hepatitis B infection
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Thanks henry.
I pray for you and all the other brothers and sisters. Sure this is going to happen soon.
hi henry and others
i am sure that the law will get implemented very soon.but confused about the ban.whether they lift the ban?do any one have any information abt that.pls do share.
annefrank wrote:hi henry and others
i am sure that the law will get implemented very soon.but confused about the ban.whether they lift the ban?do any one have any information abt that.pls do share.
Once the low is implemented then the ban will be done away with.and anybody who got deported for HPBV will be given Visas guys i need correction if am wrong.
Bingcai wrote:ramtuty wrote:Dear Bingcai,
Congrats for your fit certificate. You have mentioned that you are new visa applicant? Can I know for which position u'have arrived? And which SEHA hospital you checked, near Al Wada Mall?
Yes I am a new visa applicant. I have an office job - category A they say. I didn't fall in the 6 categories.Yup. Seha near Al Wahda Mall.
Dear Bingcai,
Thank you for your immediate response.Keep on update regarding new law implementation.
I am also checking all newspapers and HAAD websites for new updation. I hope, new rule will be implemented within a days.Let us pray well.
hi guys,
terribly worried now, I'll be having my medical exam on saturday at al satwa govt. clinic..is it alright to have my test there?are the doctors there easy to go with?pls.. giv feedback pls...prayers to everybody.
At this moment, please guide brothers and sisters who have hep B to the right hospital or medical centers for examination where you had test and got the fit certificate, or, if you could provide the name of the right doctor for blood testing, you shall be much appreciated, in case the new law is not implemented yet. That is the solution.
Dear All,
Today I went to discuss with one man who worked in immigration about my case ( I cannot give more detail ) Head of Doctor said that offical letter for new law came already today moring, but just wait for publishing in newspaper only for next day will be effect, he said to me that only next week, sure newspaper published and I can come, now everyone don't worry , next week you will see on newspaper,
Thank you,
Thank you very much Mickey
It's a great news all of us, we pray for everyone. God is with us.
If anyone has any news please post here.
Thank you
thank you mickey for this great news
friends please do pray for people like us also i mean who have been banned...
hi mickey
any news regarding banned people for hep b. please do share
Thanks Mickey.... It is a great news for all of us.
God is there for us.... eagerly for that day...
Thanks for the note mickey2000,
Did you actually speak directly to this Head Doctor? Or was this secondary information? Where is this doctor located?
mickey2000 wrote:Dear All,
Today I went to discuss with one man who worked in immigration about my case ( I cannot give more detail ) Head of Doctor said that offical letter for new law came already today moring, but just wait for publishing in newspaper only for next day will be effect, he said to me that only next week, sure newspaper published and I can come, now everyone don't worry , next week you will see on newspaper,
Thank you,
hi guys i will be applying for a visa in tecom free zone. I was wondering if they test for syphilis? if so what is the procedure.
Hi Mickey,
About the Head Doctor that you spoke to is this in Dubai?And what about the immigration people once they implement this new law did they mention also how they going to work out the permanent ban that they impose before, how to remove it? hope there is new development on this , this keeps me and my friend worried about the ban?at least now we see a new light tht anytime they will ttotally and surelyy implement it and be publish so everyone will be aware.....Thanks everyone for updating this form hope all our prayers will be heard soon...
From sunday new rule will be implemented.Some body confirm me from Muhaisnah.
I hope they will implement the law soon and after that we shud not stop from there..We shud continually fight for the lifting of the permanent ban on some of our buddies here..I hope this will just be the beginning of our fight for the discrimination we are suffering not only to this place but on other places too. good luck to all of us..To GOD be the glory...
Canon wrote:From sunday new rule will be implemented.Some body confirm me from Muhaisnah.
is this information from a reliable source?From officials of that fitness center?Lets pray hard..
My heart goes out to the people who have been banned, but does anyone know if the ban has a reason placed in the system? Because sometimes their system may not be intelligent enough to decipher whether its a ban for a reason or not... or may just be placed as 'banned'. With the latter option, these people may have difficulty lifting the ban. Just a consideration.
Perhaps these people need to start gathering information from immigration sources to find out the procedure of lifting a ban.
Good luck to all of you
anonephil wrote:guy's,
I hope they will implement the law soon and after that we shud not stop from there..We shud continually fight for the lifting of the permanent ban on some of our buddies here..I hope this will just be the beginning of our fight for the discrimination we are suffering not only to this place but on other places too. good luck to all of us..To GOD be the glory...
Canon wrote:Yes it is reliable(100%)
Enshallah!thanks for the info..
yes we will not stop. we will continue to share information also with regards to medicine of this virus. we will work together us one. from now on we should, we should treat each other like our own family until the time come and we are free of this virus.
ArabianTiger wrote:My heart goes out to the people who have been banned, but does anyone know if the ban has a reason placed in the system? Because sometimes their system may not be intelligent enough to decipher whether its a ban for a reason or not... or may just be placed as 'banned'. With the latter option, these people may have difficulty lifting the ban. Just a consideration.
Perhaps these people need to start gathering information from immigration sources to find out the procedure of lifting a ban.
Good luck to all of youanonephil wrote:guy's,
I hope they will implement the law soon and after that we shud not stop from there..We shud continually fight for the lifting of the permanent ban on some of our buddies here..I hope this will just be the beginning of our fight for the discrimination we are suffering not only to this place but on other places too. good luck to all of us..To GOD be the glory...
Dear Arabian Tiger,
The ban at immigration is put there by Health Authority. I explained sometime back in this forum the only way to remove it is contacting the Health Authority and askin them to remove it. I went to immigration actually tried to apply for a visit visa after my wife had left and I wasn't surprised when the man in the immigration department said my wife is "on the blacklist as she is sick". Those were his exact words. He told me to contact the Health Authority for details. Of course I already knew she has HBV+ and her original visa cancelled. but I just wanted to know what would happen if I tried to apply again for a new visa.
So the immigration are checking against a blacklist and if your names on the list then you wont get a visa.
So this week I have been trying to find a way to lift the ban (or blacklist) because of the new law (which isnt implemented yet still!). I have a good contact in the Health Authority and I am working hard to find a solution, I feel I am very close.
best regards
uk expat1971
Yes i agree, we have to work together hard. lets have this virus free life. GOD is there with us.
i just hope that when the new law gets implemented all ban would be lifted as well so our brothers and sisters can move on and start a new life again just like me. I guess our ban is case to case basis. I spoke to my friend who works in immigration. He confirmed that i got one year ban, its an automatic ban due to medical reason. He told me my ban would be finished on Feb2011 after that i can come back mafi mushkilah. Just wanted to share my case to all of you. Now, im just waiting for the implementation of the new law just like you guys and hope my ban would be lifted when the law takes place just like the others on this forum. I know GOD is always with us and he will never leave us. We're not bad people we just want a good life for ourselves and for our family. God bless us all!
Keep on praying.
Dear all,
Thank you for your all comment to me, I would like to inform all of you also, I spoke directly to Head Doctor( will not mention state ) ,Sure letter from Health Minitry came on yesterday already, Just wait newpaper only , from their side, procedure had alrady prepared, I am the one didnot give much details because I don't even .01 precent wrong because this forum is important for everyone, even one day is valuable. tHis is strongly confirm from me.
Guys,Thanks for the motivational updates. I have been following this blog for a long time and would long have given up waiting for a law change here unless the rumors of law changes hadnt been posted on this website beginning june.
As I have been kept in the loop on this website from the very beginning I want to return the favour to ppl using this website.
I went to the ministry of health behind carrefour and the gentleman in charge of this law is Mr Krishna Narayan pradeep who is the regional officer of the communicable diseases control section. He told me that this law has been implemented and doctors are giving fit certificates if expat worker is meeting all the employment criterea. They have not implemented this on their information systems apparently for reasons he did not explain. I believe we shouldnt be scared in the emirate of Abu Dhabi and begin going for our tests.
All the best. I encourage you to go to HAAD to inquire for this gentleman and ask for yourself
I would go for my test but am actually looking for a job now. any one have any leads for a chem engineer let me know
Basis the posts in the forum, it is very evident that the new law will take effect in the forthcoming days.
Thanks everyone as this blog has been a great morale booster.
In case, anything else needs to be done at UAE to remove the ban on people who have had their visas cancelled, can someone in UAE co-ordinate the same for the benefit of all...
Many things are still unclear whether it was a life time ban or a one year ban..
Mr. Krishna is a very good man. He helped me too. But is it MOH or HAAD? He was the one who called the doctor from SEHA to hold my report and give me the fit certificate when the new law will take effect. The doctor initially said that I should go back to my home country within 10 days - get my visa cancelled or else I'll be deported. Guys, I can attest to Yahoo. Mr. Krishna can really help you. He is a very good man. Now I can tell his name. He's the one that I'm referring to when I said a "person from HAAD" helped me. I had my certificate 3 days back. So please don't lose hope.
yahoo wrote:Guys,Thanks for the motivational updates. I have been following this blog for a long time and would long have given up waiting for a law change here unless the rumors of law changes hadnt been posted on this website beginning june.
As I have been kept in the loop on this website from the very beginning I want to return the favour to ppl using this website.
I went to the ministry of health behind carrefour and the gentleman in charge of this law is Mr Krishna Narayan pradeep who is the regional officer of the communicable diseases control section. He told me that this law has been implemented and doctors are giving fit certificates if expat worker is meeting all the employment criterea. They have not implemented this on their information systems apparently for reasons he did not explain. I believe we shouldnt be scared in the emirate of Abu Dhabi and begin going for our tests.
All the best. I encourage you to go to HAAD to inquire for this gentleman and ask for yourself
Bingcai wrote:Mr. Krishna is a very good man. He helped me too. But is it MOH or HAAD? He was the one who called the doctor from SEHA to hold my report and give me the fit certificate when the new law will take effect. The doctor initially said that I should go back to my home country within 10 days - get my visa cancelled or else I'll be deported. Guys, I can attest to Yahoo. Mr. Krishna can really help you.
He is a very good man. Now I can tell his name. He's the one that I'm referring to when I said a "person from HAAD" helped me. I had my certificate 3 days back. So please don't lose hope.
yahoo wrote:Guys,Thanks for the motivational updates. I have been following this blog for a long time and would long have given up waiting for a law change here unless the rumors of law changes hadnt been posted on this website beginning june.
As I have been kept in the loop on this website from the very beginning I want to return the favour to ppl using this website.
I went to the ministry of health behind carrefour and the gentleman in charge of this law is Mr Krishna Narayan pradeep who is the regional officer of the communicable diseases control section. He told me that this law has been implemented and doctors are giving fit certificates if expat worker is meeting all the employment criterea. They have not implemented this on their information systems apparently for reasons he did not explain. I believe we shouldnt be scared in the emirate of Abu Dhabi and begin going for our tests.
All the best. I encourage you to go to HAAD to inquire for this gentleman and ask for yourself
Dear All,
This is true. The Officers in the Communicable Disease control section will give fit certificate in the Abu Dhabi emirate (dont know if they are doing it in any other emirate) if your test was after June 2010. As June was the month the law was voted in by the Health Ministers, this I was told.
Do not listen to any other Doctor or nurse telling you that you cannot have a fitness certificate. Go directly to these officers they can help.
Unfortunatly if your case was previous to June this year, (like mine). This is a bit more tricky as we seem to be in a gray area at the momment where the law is not implemented officially but the officers are interpreting everything they do now using the new law. So on a positive note I have been working with my Health officer to "find a way" for pre-June 2010 cases. As soon as I find the way I will inform all.
best regards
uk expat1971
Thank you to Bingcai and Yahoo for their latest updates.
Also hearty thanks to Mr.Krishna Narayan pradeep for his valuable help.
Will the news come tomorrow in newspapers regarding implementation??
Let us see.
Hello everyone,
I just arrived last Sunday after a month vacation in my home country. When my husband tried to get me a visit visa, the person in the immigration (Dubai) told him that I was banned.My husband was instructed to go to section 15 of the immigration to ask whether it was lifted or not, so he went and ask. It was confirmed that I have a ban because I was medically unfit due to hep b. The person on the desk however told to my husband that its ok, the ban was lifted so I was qualified to apply for a visa. My paper was stamped and cleared from being banned.
So now I am here to stay with my husband for three months. I just hope that if ever i will take the medical test for the second time I will be given a medically fit result.
For those who left UAE with the knowledge that they were banned, my experience is a proof that there is hope for them to comeback in UAE.
It will best to confirm first in the immigration for their current status regarding their ban.
May God be with us all!
hi stiff
when were you banned and when was your ban lifted.how was the ban lifted.did you had any hold or they lifted the ban bcoz of the new rule implmentation?
i am also banned for life long due to hep b. i was banned 2 yrs b4 and when my hus tried for a visit visa 1 yr b4 they rejected.will it be advicable for my hus to enquire with the imigration centre once more???
Dear Annefrank,
I left Dubai last first of August this year and was found out by my husband that I had a ban when he was applying for a new visa (housewife is the occupation placed on the form)for me. He was instructed to go to Section 15 at the immigration and fortunately my ban was lifted without any effort ( like asking for human consideration and the like)made by my husband.I am able to come back here in Dubai on Sept of the same year.
Yes, I strongly suggest that your good husband checks the status of your ban. I believe the ban was lifted because of the new rule which is being implemented at the immigration at present.
hello stiff,
its being 1 year i have left dubai and i have got ban because of hep b. What will be my status now will my ban will be lifted due to the new rule...? how can i check my current status wheather my ban is still here or its been removed please stiff give me a help regarding this..
Hi stiff;
congrats for the good news, this at least a relieve for us whos been really finding ways how we can probably lift the ban we had mine especially is a permanent one so i am really praying that answer will come.You said section 15 of the immigration area where they can check about the ban - which immigration office are you referring is this the office in Karama because that is where i went to check for my friends issue before? Hope you can give us a further details so the rest of us will know how we will deal with this one. thanks
Hi Bingcai,
it was great to hear that you already got your med. certificate about this Mr. Krisna does he handles all the medical certificate for Dubai and other emirates and what about for freezone is this the same regulatory body who handles the same decision?I want to know if you have his email address or direct line so i could require to check the new rules and probably inquire if there is any hope to those who are giving permanent ban.
Hi uk expat1971,
You mention you too is working to lift a ban for your wife i hope you could get a feedback soon for this will help the others too.
Hello every one
Any one find out when will be the next issue of official gazatte?? There is no news in newspaper can you please Check with Mr. Krishnan and let us know...
God bless you all.
Hi Bingcai ,
do you mean if law implemented any one how had his medical test late june mean after 25 of june . will he be able to get his medical fit certificate ? please some one update me on this .
Hi to all!
My husband went to section 15 of the immigration at Al Jafiliya in Dubai. Like I said after my husband checked it at the said section it was confirmed that there was a ban in my name , BUT, the desk officer told him that I can come now to Dubai. She stamped my visa application form and was brought to the visit visa section and was processed furthermore and finally approved without questions asked.
My visa was approved maybe for the reason that I am visiting my husband who is presently employed in Dubai, and, beacuse the ban was lifted from my record.
Go ahead and check your status at the said section and place.
My prayers are with all of you.
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