Hepatitis B infection

Hi everyone,

I've been following this blog for a long time now. I am a hepa B carrier also and went back to home country last July 2010 after failing the medical test during renewal of residence visa. I have no ban though. I was convinced to come back to UAE on the last week of November 2010 after reading positive updates from this blog re: new rule on UAE medical requirements. Today I am happy to announce that I passed the medical test and my residence visa as Accountant will be released by Fujairah Free Zone within this week. This is a testimony that the new law is implemented in all Emirates. Thank you all for your encouraging updates and may God continue to bless us for giving us new lease of life by being able to work here in UAE despite our medical condition. To those who are still in doubt, please do not hesitate anymore to come to UAE. God answered our prayers because of the new law that Hepa B test is only required for 6 work categories. PRAISE GOD.


As promised back in 2009, and after so many hazards along the way, I am glad to announce that a seroconversion research program will be started soon and I will be needing volunteers.

Please email your interests to iamhealed11@gmail.com. Only carriers with lab results to show will be allowed. If there's more than one in a family, I would greatly appreciate it if the whole family volunteers for the sake of the program.

I am happy for those who have made it back to Dubai but most of all I would be happier if we knock out this disease altogether and for good.

Blessings to all,


Congrats to those who are successful in coming back to Dubai and go their residency visa but anyone wants to share about the ban issue.

Hi Gracia34,

Here is my email address; lorelais8@yahoo.com, please send me the brochure info.

Thank u,


Hi Gracia34,

I found some info through google search are you talking about the LIZADA KOREAN GINSENG i have read about the site and it looks like this is very convincing in cure for the hepatitis b.

gracia34 wrote:
gerryanded wrote:

Hi Gracia34,

about the ginseng medicine is it really effective?  and where can i buy it in Philippines?and how much is the price?



yes very effective. many filipino are using it esp those hepa carrier. give me your email add and send you a copy of their brochure.

hi gracia34,

please send me also the info regarding the ginseng. my email add b_brecio@yahoo.com
thank you very much. God Bless..

Hi All,

Thanks for the overwhelming response of those who are interested in the program. I know that most of you since we started this forum back in 2009 have been waiting for my initial progress in the research. Apologies that it has taken me two years to come up with the right formulation that can be ingested without throwing up because the compound medicine is so strong it can't be stomached by any ordinary individual. Please take note that this formulation is not in the market yet and most likely it won't be available for commercial production in the near future because of the nature of the ingredients and the manner of its preparation. Your next question would be - am I talking sense? Have I personally proven it? Yes on both counts. My own mother achieved seroconversion but using the initial formulation which is very strong that even I can't ingest it. Overall the assesment of her doctor back in 2008 was that of disbelief - most of her organs are in perfect size with no enlargement and all lab tests on her kidney, liver, bladder are normal with no stones, scarring or unwanted secretions to her bloodstream. She started on that formulation based on my suggestion back in 2007 when she suffered a stroke. After obtaining seroconversion status in 2008 she maintained the formula as a supplement that she takes once or twice a week now. She's 57 now, still up and about, an active grandmother and supervises the construction of her second home along with my father.

All the components are plant-based, organically grown and harvested, prepared raw and fresh, packed and shipped at source to the volunteers. The main component is a non-traditional plant that can be found in the rainforests only. I tried cultivating it outside of the rainforests but failed in my attempts for years now. 

Until now our family internist can't explain  how the seroconversion happened. I would simply attribute it to her blind faith in my formulation and discipline in taking them on a daily basis despite how bitter it was. Actually I can choose to forget about the whole thing and just be thankful about the fact that my mother is well, and just focus with my lucrative finance career. But my conscience won't let me sleep at night for years. At one point in my life, I searched for a cure and had the impression that I found it and should have been happy with that and get on with my life.  But the burden to share it to the rest of the world haunted me and it never left me. What I indeed stumbled upon is only the tip of the iceberg. The formula can even reverse Cancer but that's for another day's discussion.

One thing I can tell you though for sure is that no single product available in the market today and even those that are being plugged in this forum have directly proven seroconversion in any single case. That is a fact. So don't waste your money going for commercialized stuff. I'm glad that I didn't bother then because that pushed me to think outside of the box and search of the real cure. Try getting on the phone, call your favorite internist and ask if chronic hepa b can be treated to achieve seroconversion. The most likely answer is no or still undergoing research.  So, how long can you wait? Who's going to initiate the research on your behalf? Don't you like to make the decision of doing something about it now while you still can? I can't do this on my own and neither can you. We each have our own lives to lead. However, for an organized effort to complete this research, we can prove a point that hasn't been proven in a controlled setting before. 

If you are more concerned about restoring your whole body and regenerating all of your body organs, yes, you read it right - ALL of your organs; then I am inviting you to join the volunteers research program that I am initiating now.

As a strict policy, only chronic hepa b carriers are allowed into the program and you must have prior lab tests reports to demonstrate that. You must be 18 years old and above. And you have the commitment to dedicate to this program for one whole year.

If you are interested, please email me at iamhealed11@gmail.com.

Blessings to all,

For reference, you may go and read the first page of this forum or you can go to this link and you will find my posts there:


Indeed I am one of the earliest members of this forum, and we came together to shed light on this disease and how it has hampered our career prospects. I have monitored this disease for so many years now and did my own research at about the same time that I became the authority in the family as far as the subject is concerned. I fully understand the stigma, embarassment, insecurity, and anxiety that this disease has brought us and I can feel for all of you who have suffered and kept this as a close-guarded secret even from your significant other.

To those who have expressed initial support for this research back in 2009, I will email you separately. Those of you who know of volunteers, preferably families or at least couples, it would be very much appreciated if you can forward my message to them along with my contact email address:



Hi everyone,

   I apologize for the inconvenience, but could tell me if i have a ban in dubai?. I was also deported last 2009 due to hep b. But in my passport I can see a cancelled stamp there. Does that mean that I don't have a ban? Yet my employer has reapplied for my employment visa twice for the past year. First was after 6months since I was deported and the 2nd time was after ayear but still i got denied. I am confused whether I have a ban because I got denied but referring to my passport it is not stated there. I am planning to go back to Dubai but reluctant to. I planned to apply for a visit visa and I fear I might be held at the airport upon arrival and be sent back home.

Could anyone please advice me regarding this matter. I would really appreciate that..

best regards,,


Get a new passport and apply for a visit visa.  Then have your employment visa applied while you are there. It's a system problem. Your current passport is in the database file of banned individuals.




  Upon checking on my passport it is only placed there cancelled. So meaning there is a possibility I might be held at the airport upon arrival and not be able to get in dubai? If I apply now for a visit visa using my current passport, would i be facing a problem regarding this?

  Thank you so much for your reply KK... I really appreciate it.

Firstly, you won't get any visa if your passport details is in the ban list. Obviously, you need to get a new passport as your existing passport details is in the DNRD database of banned individuals. Hope it helps.

@Randy, it bears no relevance that your passport was stamped. What's important is the reason why you were banned in the first place. Since it's hepa b, and presuming that you don't work in the medical field or food and personal service, then you can get the PRO to speak directly with the DNRD for the ban to be lifted. If your ban has been lifted then it should be okay to use you current passport. You only have to be worried about if you have a criminal case but that's another story, otherwise you can negotiate...it depends on the sponsor really.

Hi KK,

Good day to you.

I read what you have share, i would just like to ask how effective is it the idea of changing a passport becuase in my case right i deported back to Philippines i apply a news passport. But your name and details is  in their system  already so i dont think it is safe to take a risk on that case. I didnt undergo an eye scan when i deported though in my cancellation paper it says Reason for ban is health and there is this permanent. I think the best option is still negotiate with the clinic where you had failed the medical and request a letter from for DNRD to unblocked the ban this is actually the suggestion that i am getting from DHA and the clinic where i had my medical.The only problem i face with my case is that i dont have a copy of my failed medical and sad to say that the clinic were saying they only kept medical records within 3 months  so i am lost all hope that this ban will be sorted out. ANYONE IN THIS BLOG SITE CAN SUGGEST ME HOW AM I BE ABLE TO REQUEST A COPY OF MY MEDICAL CERTIFICATE?

Hi Gerry,

As I have posted in my earlier response to Randy, if your details is in the DNRD immigration banned list, you won't get approval for a visit visa so where's the risk? There's no way that you will get a visa, board on a plane and stopped at the Dubai immigration if your name is on the banned list in the first place. Please take note further that the DNRD, Dubai Immigration and the police shared the same database file in real time.

If you're banned in the first place and you tried to apply for a visa, then you got one, most likely you will pass through Dubai immigration as well.

Hope it helps you.


To all,

    Just wanna be O.A. for a sec. Having this blog really shed people with these cases some light, I for one am really kinda relieved being part of this community. It takes too much courage to overcome this unfortunate mis-comings but knowing that I am not alone makes it lil bit easier. Guys I just want all of you to know that I am very thankful for all infos, messages and comfort that you guys has shared. I've lost hope, haven't tried applying for a job here in the phils. fearing of the shame that I may be rejected again because of this. I know I am very qualified at my field and I think each of us are but.. there is a big but!!! life goes on...

Every one please be informed that today i got my medical clearance from al baraha hosp.Alhumdulilah now everyone should get it.It is confirmed that for new and renewal visas only 6 categories are tested.V soon my visa will be stamped inshAllah.

thanks everyone for the support you have been giving to each other.

Have faith guys, the UAE is adopting the WHO guidelines of management of chronic illnesses so it shouldn't hamper your career prospects in the country. Trust in their healthcare system and most of all...don't give up on yourself and on getting healed!

Happy for you W_Ali, keep it up!

randyorton wrote:

To all,

    Just wanna be O.A. for a sec. Having this blog really shed people with these cases some light, I for one am really kinda relieved being part of this community. It takes too much courage to overcome this unfortunate mis-comings but knowing that I am not alone makes it lil bit easier. Guys I just want all of you to know that I am very thankful for all infos, messages and comfort that you guys has shared. I've lost hope, haven't tried applying for a job here in the phils. fearing of the shame that I may be rejected again because of this. I know I am very qualified at my field and I think each of us are but.. there is a big but!!! life goes on...

Back in 2009, some people here sounded a little suicidal but almost all were in a certain state of depression due to the illness. This forum was meant to lighten the burden that the disease brought upon each and everyone of us and in turn indirectly to our family. Don't give up!


Hi Gracia 34,

Can u do me a favor also of sending the brochures. My email id is dm_july07@yahoo.com. Thanks a lot.

Good morning everyone! This is my first time to post!

THank you for the responses on this forum as I get almost erything I wanted to ask! This is such a huge help for me!

I'm an engineer (hepa B carrier) and planning to work abroad through a recruitment agency.

Does the POEA require us to undergo medical test (including hepa b test)? or it depends on the country on where you will work?

DO I need to inform the Employer (even during the final interview) that I'm positive with hepa B, and I should ask their help in case problem arises? or I it okay to keep it confidential?

Please advice me since I really need to work abroad due to financial needs. This has been my problem since 2009.

newbie101 wrote:

Good morning everyone! This is my first time to post!

THank you for the responses on this forum as I get almost erything I wanted to ask! This is such a huge help for me!

I'm an engineer (hepa B carrier) and planning to work abroad through a recruitment agency.

Does the POEA require us to undergo medical test (including hepa b test)? or it depends on the country on where you will work?

DO I need to inform the Employer (even during the final interview) that I'm positive with hepa B, and I should ask their help in case problem arises? or I it okay to keep it confidential?

Please advice me since I really need to work abroad due to financial needs. This has been my problem since 2009.

If you are going to work for an engineering company whose OHSAS practices are tied up with its ISO registration, regardless of country of destination and its corresponding health policies, you would most likely run into trouble later on due to their healthplan policy coverage. I hope you get what I mean by this. If I were you, do some discreet checking of your own regarding this matter. I am assuming that your prospective employer is a global/multinational of European/British/American origin. This is the hard and fast rule. Whether it's open for negotiation then that's where you could flex your muscles to work. No harm in trying though. Goodluck!

I would like to thank individuals in this forum who has expressed interest in my research for Hepa B cure. I think God has been watching this forum eversince.  And now Lung Center of the Philippines has opened its door to accommodate my research in the Philippines! Woohoo!

Hi KK,

Thanks for the reply, but another inquiry my previous has suspected that my ban is employment ban only ,what if in an instance i will be able to get a visit visa back to dubai would that create a problem for me if i will get a new job i mean what if the new company finds out that they cant apply a new visa for me because of my old issue with the immigration.this is exactly why i want to sort out the issue first with the DHA in uae and immigration so if in case i will get a new job things wont be a problem with me and my employer.By the way i want to now are you a filipino?I noticed you seem to have a knowledge about the rules do you have connection with the DNRD that you seem to know how we start with all of this.

thanks, Gerryanded



many thanks,


Hi Dingdong,

good day to you.

Just checking if you already met the doctor in A Baraha to discuss about the hepa. rules.






broad wrote:




If you're due for transfer to another sponsor without leaving the country, then no hepa b tests should be done on you.

Hi all,
   i am in my own country now and my boss offer me a chance to go out to dubai working in construction industry. But i am a kind of Hepa B, should i get that chance. and can i pass the body check there to grab a working visa!
   pls let me know or give me any suggestions.
   God bless you all!


Sorry if my question has been asked and answered several times already. I could not check the 65 pages back read.

First, My parents plan to send me to Abu Dhabi on a Visit Visa, by May. I will try to find work when I get there, is that LEGAL?

Second, I am tested positive for Hepatitis B. I think I was born with it. Both my parents and even my sister, has it. I plan to find office work as an Executive Assistant or even as a Admin Assistant. Will being positive on Hepatitis B put me in a negative situation when I get to Abu Dhabi?

What other jobs are available in Abu Dhabi for people with Hepatitis B?


hepb check does not apply to construction industry jobs so you will be able to get a working visa and residence in dubai.

you will go through blood test for HIV and xray only.

an drei2000

you can search for job while you are on visit visa in UAE-it is legal.

hep b test applies to only 6 categories:nannies, housemaids, nursery and kindergarten supervisors, workers in hairdresser saloons, beauty centers and health clubs, workers in processing and food control authorities, workers in cafeterias and restaurants.

So you should not have any probs while taking up admin job.

hi to all who follows and contribute in this blog. it has been a while since i visited the site, i was also like all you a hepa b carrier and working currently in AUH.

its just nice to see that after sometime the UAE government had change the policy regarding the health issue.

let us be thankful for the Lord for the blessings.

to all who are striving to get anew job, believe that there is a God, and when you believe show that you really are, no harm on trying we all deserve to live a normal life.

as for those individual who had taken their move to the next level i am so happy and proud of you guys that not only being able to work, but also looking for a permanent cure.... best of luck and it will be like turning the world upside down if you will find the miracle cure...



Hi Bobot, glad to see you back here. Yes, let's make this a much better place to live in.

It has gone a long way from a forum full of depressed and disappointed members, giving hope and comforting words to each other, looking and trying to find ways to get into Dubai.

But then there's a reality that most of us will face within the next 10 to 15 years - liver cirrhosis, liver damage and liver cancer if we remain passive about our current state. 

What I'm trying to prove right now is a formulation that would literally stop this, reverse liver damage and regenerate the liver. Thus, I'm inviting volunteers to join me in this research. It would be a good thing if we prolong our lives and that of our loved ones then live decades more to tell people about it.

For more information you may email iamhealed11@gmail.com.

Thanks KK for your posting.  Ofcourse If i hv take up another job, i will stamp my visa staying within the country.  Did anyone cleared Medical from SEHA Abudhabi.  Pl. Send the details where and how to go about.

God Bless all of us !!!

Hi everybody

I have cleared my ban from the health authority abu dhabi , but my visa process is still pending my sponsor it telling that i got a ban in abu dhabi police HQ , they need to clear that too it seems . Is any one come across who had cleared the ban from abu dhabhi emirate and checked in back to UAE .