
Having pets in Portugal

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Some informations about having pets in Portugal:

- Pet's Registry and annual permits
- Purchase, Loss, Sale, Death, ...
- What to do when you find a lost animal
- Travelling with your pet
- Bringing your pet from abroad
- Change of pet's ownership
- Change of address of the holder and/or pet
- Dangerous dogs
- Sterilisation
- Kennels/Collection centres
- Animal associations in Portugal
- Exclusive hotels for pets
- Day care centres for pets
- Hotels that also accept pets
- Portuguese dog breeds

See also

Living in Portugal: the expat guideHow to keep indoor cats safe when there aren't window screens?Rules in Portugal regarding dogsSHIPPING A DOG TO PORTUGALMoving to Portugal with 2 Dogs

1. Pet's Registry and annual permits

What is the SIAC system?

SIAC (Sistema de Informação de Animais de Companhia) is the Portuguese Information System for Pets that integrates the identification of all pets in Portugal, in a simple and unified way, in a single platform available for everyone, from vets to the pet owners themselves. This platform exists since 1 October 2019 (It has replaced other databases - see 5.).

Registration of your pet in this database is MANDATORY for dogs, cats and ferrets. Fot those who do not comply, fines are aplyied, more than 3,700 euros for individuals and more than 44,000 euros for legal persons.

Some of the options available in SIAC system are:
   - Check registration of your pet through the microchip code;
   - Insert lost pet, if it has microchip code;
   - Insert the found pet, if it has a microchip code;
   - Consultation of all the Portuguese legislation regarding pets;
   - Frequently asked questions about pets.


In the first year, pet owners will pay to the vet the SIAC registration fee (a), without having to license them at the Parish Councils/Juntas de Freguesias (with the exception of dangerous or potentially dangerous dogs, where licensing at the Parish Councils must be done in the first year too).

In subsequent years, the licensing fee (b) will be for dogs ONLY. Here, too, health issues, in particular rabies vaccine, are controlled.

Anyone who adopts dogs at official animal collection centres does not pay this annual licence.

How much does it cost?
(a) SIAC registration fee = 2.5 eur per animal. The veterinary service (price of the microchip + placing the microchip on the animal) is not included in this amount.

(b) Annual licensing fee for dogs, charged at the Parish Councils, is approximately 15 eur/yearly.


(28-08-2020) … sta-629064

(30-09-2019) … te-e3-740/

(08-11-2019) … -companhia



2. What is the animal identification? What is transponder/microchip?

Pet identification consists in the marking of the pet by the implantation of a transponder/microchip and its registration on the SIAC platform.

The registration is done only once and consists of the collection of a set of information, among which:
   - details of the microchip number;
   - relevant aspects/details about the animal;
   - identification and contact details of the pet's owner;
   - identification and contact details of the vet who have marked the pet;
   - preventive health measures.

Usually called a microchip, a transponder is a passive radio frequency identification device, reserved for reading by professionals/veterinary doctors, composed of 15 numeric digits according to ISO 11784/11785.

The marking of the animal by microchip can only be done by the vet doctor accompanying your dog, cat or ferret. The microchip is placed by the professional in the centre of the left side of the animal's neck and the pet's Identification Document (DIAC) is issued automatically, in physical or digital format.

This document reproduces, in physical or digital format, the data contained in the SIAC.

This document must always accompany your animal, when travelling away from home.


3. How can I register my pet?

You should go to a Veterinarian Care Centre (CAMV-Centro de Atendimento Médico-Veterinário) or a municipal vet accompanied by your pet so that the vet can check if any transponder/microchip has already been applied to your pet. If it has not already been applied, the doctor will mark the animal and register it with SIAC.

You will then be given the Company Animal Identification Document, either physically (paper) or digitally (sent to your e-mail).

In the case of potentially dangerous dogs coming from abroad, SIAC registration must be done by the municipal vet.

4. Which animals are required to apply microchip and register in SIAC?

All dogs, cats and ferrets MUST be marked with transponder/microchip and registered in SIAC.

For dogs, cats and ferrets born after 25 October 2019, registration and marking with SIAC must be carried out within 120 days of its birth.

For domestic animals born before 1 July 2008, and without the microchip, they must be registered as soon as possible.

For other domestic animals born until October 2019, they must be marked with a microchip and registered in SIAC until October 2022.

Anyone who owns a pet, which by species is not required to be marked and registered, may ask a veterinary doctor to also mark and register your animal in SIAC.

5. How was the registration made before SIAC system ?

Before SIAC, there were 2 separate platforms which were not interconnected, SIRA (contained the registers of animals made by vets) and SICAFE (contained the registers of animals made in the parish councils of residence areas).

All animal records, previously made on these 2 platforms now discontinued, have already been migrated to SIAC, so you do not need to register your animal again. However, you should check the register and keep your pet's data up-to-date:

If your pet has a microchip but has never been registered in the SIAC database, you should go to a Veterinary Care Centre, accompanied by your pet, so that the veterinary doctor can read the microchip and check if the number can be read, so that you can register it with SIAC.


6. Change of the pet's owner address/pet's housing

There is a 15-day period for the owner to inform the SIAC whenever one of the following situations occurs:
  - change of pet's owner address;
  - change of the pet's housing/accommodation.

You should send an e-mail to so that the data concerning the registration of your pet can be properly updated in SIAC.

7. Pet's ownership changing

In situations of transfer of Pet's ownership to a new owner (e.g. who has received the pet by donation, inheritance, legacy, ...) there is a period of 15 days for the owner to inform the SIAC, in order to promote the registration of new ownership, by an accredited vet.

You can consult the legislation and download the declaration of ownership at

An animal breeder gave me/sold me an animal. What does it take for the animal to be registered?

For dogs, cats and ferrets that are sold by a breeder or by an establishment authorised to keep pets, such as:
  A. Profit or non-profit accommodation centres,
  B. Official Collection Centres
they must be marked and registered with the SIAC on behalf of the holder of the accommodation (A or B), with the new owner (you) being provided with their DIAC and the declaration of transfer, BEFORE they leave the pet's birth or accommodation facility, regardless of the age of the animal.

Official Collection Centres (CRO - Centros de Recolha Oficiais) in each Municipality/Council of Portugal (PDF document):
Search in google the following:

8. I have lost my pet

When an animal is lost, its owner has 15 days to report it missing. To do so he must:

  - Check the transponder/microchip number - 15 digits;
  - Inform your vet or SIAC;
  - Confirm that a lost animal event has been opened in the SIAC;
  - Never reveal the transponder number of the animal;
  - Inform the SIAC as soon as you recover your animal.

9. I found a lost animal

When you find an animal you should always report it to SIAC:
  - you must check if the animal has any type of identification.
  - you must take the animal to a vet or contact the council vet at your Câmara Municipal;
  - after reading the microship, vet should search SIAC database if there is any record for that animal or if the animal was reported as lost in order to contact the owner;
  - keep SIAC informed, as soon as you recover your pet.



In Portuguese: There is information here that is not in the English version... … s-e-gatos/

In English (PDF doc): … errets.pdf


10. Travelling with my pet

Pets travelling to another Member State of the European Union must fulfil the identification conditions required by Regulation (EU) No 576/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 June 2013 on the non-commercial movement of pet animals, always accompanied by a pet passport.

11. Pets travelling from abroad to Portugal

Pet entering Portugal from a Member State of the European Union or a third country, duly marked in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 576/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 June 2013, must be registered in SIAC, provided they remain on Portugal for 120 days or more.

Pet under these conditions must be registered in SIAC by a vet doctor accredited in SIAC.

12. I own a (potentially) dangerous dog

See the PDF for information and requirements:

Includes PDF with the list of Authorized Trainers.

In the case of potentially dangerous dogs such as Pitbull terrier, Staffordshire bull terrier, American Staffordshire terrier, Rottweiler, Argentine Dogue, Fila Brasileiro or Tosa Inu, SIAC registration must be performed by the municipal vet.

The owners of these potentially dangerous dogs must be accompanied by a permit license when travelling with the animal.

13. Pet's sterilization

See the PDF for information and requirements:

14. My pet died. What to do ?

See the PDF for information and requirements:

If your pet died in a Vet Care Centre, please ask for referral to an authorised incineration plant (the list is here).

If your pet died at home, you have several options. You can:
- contact your pet's assistant;
- contact an authorised incineration plant;
- contact the town hall of your residence or the town hall of the pet's accommodation.


Health requirements for travel with pets

DGAV (Directorate-General for Food and Veterinary Medicine)

(Available in english - select EN, top right)
It is weird to say this, but the english version may not be very understandable. If you have doubts, it is better to see it in portuguese version and then use the translator facility in your browser.

A. Travel between the mainland Portugal and Azores & Madeira Islands … autonomas/

B. In the European Union, Norway, Iceland, and Switzerland … -europeia/

C. Outside the European Union (includes UK, except Northern Ireland) … -europeia/

C1. Entry to Portugal from outside the European Union … -portugal/

Dogs and cats … s-e-gatos/

It is important to know that:
Young dogs and cats from non-EU countries (under 12 weeks of age or between 12 and 16 weeks and with anti-rabies vaccination for less than 21 days) are not allowed to enter.

Pets are also not allowed in marinas / harbours which are not entry points for travellers and therefore the animals may not leave the ship. Alternatively, they may be taken by sea to a travellers' entry point and checked there.

Dogs of breeds considered to be potentially dangerous … perigosas/

Birds … ugal/aves/

Other animals … s-animais/

C2. Departure from Portugal to outside the European Union … -portugal/

Dogs, Cats and Ferrets, Birds, Rabbits, Rodents, Reptiles, Fish,...


Pet carrier services

Lisbon Airport: … anguage=en

Oporto Airport: … -with-pets

Faro Airport: … anguage=en

Funchal (Madeira) Airport: … -with-pets

Ponta Delgada (Azores) Airport: … uage=pt-pt

TAP Airlines: … imals/pets

Other Services:



Thats very comprehensive information, much appreciated, Johnny! I am going to bring in three dogs from Asia next year, fully vaccinated etc (will do the micro chip next year), glad you posted all this information, thank you!


How to choose a pet insurance? … ao-ou-gato

You can find these pet insurance policies at insurance company branches, bank branches or in the shops of the intermediaries sellers (in portuguese they are called "mediadores de seguros") that provide these insurances for each insurance company.

In these links, you can do insurances quotes, see liability covers, etc.

Unfortunately, all this requires translation... But you can use your browser's translation facility  :)

Fidelidade Insurance Company / CGD bank : … -pets.aspx … -Pets.aspx

Mapfre Insurance Company / BancoCTT bank : … s-seguras/ … domesticos

Tranquilidade Insurance Company : … civil/caes

Ageas Insurance Company : … s/4-patas/

Ocidental Insurance Company / MilleniumBCP bank / ActivoBanco bank : … petis.aspx

All4pets / CA Seguros / Liberty Insurance Company :



Report animal abuse:

Núcleo de Intervenção e Resgate Animal (IRA) -
BriPA (Brigada de Protecção Ambiental da PSP) - 21 765 4242 /
SEPNA (Serviços de Protecção da Natureza da GNR) - 808 200 520 /

Intervenção e Resgate Animal (IRA)

Liga Portuguesa dos Direitos do Animal (LPDA)


SOS Animal

14. My pet died. What to do ?

See the PDF for information and requirements:

If your pet died in a Vet Care Centre, please ask for referral to an authorised incineration plant (the list is here).

If your pet died at home, you have several options. You can:
  - contact your pet's assistant;
  - contact an authorised incineration plant;
  - contact the town hall of your residence or the town hall of the pet's accommodation.

- @JohnnyPT

In case of death of your pet, you should contact the competent services of the City Council in your residence area, which will inform you how to proceed for the correct disposal of the body.

Burying an animal "on your own" on private land or in a public space can lead to several risks to public health. For example, it is important to choose a dry, high place if you want the animal's body to decompose. Furthermore, it is necessary to choose a place several metres away from wells, ponds or rivers. Choose a place where there is no risk of decomposition substances entering the groundwater.

Cremation is a safer and more viable option.

In Portugal there are four cemeteries for animals, in Lisbon, Castelo Branco, Santa Maria da Feira and Lagos (Algarve).


Buy/Sell a Pet

See the PDF for information and requirements:

(in section: Quais as normas a seguir relativamente à compra e venda de animais de companhia?)

You have here:

- Technical details on standards for the pets sales

- List of authorised commercial accommodations (this list is constantly updated).

  This list contains the identification and addresses of breeders of various breeds (including Portuguese dog breeds):

  Bulldog, Pinsher, Labrador retriever, Serra da Estrela, Pastor Alemão, Rottweiller,

  Chihuahua, Cocker Spaniel, Yorkshire Terrier, Dobermann, Golden Retriever,

  Podengo, Cão de Água Português, Doberman, Beagles, Boxer, Castro Laboreiro, ...

  Persian cats, Sphynx cats, ...


There are

11 Portuguese dog breeds:

- Cão da Serra da Estrela

- Cão da Serra de Aires

- Cão de Água Português

- Cão de Castro Laboreiro

- Cão de Fila de São Miguel

- Perdigueiro Português

- Podengo Português

- Rafeiro do Alentejo

- Barbado da Terceira

- Cão de Gado Transmontano

- Cão do Barrocal Algarvio


Walking Aids for Pets

Walking Aids for Pets, with injuries at the level of the back and front members, caused by pathologies that induce paralysis. These solutions for animals (dogs, cats, rabbits, parrots, pigs,

goats,  ...) are 100% made in Portugal, tailor-made solutions.

Don't kill your pet !


Animal Rescue Algarve, Loulé

Saving lifes... Dogs and cats for re-homing


Do you have pets (dogs, cats or ferrets)?

Be aware that they must have a chip, regardless of age and breed.

Fines can be up to 45,000 euros. … registados


Adopting a pet in Portugal

This portal that joins tutors, promotes responsible adoption and at the same time fights against abandonment and ill-treatment of animals. An adoption should be responsible and never on impulse.

Don't forget: having an animal at home is a commitment for life.

_____ … ar-tutores


Dog Breeders in Portugal:

- select the breed & portuguese flag

- then select the breeder, for details & contacts


Renting a house with a pet

The Portuguese law about renting does not say that the landlord can forbid it, but it does not say that it is mandatory to accept the tenant's pets either.

Therefore, it is the landlord (owner) who determines whether or not to accept pets in his property. Landlords can put a contractual clause that prevents the permanence of pets in their property. Anyone who does not agree can go to Court to try to obtain what they understand to be their right. There are even jurisprudences of Portuguese Courts that have given favourable decisions to tenants for understanding that the pet did not harm the peace and safety, and valued its importance in the family.

In case of flats located in private condominiums that forbid the existence of pets, the owner may insert this restriction in the lease agreement since the issue affects the rules previously defined by the condominium.


Pets must comply with certain requirements:

- Mandatory electronic identification of the pet to prove its ownership and origin (check this in previous posts in this thread);

- Mandatory information on vaccinations.


Regarding the number of pets allowed in each apartment:

In case of urban buildings, it cannot exceed three adult dogs or four cats, and, it cannot exceed the limit of four pets per dwelling. Compliance with sanitary and hygiene requirements and pet welfare must be guaranteed.

There are also rules regarding the noise caused by pets. If they make constant and repeated noise that disturbs neighbours, you may face problems...


Further info: … -estimacao … us-animais



How common is it for lessors to prohibit pets? I know on Maui it was very difficult to find a place to lease that would allow pets. We volunteered for the Humane Society there and many animals were abandoned due to the owners' inability to obtain housing. Thank you.


Hi buchyvon,

It is not difficult, but this must be defined (or omitted...) right from the start in the lease contract. This can be a negotiating condition on the tenant's own side, as well. I remind you that most houses in Portugal have pets. It is also necessary that the tenant must have some sensitivity to know what kind of pet he has, and whether or not his pet may cause future problems with his neighbours...


This is so very helpful. Thank you so much! @JohnnyPT


A sharing of experiences about bringing pets with you:

- preparing pets before travelling

- vaccinations, chips, ...


(Starts at minute 9)

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