Residencia - 2020 - How to get it done.

Hello, I am just starting this process but running into difficulties with answers before I begin.  I also will be using Lily however they require the 60% deposit before I get a solid answer on this one important question that could affect me being approved.  A few thousand dollars is too much to lose if I won't even have a chance. 

So, if anyone has had a similar experience, if they could share, that would be great!
Scenario is, we are not receiving CPP or work pension for 4-5 years so we will be living solely off of an investment from the sale of our home for the first few years.  What I need to know is if that $1750 USD require (for a couple) can be from a combination of the interest being earned and draw from principle.  My investment guy is concerned that this is not the case and that it will have to be only the interest that can be drawn.

Does anyone know the true answer?  I can't even find this on the DR website.  Just says proof of lifetime pension amount.

One possible solution would be to invest the funds into an annuity that pays out at least $1750 monthly?

Or maybe you could form a company with the proceeds, whose sole purpose is to distribute a "pension" to you until you are able to draw traditional pensions?

Thank you.  I will look into both of these options :-)

Both of those are viable options!  FOr pension you need to show  6 months of history by the time you apply here.

wow!  Lily told me 3 months.  The only problem is the investment of course is sitting at about an 8% return while to other options will not be near that high :-(

I only showed three months  proof of income I just finished the process with Lily

ok thank you.  I panicked for a minute.  I was hoping to be there by end of 2021.

Yes - we only had to show 3 months' pension deposits for our Residency Visa. I believe that for renewals you need to show the funds coming into your DR bank account for at least 6 months. We were leaving ours in our US account each month and just moving funds here as we needed them, but then in March, I started the monthly transfer into my Banco Santa Cruz account to prepare for our renewal.

ok, perfect thank you.  Hopefully renewal process is less stressful and less costly than initial process

Good afternoon. I have personal knowledge of a recent  residency approval and I want to brag just a little bit.

The lawyer many of us recommend, Lishali,   FIXED the mess created by a person who shall not be named!

My friend  was recommended to Lishali  after getting turned down  due to the  damn mess created by the previous person.

Lishali  got this turned around, walked my friend through the process of getting the documentation needed,   hand walked this file through to completion and approval!   

Lishali, I am really proud of what you managed to get done!   I know my friend is THRILLED!   He had been trying for almost  3 years with the previous person!   YOU ARE A ROCK STAR.

I am thrilled for my friend, and me too! Lishali you have done exactly what you said you could do!

Doesn't surprise me. Good job Lily!!    :one

Interested in the process for shipping goods in a 8x8x20 shipping container.

Are you doing it with or without residency?

With residency is different than without. As this is the residency forum please open a thread to discuss this.  Thanks


Talk to a freight forwarder..... like Jade Int'l

Does anyone have contact info for Lishali.

Phone  number for Lily  809.860.1231

How much Lily charge in full and what are the paper needed to be approved?
and it is just a questions what are the benefits from getting the residency or not ?
for a couples who will stay for 6 Months only for now ?

Each case is different and specific so  no one but Lilly can tell you what it will cost.   The papers needed depend on the type of residency needed.

The benefits -  being legal in the country for starters. Currently there is no way to legally stay for  6 months  other than residency.   

Lots of people will jump in and say just come and stay.... etc.  OUR STAND here is we do not recommend anything that is not legal.   You need to personally decide what works for you.

Can you please post the information for the lawyer Lilly? Thank you


Lishali Baez 

1-809-860-1231  phone and whatsapp

18098601231 Lily's  phone number

Thank you :)

De nada.

pls what is the maximum we can stay without residency ?

Currently if you arrive on a  tourist card, its  30 days.  Then you can  extend that online for up to a total of  120 days. 

Some will leave the country, go to Puerto Rico on the ferry for example, and reset their  time.

Other visas have different rules but this is the most common.

HELP PLEASE - I can't locate the thread that gave the info for completing Customs Forms on line & current requirements when returning to the DR....can someone give/get to that link - Sat 31 Jul and I fly 0700 01 Aug - will try to do online and if doesn't work guess it'll have to be the normal way.....

I suggest that you keep a paper form also I always grab extras. I fill them out ahead of time. I just came back a few weeks ago and I couldn't get the form to go through. They were taking paper forms last month. They say many people are having a problem. Bring both just in case.

Thanks folks - I did fumble upon it and I do have it now. In fact the e-ticket and my Covid test results showed up in my email almost simultaneously......good to go!!!!! And yes, I always carry paper copies - never know if the phone will suddenly crap out..... :D

They are quite fine if you just stay 6 months and pay the 4000 pesos on exit. Nowadays it's even organized, computerized. You dont even have to fill in the form where it asks you how many days you were there. They calculate it, and you just pay, they give you a receipt, say thank you. They dont say it's illegal, nor scold you for it. I fully realize that some of you will say that's changing this year, but I have been successful in my predictions that it wont, for year after year.

Modaisky, thanks for corroborating what so much testimony shows.....that it's not easy or cheap or fast.

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let everyone who is seriously interested in applying for the residency in DR know that if you are looking for an immigration attorney in DR, I highly recommend Lily.

I can be very technical sometimes and into details but Lily always was right on top of all issues and was there to address my concerns without BS. She even helped me with urgently drafting documents during weekend (when she was having a dinner) day without an inch of reluctance (THIS IS ABSOLUTELY RARE PROFESSIONALISM FOUND IF NOT THE ONLY ATTORNEY I PERSONALLY HAVE EXPERIENCED IN DR) for my embassy interview scheduled earlier than expected.

As a result, Lily recently informed me that my residency card has been issued JUST AS SHE PROMISED IN TIME in about 3 months from the date of submission of the dossier at the Immigration dept. Because the particular embassy I had to go through did not have many applicants under the residency category, even the embassy staff was not sure but LILY was there to help me meet the requirements and advised me all along the way.

If you are considering retiring or moving to DR and need an immigration attorney, I highly recommend LILY!

Big shout out to you LILY for your professionalism and integrity.

What a great  testimonial!  Thanks.

She deserves all the credit she gets....
she works hard & is reliable & trustworthy

We just completed our first renewal with Lily. She made it virtually pain free and effortless - she has no control over traffic in Santo Domingo or lines at the cedula office, and those were the only challenges we faced.

I just found out on the cedula office we have to go to is only for foreigners. So why the heck is it so far away from Migracion? Since the two are most often tied together, wouldn't it make sense to have them only a short distance apart?

I have been a member for several years while waiting for my big move to the DR. My journey towards residency began near the end of March '21 with the retaining of Lishali. I received my residency on 9/23/21, and with the burden of Covid restrictions, the process was quicker than I expected. I want to give a big Thank You, to Lishali for her professionalism and for guiding me through the process. She knows her craft well, and it shows. If not for her I'd probably still be in New York. My advice is, save yourself from stress and weaving through the bureaucracy to someone who knows the map by heart.

@ddmcghee.  The key words you wrote are - “wouldn't it make sense…”.  As we know, in our beloved DR, no such thing,  LOL

Thank you for another great review of Lishali! 

@carolmarchena soooooo true!  Actually made me giggle when I read it.

Thank you, I read this post thoroughly after getting all my paperwork in order. I contacted the Dominican Embassy in NY because I will be in the area next week visiting my daughter before I move down next month. They said I could walk in and get my paperwork apostille for my pensionao visa to start my residency process. What they didn't tell me was how long it would take to get my pensionado visa so I can stay on the country for 2 or more months when I arrive in November. Any idea? Thanks

gmccargin wrote:

Thank you, I read this post thoroughly after getting all my paperwork in order. I contacted the Dominican Embassy in NY because I will be in the area next week visiting my daughter before I move down next month. They said I could walk in and get my paperwork apostille for my pensionao visa to start my residency process. What they didn't tell me was how long it would take to get my pensionado visa so I can stay on the country for 2 or more months when I arrive in November. Any idea? Thanks

As for the timing, we got our Residencia Visas in 4 weeks, working with the consulate in Washington, DC. I've heard of others who waited a year or more. Once you have the visa, you have 60 days to enter the DR and complete your application for residency. You can remain in the country legally while your residency application is being processed.

For the apostilles, those come from different places. I don't think the Dominican embassy/consulate can get documents apostilled for you. In our case, we had to have items apostilled by the Secretaries of State in Texas (my birth certificate), Ohio (my husband's birth certificate), and North Carolina (our marriage certificate and a few other docs). I would double check with them on the items and their ability to get the apostilles for you. If they can, turning it around in such a short period of time is unlikely.

You can enter on a visitor card and stay for 30 days, with the option of extending that for a total of 120 days.