Some info for any Australian travellers in italy

just received this email about a bilateral agreement between australia and italy that allows you to stay in italy for an extra 90 days on top of the 90 days you can normally stay as a tourist in the EU ? schengen area, it seems there might also be a similar agreement with france?

Thank you for the message. We confirm the Bilateral Agreement between Italy and Australia signed in 1951 is still valid and applicable.
As per the said Agreement the Australian nationals can stay in Italy for an additional 90 days on top of the 90 days allowed by the Schengen rules without any need of a visa. The two periods can be summed up to stay in Italy for a total of 180 days.
In case of any problem at the Italian border control please tell the officers you wish to stay in Italy on the bases of the said Agreement.
Best regards and have a nice stay!
Oreste Lastella
Vice Consul
Consulate of Italy in Brisbane

There is an arrangement with Germany which allows 3 monthly renewals by leaving Schengen for even  a day. I didn't know about the one in Italy. Very interesting. Given free travel within Schengen it may be possible to stay on a nearly permanent basis.


is this still the case?