Anyone ever deal with squatters? eviction?

Fil-Am Mom wrote:
Enzyte Bob wrote:

Help . . . . I enjoy this thread but you're losing me with mentioning  of OP and OMO.

What does OP or OMO mean?  Also while I'm at what about JD and WT?

OP stands for "original poster" or the one who started the thread.


and OMO = Oh My Ostrich

OP : Original Poster
OMO : Only My Opinion
JD : Jack Daniels
WT : not too sure....some alcoholic beverage i presume!
WTF : We all know what that means!

manwonder wrote:

OP : Original Poster
OMO : Only My Opinion
JD : Jack Daniels
WT : not too sure....some alcoholic beverage i presume!
WTF : We all know what that means!

So that's what JD means. I gotta take note of that. 

Me: I heard you're getting a JD. Where? Berkeley? Hastings?

Other guy: 7 Eleven.

manwonder wrote:
pnwcyclist wrote:

Haha I have been sucked into this sad tale of misfortune, a tyipcal Filipino melodrama. SoonRetired I feel bad for you, if all this has in fact unfolded as described. It is my worst nightmare, and one reason I keep all my investments in the US, where property rights are (mostly) respected and enforced. I think your best bet is to either ignore the squatter until he is swept away or sell to a Filipino and let them deal with it. I suspect Geolefrench may be right about someone eyeing your property and planting a professional squatter on it. Too many weird things going on there.

...could it be the smiling/friendly mayor himself?

Vice Ganda who now is unemployed (ever since : ABS CBN shut down)...would love to take up the leading role in this melodrama!


Vice Ganda & Showtime has moved to "Kapamila" channel 8 on Sky Cable, Monday to Saturday 12 to 2:30.

I lose the TV at 2:30 so my wife can watch her soap operas.

Enzyte Bob wrote:
manwonder wrote:
pnwcyclist wrote:

Haha I have been sucked into this sad tale of misfortune, a tyipcal Filipino melodrama. SoonRetired I feel bad for you, if all this has in fact unfolded as described. It is my worst nightmare, and one reason I keep all my investments in the US, where property rights are (mostly) respected and enforced. I think your best bet is to either ignore the squatter until he is swept away or sell to a Filipino and let them deal with it. I suspect Geolefrench may be right about someone eyeing your property and planting a professional squatter on it. Too many weird things going on there.

...could it be the smiling/friendly mayor himself?

Vice Ganda who now is unemployed (ever since : ABS CBN shut down)...would love to take up the leading role in this melodrama!


Vice Ganda & Showtime has moved to "Kapamila" channel 8 on Sky Cable, Monday to Saturday 12 to 2:30.

I lose the TV at 2:30 so my wife can watch her soap operas.

Thanks for the tip off! I'm never going subscribe for any sky cable....we already have enough dramas on the local TV network.

Follow SR for drama instead of using Sky Cable.😬

manwonder wrote:

Thanks for the tip off! I'm never going subscribe for any sky cable....we already have enough dramas on the local TV network.

I get SKY cable in a package with my internet, 3748 php, my internet runs about 60 mbs.

WT. Wild turkey.
Back on topic, I do dearly hope I never have to deal with/nip in the bud a squatter situation, we have enough trouble with the goats.

Cheers, Steve.

@soonretired, It has definitely been a educational experience and I'm really sorry for what you have gone thru.

The one thing I have learned since following all your posts.

1) IMPORTANT, whether buying a piece of land or a pre built + a piece of land, once the land layout is set and obtain blueprint from a reliable government source, put up 8 foot high walls around it.

Enzyte Bob wrote:
manwonder wrote:

Thanks for the tip off! I'm never going subscribe for any sky cable....we already have enough dramas on the local TV network.

I get SKY cable in a package with my internet, 3748 php, my internet runs about 60 mbs.

Good speed Bob, perhaps the squatter/s keep clear because of this?

Cheers, Steve.

frankanderson wrote:

@soonretired, It has definitely been a educational experience and I'm really sorry for what you have gone thru.

The one thing I have learned since following all your posts.

1) IMPORTANT, whether buying a piece of land or a pre built + a piece of land, once the land layout is set and obtain blueprint from a reliable government source, put up 8 foot high walls around it.

Not always true, depends where and what you buy into. No way will I put up an 8 ft wall blocking my view to the waves, beach and surfers. Research and more research. No Squatters, one fence on the north boundary and the occasional truck off to goat herders and their stock. The locals are fine and know the boundaries.

Cheers, Steve.

wow...well first off i didnt just meet my wife on a website and stupidly run here and marry her and fall into some trap. i met my wife in person where she worked and we dated..we were engaged for 3 years before we got married, she is a good woman and has grown so much since we got married, in her education and her understanding. we love each other and have been together since 2010. she is a great wife and cook and mother to our children, she runs a small fish resale business and contributes to our life needs pays elect bills buys food etc with her own money.
she grew up here but left at 16 to work, she was truly unaware of the way people here really are,at 16 they were just neighbors and distant relatives that she only knew in passing as she hung out with other 16 year old girls and did what they do.
so please don't assume i "met a gold digger" and fell for it.i know it happens but you are off base in my case.
as far as me letting it happen i am guilty, most things that go on here my wifes advice is just ignore them and it has proven to be the best way, in the case of the squatter i should have jumped on it and nipped it in the bud. my mistake.
by the time i saw his behavior and the temp thing turning into a problem it was too late. we had not seen our deeds and bills of sale since 2015, we dug them out to make sure what was ours and review it since in the beginning i was just focused on making sure our house was sitting on our land.i was preoccupied with mixing cement and bending rebar and didnt think ahead to put barb wire around all we had and act like a foreigner who is changing the brngy and acting like its my country. at the time everyone was my friend and i was employing many here and drinking tuba with them after work and saw no problem.
the way the brngy is situated we have houses to the left and most of brngy and plaza to the right. to build a fence from my house to the ocean and make my new neighbors walk around thru the back would have changed the entire brngy behavior and looked very rude in my opinion.
the beach was open and nice in front of us and our neighbors to the left and used to park boats and swim mistake..maybe,i was trying to be a good neighbor and not act intrusive.
as for the distance from my house to high tide it may be more than 20 ft..maybe 30. but its close enough i never considered anyone would try to LIVE there. the high tide touches the squatters place and goes UNDER it many times as its on "stilts" made of concrete filled plastic pipe. they made it like that because the neighbor 2 doors down told them they could make a temp house there only, no slab, since they own the beach area next to ours. however when they built it ended up half on ours and half on theirs...however their poor behavior is mostly on our side now and certainly the dirty looks etc come our way only. its not very big maybe 8 foot by 12 foot, so it barely manages to fit there and still allow people to walk past and remain out of the water.. mostly.
its like 6-8 foot from our front porch/front door. right under my 2nd floor terrace and its hard to stand on the terrace to look at the ocean etc without looking down at what we try to ignore.and they look up at us with dirty looks but look away fast as we glance down at them and also look away so they wont create a "staring match" of dirty looks. its uncomfortable to say the least.
as for the paperwork and foreshore..we got our paperwork together and hired a private engineer to measure our lots and do the paperwork to combine them into one lot number.  we had 3 lots front to back. my wifes great grandmothers original lot and the front beach area we bought along with a quitclaim deed for a small area in back to make sure our house fit. the engineer is licensed and well known and i am sure he knows what he's doing as far as filipino law etc..our lawyer knows him also and we have a friend in another brngy that repairs aircon and he knows the man and says he's well respected engineer. the lot must end at the foreshore..i saw the map with FORESHORE along the north side of our lot and it only makes sense it goes to the foreshore. the tide here is sometimes 80 yards away at extreme low tide and is probably 20 feet away at high tides. its hard to tell what is lot and foreshore or actual ocean to me, however i trust the engineer with his gps knows what he's doing. and in practical terms...our markers were IN the water about 1 meter at the time the engineer was measuring. however most times they are not underwater. i assume this is  the "foreshore" line meeting our lot.
there are other houses here right on the beach but have big seawalls we have a neighbor cattycorner to us whos house is past our marker onto the forebeach 3 meters or so but they have a big seawall there.
most of the houses are in line with ours more or less , some back a little some closer to water...we built in line with them. like a row of houses facing the beach. i doubt we are in violation of any zoning or everybody is, and i'm sure the engineer would have mentioned it.
and lastly i didnt mean to be a drama queen or any is just what has happened since i got here and i am only relaying honestly my experiences living here and issues that have come up. others may have similar issues and need help and advice as i do.
  The mayor...i am going to have my wife talk to him or maybe we will both go there together and explain our problems. we tried to get police to help when they stole our lot markers and press charges and get advice from our lawyer as to options since the brngy captain is refusing to sign or receive the "charges" and is siding with the criminals here and instead sending US ridiculous summons on behalf of the thieves wanting us to explain why we did not ask permission from the thieves and squatters before hiring an engineer to measure our lot ! if we needed their permission.
lastly i wanted to thank Cherryann01 for her comment "i should get a shirt that says my squatter is a pedo and wear it 4 days a week"
this made me smile which was something i have been doing less and less lately.

man I feel you, if this was in NY and someone rolled up on my land like that. There will be all hell to pay. Including but not limited to I can actually shoot you for trespassing on my property, But this is PH and things work differently here I guess.

Please dont take offense on the comments here and I for one am glad you are sharing your story in such detail, some are reading for good drama purposes, some are reading for educational purpose, or both. Either way, It's good you are posting here and at least it's working as some sort of "vent" for you.

Be that as it may, your options are pretty straight forward now. Sell & move, try more "use the carrot" method or "use the stick", if you do decide to get that tshirt  :D  and you said he's much bigger then you with a mentality of a bull. Things can get dangerous quick.

It's also time for you to visit that mayor with your wife, bring some favors.

The other option as other members said, go at this from a psychological perspective, free Red Horse, tshirt, loud speakers, take your pick. If anyone is throwing poop right in the water in front of my house, you can bet I will return the favor by lobbing various type of feces on your property. I can get really creative with some bird seeds, nerf gun, water cannon, take your pick. What? I'm cleaning my property. /shrugs

Whatever the outcome is, I wish you the best of luck and may you find your happiness at the end.

In my opinion it will be very difficult to sell your house with a squatter in front, or the value will be depreciated strongly.

Well written frank and I'm sure all here have some sympathy for Soonretired, I'm guilty of following for the unfolding story but more so the outcome and if there are reasonable and amicable ways to short circuit this or else the OP will have a hard time off loading the property.

While none of us are privy to the reasons the relatives in the Barangay have gone down this path one wonders but that is the OP's business. Regardless back to Squaters:
As said in a previous post we have 800 odd M2 that is tax declared to the high tide mark according to the subdivision plan, on measuring some 27 metres from our titled lot the tax declared lot is still some 8 to 10 metres from the high tide mark so as you can imagine given 10 plus properties on the beach all having tax declared lots in front (Worked it out off the subdivision plan as other blocks are wider and further from the high tide mark) there is a little over 11,000 M2, nearly 3 acres and perfect for a fisher mans village, nary a squatter.
They, (perpetrators) like us can build temporary structures on a tax declared lot but it has never happened as we pay the taxes and control that bit of sand. If as the OP is suggesting that some thug has thrown a kubo up on his titled lot? Or is it tax declared or is it simply fore shore?
What you own, what you have a right to and what you think is yours are 3 different things and dealt with accordingly.

We have a reasonable sized bit of land here and if someone were to look at it the wrong way they would get the short shift very quickly. If we go on a holiday we get a relative in to look after the place and for them it's a holiday with a few bob in their pocket but being family they look after our interests, what happened with the OP's family? How did all the relatives turn?
If the culprit in the OP's situation has built on titled land then a backhoe or a few bigger blokes will soon remove if the Barangay Capitan has his head in the sand, pardon the pun.
OMO Soonretired and unfortunately a deal you have to deal with.

Cheers, Steve.

Most of us meant well and want only the best outcome for you.
As mentioned by others, selling the prop with this many 'liens' on it may be a problem (big financial loss on your part.) & you never know if its just the captain or some others higher up the food chain.
(3/4 barangay being anti you is to me a disasterous signal.)
If you do sound sick and tired of whats going on the 'vultures' can sense that.
So for a start follow Fil-Am-mom's advice which sounds about right "throw a party" & invite the mayor then carefully analyse if he really wants to help.
Best of luck.

a picture is worth a thousand words...

Ok it is not anymore temporary ...

who paid for the materials, subscription of sat TV etc ?

The electricity is coming from where ? He has an adress ? clearly is too close from the shoreline

soonretired, is the land yours or not? A picture certainly paints a thousand words but yours is a sketch at the minimum. OMO.

Cheers, Steve.

geolefrench wrote:

who paid for the materials, subscription of sat TV etc ?

i want to cry answering this...
when he first came here he was moping around all sad, i asked him why and he said he had no way to provide for his family.... i thought that a pretty good answer....he lived with his girlfriends sister next door for the most part (i heard the sister didn't like him around really) .

about that same time my wife and i sold a small lot we got back in 2012 and had 90,000 peso from that sale. she had talked about buying a boat and nets etc and getting someone to run it, so she would get fish from one more boat for her fish trading business.

well, i put 2 and 2 together and figured if this guy is gonna live next door and be around all the time we may as well offer him a job to "provide for his family" so i invited him in and told him i felt bad that he was walking around bummed out and he wanted to provide for his family, which i understand, and would he like to run a fishing boat..
a boat that i would buy and we could split the cost of gas and profits from the fish etc..
that way he would have fish for his family everyday and make some money every day.

he didn't seem to excited and i figured it was just pride or something, i said do you like the idea and he sort of shook his head.
i told him hang on , i'll get us some pepsi and we can talk over the percentages to share gas costs and how we split the fish etc..
when i walked back in the room he grabbed his drink, downed it and said he had to go !?

that evening i discovered 90,000 peso was missing from my camera bag that hung from the ceiling.

i feel sick now, lets not go round and round about this , i let someone in my house and tried to help them and its all my fault for trusting him alone for 2 minutes, i know,.. lets let this dead horse die.

bigpearl wrote:

soonretired, is the land yours or not? A picture certainly paints a thousand words but yours is a sketch at the minimum. OMO.

Cheers, Steve.

yes, our lot goes all the way to the water and cuts his shack about in half....titled.

geolefrench wrote:

who paid for the materials, subscription of sat TV etc ?

The electricity is coming from where ? He has an adress ? clearly is too close from the shoreline

nobody here has an "address" just brngy salvacion and their name and the island...

he runs a wire from his girlfriends sisters house next door...

she has a sari-sari store in there so we hear oyo,oyo all hours and litter is all over from candy wrappers and drunks get their booze from her and sit in front of the store and slur their speech all night.

yes....he's a pedo AND a thief   ) :

Yup thats about 20ft and a declaration of war.
Time for : "Eve of Destruction" by Barry McGuire the way nice jeans.

Okay , I had a look at the picture . That's a very nasty nest in front of the house. Although the Satellite Dish pleases the senses of my vision aesthetically. Now that would be a wonderful playground for me and the Sorry Sari store next door with a supply of Red Horse which is a 5 star accessory .

We need now to go covert. Did you know that you can buy some simple "Signal Jamming equipment" and control all communications. Yes... Block the Satellite Signal and all telecomms GPS etc for the whole area around you G2 G3 & G4 .. Nobody needs to know . You turn the 'Jammer" off when you need to enjoy a game on TV  and flick the jamming switch back on to take a nap in the afternoon.

Yes you are attacking all of the immediate cluster of loving extended family .. but it is time for a little bit of selfishness

Next, reposition all Aircon outdoor units to face the nests front door plus the Generator exhaust during the Brown outs..

The Title of my operation would be called .. Focused  Climate Change

Nuckinfuts wrote:

Okay , I had a look at the picture . That's a very nasty nest in front of the house. Although the Satellite Dish pleases the senses of my vision aesthetically. Now that would be a wonderful playground for me and the Sorry Sari store next door with a supply of Red Horse which is a 5 star accessory .

We need now to go covert. Did you know that you can buy some simple "Signal Jamming equipment" and control all communications. Yes... Block the Satellite Signal and all telecomms GPS etc for the whole area around you G2 G3 & G4 .. Nobody needs to know . You turn the 'Jammer" off when you need to enjoy a game on TV  and flick the jamming switch back on to take a nap in the afternoon.

Yes you are attacking all of the immediate cluster of loving extended family .. but it is time for a little bit of selfishness

Next, reposition all Aircon outdoor units to face the nests front door plus the Generator exhaust during the Brown outs..

The Title of my operation would be called .. Focused  Climate Change

yes i have had every thought imaginable by brother in the US just keeps repeating "dont burn it down"...i dont want to get involved in any illegal options or end up being in the wrong, this isnt my country and i have seen too many episodes of " locked up abroad"

i think praying for a cat 2 typhoon to linger here or a cat 3 to pass close enough to do the correct amount of damage is my best option after chatting with the mayor.

til then i will just have to literally jump a hurdle(made of bamboo0 to get access to my one meter of beach remaining..

No No .. I agree with your brother .. Don't burn it down and I was a little OTT with my suggestion of turning exhaust fumes on him .. if there were children in the shack .. that would be unforgivable.

Jamming the signal would leave a lot of people confused & who's to know .. Women like to talk .. I don't tell my partner anything

This story (post) has more sequels than  "The Fast & Furious" (8), I'm waiting for the next chapter. … ,15.39,429

I expect another little Blast of wind in the coming of judgement day

Since your house is so close to your squatter, why don't you aim your tv remote at his tv and change the channel every time he's watching NBA, PBA or Korean telenovelas.
You can still file a lawsuit to get the structure out of your land. On the bright side, the case is winnable. On the bad, you don't know what he's going to do.

well right now we are in a holding pattern since naval is where the lawyer and engineer and atm machines etc all are..and they locked it down due to sudden outbreak of covid.
i will let you know what happens next, we will probably go visit mayor after covid restrictions slack a little bit.

If it is your land I for the life of me can't see the problem, a dozer or a few hefty men will remove,,,,,,,, they are taking the piss and your wife is letting them do it, one must ask why?
Better the old dog most say but some bite harder than others as you are feeling. Given your situation I would be seriously talking to your wife about your out!

Cheer, Steve.

Lick your wounds  etc.

bigpearl wrote:

If it is your land I for the life of me can't see the problem, a dozer or a few hefty men will remove,,,,,,,,
Cheer, Steve.

You're right Steve, to borrow a few lines from Elvis:

It's now or never

Tomorrow will be too late

I'd spend a lifetime
Waiting for the right time

The time is here at last
It's now or never

I don't know about your area, but here in the province you can hire people to take care of your problem

Okieboy wrote:

I don't know about your area, but here in the province you can hire people to take care of your problem

Accidents do happen accidentally.

Jackson4 wrote:
Okieboy wrote:

I don't know about your area, but here in the province you can hire people to take care of your problem

Accidents do happen accidentally.

I had a bad car accident 40 years ago, wrote the car off, took out a power pole and 17 street lights and spent nearly 3 weeks in hospital, no work for 3 months.  No insurance on my car so it cost me dearly and took me years to pay all the debts back.
I took my eyes off the road/situation and only have myself to blame and dealt with it.
It seems to me that the OP needs to deal with a situation he and perhaps his better half observed and let happen.


Cheers, Steve.

Hmmm....something "smells fishy"