Covid restrictions

Thanks for the timely updates Anoushka.

Once again many thanks Anoushka.

Stay Safe Everyone.

Lockdown: Special exemption for autistic patients

The Department of Health and Welfare is granting a special waiver for patients with autism during the lockdown period.

Autistic patients are thus allowed to go out for one hour, daily and respecting the following rules:
- The autistic patient must be accompanied by an adult each time going outdoor.
- The patient and his companion must at all times wear a mask correctly and respect the current health measures.
- Only one outdoor session lasting one hour is allowed per day.
- Going out must be limited to a radius of 500 meters around the place of residence of the autistic patient.
- It is strongly recommended to favour going  out at times of the day when there is little traffic on the streets.

March 17, 2021 Ministry of Health and Welfare

Daily Update : Press conference of the National Communication Committee

Covid-19 situation

Total local cases : 150
142 in the local community
8 in quarantine confirmed positive at J+7

The Minister of Health informed that random tests are being conducted on inhabitants of the village of Canot (district of Black River) as a result of several positive cases of Covid-19 in this village.

3 types of tests are currently being carried out to monitor Covid-19:

- PCR - To detect the presence of Covid-19
- Serological tests - On covid-19 negative people to detect antibodies
- Coronavirus Sequencing - To detect any strain of the virus

Nearly all positive patients admitted at ENT hospital are asymptomatic except for a woman who needed medical support but is alright now and a man who stil needs to be put on oxygen a couple of times.


Vaccination is ongoing for people working in the essential services like frontliners, people having a WAP (Work Access Permit) and people who are currently working but are exempted of WAP or have a waiver (planters, taxi drivers, fishermen, shopkeepers etc.).

The above mentioned category of workers wishing to get vaccinated should :

Public/ Parastatal sector - contact their managers who will organise vaccination for them in one of the 14 vaccination centres.

Private sector (SME/PME) EDB and Business Mauritius will make necessary arrangements. See below :

Part of tomorrow's press conference will be focused on the vaccination consent form we have to sign, as to why should we need to sign it and what are the legal implications.

Stay safe everyone,

Hello everyone,

Since the daily press conference was aimed at the vaccination program and its "not so famous" consent form, I posted an outline on the vaccination campaign thread.

>>>>>> Covid-19 vaccination campaign

Stay safe everyone,

Goodmorning everyone,

We have more positive cases since yesterday, however they were all already in quarantine.

The total number of positive COVID-19 cases registered locally since March 5 is 172

• 147 recorded following Contact Tracing and samples at COVID-19 test centers
• 25 cases recorded in quarantine (negative patients on admission)

Have a nice day,

Thanks Anoushka
Hope it will stabilise now and no more positive cases.

Regards & Stay safe everyone.

Hello everyone,

Daily Update : Press conference of the National Communication Committee

Total positive local cases : 181
Contact tracing : 147
In quarantine (D+7) : 25
Random testing : 9 (in the village of Canot)

Canot becomes the 3rd region with the highest concentration of positive cases of Covid-19.
Img : Defimedia

41 Forest-side
34   Curepipe
22 Canot
The rest in quarantine and around the island.

As a result, to contain the spread in that region, the village of Canot has been declared red zone with immediate effect. You may recall the following regions had already been declared red zone, La Caverne and Phoenix, Vacoas and Floreal, Curepipe and Midlands. Same applies to the village of Canot, roadblocks will be set up. Entering and leaving the village will be highly restricted.

Stay safe everyone,

The Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Development, Dr Renganaden Padayachy announces more financial support to self-employed persons as well as Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

This Governmental initiative aims at providing support to those who have suffered a loss of revenue as a consequence of the lockdown in the fight against Covid-19, to overcome their financial difficulties.
The measures include:

• A one-off grant of Rs 10,000 to self-employed persons, which concerns an estimated number of some 200,000 eligible beneficiaries. 

• Therefore, with the one-off grant and the allowance under the Self-Employed Assistance Scheme, self-employed persons are entitled, for the month of March 2021, to a financial assistance of Rs 12,550.

Financial support to SMES
• An SME Interest-Free Loan Scheme of an amount of Rs 100,000 at no interest rate with a moratorium of 5 years. The scheme is eligible for SMEs with a turnover less than Rs 50 Million.

• One Million SME COVID-19 Special Support Scheme. The DBM will grant a loan of up to Rs 1 Million, without the need to provide guarantee, at an interest rate of 0.5%.
• The period for the repayment of Value Added Tax (VAT) has been extended as at date, to 15 July 2021.

• The DBM is granting an extended moratorium period of 1 year to all SMES, on all its existing schemes, as at date.

Business operators are invited to contact the Guichet Unique of the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development for more information and assistance to submit their application.

Hello everyone,

Daily Update : Press conference of the National Communication Committee

Total local cases : 198

Contact tracing & covid-19 testing centres : 161
Quarantine : 28
Random tests : 9

Stay safe everyone,

thank you for the updates Anou86

Hello everyone,

Daily Update : Press conference of the National Communication Committee

4 new positive cases including 3 health staff and one by contact tracing.

Total local cases : 202

Contact tracing & covid-19 testing centres : 162
Quarantine : 31
Random tests : 9

Stay safe everyone,

Hi Anoushka;

a big thank you for sharing this info.

Has there been any (unfortunate) death cases due to this virus?

kind regards;


Hi Khashyburton,

At the beginning of the pandemic (nearly a year ago in 2020) we had 10 deaths. As we battle this second wave, so far, we don't have any "unfortunate" death.

Thanks for the update. this is  good news, and fingers crossed I hope it stays that way.

Thank you Anoushka

Trust they get through and recover quickly.

Regards/Stay safe.


Thank you so much for the update!

Hello everyone,

This morning, the total number of positive COVID-19 cases registered locally since March 5 is as follows:

Total local cases : 216
• 171 follow-up recorded in Contact Tracing and samples at COVID-19 test centers
• 32 cases recorded in quarantine (negative patients on admission)
• 13 cases recorded following random tests.

Details of any developments in the situation will be communicated during the press briefing of the National Communication Committee on COVID-19.

As you may recall, the lockdown should be lifted on the 25th. We will get further information today or tomorrow as to whether the lockdown will be lifted or extended.

Have a nice day,

Hello everyone,

The Prime Minister addressed the nation tonight.

Here are the main announcement :

- From this Tuesday, March 23rd till March 31st, a new plan will be set up to allow more sectors to operate
- A greater number of Work Access Permits (WAP) will be granted to allow these sectors to function
- Going out in alphabetical order with respect to the naming system is maintained.

He put emphasis on his Government's efforts at fighting Covid, protecting the population by acquiring vaccines and managing the economy.

The message somehow lacked clarity concerning the extension of the lockdown which I suppose is carried on till the 31st of March.

Stay safe everyone,

Hello everyone,

Daily Update : Press conference of the National Communication Committee

Total local cases : 230
Total local active cases : 210
20 patients recovered from Covid-19 and were authorised to go back home today. They need to self-isolate at home for the next 7 days and will be tested again.

11 new local cases, from yesterday.

Among the 3 cases identified yesterday, there is a couple living in La Caverne region (Red Zone)! And among the 11 cases identified today, Wednesday 24th, 8 were in contact with the couple living in La Caverne.

Based on sequencing results we were expecting on the first 40 cases we registered,no new strain was detected. The 20B strain was identified which is the same as last year. This strain is present in 63% of positive cases in Russia. "It's a known historical source, also present in England, but it's not a variant,"  explains the advisor to the Ministry of Health.

They will analyse the results in terms of characteristics and evolution of this strain in Russia and compare them with known cases in Mauritius registered from January to figure out how it reached Mauritius.

Stay safe everyone,

Thank you Anoushka. 

Will be interesting to see what the Ministry of Health come up with once the results have been analysed & how it reached Mauritius.

In the meantime Stay safe everyone.


Sure Rick, I hope they investigate further.

What's new ?!

A communiqué from the Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA)

Travel Restrictions to Mauritius
– Up to 15th of April 2021

    1. No passengers will be allowed entry into Mauritius.
    2. Departing passengers will be allowed to board the authorized flights, should there be any departing flights.

– From 16th of April 2021 to 31st of May 2021 (Kindly note that these flights are tentative or may be cancelled subject to prevailing sanitary conditions in Mauritius)

While travel restrictions have been extended to 31st May, exceptional flights may still be programmed as is the case since last year.

All prospective passengers (including children and infants) travelling to Mauritius must possess the following documents:

   1.  a certificate of a negative COVID – 19 PCR test administered between 5 and 7 days prior to the date of boarding at the last point of embarkation.
   2.  a valid air ticket to Mauritius; and
   3.  proof of purchase of a travel package including accommodation, on a full board basis, at a designated hotel for a mandatory 14-day in-room quarantine.

We will relay related information from the relevant authorities as the situation evolves, and hope to welcome you to our beautiful Mauritius soon.

PRESS RELEASE - Contact search

As part of its CONTACT TRACING exercise following the detection of several cases of COVID-19 in La Caverne, Vacoas, the Ministry of Health and Welfare is initiating a public request.

All those who have approached vegetable sellers based at Résidence La Caverne, Vacoas and at La Caverne Numéro 1, Vacoas, during the past two weeks, are requested to report to the authorities by calling the HOTLINE of the Ministry of Health. and Well-Being, the 8924.

March 25, 2021
Ministry of Health and Welfare

Daily Update : Press conference of the National Communication Committee

Total local cases : 233
Total local active cases : 212
21 patients recovered from Covid-19 and were discharged. They need to self-isolate at home for the next 7 days and a new PCR test will be conducted.

The Minister of Health has again highlighted that people should act responsibly and contact the Ministry of Health if they think they have been in contact with Covid positive people or if they have been in a gathering where potentially they could have been in touch with infected people. Some patients have provided misleading/inaccurate information as to where they went and who they met.

The advisor to the Ministry of Health provided some information about patients' health.

Most of them are alright except for 2 patients :

Patient 1 : A mauritian in this fifties positive to covid 19 who was rapatriated from Madagascar where he contracted the virus. For better treatment he is now in Mauritius. His state of health is a matter of great concern as he has worrying medical history of heart problems, already had a heard attack when admitted and has now pulmonary lesions and needs to be put on oxygen.

Patient 2 : A local positive case, a woman of around 70 years old who has a lung infection and needs oxygen.

Both cases are judged critical and are being monitored closely.

There are also some children and babies infected and currently in hospital. Fortunately, they are all doing good. However, parents should be more cautious and protect their children by adopting barrier gestures. Teens who can care for themselves should also respect barrier gestures specially during this period where they will be taking part in exams, meeting peers and travelling (public transport or otherwise).
Although all precautionary measures have been taken in the different examination centres with respect to students' well-being , students should also take their precautions, it is advised that they wear surgical masks and change them every 4 hours.

Current situation of patients of less than 20 years admitted for Covid-19 :

- 5 babies of less than 1 year
- 8 toddlers of 1- 4yrs
- 8 children of 5 - 9 yrs
- 24 children/teenagers of 10 - 14 yrs
- 26 teenagers of 15 - 19 yrs

Stay safe everyone,


Thank you Anoushka.... 
Wish the 2 patients well/speedy recovery - as well as the babies & young ones too.

Stay safe Everyone.


Hello WaliedJassat,

Being away from loved ones is indeed hard. I wish you get to see her in the months to come.

Cheaper options till now have been to list hotels/guesthouses of 1 star for the mandatory quarantine but I think they can do better.
Authorities took a step back  by closing borders after the resurgence of Covid-19 cases. I think that the Gov is relying on the vaccination program (herd immunity) to alleviate restrictions and propose alternatives.

Here is a recent article you might want to read :

24 March 2021


Mauritian authorities expressed confidence that the national vaccination campaign is on track and that the country will achieve herd immunity within the prescribed delay. This has been set as a precondition for the restart of tourism.

The vaccination campaign started on 26 January. Up to now 117,323 persons have received a first jab repre-senting 17% of the targeted population. A threshold of 700,000 persons vaccinated has been set for the country to achieve herd immunity. Vaccination is free of charge for all Mauritians and visitors who are holders of the Premium Visa.

Government spokesperson, Dr Zouberr Joomaye stated in a press conference today, 23 March 2021, that Mauritius has secured an adequate supply of vaccines for the authorities to maintain the pace of vaccination.

The phased easing of travel restrictions is expected as from the end of June 2021.

Since the outbreak of Covid-19 last year, Mauritius has always upheld the sanitary safety of Mauritian nationals and that of visitors as a topmost priority.

Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority
5th Floor, Victoria House, St Louis Street,
Port Louis, Republic of Mauritius
T +230 203 1900 | F +230 212 5142

Have a nice day,

Daily Update : Press conference of the National Communication Committee

Sad news today, the patient rapatriated from Madagascar couldn't make it, he died from medical complications due to myocardial infarction. He was 48 years old.

The second patient, the lady of 70 years old, health is stable though her lung infection is judged serious.

Another patient's health is of concern, a man of 46 years old suffering from obesity and lung infection. He is being closely monitored.

Total local cases : 257
Total active cases : 236

A nursing officer from Souillac Hospital working in the dialysis unit was tested positive yesterday. Following that, we have 18 new local cases :

14 members of staff of Souillac hospital
1 dialysis patient
4 family members/parents of staff members.

The authorities have decided to close the hospital temporarily to proceed with the disinfection of the infected premises. Provisions have been made in other facilities to deliver health care.

Stay safe everyone,
Deepest condolences to the family of the deceased

So sorry to hear the very sad news.  Our thoughts are with his family. 
Stay safe everyone

Sorry to hear the sad news.  Hope others will come with flying colours.

Sorry to hear the sad news.  Hope others will comeout with flying colours.
Any updates Anoushka?

Hello Sreenidhi,

This morning : Results from yesterday's testings are as follows :

20 new local cases
Total local cases : 289
Total active cases : 250
39 patients recovered from Covid-19 and were discharged. They need to self-isolate at home for the next 7 days and a new PCR test will be conducted.

Yesterday during the press briefing of the National Communication Commitee :

The advisor to the ministry of Health and the Minister of Health pointed out that they had only one new local case and that contact tracing is going on. Results should be available Sunday morning. This new case is linked to Souillac hospital and is a patient of dyalisis. He underlined that in the whole dyalisis unit, only one member of the medical staff is vaccinated.

As a reminder, on Friday, 14 members of staff of Souillac hospital, 1 dyalisis patient and 4 family members of staff were infected. We must add another dyalisis patient tested positive yesterday to the count. The hospital has been temporarily closed.

We should be receiving 24,000 doses of AstraZenca today via Covax Facility.

The 70 years old lady's health is not improving, she has now been put under artificial respiration.


As today, Sunday, everything is closed. If anyone urgently needs medication, please refer to the list of pharmacies open today in the following article :

Lockdown: here is the list of pharmacies open this Sunday, March 28

Emergency numbers :

Furthermore, for those who want to get tested for Covid-19,  I found this interesting article on le Defimedia which provides information about where to go for testing and how much it costs.

[Practical info] Covid-19: where and when to get tested?

- In the Covid Testing Centers set up in the five regional hospitals operating on the 24/7 basis.

The numbers to dial:

    In the five regional hospitals: (hotline: 8924)

  -   Covid Testing Center (Dr A. G. Jeetoo, Port-Louis) - 203 1001
  -   Covid Testing Center (Victoria, Candos) - 402 0800
  -   Covid Testing Center (Jawaharial Nehru, Rose-Belle) - 603 7000
  -   Covid Testing Center (Dr Bruno Cheong, Flacq) - 402 2400
  -   Covid Testing Center (SSRN in Pamplemousses) - 209 3400

- Private centers that perform diagnostic tests for the coronavirus, including :

Darné clinic in Floréal :
On appointment only. Monday to Saturday from 08 00 - 16 30

Wellkin Hospital in Moka :
Monday to Thursday from 08 00 - 13 00
Friday from 08 00 - 16 30
Saturday from 08 00 - 11 00

C-Care Clinic in Grand-Baie :
Monday to Friday from 08 30 - 11 30

NovaLAB laboratory in Socota, Phoenix (home testing by calling on 660 1900). Cost of a test Rs 2100 + transport fees Rs 400

The numbers to dial:
  -   NovaLab (Phoenix): 660 1900

In the clinics of the C-Care group:
-  Darné Clinic - 6012300
-  Wellkin Hospital - 6051000
-  C-Care Clinic, Grand Baie - 6012500
-  Home service - 86888

For the C-Care group, the testing price is Rs 2,250 for the conventional PCR test (result available in 24 hours) and Rs 3,500 for the GeneXpert PCR test (result in 6 hours). Home testing is also offered with travel costs of Rs 399. This exercise is done from Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Have a nice day everyone,

Thank you so much for you frequent updates! Awesome job! Thank you for sharing and taking your time for us!

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Thank you Anoushka
Stay safe Everyone

Thankyou Anoushka.

Hope you are having a lovely Sunday, everyone  :)

Daily Update : Press conference of the National Communication Committee

13 new local cases
Total local cases : 302
Recoveries : 51
Local active cases : 251

The Minister of Health kept the press briefing short today. The new cases identified were already in quarantine following contact tracing exercise. Some turned positive at D+7.

The press asked a few questions as to:

- Whether there will be a lack of medical staff as most of the covid-19 positive cases in the South (Souillac) are medical staff/nursing officers and were sent to quarantine ?

The Minister said there shouldn't be any lack of staff as they organised  with other hospitals/health centres of the island.

- Whether the region of the South in particular Souillac will be declared red zone ?

No, as random testing in this region brought no positive cases of Covid-19  compared to other regions declared as red zones.

- Why has some people been prevented from visiting patients/family members at the Rose-Belle hospital ?

Rose-Belle hospital and Souillac hospital share some staff members. To prevent any contamination, a clean-up/disinfection operation is ongoing on the premises of Rose-Belle hospital. Visits will be authorised once the operation is completed.

- Despite lockdown, people seem to be ignoring the rules of confinement and can be seen wandering the streets and gathering near shops. The Minister once again reminded that we should respect the locdown and take all precautions. Police will take enforcement action.

Stay safe everyone,

Oh, so sorry to hear such bad news. God be with all others.


Hello everyone,

Daily Update : Press conference of the National Communication Committee

Total local cases : 327
Recoveries : 53
Local active cases : 274

We have again regretful news, 2 dialysis patients passed away. The 1st, a man of 58 years old, covid positive, suffered a cardiac failure. The cause of the death was not attributed to Covid-19 as he was a cardiac patient and had several complications.  The second patient, a man of 63 years old, the cause of death has not yet been determined.

We have 2 new clusters :

1 - Souillac hospital
54 cases of covid-19 linked to the Souillac cluster (medical staff, patients, family members of patients and staff members)

2 - Glen Park, Vacoas
A patient attended a funeral ceremony on the 15th of March while we are in lockdown. As he started feeling unwell, he went to the hospital where he was diagnosed Covid positive. Following contact tracing excercise, 20 people were identified postive to covid-19, one of them is a medical staff of Victoria Hospital.

The Minister of Health highlighted that a third of all positive cases identified had previously attended a gathering be it religious ceremony, church and now funeral ceremony where they contracted the virus.

Referring to the increasing number of medical staff getting infected by Covid, the Minister of Health will once again provide for vaccination to medical staff in all hospitals. Furthermore, it has been decided that medical staff should undergo a PCR test every 10 days.

The advisor to the Ministry of Health has provided some information about patients positive to covid. Most of them are asymptomatic except for 5 patients.

- A 70 years old lady who is intubated. Her condition is considered to be serious.
- A 50 years old lady, intubated as well who has severe forms of chronic disease and lung infection.
- A 75 years old man who was declared positive at D+14 and was already admitted. His health is judged unstable.
- A patient who suffers from obesity. His health is improving though still needs oxygen from time to time.
- A 69 years old patient suffering from respiratory distress and is under oxygen.

The authorities have put emphasis on the fact that we will have to adjust and learn to live with covid-19 as we will progressively uplift the lockdown. A special call has been made to the general public as to the importance of respecting barrier gestures. To medical staff, they have been invited to get vaccinated (though it is not compulsory) and to strictly comply with precautionary measures.

Stay stafe everyone,

Thanks for the update.  Good to hear your Government appears to have a lot of common sense!  Natasha

The population has mixed reviews on the upliftment of the lockdown which is due on Wednesday. I think it would be unrealistic to target a completely covid free Mauritius, eventually we need to deal with it.

Let us wait and see if there's any official announcement, perhaps tomorrow on the lockdown.

Hello Anoushka,

Thank you for diligently providing us with updates in this period.

To that effect, please do you have any information on if the PIO and EDB will be opening during this first phase as well. I am hoping to obtain a work permit, and would love to get the process over with as soon as possible

Kind regards,

Dear Michael

Indeed, these updates on the current status of COVID-19 from Anoushka are quite helpful.

Just a small clarification regarding your post.

I believe that you are making a confusion between Occupation Permit and Work Permit.

The former one is dealt with by the EDB whilst the latter one is dealt with at the level of the Ministry of Labour.

A Work Permit does not entitle you to bring your family to live in Mauritius.

The processing time for a Work Permit is not less than three months, and the procedures are completely different.

Best of luck.
