New members of the Botswana forum, introduce yourselves here - 2021

Hi all,

Newbie on the Botswana forum? Don't know how to start?

This thread is for you ;)

We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country,
or to tell us more on your expat projects in Botswana if you are planning to move there.

It will enable us to help you better but above all to wish you a warm welcome.

Welcome on board!

Dear friends. I would like to obtain some informations about Botswana. Thank you. Best regards. Patrick

Dear Sir/Madam,

As already submitted, due to disappointing circumstances, could not settle back in Pakistan and intend to get a job in your country. My own son also holds M.A.(English degree and may also follow my suit, provided I succeed .C.V. is also being sent for your perusal

Faithfully yours ,
Prof. Khalid Akber

Moderated by Priscilla 3 years ago
Reason : please do not post your personal contact details on the forum for your own security
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As stated earlier, I intend to get a job in Botswana in commensuration with my qualifications and experience. One of my sons too holds a degree of M.A.(English) and has failed to get a job in Pakistan and would be following my suit; provided I  succeed in your country Rest of the things would be sent as and when asked for.
Yours faithfully,
Prof. Khalid Akber

Moderated by Priscilla 3 years ago
Reason : please do not post your personal contact details on the forum for your own security
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

@ Khalid Akber :

Thank you for your introduction and for your participation.

If you are looking for a job, please feel free to post in the jobs in Botswana section, it might help you to have more visibility and can give you a little boost in your job search.

If you have any other questions regarding Botswana, please feel free to create a new thread in the Botswana forum.

Thank you,

Priscilla Team

Dear Priscilla,

I take this opportunity to apprise you of myself--------- A retired educatioist, holding M.A.(English) degree  35 yrs reaching experience as a faculty member to my credit. During the career I happened to teach in Libya and Nigeria as well too. Thus have the smacking of living with foreigners (teachers/students).
Would like you to help me in finding a job in the teaching sector in commensuration with my experience and qualifications.

Yours faithfully' Prof. Khalid Akber

Halo All,

We are a family of 4 looking to permanently move to Maun Botswana. We have the oportunity to buy ino an existing business, and have a place to stay, BUT, the navigation of all the requirements and daunting and I need help.
Do we use a reputable company to help with this, the applications? What are the costs involved? Who do we use? How long does it take...ect

Thanx for listening, hehehe, and have a great day

Hi all
We are a family of 4 adults,  each can contribute to the economy by farming in differant areas/ways. We have game to transport to our new destination as well. Im selling my farm to make a move to Botswana.
Is it possible to get a piece of farmland to proceed our love for nature away from city life.
Please help me with all that i have to know and to do.

I'm  munongo mvunzi  urbain  Congolese  citizens  currently  living in lesotho .i graduated from higher institute of medical techniques of kinshasa since 2012 and i have been working as anesthetist since 2013 up to date.

Hello Munongo,

Welcome to :)

Thank for introducing yourself.

Are you planning to move to Botswana soon?

Feel free to ask your questions concerning a potential via creating new threads on the Bostwana forum.

All the best,

Diksha team

Hi every one I am jan page a qaulified fitter and would like to work as xpat in botswana help would be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance

I'm Dr. Michael Gone. I'm a medical doctor by training. I've specialised in Healthcare Management and Strategy and Medical Insurance. I'm currently living in Nairobi Kenya. I'm searching for new opportunities in Botswana.

Moderated by Priscilla 2 years ago
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