
Cell phone providers


Good morning
Do Claro have unlimited data for cell phone or how it works and how much in Las Terrenas?
Thanks you

Claro has the best coverage but also with that some areas has problems, you shuld make a test and see how works in the areas of your interest, about the the prices in postpay 100 min and 20 Gb plus 120GB as bonus for 3 years, free chat and social media for 4,999.00. in postpay plans they do not have unlimited plans for movile, after you use your gb need to buy more.   the GB as bonus can not be transfered, do not apply for rollover or free roaming.

Unlimited prepaid with decent speed after use the GB you purchased cost 170.00 pesos for 5 days and speed of 1 mbps after your gb gone.


We have Claro in LT and have always gotten good coverage wherever we've lived. There are some dead spots in town, but not too many!


Thanks for sharing this

Liam H

we have claro which is a great service, however each month we need to remember to go to the Claro store to pay for the following month (we were told that is the only way to get the service) , does anyone know if this is correct ?  We would prefer to pay by direct debit but they say it's not possible.  There must be an easier way.


@Liam H

if you don’t have residency then you can only get a pre-paid phone that you’ll have to “recharge” to keep active. 

With residency you can move to a post-paid account much like in the states.  You may still have to recharge data occasionally depending on your plan.

For both types, you download the MiClaro app to your phone and add your credit card to reload directly from your phone.  The app is in Spanish and can take some time to figure out what’s what, but it beats going to the store.

The only difficult part for me was verifying the credit card.  After inputting the info through MiClaro they put a small charge in.  You need to access your CC account and when the transaction shows up, note the code that is with it.  Then you need to input that into the app.

Took me a while to figure out how to do it on the app!  The help page is not very good.  Just keep tapping things on the payment/ CC screen until you find it.  Once done, easy peazy.


@Liam H if you have a bank account here in DR and you have a debit card or credit card you can set it up to pay every month like all the other utilities

I have claro and that’s how is set up theory Banco de Reserva

Sincerely ,



A little used trick.  If you have prepaid plan, not pay as you go - keep track of your payments and statements for 6 months. Take all that proof in to a local office and ask to be converted to postpay plan! 

It helps to also have a local bank account and copy of lease or property ownership! 

This works often but not always!

Liam H

many thanks excellent responses I will followup with claro


We were able to get a postpaid account with Claro as soon as we moved here. We used our passports since we didn’t yet have our cédulas. I had to have someone fluent in Spanish go with me to get them to understand what I wanted because when I went alone, they were only offering me pay as you go, tourist plans. And that was despite having a brochure and pointing out the plan I wanted!

I can pay my bill either through the Mi Claro app or through my bank app - with Banco Santa Cruz, Claro is listed under services. Just put in your phone number and it will tell you how much is due. I prefer that method because I have a record of the payment through BSC. I’ve never had a problem with payments posting, but it’s always good to have proof!


As the last poster said it depends on where in the country you are. Generally Claro and Orange (now Altice) offer the best coverage.  My wife has used both and found Claro to be better. Our usage has been truecaller in Puerto Plata and in the Capital. We use prepay more out of convenience that anything else.


@MarilynBowman By the way, you can also refer to [link moderated] if you need the service I just talked about

Tropical Flower

@Liam H Hi there! I have Claro and I pay through my bank 🏦. Really easy!

Liam H

@Tripp789 thankyou for that excellent response, we went to Claro at Jumbo who originally told us neither me or my wife could pay by direct debit, we spoke to a more helpful man and he said she could as she Had Dominican residency so we put both phones through her, we will have a look at the web option as we will need internet into the house  👍🏻👍🏻


So Rahul seems that's what this thread is about!


@planner are u able to recommend a competent Immigration Attorney in DR..would appreciate.


@planner can u recommend a competent Immigration Attorney who handles redency in DR


Yes several of us here recommend Lishali (Lilly) Baez

She is amazing!


FYI - Teachable. Moment!

Asking an off topic question on a thread is called hijacking. 


I suggest you look into MagicJack, Its a little match box size device that you attach to your router and plug in a landline phone. When you make a call it originates from the US servers. Since I have a North Carolina number the call is from North Carolina to any US or Canada number.I am retired now and still have my MagicJack, but when I traveled to Latin America I would take my MagicJack with me and when we went out to dinner I would call home and then pass my laptop around so we could all call home. We did this almost every night.This device is dirt cheap, and here at home I used it for my FAX machine and it is hooked up to my home alarm system. Been using it for more than 10 years with zero problems.  Donkey KongLook into it..... -@rafaeljblancoHonestly thank you so much for your page. I’ve perused all kinds of topics on your channel, and I always thoroughly enjoy all of your content.


FWIW, I use my US cellphone set to WIFI calling to both call and receive calls from the US.

It's free. The downside is that my ISP is flaky at times.


@Liam H

Check with your local bank if it's possible to pay online, I pay Claro through my Scotiabank app.