Residencia - 2020 - How to get it done.

Good morning!!! Ok thanks for the clarification.  Have a wonderful day!

And the same to you as well!

Check with Lishali, but my guess is that getting your residency through marriage to a Dominican will be the most straightforward and fastest way to get permanent residency. If you come in as a retiree, you have to renew your temporary residency a number of times before you can apply for permanent residency,

expatcapitalist wrote:

Hello pareilly2000 - Based off what you're saying if you meet income requirements you may qualify for pensiado or family reunification residency. Whatever you're considering be prepared to wait a long time. I have been waiting since July of 2020 with all documents turned in and medical exam (last step) completed.

Are you working with an attorney? That wait time doesn't sound right! We completed our applications in March and received our final approval in September. A friend of mine completed his application in July and got his residency in December.

I know that applications have different processing times due to variances in requirements, but your wait time seems excessive - even with the pandemic shutdowns last spring/summer and the administration changes in August.

pareilly2000 - I did it myself, however I would not recommend it. I would have saved myself a lot of time and headache by using a lawyer and I would say to use Lishali she comes highly recommended.

Sorry for the bother but what is the average price for a lawyer in the Domincan Republic to process residency paperwork barring no complications???

Our price 2 years ago was $1,200 US per person, and there were no surprises, even with a couple extra hoops to jump through courtesy of DGM.  Would strongly recommend a good lawyer for your initial Residency.  Our lawyer also acted as a reference for a DR bank account.  Well worth the money.

Uncle Buck thanks a million for your quick response!!!!

Picking up our residency cards and cedula next week.  Yaahoo.  Lily you are the absolute best and we just want to thank you for everything.

What day are you coming?  We might get to say hello!

Tuesday morning 9 am appointment

I am not in SD on Tuesday, darn.  Next time we will have lunch after all is done!

Did you hire an immigration attorney in your home country, as well as, one in the DR?  Thinking maybe we need one of both sides of this??

Ndwaterfan wrote:

Did you hire an immigration attorney in your home country, as well as, one in the DR?  Thinking maybe we need one of both sides of this??

No, you just need one in DR. One in your home country won't know the process in the DR and will almost definitely be a waste of money!

We used Lily (Lishali) and she gave us a list of everything we needed to include in our application for the Residency Visa. She either helped us complete the forms or reviewed them once we had completed them. The guy at the consulate in DC said we had one of the most organized applications he had seen!

Well if you're ever in the Sosua area let me know we could get together then.

Will do Hilda!  I will soon be going to the North Coast more often!

I just completed the process and it I priced 4 and they varied greatly depending what they include I used Lishali Baez or as most people call her Lily.  You will see her mentioned a lot on this thread. Her number is 809-860-1231. Great lawyer and person.

" varied greatly depending what they include"

What was differences since only one process though you can may apply differently pending on your situation.

Some include all fees and govt charges.  Some include assistance with the residency visa as well.

Just an update.  Went to Santo Dimingo yesterday to pick up our residency cards and cedulas.  Took 2 hours total.  Lily as always was efficient and professional.  Can't say enough good things about her.  Thank you Lily!

Congrats!!    :top:

Wooo hoooo!  Good to hear.


Congratulations, that's great.

Congratulations, indeed.  Well done!!


What is your contact information please.

Her name is Lishali Baez and her number 809-860-1231 that is also her whatsapp

She will walk you through the process.

I should have mentioned this earlier!

Lishali Baez is in Las Terrenas this weekend, and she has agreed to a free info session tomorrow morning, with an opportunity for folks to ask questions about the residency process.

If you are in or around the Las Terrenas area and want to join us, we'll be at One Love Surf Shack at 11:00 tomorrow, May 15.

I accidentally signed up thinking it was an online session, as everything in Canada is still online.  It would have been great to be able to have it live on Facebook as well.

I've been WhatsApping her over the last two days but no response. What's the best way to get a response from her please.

Is there such a thing as a fast track and/or in country mechanism?  The investor route doesn't seem to be any faster than the regular route and from what I gather you need to be out of country for that one too.

Lishali had clients here and then today was travelling.  She is normally fairly quick to respond.

All residencia starts out of country.  When they say fast track - that is referring to the timeline to permanent status and citizenship.  Nothing more.

I tried to see if I could get Facebook live or Zoom to work, but with the open air venue, the microphones pick up way too much ambient noise.

I'll post a summary of the session and the Q&A to the event, with a link here.

Please say hello to Lishali for me, please!! 

Tell her Mr. Jim and Miss Lisa are watching from afar!!   



ddmcghee wrote:

I should have mentioned this earlier!

Lishali Baez is in Las Terrenas this weekend, and she has agreed to a free info session tomorrow morning, with an opportunity for folks to ask questions about the residency process.

If you are in or around the Las Terrenas area and want to join us, we'll be at One Love Surf Shack at 11:00 tomorrow, May 15.

There must be a way to get a question to her..... phone in or something.

No worries!  We are planning another one on the North coast in June!  Probably Sosua area to draw from Puerto Plata to Cabrera for anyone interested!

Good Morning
Will it be online too ?

Let me work on that aspect. It's in planning stages now!

WOw many congrats. This is awesome to hear!