Moving my business to Accra

Hello to all,

I am Rob, new on this site, from The Netherlands.
In my late 50's, children adult and single again, I decided it is now or never; time to move to another country.
I am a 'traveller', always worked in many countries for my day job; I do know 'in general' what to expect from living in another part of the world.

This is my plan, and my questions. Any imput would be highly appreciated.

After my divorce there is not much cash left, but I do have a small webshop that is doing well and that brings me about $2000/month. Not enough to live from here, but I figure it will be enough in Ghana. So I would quit my part time job and live from the webshop and hopefully make it grow.
All I need is stable internet and trustworthy mail (UPS, local - as long as it ships to Europe and USA).
So I would need a modest accomodation for 1 person (hopefully later 2), and room enough to make packages. 50 sq.m. would be fine.
What I sell is light, not bulky (I keep specifics for myself for now, don't need competition :) ), I can import it by bringing it with me (handluggage would be enough for 1 year of merchandise) - but the value is quite high; about usd 25.000 (I double the price when selling it).
So my biggest problem could be: import duties. How high are these? If it is 30%, for every 2000, I pay 600, reducing my profit to 1400. How much do you need for a modest life?

Also important is if the couriers are secure and not too expensive. I saw UPS is much more expensive in  Accra as it is here. Any alternatives? Packaging is heavy (I will buy that locally of course), making each parcel around 2 kilo's. Customers pay shipping, but I cannot increase it too much.

The idea is to visit Accra in January, and move 2-3 months later. Depends a bit on Covid, and if the answers concerning housing, internet, courier services and import duties are a bit positive.

All thanks in advance!


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Dear Forsforentatlas & Anthony

Thank you for your advise & tips!

That apartment is in USD I presume (link not working yet)? That would be much less as expected.
I checked Airbnb for prices, and good apartments started at 18/day, so 500/month should be easy to get. But 250/month is very good.

I will contact you both when my plans are more concrete, but I think for at least the first year, I reconsidered, and it might be wiser to leave my merchandise in The Netherlands, and hire someone to pack&ship. Both options could work.

Any other small entrepeneurs here? Seems like the easiest way for a westerner expat to move abroad.