Hepatitis B infection

For how many months the medical certificate will be valid ?

So much silent what happened guys

all waitin for that big bang, InshAllah very soon :)

I was bothered with the silence of everyone... Thinking that we might be waiting for nothing =( Hope to get good news very very soon. Let's all pray that..

we r just waiting to hear some good news inshallah no need to worry we have full faith in god just pray our prayers will b listen by god inshallah very soon

are you guys here in Dubai for long now?  why are you worried ? even the new rule will not come as soonest we will still be safe because as long as you will not exit the country upon cancellation of your visa they will still give you new visa even with hep.b

Hi to all,

Beacause of the recent news, my employer decided to cancelled my visa to immigration even it is expired (I don't know how he will do it, well, I guess by paying the penalty each day and without showing my failure to medical). He checked in immigration and shows that I am still not banned, it mean to say that the hospital is not giving the result of Hep B cases. Just to remind everybody that my medical conducted last May 12, 2010 and I am new visa applicant. We can be ban only if our employer show the result to immigration upon cancellation.

My employer decided to send me out of UAE and came back as visit visa.

Prayers for everybody,


Aya, which visa did you come from ?

Hi guys:
today i register my self.Here i'm also facing the same problem but with HCV, i mean i don't have the HCV virus in my blood but these r the antibodies which are positive i.e HCV PCR is nagative.

I have an offer as marketing manager base in Abu Dhabi so in this regard i have two questions:
1-Do i also be deported when my HCV PCR is negative
2-the law which u guys talking will also exclude the HCV.

Please do reply if some one have any info about above.I'm waiting to listen some thing positive so that i'll start my resignation process here in Paksitan.
Omar Farooq

According to my info for hcv they r giving fitness since November 2009.http://www.haad.ae/haad/tabid/82/Default.aspx?udt_1155_param_page=2&udt_1155_param_search=&udt_1155_param_orderby=Approval_x0020_Date&udt_1155_param_orderDirection=descending
Check this link for visa screening rules.

HCV tests, what a weird situation.

The original law of year 2008 require HBV and HCV testing for new visas (and certain categories for visa renewal). However, some how and for unknown reasons only HBV tests were applied effectively. HCV tests are dropped out.

Which is really funny and make us wonder why do we have to go through all this. Mainly because:

1- HBV has vaccine against it and UAE is giving it to all new born since year 1990. On the other hand there is no vaccine against HCV. So, the risk that HBV carriers might have is by far less sever in comparison to HCV carriers.

2- HCV tests were simply not applied despite the fact that it is clearly mentioned in the law of year 2008. There was no cabinet decision and no ministry of health decision not to apply it. It is simply not there. Whereas for HBV tests people have to wait more than two years and the ministry of health has to raise the issue to the cabinet. Then the cabinet takes a decision but for some reason the ministry of health is not applying it as yet.

Such a weird situation.

Dear perdanasiswa

What reason is holding the moh from implementing the law the cabinet has approved it they should consider that pple life life is on a stand still coz of them or what do you say?All the best brothers and sisters lets keep the faith.

if the govt. has already approved then hospitals shoul follow, maybe they will implement it before the holy month of Ramadan as gift to people.

Thanks Muneer Anjum for giving me a very positive info along with with HAAD rules and polices  regarding medical screening for visa.I pray for you all guys regarding the withdraw of HBV screening also for visa.

Dear Pardanasiswa,
                 I have the answer of your question.The Egyptians have one of the highest hepatitis C prevailance.Anyone living in U.A.E can easily see the Egyptian dominance.While Hepatitis B is prevailing more among people of  india/pak etc.I havn't concluded this  myself but actually someone from HAAD told me the reason.

my friend perdanisiswa,                                                                i have full faith in u whatever the information u give is true i m very much dissappointed for the delay in  immplementing the rules what do u think what may b the reason for delay since u staay in uae do u have any idea ?can anyone  bring the information of this matter? i m positive about it but still little bit of dissappointment may god listen our prayers soon inshallah.as i m desperate to work in uae i have an offer in one trading company but cannot come becose of positive status of hep b

As I said before, this the reason of the delay. It is just a matter if time. For those of us who are about or will miss a job opportunity because of this delay, just remember it is Allah's well and as such it is in the individual best interest not to get this job.

perdanasiswa wrote:

No doubt that there is a sense of disappointment that the situation remains the same despite all this talk about the change in the rules. When you think about it there is no reason for this delay if indeed the law is passed.

However, considering the news in Al-Bayan and then in Khaleej times and reading between the lines I believe one can identify the missing link and the reason for this delay.

On June 6th, there has been a decision by the cabinet of minister to change the law. Based on this, sources in Ministry of Health provided some hints to Al-Bayan and Khaleej Times. For a cabinet decision to be implemented it has to be processed (filed, distributed, archived etc) by the ministry of Cabinet Affairs. The ministry of cabinet affairs has to officially send the decision in an official communicate to the ministry of health before that the ministry of health could act on it. Just the routine procedure.

The good news is that we know now that the Ministry of Health and doctors at testing centres are anxious to help and hopefully there will be no delay in their part as soon as they receive the official decision.

hey guys please include me in the latest update abour hbv law on visa...... thanxxxxxxxx

Everyone is waitting for the good news eh!lets keep praying the news to fever whoever is here and deported brothers and sisters.best of luck everybody.

For all your post,it make it have hope to stay and live , all the best to everyone who have hepatitis B ,and hope new law will come in soon to be fair enough for people like us.
God Bless you,

We are all expecting that the new law bring us some relief. We are sick people, not criminals. In any case until the new law is supersiding the present one please DO NOT GO TO MUHAISNA center. They will put in the system that you are HBV positive and it's very hard to cancel the electronic record. After the first test go to Baraha Hospital, in Dubai, department of preventive medicine. They will help you. May God help all of us, especially those who had been deported.

Hi Guys,

I have been waiting for the law and I have 21 days left till my visa expires. It sounds a lot but its not for those who are here and waiting. I cannot do my job well thinking that anytime soon I will be deported.

Anyway. my paper is in the hand of our PRO now and he be back at the hospital today to talk things over. I think he will finalize things up if i win or go home... One good thing with Albaraha Hospital is that they do not input your second test if your HBV+ the first time. They wait till your visa expires and your paper will not be submitted to the immigration, police etc. for deportation procedures. They will just inform your PRO that you should go home.

Like you guys I am praying as hard as I can for the law to be implemented. but now I am waiting for the news from our PRO till tomorrow for what my  future beholds. I have been informed with my boss that as much as he wants to help I am still incurring to much cost to the company (Hotel, Driver, and my salary which is continuous) that things should be finalized.

Please pray for me guys.

Thanks and God help us all

stick. al baraha is giving a lot of consideration, i will pray for us all.

anybody here who work in the DSO ?  which hospital thet're using in medical requirement ?

I came to Abu Dhabi almost 6 weeks back on work visa with the following pre-existing medical condition:

HBsAg          +ve
HBeAg          -ve
Antibody HBs   -ve
Antibody HBe   -ve

HBV DNA        -ve (non-detectible)

Since my HBV DNA and HBeAg are negative I cannot technically transmit the virus to anybody.

I was asked to remain at home two weeks after my arival pending a re-test by the medical facility. They did the re-test and refused to give me the visa. I am now being deported back.

I am writing this to prepare you guys for this situation mentally. You guys should hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. Dont have any false hopes. There is no relaxation to date, at least in Abu Dhabi, with regards to Hep B carriers.

All this time my employer has not kept me updated and I am not sure what has happened with the immigration authorities / medical facility behind the closed doors. I know that they have tried to approach the immigration authorities to resolve the issue but they haven't been able to get anything positive.

Now I am flying within next 2-3 days.

i want to ask one thing from all of u , i m on visit viza here so if i  take out my residence viza viza and go to al baraha hospital for testing will they help me? my husband went there but unfortunately none of the official was there who tell aabout this my visit viza is expiring on 4 august so im  considering to to take out my residence viza with which i will have to go for medical checkup within 2 months suppose if i go for medical checkup in al albarah hospital will they consider my case i need ur suggestion pls reply me.because for halfof a yr i have been doing up and down on visit this is really hectic.as all of u r saying that the albarah people are nice enough will they help me in this case?i m praying as much as i can for the law to b implemented as soon as possible,but i m worried also why the good news is not coming what could b the reason? it really makes me panic.pls help me friends

inzi_pak where did u go for test i mean in in which medical centre?did they send ur documents to an immigratin department ?they did not tell u anything aout the changes in rule or implementation of law

@ raksh

It was something like "Disease Control and Diagnostic Center, Abu Dhabi".

They did not ask any documentation from me. Nothing was forwarded to immigration department. I was not informed of any upcoming legislation.

My employer PRO did try to discuss and submit additional documentation but nothing positive happened.

as i said in my previous post that

raksh wrote:

the day before yesterday it was  mentioned that the new advisory health committee isformed i don understand why they haveformed new advisory committee at this moment when they have  already taken decisoin relating to hep b amendments anyone of u have gone through it ? till now they have not announced the implement date im suspicious about it i hope they may not change their decision

i m worried just because of it i hope it may not the reason for delay in implementing of rules

inzi thats a good thing that they did not ask for ur documents u can come back after the implementation of law inshallah.u will find so many people in this forum who have been deported and banned.u r the lucky 1 isnt it?dont worry just prayto allah for u and for all of us who r facing this tight situation

Hi All

my husband works in dubai in FZ.Im a housewife,i came to dubai on Jan 2010 on res visa.In feb 2010 i was tested +ve for Hep B , i cancelled my res visa without submitting my medical report to the immigration and left immedatly.

in mar 2010 i went to uae on a 3 month visit visa. in May 2010 we got an sms from the Dubai health authority that my medical reports have gone to the immigration(part of their process to send an sms).

now my husband is planning to apply for a visit visa again , will i get a visa , or will it be a problem as my reports  have gone to the immigration.

please help.

Dear Sasha
Your hus should check if you are banned or not before applying for a visa.

Thanks Henrydet

I just wnated to know wht are the possibilities of getting a ban, before we go and ask in the immigration.
im just so scared as to what they will say.

henrydets wrote:

Dear Sasha
Your hus should check if you are banned or not before applying for a visa.

Dear Inzi-Pak:
So sorry to hear that you are being deported.GOD bless you and may give you another opportunity for better prospects.
can you please tell me that what else test they performed in the medical center.

in abu dhabi they are bookish, they should also give consideration knowing that a lot of country has already  abolished the hep. b requirement like singapore, china etc.

and what will happen in dubai if the person they will deport has a lot of loan in the bank?  who will pay for this ?

raksh wrote:

as i said in my previous post that

raksh wrote:

the day before yesterday it was  mentioned that the new advisory health committee isformed i don understand why they haveformed new advisory committee at this moment when they have  already taken decisoin relating to hep b amendments anyone of u have gone through it ? till now they have not announced the implement date im suspicious about it i hope they may not change their decision

i m worried just because of it i hope it may not the reason for delay in implementing of rules

raksh do u have any link of it

I try to check news with Ministry of Health , new law is not coming right now, also immigration here that new law come ,but letter they didnot see anything,
Just update

If people who have loan with bank had been deported, I think both of side will loose,

spk wrote:

still no  updates ?:(.these people are really dull enough they do not take immediate decision .....

Be careful guys. members of this forum need to stay away from using criticism and inappropriate language when describing how the officials in UAE are handling this decision or delaying it. No need to state something inappropriate that would only hurt everybody else as a result.

Just wait with patience regardless of the outcome.