To Pay Rent or Not to Pay, thats the question...

Hi, Due to COVID 19
Does anyone know if there are any policies in place re payment of rent specifically in Paris. I have heard some schools of thought say no one is... Any info on this appreciated.
Thank you

That policy for certain is in the USA about not being evicted. For France I do not know the policy but many people are working from home (my daughter is in IT so it's easy) so there is no reason why she shouldn't pay rent. That will apply for anyone working from home. Also, some landlords depend on the rent to pay their mortgage. Hopefully you will get a better answer from others here.

Individuals are not released from paying rent or utilities. Some small businesses have this benefit.
Info ( … s-lockdown):
Rent, gas and electricity
Businesses and self employed will also be able to suspend payments on rent, gas and electricity.
The government also decided to extend the traditional winter truce (trêve hivernal), which prevents landlords from evicting tenants during coldest months, by two months after the normal end date on March 31st. Anyone unable to meet rent in this period will therefore not face the fear of being evicted before May 31st.