Exemption of work permit for TRC holders spouse of Vietnamese?

Hi everyone,

I've just heard (actually read) of this new work-permit exemption for TRC holders (spouse of Vietnamese) in the recently-amended labor law No.45/2019/QH14 (link Law 45/2019/QH14 see article 154, point 8).
Well, as I mentioned, I've just heard, because all the while (until today) I thought that even for spouse of Vietnamese (TRC holder), work-permit is still required for employment.
Can anybody shed a light on how does that "exemption" work? Do I need to obtain some sort of "exemption approval"? Or am I automatically eligible to get any job?
Would appreciate if anyone who know more details (or have successfully employed under that exemption), to share some information.

Thanks, and cheers,


OceanBeach92107 wrote:


Planning on getting married?

You are right. But this law takes effect from January 1, 2021. And in case you are eligible for a Vietnam work permit exemption, you still need to follow the procedure to get it, like getting a work permit. You can check the current procedure here.

Cristina12345 wrote:

You are right. But this law takes effect from January 1, 2021. And in case you are eligible for a Vietnam work permit exemption, you still need to follow the procedure to get it, like getting a work permit. You can check the current procedure here.

Thank you very much Cristina, for the confirmation and clarification.
I hope the page you linked will be updated when the new bill takes into effect, so I can come back and check the procedure.
Thanks again.

Nothing in that link mentions anything about spouses of VN nationals.

colinoscapee wrote:

Nothing in that link mentions anything about spouses of VN nationals.

I was trying to say that delicately  :D
But, she also said, the link is current procedure to obtain exemption

Yes, The link is about current regulation while the regulation stating work permit exemption for the spouse of Vietnamese citizens will take effect from January 1, 2021, in the near future. I just quote the link as a reference for the current procedure to get a work permit exemption certificate. It means that, when you are eligible for a work permit exemption, you still need to follow the procedure to get its certificate, instead of doing nothing.

Cristina12345 wrote:

Yes, The link is about current regulation while the regulation stating work permit exemption for the spouse of Vietnamese citizens will take effect from January 1, 2021, in the near future. I just quote the link as a reference for the current procedure to get a work permit exemption certificate. It means that, when you are eligible for a work permit exemption, you still need to follow the procedure to get its certificate, instead of doing nothing.

Thanks!! Appreciate it!!

Cristina12345 wrote:

Yes, The link is about current regulation while the regulation stating work permit exemption for the spouse of Vietnamese citizens will take effect from January 1, 2021, in the near future. I just quote the link as a reference for the current procedure to get a work permit exemption certificate. It means that, when you are eligible for a work permit exemption, you still need to follow the procedure to get its certificate, instead of doing nothing.

Hey Cristina, I know there are more new rules taking effect in 2022. Do you know if this still applies?