
hepatitis B infection

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Dear it's  normal delay b/c of ramadan. You know well that in ramadan an activity which should take 10days that takes a month in ramadan. Any how result 'll be in your favour, inshAllah.


Dear All,

Keep your hopes up. I have been in contact with a PRO of a popular hospital in Dubai. He's a friend. I told him about my case and he called up all his friends from MOH. They asked for my records from American Hospital.

The idea here is that, if the American Hospital declared that I was noncontagious back in 2004 and that my newborn baby is safe to breastfeed with me then I am healthy and non-infectious. There's no way that I can infect anyone in the office.

If the most sophisticated hospital in Dubai gave me a clean bill of health and have maintained that eversince, then why would a simple test result for HbSag declare that I am not fit to work?

This is the reason why I want you to hang on there and let's fight this thing together.

God bless us all!



Hi KK,

I'm 100% agree with you. I think the MOH should review their policy regarding their latest decree on Hepatitis B screening. There are a lot of marker to determine whether one person is contagious or not.

My experience also shows that I am not contagious to anybody. 12 years ago when I learned that I am HBsAg positive because I am applying for a job in SA. I was denied by my agency. I got married and have kids but they're all negative with the HBsAg. Then 2 years ago I tried to go here in UAE and was issued residence visa successfully... but now that the UAE change their decree regarding the issuance of Fitness certificate, my second attempt for residence visa is in danger. Somehow I'm beginning to blame myself why I cancelled my previous visa.

It is so frustrating to know that some people's future were damaged just because of their wrong decisions. I hope they can make a review on this matter again.

I wish the best for all of us.

Best Regards


well, i was sent for the the second blood test, still waiting its over 6 days now i dont know whats going on am just a house wife with hep B. praying they issue me a vise.


Dear All

Inshallah, we all will have rights to work.

KK produced some important thoughts through his PRO and MOH representative, but there is lot of work to do to safe ourselves and the ppls suffers their carrier due to this problems.

Jane1, what is your profession? I believe there should not be any problem if you are not belongs to Food handling industry just be patience as I am waiting since a month after my second blood sample has taken.

Gmdj, do not blame himself this is the matter of God, like if this new decree not come in picture then you seems himself that you have taken a good decision

God helps us and Good luck for every one


Am just a housewife not here to work.


Hi Jane1

my wife's case also same as yr case.
r u from Dubai or Abu Dhabi. 
is it your visa renewal or new visa


hi . its a new residency visa, is there a chance of getting it,
despite the hep B. thx good luck to ur wife God will help us thru this as its not our wish to have hep B.



Dear how you kept on hold your new sponsor without telling the real situation? this is also an issue b/c of this long time period with out stamping the new visa...



Hi Jane,

Dear if you are healthy HepB carrier then yes, you 'll get fitness certificate as per our todate knowledge..


Dear All,

First of All Thanks God then I would like to Thanks all of your Prays and Support, Finally I got the Fit to Work Certificate Today .........Thanks every 1

I will pray all of the peoples who are dealing there cases with medical committee or they are applying to get the fitness certificate.

God Bless to Every1 and wish you good luck



Hi SIAS, congrates and god bless u too.


Hi SIAS. Congratulations to you my dear... I'm so happy for you.

On my case, sounds like they're arranging the deportation procedures. I don't know but I shared what I've learned from this forum to my PRO but he's so sorry and said he can't do nothing about it. Maybe as what Bobot says... it really depends on our Sponsor or PRO. I'm not lucky though...

Anyway, I am now ready to face what's waiting for me in my own country. I'm just positively praying that there's more good opportunity waiting for me. Too bad to think I lost too much money and end up nothing.

God Bless and Good luck to everyone of us.


Dear GMDJ, I wish you good luck. You are right, some PRO's are just can't understand the situation. God will help you. Believe me whatever is hapening in this life is hapening for good things. Again, wish you all the best and keep it up!



Congratulation! Lets celebrate dear........HURRAH.............Thanks GOD...
God help all of us..........
Congratulation! SIAS..........



Dear simply they ve given the fitness certificate or some additional.....pls tell us



Thanks Every 1

Abee they give normal fitness certificate as they issue in normal medical report state that you are fit.




Thanks for your info. Dear, this visa detail paper, please can you tell us the exect counter to get b/c i tried to get but different ppl sent to different counter and after long wait same response go there pls this counter is in which building of immigration office i think there are 3 main building after intering the office area i.e one one right, other on left and one straight......which one pls.........thx


Hi Abee,
am just coming back from there they said even if am a house wife they cant give me a visa since i have hep B,they said i should have told them before the test maybe they would have helped but now its too late..hope it works for ur wife good luck.


Hi Jane,

which medical center you gone for test
how many tests they took and days
i think you still have a chance to go to MOH and approach
they will consider the case


Dear Abee,

Once you will go to immigiration office in Abu Dhabi Enter from Right Side and the First Enterance of GF building, before that take a 10 AED ticket as i informed earlier, when you enter in this building ask to security man he will ask you the purpose tell him i need this document, i collected this document from the first left counter in this floor. try to convence to security officer that one of my friend collected this docuemnts becuase he will misguide sometime. i also miss guided from him. welll dont forget to bring the new employement visa on the basis of this they will find the history of your visa.

if you have any problem post me immidiatly.



Hi Vengates in Ras khaima thats were i am . i did two test the first one i waited for 6 days this one now i was not called so just followed up and found that they cant issue me we tried to talk to the director of pre` medicine he said since its already sent to the immgrations there is nothing he can do. its really sad for my children and husband, what do u mean by MOH.


i Guess its already in the hands of the police now nothing can be done..



Thanks a lot dear, I have gotten it after three days struggle & efforts. Dear, really your information has worked a lot for which me and i believe the other members w'd like to say a lot of thanks and reward will give you the Almighty and I think first drop of that you 've already gotten in shape of 'Fitness certificate'........Thanks dear...keep remember in your prayers...


Hi Jane,

So sorry to hear about your case but as per their new decree there is no chance at all for any category to get fitness certificate even he/she is a healthy carrier...dear don't be upset and take it easy & normal (coz it happened & fact) this is not the end....


Addition to my last post: as per new decree for new visas no chance to get fitness certificate even though indivitual is healthy carrier but if some one is already here & has visa and he want to renew or want to change sponsor then they will check case by case & other than specified categories probably they 'll get it as we saw in cases of SIAS & Bobot...


I am so happy for you SIAS!
For those who have Hepa B like me, do not lose hope.
Just keep on fighting and striving for the future!


Hi People,
Let me tell you my feelings about reading this forum.
First of all, just to let you know, I am not sick yet. I mean, I am not infected with this Hepa B decease.
But hey, no one is expected to be sick. Am I right?  Or you exactly know that you will be sick tomorrow or after one month?
So, I ask myself should I better be prepared to leave this country in case if I get this sickness. 
Definitely, NO. I don’t want to leave. I am not a crime person. I am following all rules and regulations. I am not a terrorist!
It’s just ridicules to even think to leave this country. Why? Just because. See, I am living here in UAE for long period of time. I have my family here, I have  economic, social, cultural ties with this country.  And most important reason: As I have already settled down here, I DON’T KNOW what I will be doing back in my country of origin. Do you need more reason?  So, why I should be forced to leave this place where I feel myself comfortable?
Again, why  the deportation is only solution? Who makes such a stupid, pardon me such a strict rules? Humans? I don’t think so. 
Imagine, my dear reader, you are a great man (or woman) and doing fine and very much welcomed and living here with a great hospitality. You are happy!  Now, suddenly, when time comes to renew your visa you go for blood test and… you have been informed that you are infected with Hepa B! You are shocked. No, please wait, don’t be shocked yet. Now local authorities preparing you for, deportation!  There is NO way for you to stay here anymore. All your plans with this country and your future have been ruined in a moment. Ok, now you can really be shocked. And now only, you start asking questions. Why? Why I must go? Where is your hospitality? Where is that great nation who was taking a great care? Or at last, where are the human rights?  No answer!
Locals saying sorry,  we can’t take care of you. You cannot be treated here because you are not our citizen. We are not brothers, sisters any more. You are sick! Thanks for all your contributions to our country and your work. So, please leave us. Go home!
That’s it.
I hope, you are not too much bored reading this. I am just so impressed and I feel sorry for those (Hepa B infected people) who in this situation and trying to fight for their rights. And seeking  help. 
And I hope, not only expats are reading this forum. And I hope, there will be some solution for this problem.  God bless you all.


Thanks God for your successful attempt SIAS. For those who are not so lucky, please don't lose hope. PLEASE.  More than anything, we need each other at this time.  Not just for the visa issues and living in the UAE but most importantly on how to treat and manage the infection.  Nobody seems to be interested on the treatment itself and seroconversion.  Imagine getting a negative result for the HbsAg marker.  Yes it can be done.  My mom achieved it.  Some others had too. 

Recently the number one killer disease in the middle east is diabetes.  That's the kidneys affected right there.  Hepa is related to the liver organ.  If we can demonstrate that a non-viral disease kills more, then maybe the UAE govt will think twice of where their concern should be.  If we can show that a seroconversion can be achieved through lifestyle change and maintenance treatment as opposed to insulin dependence for kidney failures and other host of kidney related diseases then there is a reasonable chance the government will reconsider.

To those who have successfully crossed the bridge...please try to keep this forum alive in whatever way you can.  Please lets not forget everybody's pain and anguish.

God bless us all.


Hi KK and ALL,

Happy Eid Mubarak, I am100 % Agree with you and I am available for those who are infected with this monster. That’s true unity can beat any thing and off course being a human we can help other and we can join hands so that our voice can be heard and keep this forum active. Moreover we can together make people aware about this disease.

Being expats all of us know our boundaries in this country therefore we would need some infectious nationals of this country so that our forum is better heard among the people.

And I do not lose hope any time inshallah if we keep this forum active defiantly we will find some nationals of this country who would like to help ourselves and others also living in this country or out side badly effected with this disease.

Wish all of us Good luck


Hi Everyone,

Happy Eid Mubarak!!!

Right now I am already in my home country... Beginning to move on and looking for other livelihood. It's very disappointed to think that I already lived in UAE for almost two years then suddenly I will be deported just because of this thing in me.

In addition for the embarrassment and mistreatment I encountered with my officemates and PRO, I searched for this job for more than six months, spent too much money and when I'm ready for residence visa application again... Alas! All my dreams suddenly gone and I end up nothing. (FYI, I came from cancel residence visa and stayed in UAE in tourist visa until my 6 months ban was finished.)

Yes, I want to participate in keeping this forum alive so that we can help those who are currently facing this dilemma... by information or by any other means.

I also wish that the MOH decree can be review again... Please note that the hospitals are testing HBsAg only and no more further test on whether your liver is healthy or not.

Wish everyone of us a Good luck! Regards and God bless.


Dear GMDJ,

I was also an unlucky girl. I was checked with Hept B one week before. And I went back for rechecking last week. The result will come out tomorrow.

My question is: if they found out I have Hept B, what are the next steps that they are going to do with me. Do they inform the company and the policeman and send me back within 24hrs, or do they give me about one week or two before sending me back. And do I still allow to work before I will be send back?

I am really really worried now. Could anyone give me any idea tonight. I am so scared to think what I am going to face tomorrow.



Dear Jajuchi,

I think u should not use may be or such words which keeps doubts in your mind. Please get urself checked whether you have infected or not...which is important to clarify,,this should be your first priority than finding pros and cons about UAE laws.
Because any part of world where human lives try to be on law to help ur self..



Hi bcc,

you didn't give much details about yourself that you are renewing visa or new, profession etc. any how one thing is there that they 'll not asked police etc if they are going to deport some body they are giving time and sending their detail to immigration thats all.


Thanks Abee,

I am new comer in Dubai. I am working as an engineer. I just got an offer for three months. I was planning to stay longer if I feel Dubai is a place for me.

But now, I think very possible I will be sent back.

I just want to do a bit preparation for this: How long will this take before they finally deport me? Immediately? One week? Can I still work during this days before I leave?

I am now really scared and exhaused. I just feel bad when I have to think how can I explain to people when I am back home...

Do they care about people's privacy?



S4msung01 is right... it will depend on your Sponsor or PRO. In my case, after the second test (actually the confirmation that you're really HBsAg positive) they gave me a piece of paper and told me to give it to my PRO. Then if your PRO knows what to do, he can inform your sponsor or will do the necessary appeal to the Immigration as what I learned from SIAS and BOBOT.

In my case my PRO didn't make appeal even though I shared him what I learned from this forum... He went directly to the Hospital Administrations Office for necessary arrangements of my deportation procedures... thus he told me that I need to go outside the country within 7 days. They also took his BATAKA as their guarantee that they'll send me out of the country.

We'll pray for you BCC... Whatever happen on your case just keep us updated. I know the dilemma that you're facing right now because I'm through with that. Whatever happen, you have to face and accept and just think that it is God's will.

Good luck and God Bless.


Thanks for your reply, GMDJ.

I was supposed to hear from the hospital at least today. But my company people did not tell me anything actually. They only came to me and asked for my receipt I had from the hospital for the last check.

Can you imagin I was so scared when people come to me and talk to me about this? I thought they are going to announce in front of everybody.

So currently, I am still waiting...

I knew I will know it tomorrow defenitely.

So I have at least one week to prepare pack everything and go home, is that right? Not within 24hr immediately?

I am already starting to search for my flight now.

GMDJ, how long does it take you to go home after you received the medical paper? within 7 days? And did they let it known to a lot of people in your company? And did you still work before they send you home?

And can you explain to me what is PRO?

I will give you an update tomorrow.



Yes, you'll not be deported within 24 hours. But it is still painful to know that we will be deported because of this thing. Imagine, I learned that I have this thing in me since 12 years... got married and have 5 years old daughter and they're both negative with this. How can they explain to me that I am contagious and need to go outside their country as soon as possible????? Is it that unfair? But we can't do nothing, we are only expat on this country.

It'll depend on your PRO if he's going to announce to everybody in your office. But for sure, he/she'll need to inform the Sponsor, the HR department and immediate superior about the problem. Yes, I was still able to work until the last day of my flight. My company is the one who took care of the booking and flight expenses. I went home within 6th days after my PRO received the medical paper.

By the way PRO, I guess stands for Public Relation Officer... the one working on our Visa applications to the UAE authorities.

I keep praying for you BCC, I hope your PRO and Sponsor will do everything to keep you in the company. Good luck and thanks for keeping in touch.


Thanks for your quick response and detail explanation.

You are really so kind. I feel much less scared now, because I know someone is standing beside me.

I am actually start to develop a feeling of accepting whatever will be coming to me today.

I really enjoy my short working relationship with the all the collegues that I get to know here. They give me so much care and happiness. I have no idea what they will look at me again when they will hear that I am a desease girl that will be deported within one week...

I need to be strong enough to face what is coming to me. I hope I could still enjoy my life after I pass this period.

Thanks for sharing with me, GMDJ.

I will keep you update ASAP.


I still did not hear anything yet, GMDJ.

I do not know what is the reason.

Maybe because I have only three month temporary working visa.

I will update you if I know more.

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