Moving to Ukraine

I am Rance A.F.X.E. Nethken, and live in Payson, Arizona, USA.  My intent, after many visits to Ukraine, Russia and other slavic countries, is  to establish residency in Ukraine.  My many visits to Kyiv, Rivne, Kharkiv, Odessa, Lviv over the years has reenforced my desire!  Being retired from the US Air Force and US Government, my concern is would my background generate concern with the Ukrainian government.  I have a lady, Anna who lives in Lviv, and her interest was my wanting to live there.  I would love to establish residency there.  Ukraine is very diverse and I enjoy the culture, customs, language among the things that impress me mostly.  Whether I can live there is based on my ability to establish a home as well as being completely self-sufficient without any Ukrainian aid, which of course I would not require since I have a very substantial retirement income.  My medical coverage is through the Veterns Administration here in the US.  I am fully covered by the VA and was informed that I could transfer the VA coverage to any certified medical facility in Ukraine of my choosing.  This is just a short response to my wanting to live in Lviv. I have retained an Immigration Agency in Kyiv to assist in my documentation requirements to make the move to Ukraine in the near future.

Sorry to say it but US healthcare, like the VA, is not transferrable to another country.

I appreciate your response but the VA informed me that my disability (100%), it is guaranteed to be transfered overseas and they (VA) would offer a medical facility for my usage and would be paid for by the agency.  My VA doctor has already made contact with a facility in Lviv and will service my needs if and when I deem it necessary.  Thank you for your interest.
Rance A.F.X.E. Nethken, IV
MSgt, USAF/ret./GM-15

I don't think you will have any problem living in Ukraine, provided you marry an Ukraine woman.
If you marry a Ukrainian, it will make the process whole bunch easier.  If you move to Ukraine, you are also entitled to import one car with no import tax.  Only one time.  You must have owned the car more than a year before you export a car from the U.S. 

I am a retired U.S. federal government employee with a high security clearance. Nobody will care what you did in U.S. before you retired.  I am married to a Ukraine woman.
I am not sure if you plan to marry her or just live together.  Like I said you marry, it is a lot easier.
If you just live together, I don't know what process you have to go through to get a permanent residence permit.  Only thing I know is through a business, marriage or if you adopt a Ukraine child, you can get a permanent residence permit (I have heard, but don't have experience in this area)

I am a former military and fed govt employee.  Like I said I was married to a Ukraine woman while I was working in overseas with my job. I had a high level of security clearance.  Nobody cares.  When I retired, I decided to live in Ukraine because living cost is much lower than U.S. and my wife has a grown up son in Ukraine.  She didn't mind living closer to her son. 

Before I arrived in Ukraine,   I applied a finance visa through Ukraine consulate.  Arrived in Kiev with my wife.  Applied for a permanent residence permit. That is possible only if you are married with a Ukraine woman at least 2 years before you apply.  If not, you need to apply for a temporary permit which is good for one year.  And you can get it in 2 weeks.  Towards the end of temporary residence, you ask for an extension.  If you live here under temporary residence, you won't be able to take advantage of importing a car with no import tax because the customs office requires you bring the car within 6 months of permanent residence.  But once you receive a permanent residence permit later and try to bring a car, Customs counts from your temporary residence permit date.  So you will be out of luck.  I know, it sounds crazy and messed up, but that is how it is in Ukraine.  A lot of bureaucracy that often drives me nuts.  But you have to roll with the punch if you want to live in Ukraine.

While I was waiting for a permanent residence permit, we bought a small lot near Kiev and started building a house. Now, we live in the house. If you are serious about moving to Ukraine, you can send me a private message to  I can share some of my experiences and heartache I have gone through.  Greg

Hi Greg;
I appreciated your response and I would like to respond further through your email address.  I have a lot to ask and tell you what is going on.  My email address is ***


For security reasons please do not post contact details here on the open forum. Use the PM system to exchange details.

Hi Stumpy,
what is PM system?  Thanks,

You are lucky with the special treatment. Good luck.

Gregorypak wrote:

Hi Stumpy,
what is PM system?  Thanks,

Private Message system.

To access this just click on the avatar of whomever you wish to contact and you will see a box with message on the profile.

U must talk with Ukrainian representation. I know that u can buy real estate ***

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