  my file showing i m an old hb positive case and take me as renewal.....


my husband is negative, its me who is worried about my visa....

perdanansisva what is your say about this?????????

its was a visa transfer by noc a year back, but bcz his visa got transferred frm dubai to abudhabi, now my visa xpires and has to b renewed... till now it was on dubai visa....its me who is positive and has my visa renewed twice wd hb positive status....but now will go for medical  first time after visa rules changes... will they consider me as a new visa   or will they  have  my file showing i m an old hb positive case and take me as renewal.....i m not going for  a visa  change, jus normal procedure of renewing after 3 years....

finder wrote:

perdanansisva what is your say about this?????????

My prayers with you. I hope the law will change in time for your visa transfer. In any case, one option that you need to explore is:

You are sponsored by your husband and NOT his company. If he changes visa it does not necessarily mean that you have to change your visa. The way to go around it, he will have to deposit a refundable insurance at the residence/immigration department for each dependent  under his sponsorship. Once he is done with his visa transfer the money can be refunded. I know this worked for some friends who were changing visa within Dubai. Hopefully, it can still work when changing visa between emirates.

Try to get a good PRO to help you out. There is a guy I used to know in Dubai, His name is Hydar and his phone No. is 050 645-9544. He is a PRO and might be able to give you an answer or a short cut to go around this.

Option II: a member of this forum "SAIS" has shared his experience of transferring visa from Dubai to Abu Dhabi. You can see his posts in the first three pages of this forums. I suggest to you to refer to them. In brief according to SAIS, for visa transfer from other emirates, Abu Dhabi has a "Medical Committee" that will further assess your situation when found HBV positive. SAIS got his visa through this Medical Committee. I urge you to look into this option as well.

best of luck.

yes i m on his visa and not company visa...he changed his visa a year back and v didnt hv to change that time, but now its 3 years of my visa and i now need to renew my visa .... though he wil sponsor me,my file wil change from dubai to abudhabi.... should i attach my old visa papers to prove i mrenewal case...thnx for being so considerate...worried...

finder wrote:

my file wil change from dubai to abudhabi.... should i attach my old visa papers to prove i mrenewal case...thnx for being so considerate...worried...

Yes you SHOULD attach your old visa papers. According to SAIS he had to do this to prove that it was renewal. once again I urge you to read SAIS' posts at the beginning of this forum.

i have been re reading al posts.... but im a dependant, not even working, been here for 23 years but hb status only recently....they shd consider that i have   been here , grown up here.... jus bxz my husband changed the emirates, how will i b a new  entry in the country.... really scary...pls pray the law gets implemented asap.... thnx...may Allah make ur life easy for you....in d last 2 medicals they dint even retest me bcs my file must b showing... should i tell d  abudhabi  health centre i  know i m positive and have given visa twice with this hb status   in   sharjah.....

has anyone done their medical in sharjah for   abudhabi visa and was accepted??????????

thnx cheekoo....

Aya1976 wrote:

Hi All,

I just went to Al Baraha and follow-up regarding my situation, the official told me that it is really true that there is a new law to be implemented regarding hep b. as of now, they are still waiting for the call if the computer system is done (allowing healthy hep b carriers to be pass in medical exam), He told me to call next week to follow-up again. (Take note that this is my second visit to that official).

As I observed to the official, he is really sure that this week or this month of July the new rule will be implemented.

I think this is Ibrar258 is trying to explain.

Wish you a good luck, and expecting you to bring us good news soon......