Covid restrictions

Hello Vayid,

Thank you for pointing out the difference between the occupational permit and the work permit.
I am actually interested in the occuptional permit, my bad - sorry

Hello everyone,

A quick update :

We have 15 new local cases
Active cases 311
Recovered  53
Sadly, another patient passed away. Deepest condolences to the family.

As from 1st April, phase 1 of reopening should begin. Tomorrow we will have a detailed press briefing from authorities, Ministry of Health and the Police force as to recommendations and rules to follow.

Stay safe everyone,

Hello everyone,

Just a quick update on the situation.

We have 339 active cases
55 recoveries
Total deaths due to Covid-19 : 12  ( 10 in 2020 + 2 in 2021)

I am once again deeply moved by the news of the passing away of another patient, a 70 years old lady who was intubated. Yesterday, we already lost a patient. We now have 2 patients who lost their lives to Covid 19 this year.

Phase 1 of reopening :

National lockdown is still ongoing and is extended till 30th of April 20:00, which implies that people should go out only for necessities, alphabetical system is maintained for supermarkets, banks, Mauritius Telecom, Emtel, CEB etc, it is mandatory to wear mask and keep physical/social distancing.

No public gathering will be allowed.

Going out for leisure walking, physical activity/sport even if you are alone is not allowed.

People under the age of 18 are not allowed to leave their homes, except to take exams or for a medical emergency.

Bazaars (fruits and vegetables open markets) and fairs (la foire) will remain closed.

Cinema halls will remain closed.

Only pharmacies and petrol stations will be allowed to open on Sundays.

Some sectors of the economy will be allowed to operate under strict conditions. WAPs (WORK ACCESS PERMITS) already distributed remain valid. New industries can apply through the besafe moris app or website,

People can neither leave nor enter regions declared as Red Zone without a special permit. Application for this special permit should be made to the authorities through

In addition, Valentina, Petit Camp, Carreau Laliale, part of Closel and Bonne Terre, as well as the Jumbo area will be removed from the red zone from tomorrow.

DCP Jughroo says police will be much stricter from tomorrow with more checks on roads, shops and roadblocks and WAP (WORK ACCESS PERMIT) verification.

Tougher penalties from tomorrow, offenders risk up to Rs 500,000 fine and 5 years in prison for not wearing a mask, failing to respect social distancing and health measures.
So far, 2,674 fines were given for not wearing a mask and 7,127 other fines were given for Breach of temporary restriction order.

The authorities will publish new official guidelines later tonight.

I will get back to you later tonight with more infos.

Dear Anouskha

It's really a wonderful work that you are doing by updating the English-speaking community with practically real-time updates on COVID-19.

« I will get back to you later tonight with more infos ».

Hats off for this dedication.




Can anyone confirm......on the previous press release one of the items/activities allowed from the 31st March was.

"Individual Outdoor Sports"

this seems to be missing from the latest press release. So can we go Cycling etc on our own?
Also is the Astra Zeneca vaccine available anywhere or is it just Covaxin
Many thanks stay safe everyone

Hello there whitesharkbait,

Sport activity is not allowed, individual or in group. You can not go cycling on your own if it's only purpose is leisure. They have reviewed their previous press release.

The official guidelines posted above are still in review by the website. They will be shortly available. Meanwhile here is the french version :

As far as vaccines are concerned they are using only  Covaxin for the moment.They received 24,000 doses of AstraZeneca recently however we don't have any information about who will be administered these doses.

Hello everyone

Daily Update : Press conference of the National Communication Committee

Total local cases since 5th of March 2021 : 407
Recoveries : 98
Deaths (2021) : 4 (2 directly related to Covid-19 and 2 from pre existing health conditions)
Total active cases : 305

Around 25 hotels have been converted into quarantine centres and 1920 people are right now in quarantine.

Since yesterday till this morning we have 15 local cases:

-  4 of them at Chamarel (contact tracing)

- 5 bangladeshis workers residing and working at Vacoas, they have been in contact with someone from the Glen Park cluster (funeral ceremony). They work for Nitex Industries situated at Baie du Tombeau. Contact tracing/PCR will be done among staff members both at Vacoas and Baie du Tombeau.

- 2 patients of radiotherapy unit of Victoria Hospital

- A foreigner in quarantine (postive at D+14)

- 3 people related to the Souillac cluster - 1 patient was already in quarantine.

Some statistics from the Minister of Health concerning tests (PCR) performed this year compared to last year :

From 5th of March 2021 to End of March (25 days)  : 60, 000 tests

From March 2020  to May 2020 (92 days) : 29,000 tests
- 334 postive cases
- No random testing was performed last year
- Covid testing centres were not fully operational
- Contact tracing team was limited.

About patients who need special care:

2 patients are closely monitored. Their health is of concern. All the others are asymptomatic.

We have a good news as well, one of the patients covid-19 positive, a pregnant lady gave birth to a baby boy at ENT hospital. Both the mother and the baby are doing fine.

Responding to the press:

People of red zone, Canot have been having difficulties to access medication, pharmacies and health services.

For people in Canot (Red Zone) who don't have access to pharmacies, health centres etc, a mobile clinic has been set up, health officers will make necessary arrangements for inhabitants needing medication. Moreover, if they need to go to the hospital, officers will do the needful.

A few words on the vaccination campaign

The vaccination campaign will progressively resume although it had not really been put to a halt, priority of course will be given to frontliners, WAP holders, senior citizens, patients under dyalisis, cancer patients, people at risk (comorbidities ).

Stay stafe everyone

Thanks for the update!!! Awesome job!👌

Thank you Anoushka for your very detailed info. 
Sad to hear of the 2  deaths.  Hope the latest lockdown will manage to make things better for everyone. 
Stay safe everyone

Hello everyone,

Today's press briefing was focused on security areas that matter the most (Precautionary measures, Red Zones, exams).

Daily Update : Press conference of the National Communication Committee

The Minister of Health started by giving some stats:

Local cases during the last 24 hours : 32
Total positive cases : 463
Recoveries : 98
Deaths (2021) : 4 (2 directly related to Covid-19 and 2 from pre existing health conditions)
Total active cases : 361

2044 people are right now in quarantine.

Random testing was carried out in several regions of the island to monitor the spread of the virus. These regions included Beau Bassin, Curepipe, Highlands, Chamouny, Muller Clinic, Bel Ombre, Glen Park, Surinam and Souillac.

Cases around the island

Among these 32 cases, 5 are linked to the radiotherapy unit of Victoria Hospital, 9 to the Souillac cluster, some cases related to the Glen Park cluster (funeral ceremony), 10 to Muller Clinic (patients and staff members), 1 from Chamarel, 1 Nehru Hospital, 4 others from contact tracing and were already in quarantine.

The Radiotherapy unit of Victoria Hospital has been converted into a quarantine facility for patients who have been in contact with covid-19 positive patients. Only emergencies will be admitted in that unit.

For other patients, healthcare will be provided at the New Cancer Hospital.

As far as vaccines are concerned, to date, 191,000 doses have been administered (1st dose), some 20,000 doses are remaining (for 1st dose). A new shipment of vaccines should be arriving in the days to come. As a reminder, the second dose of vaccines had already been put aside for future use.

Deputy Commissionner of Police (DCP) Krishna Jhugroo :

6 new regions/villages have been decreed RED ZONE due to increasing number of local positive cases in these regions.
Part of Constituencies 15,16 and 17 have been removed from the RED ZONE.

RED Zones are highly restricted areas where people can neither enter nor leave without a special permit (special WAP). Public transport is not available. However, school buses, vans etc are available for students taking part in exams at the moment.

Some regions of the red zone lack amenities such as banks, health centres, pharmacies. Mobile clinics will be set up for the inhabitants as well as mobile ATMs wherever possible. Police and health officers will be present to assist inhabitants who are in need as to fetching medication supplies, gas cylinders, provisions. Neighbourhood police officers will check on residents and provide support.

As for the vaccination campaign, the Minister of Health has pointed out that it is better for senior citizens to stay at home for the moment specially in the RED ZONE rather than taking the risk of going out.

Part of La Caverne, Vacoas and Floreal, Curepipe and Midlands

Surinam (15 local cases)
Rivière des Galets
Chamouny (17 local cases)
Chemin Grenier (25 local cases)
Chamarel (10 cases)

Valentina, Petit Camp, Jumbo (Phoenix), Belle Terre, Saint-Antoine, Hermitage, Camp Fouquereaux, Belle Rive, Pinewood, Midlands, 16ème Mille, Phoenix, Palmerston, Morc. Closel, Morc. Chazal, Morc. Boucan, Carreau Laliane, part of St Paul, part of Bonne Terre, Gymkhana.


From 10 March - 31 March :
2790 fines for non-compliance in mask wearing ( fine up to Rs 50,000 or imprisonment up to 2 years)
7447 fines for breach of temporary restriction order (fine up to Rs 500,000 or imprisonment up to 5 years)

The law was amended recently, the penalty for non-compliance in wearing mask is a fine not exceeding Rs500,000 and imprisonment not exceeding 5 years.

1st April - Today:
148 fines for non-compliance in mask wearing ( fine up to Rs 500,000 or imprisonment up to 5 years)
319 fines for breach of temporary restriction order (fine up to Rs 500,000 or imprisonment up to 5 years).

The DCP pointed out that helicopters aerial patrols are carried out twice per day to monitor the situation. Intervention teams are sent where needed.

WAP (Work Access Permit)
He also requested the public to be patient regarding approval of WAPs (Work Access Permits). The Police force is overloaded with applications and it will take some time before reviewing them all.

Regarding rejected applications for WAP(Work Access Permit), he gave some guidelines :
WAP will be given only to selected industries. These industries/sectors are listed though the application form.

Applicants should upload relevant documents. Some documents submitted do not match the applicant's profile.

Follow instructions given by CSU (Citizen Support Unit). For those who need help with their online WAP application, you may call the CSU from Monday to Friday from 09:00 - 16: 00 on the following phone numbers :

214 2005
214 1727
201 3530

The Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Education

A few words on exams that are ongoing. Provisions have been made by the competent authorities to maintain exams rooms and premises clean and sanitized before and after each exam session. Transportation has been arranged (school buses, vans etc). Police force is doing their best to coordinate students access to the different examination centres.
Students are requested to strictly respect precautionary measures (physical distancing, wearing of mask, use of sanitizer).
Moreover, they should go home immediately after exams are over.

Provision for vaccines (17000 doses) had been made for members of the educational staff working on the frontline.

Anticipating that school will resume in a near future, The Minister of Education has indicated that her ministry has been working on several measures and a protocol. They could possibly use self-testing kits to easily and quickly detect Covid-19.

Stay safe everyone,
Have a nice weekend,


Thanks Anoushka. 
Looks this latest situation is being managed well by the officials. 
Stay safe

Yes indeed, quarantine 14 days in one of the quarantine centres (hotels) and 1 week (7 days) self-isolation at home before they do another PCR.

I am personally very much surprised at the number of local cases in Quatre-Bornes (21) as I live here. I didn't have these figures before and I can't believe we are not yet a Red Zone.

Although the Police and authorities are doing their best, the number of cases is on the rise. Perhaps because they are massively testing people ? Or, public behaviour or something is lacking in their strategy... ?

Update on price of gasoline

The Petroleum Pricing Committee reviewed the price of gasoline and increased it by 10%.

Price of 1L of gasoline now : Rs 48.40 (Then Rs 44)

The State Tradig Corporation announced that the price should have increased by 18,98% but instead has been limited to 10% as authorised by the law.

more info about the lockdown extension until 30 April

Thanks for update Anoushka & the latest rise in gasoline is not so good news at the moment.

Thanks for the vid/info Ceresiet.

Think the sooner everyone is vaccinated the sooner we can have some normality back.

Stay safe everyone

Hi Anoushka, 

Pls update about the covid restrictions and lockdown extension.
Stay safe.

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all doing fine and that you had a nice Easter time.

Daily Update : Press conference of the National Communication Committee

The Minister of Health started the press conference by annoucing 2 deaths among covid-19 patients during the last 24 hours. One was attibuted to cancer and the other one is a dialysis patient. He addressed his sympathy to the families.

Local Cases of Covid-19 Stats from 5th of March - Now
Contact Tracing and Covid Testing centres : 403
Detected in Quarantine : 74
Random testing : 13
Recoveries : 117
Active cases of Covid-19 : 367
Deaths in 2021 : 6 (2 attributed to Covid-19 and 4 from pre existing health conditions from cancer, cardiac health problems)

During the last 24 hours :
Total new local cases : 9
4 in Quarantine at Day+7
5 Contact tracing among them 1 ambulance attendant from the Rapid Response Team of Dr. Bruno Cheong Hospital.

Tests carried out during the last 24 hours
Total PCR tests : 1935
Contact Tracing : 1081
Random testing : 510
Covid-19 Testing centres : 344

Random tests were carried out in Surinam, Chemin Grenier and Baie Du Cap during the last 24hr and today in Port-Louis, Ebène, Grand-Bois, Highlands and Savanne.

Approximately 1899 people are right now in the 25 hotels converted into quarantine centres.

Professionals in health sector not authorised to practice during lockdown

Dental care profession/Dentists
Moving on, the Minister of Health explained that dentists operating in the private sector (private dental offices) are not allowed to practice/treat patients.

In case of emergency, people should go to public hospital or clinics

Opticians should not provide any consultation nor examine patients. If they have their own shops, they may sell accessories, glasses and even supply patients' prescriptions.

The Advisor to the Minister of Health, Dr. Gaud

Giving some in-depth details about the 2 patients who passed away and the health of all patients in general :

- A 78 years old lady passed away, she was already fighting a very advanced stage of cancer. She was asymptomatic to covid-19.

- A 68 years old man, under dialysis treatment, having pre-existing health conditions of heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. He passed away  from an arrhythmia as they were starting his hemodialysis treatment.

Other patients admitted at ENT hospital
A 75 years old man in intensive care, intubated. His health is being closely monitored though he has shown signs of being on the right path.

Another intubated patient who has some pre existing health conditions, needs to be under oxygen now and then. Overall, he's stable.

Other patients are doing fine though special attention has to be given to those who are under dialysis and cancer patients.

Dr. Gaud gave an overview of recent findings/publications  based on studies that were carried out on Covid-19.


She highlighted findings concerning vaccines based on studies that were recently conducted. She said that overall vaccines have been doing pretty well in their respective studies and aims/targets as to fighting against severe forms, symptoms, preventing transmissions. Concerning AstraZeneca, a study from the USA confirmed that the  vaccine is efficient at preventing severe forms of Covid-19 and deaths among patients and efficient at 94% in reducing risks of hospitalisation.

Publications from Israel, England, Scotland have been encouraging and show efficiency of vaccines in limiting and preventing the virus transmissions. However, we have to wait atleast 14 days before the vaccine can protect us. Covid-19 tends to be on the rise in countries where people have been recently vaccinated as they often lower their guards too soon.

It has also been shown that efficiency at the 3rd week after vaccination (1st dose) is apparent. Health professionals who have been exposed to the virus and who are vaccinated tend to have low retransmission level towards their patients and family members.

On this particular point, Dr. Gaud concluded by saying that these studies are for the moment preliminary studies, they are encouraging but are not definite and things could change.

Has been determined that a patient who has been infected with Covid-19, will develop antobodies and these antibodies could prevent re infection for atleast 9 months. (except for people having health conditions where they can not produce antobodies)

Long Covid
Patients who have been infected, not having any severe form of the virus or could have had severe forms but who experience symptoms in form of extreme tiredness months after being infected. This "form" of Covid has been recongnised in studies carried out in the USA and Europe. Patients can be of any age, even among younger patients.

Response to some questions of the press :

Dialysis equipment and possible infection

Equipment used for dialysis is disinfected after each session to prevent any contamination. In Souillac hospital in particular, patients who are in quarantine but are negative to covid-19 attend the 1st session in the morning for their dialysis treament and patients who are covid-19 postive in the afternnon.

All equipment is disinfected and dialysis tubes are disposable. Patients have new tubes each time.

Vaccination campaign - How many dose of vaccines do we have left ?
The last vaccination sessions will be organised this week and stock should be over by the end of this week for 1st dose.

As from next week, they will start administering the second dose to patients who have already been vaccinated.

Together, the 1st dose of AstraZeneca/Covishield and 1st dose of Covaxin, amounted to 210,000.

The authorities are expecting a shipment of Sinopharm from China. As they receive vaccines, vaccination will progressively continue.

Seasonal Flu vaccine
Flu vaccines will also be administered to the population in the months to come. The vaccine can be done 14 days apart from the Covid-19 vaccine.

Stay safe everyone,

[EDIT]  With regards to dentists, those in the private sector can not operate i.e private dental offices.

In case of emergencies, you can reach out for dentists in hospitals and clinics.

Air Mauritius announced today their provisional schedules from 31 October 2021 - 26 March 2022

This is all pending the re-opening of country borders for flights as well as COVID and quarantine restrictions within Mauritius as well as the various destinations.

Air Mauritius may even add earlier schedules prior to these dates if and when there is an announcement of earlier border re-openings and easing of lockdown/quarantine restrictions.

Air Mauritius Schedule - effective 31 October 2021

Dear Air Mauritius Partners,

As we prepare for the borders of Mauritius re-opening in a phased approach, we are preparing our flight schedule for the upcoming months. Please note: Changes of Flight Schedule and Frequencies may change at any time, and will be subject to external factors such as opening of borders and sanitary protocols in both countries.. Please find below the flight schedule, currently being made available for bookings in the GDS:
Flights operations may start earlier based on re-opening of borders, subject to external factors and will be communicated timeously. The below schedule reflects the season running from 31 October 2021 to 26 Mar 2022 – it does not indicate borders re-opening.

For commercial reasons, we will operate the following flights effective 31Oct21 to 26Mar22:

2 weekly Airbus A330-900neo JNB pax/cargo flights MK851/2 on Fri and Sun as per following timings:

Local Time
Days of Operation
Fri & Sun
Fri & Sun
Fri & Sun
Fri & Sun

4 weekly Airbus A350-900 CDG pax/cargo flights MK014/015 (AF 7965/4) on Tue/Wed, Thu/Fri, Fri/Sat and Sat/Sun as per following timings:

Local Time
Days of Operation
Tue,Thu,Fri & Sat
Wed,Fri,Sat & Sun
Wed,Fri,Sat & Sun
Thu,Sat,Sun & Mon

One weekly Airbus A330-900neo BOM pax/cargo flight on Thu and 1 weekly A339 BOM cargo flight on Sat as per following timings:

Local Time
Days of Operation
Thu & Sat
Fri & Sun
Fri & Sun
Fri & Sun

4 weekly RUN pax/cargo flights MK218/9 (A339 on Mon&Sun and ATR on Thu&Fri) as per following timings: 

Local Time
Days of Operation
Mon,Thu,Fri & Sun
Mon,Thu,Fri & Sun
Mon,Thu,Fri & Sun
Mon,Thu,Fri & Sun

3 daily ATR Rodrigues flights with 2 additional daily flights on Mon, Thu, Fri and Sun


This e mails confirms that Air Mauritius is authorized to access your reservation   
details/personal   information and respective banking details. This is as the new POPI Act.
Please contact us as we have ancillary services for sale eg. Last minute upgrades, exit seats lounge access and extra baggage allowance
Effective 01 June 2015 all children under the age of 18 years have to travel with an unabridged birth certificate as per the Government regulation
The Airline Takes No Responsibility for Visas or Visa Information-Please contact The Relevant Consulate or Visa Service Company.

Letitia Staebe                                                                                       
Reservation Supervisor
South Africa

Hello everyone,

Daily Update : Press conference of the National Communication Committee

The Minister of Health started the conference by sharing a good news. The village of Canot is no longer a Red Zone.

This village of 900 inhabitants has a total of 32 postive cases of covid-19 and was decreed Red Zone on the 19th of March. The last case identified was March 21st. Random and targeted testing were both in progress in Canot, bearing no positive cases. The Minister thanked residents of Canot for their cooperation and discipline they showed during the red zone phase.

However random and targeted testing carried out at Highlands came out with 22 local positive cases of Covid-19. Around 300 people were tested. Highlands remains in the  RED ZONE.

Local Cases of Covid-19 Stats from 5th of March - Now
Contact Tracing and Covid Testing centres : 409
Detected in Quarantine : 80
Random testing : 35
Recoveries : 117
Active cases of Covid-19 : 401
Deaths in 2021 : 6 (2 attributed to Covid-19 and 4 from pre existing health conditions from cancer, cardiac health problems)

The advisor to the Minister of Health, Dr. Gaud
A 75 years old man, intubated, is being closely monitored due to some cardiac complications he experienced earlier today. Otherwise, his respiratory health is stable.

A 38 years old lady, under dialyse (having a pacemaker) felt uneasy, her health exams are fortunately reassuring.

7 patients are under oxygen (they need a couple of doses every now and then), among those we also have dialysis patients.

For the rest, they are doing fine.

Dr. Gaud pointed that though Canot has known massive infection, the situation has subsided thanks to the inhabitants. This doesn't mean that they have zero case in Canot but most definitely the spread of the virus has been contained.

She stressed on the importance of sanitary and precautionary measures. Wearing masks (covering the nose and below the chin), physical distancing and the use of sanitizer.

She highlighted that being in confined places is more risky for transmission/retransmission of the virus. We have to aerate and if we absolutely need to meet someone, outdoor would be better.

Stay safe everyone,

Thank you for your Update!! Awesome job!
Fingers crossed that it is over very soon.

Thanks Anoushka for your latest.
Stay safe Everyone

Hello everyone,

Before I post today's press briefing, I would like to share  some current news and explain briefly how the daily conference is carried out so that you can understand the particular context of some questions communicated by journalists.

The Press conference of the National Communication Committee is normally held at the New Treasury Building in Port-Louis and broadcast live on national radio & television, private radios, fb pages and so on.  The conference is in Mauritian Kreol and french.

Recurrent speakers are the Minister of Health and The Advisor to the Minister of Health. Depending on the nature of announcements, representatives of other departments (Police and other Ministries) may be invited to provide more details.

Journalists are not present at the conference. They have to submit their questions beforehand on a platform set up in collaboration with Mauritius Telecom, Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) and the Government Information Service (GIS). Some of the questions are put forward during the conference.

Some cases have been making headlines since this morning :

1. An exam invigilator is covid-19 positive, she/he attended work at Philippe Rivalland RCA yesterday. The invigilator has been monitoring exam session of one special need student. The 11 years old student and one of his parent have been tested and are now in quarantine. We don't know the results yet.

2. Deaths among dialysis patients  (positive or negative who were in quarantine).

3. Supply of vaccines. The Prime Minister responded to a question in parliament yesterday saying that pharmaceutical companies are not in a position to supply so many vaccines worldwide. For the time being, we can not guarantee that we will have the amount of doses expected. We should be receiving 100,000 doses of Sinopharm from China soon though.


The press conference was kept brief today. The only speaker was the Minister of Health.

Daily Update : Press conference of the National Communication Committee

Last night, results of tests came out with 8 new local cases. They were already in quarantine (D+7).

- 6 Souillac from Souillac cluster
- 2 Souillac hospital staff

This morning till today afternoon, 684 PCR tests were carried out, 3 were positive.

- 1 Contact tracing from the radiotherapy unit of Victoria Hospital
- 2 in Quarantine postive at D+7

Following targeted testings in the RED ZONE of Highlands, an exam invigilator's health results came back postive. She was monitoring a special need student. She is in a treament centre. The student and one of his parents are now in a quarantine centre.

Health of patients admitted in treatment centres
1 patient under ventilator (stable)
2 patients under oxygen (stable)
1 dialysis patient being closely monitored, his health is of concern.

PCR Testing among the population in the regions of Bramsthan, St-Julien, Souillac and Highlands have been performed. Except for Highlands,  no positive cases were identified in the other regions.

Local Cases of Covid-19 Stats from 5th of March - Now
Contact Tracing and Covid Testing centres : 410
Detected in Quarantine : 90
Random testing : 35
Recoveries : 132
Active cases of Covid-19 : 397
Deaths in 2021 : 6 (2 attributed to Covid-19 and 4 from pre existing health conditions from cancer, cardiac health problems)

Today, we commemorate World Health Day and the theme is "Building a fairer, healthier world". The Minister of Health stated that unfortunately there is inequality in vaccine distribution, it is harder for some countries to access the vaccine. However, we, in Mauritius have been able to carry on with the vaccination campaign and as of today around 16% of the population have been administered the 1st dose. He also spoke a few words on the importance of a healthy lifestyle (healthy diet, physical activity and stress management).

Questions from the press
Q - Reviewing movement restrictions in Highlands following the 22 new cases identified (in particular students)

A- Highlands is already in a RED ZONE, entries and exits are restricted so, movement is restricted. It is the responsibility of WAP (WORK ACCESS PERMIT) holders who can enter or leave the zone to respect all precautionary measures. Exams are ongoing and if all safety recommendations are put into practice, the transmission channel will be broken as in Canot recently.

Q- Vaccines supplies (are we out of stock ?)

A- We can't say that we are out of stock. As previously said, around 205,000 people have been administered the 1st dose. We should now carry on by administering the second dose as vaccines have an expiry date and till we receive new vaccines, the priority will be to vaccine those eligible for their second dose.

Q - Are vaccines reserved for private companies to the detriment of general population as it has been the case in several vaccination centres ?

A - It's completely wrong! We could have stopped the vaccination campaign as lockdown was announced, however we chose to maintain the vaccination program. As people at risk are WAP holders who need to go out to work, whether in public or private sector, they are considered as frontliners and are in contact with people. Hence, they needed to be given priority on the vaccination program.

Q - Increasing death rate among dialysis patients tested negative to covid -19 and who are in quarantine.

A - Dialysis patients' health is already very delicate. They have to deal with challenges of long term illness. On top of that quarantine has an impact on their dialysis, their illness and on the psychological aspects. Doctors are sparing no effort into providing the best treatment to patients.

Q - Concerning the infected exam invigilator from Highlands, why hasn't it been mentioned in the previous press briefing which was around 19:30, the class had already been disinfected by that time.... Wouldn't that make people think that the authorities are hiding information ?

A - Information provided yesterday in the press conference were received shortly before we started the conference . At that time we didn't know who was positive. However, following the information given we were able to establish later in the evening that an exam invigilator among the Covid-19 positive patients. We didn't do any disinfection yesterday, we should be doing it this afternoon.
We try to communicate information to the public as soon as we can but we need to study the cases and link them before we can provide more details to the public.

Q-  Measures taken by the authorities so that students taking part in the exams are not exposed to anyone positive to covid-19

A - We don't know whether someone going to work or taking part in an exam is positive of not. The most important thing is that people should take precautions. Workers, invigilators, students and anyone experiencing symptoms should visit a health treatment centre or a doctor. If a PCR test is required they will perform one. However, what we can say for sure is that if people are respecting sanitary and precautionary measures, they will be protected.

Q - Why haven't been all people selected to work in exams centres been tested through PCR 14 days before begining of exams to avoid such problematic situation as at Philippe Rivalland School ?

A - PCR though performed 14 days before can't guarantee that one will not contract the virus 7/8/9 and so on days after the test. Even if you do a test for Covid-19, the most important thing is to respect barrier gestures.

Q- Percentage of medical staff vaccinated after the second recall for 1st dose vaccination

A- Approx. 60%

Q - The opening of the borders for the month of August remains relevant ?

A - Yes, if the athorities are putting effort into the vaccination campaign to acquire herd immunity, the aim is not only to protect the population against Covid-19 but also to eventually open borders for economic reasons. We are still working in that direction and the time will come as we progress with the vaccination program. To date we have vaccinated 16% of the population, when reach our target of 60 - 70%, definitely, borders will reopen.

Q - 3 medical staff of Flacq Hospital were tested positive and 7 dialysis patients were put in isolation. Why hasn't the National Communication Committee informed us about these cases ?

A - It had already been communicated by the National Communication Committee that a ambulance driver/attendant was tested positive. Following that, all staff members who had been in contact with him have been put in quarantine.

Q - In light of latest scientific recommendations on AstraZeneca, will the second dose be administered ealier than expected ?

A - We can use AstraZeneca at intervals within 8 - 12 weeks for better efficiency. We are planning to administer the second dose within these intervals. Some 110,000 1st doses have been administered and we need to proceed with the second dose within the interval and before the vaccine's expiry date.

Stay safe everyone,

Concerning the above mentioned case of an invigilator at Philippe Rivalland School, the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Education made a statement earlier.

Here is an overview posted on the fb page of the GIS (Government Information Service)

"GIS Mauritius

Students should participate in exams in the best conditions possible, states VPM Dookun-Luchoomun

The Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology, Mrs Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun, appeals to all parents whose wards are currently taking part in national exams to ensure that they are serene without being subject to any unnecessary additional stress for their exams, which are taking place in an exceptional context due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Ministry of Education has put into place all the established sanitary protocols to ensure that students take part in their exams in the best possible conditions.

Mrs Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun was speaking this evening at the seat of her ministry in Phoenix, on the various sanitary measures put in place to ensure the proper running of exams which have started on 22 March.

She also seized this opportunity to appeal to parents and all those concerned with the current examinations not to give into fake news.

VPM Dookun-Luchoomun reassured all parents that with the collaboration of the Ministry of Health and Wellness, all required sanitary precautions are being observed, such a cleaning and sanitising of classes before and after exams.

She pointed out that during exams time social distancing and proper wearing of masks are being respected and for the parents as well students of Philippe Rivalland RCA, the VPM gave the assurance that, after an invigilator was found positive to COVID-19, the classroom is not being used for exams.

She further called on parents not to gather into groups in front of school premises and centres where exams are ongoing while it is important for all to proceed in a disciplined manner for the well-being of the students and the personnel involved.

Furthermore, the Minister of Education appealed to parents not to give into fake news as it has been positively noted by the Mauritius Examinations Syndicate that most students are taking part in their exams."

Anoushka - Thanks for your latest & good report.
Glad to see that things are being done properly.
Stay safe everyone

Hello everyone,

Daily Update : Press conference of the National Communication Committee

The Minister of Health started the conference by announcing 7 positive local cases for the last 24Hrs.

- 3 Cases through contact tracing exercise linked to Souillac Cluster and Victoria Hospital radiotherapy unit
- 4 cases positive in quarantine at D+7 (2 Souillac Cluster and 2 Victoria RT unit)

In regards to a patient tested positive at Jeetoo Hospital, the minister explained that provision has been made in all hospitals to isolate any suspect cases. The patient had to be sent to hospital for treatment and was already in quarantine. He was placed in the isolation ward of Jeetoo Hospital and didn't access any other unit. Medical staff of isolation ward are fully prepared for these types of cases.

Local Cases of Covid-19 Stats from 5th of March - Now
Contact Tracing and Covid Testing centres : 412
Detected in Quarantine : 92
Random testing : 35
Recoveries : 140
Active cases of Covid-19 : 393

Health of patients admitted in treatment centres
1 patient under ventilator (serious condition)
5 dialysis patients (closely monitored - fragile)

1 cancer patient admitted to ENT has now been tested negative to Covid-19, he was transferred to another hospital for treatment.

2233 people are currently in quarantine. This number is on the increase due to recent positive cases from Highlands (22).

The Minister of Health once again reminded that each person must act responsibly and respect santinary and precautionary measures. From information gathered on this particular region (Highlands) , it came to be known that a family organised a birthday party followed by a ceremony. Rules are clear but not respected unfortunately. In such cases, sanctions will be implemented.


As from the 10th of April, the second dose of vaccines will be administered. The vaccination calendar is already available on the fb page of the GIS. People respect their appointment dates so that the process runs smoothly.

Q - Number of positive cases among frontliners of Dr. Bruno Cheong Hospital Flacq

A - 2 positive cases. People who have been in contact with these 2 patients are in quarantine.

Q- PCR test valid for only 24 hours.

A - PCR tests are efficient whereby someone has been exposed to Covid-19 (Contact tracing, people presenting symptoms). For others, respecting barrier gestures is crucial for their own safety and to avoid any transmission of the virus.

Q - Measures concerning patients with asthma

A- Asthmatic patients have fragile respiratory system they need to be vaccinated and due to seasonal change (flu season), they need to be more careful when going out, take all precautions and respect barrier gestures.

Q - Vacinnated patients among covid-19 positive cases (frontliners)

A - A frontliner or anyone can be tested positive although the vaccine has been administered to him/her. It doesn't mean that the vaccine doesn't work. It has been found that the virus is less present/developped in patients positive to Covid-19 who had been vaccinated..

Stay safe everyone,

This site seems to be the most informative one with regard to COVID restrictions in Mauritius.
So maybe someone has some idea or information if there may be certain changes to the rules before the end of April.

Especially with regard to outside sports and beach excess for walking and sport activities (not for BBQ etc). In  the area I stay I see that walking at the beach with 3 dogs is practiced frequently. (Maybe there is a special rule for dog owners, but not everyone has dogs).

On the other hand Individuals walking at the beaches are in contrast to supermarket shoppers and pedestrians on crowded streets or those using the complex swimming pools not under risk regarding corona infection.

Would appreciate any comment or information.

Best regards

Dear Anoushka;

I beleive everyone including me, highly appreciates your efforts to keep us updated on the latest Covid events and changes.

You are doing a great favor to all, and I assume this to be, by far one of the most transparent and accurate reports  publicized yet.

I wish for a day, when we wake up and see all this to be over and not a single sole more is harmed.

Thank you once again & stay safe and healthy.


Hello everyone,

I apologise for not posting for a few days, caught a bad flu. Will be reposting this afternoon. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to follow the news lately. However, briefly I would say that red zones have been removed in several regions and we received 100,000 doses of Sinopharm vaccine in donation from China.

Stats are as follows :

Local Cases of Covid-19 Stats from 5th of March - Now
Contact Tracing and Covid Testing centres : 414
Detected in Quarantine : 116
Random testing : 36
Active cases of Covid-19 : 321

Sadly the number of deaths due to Covid-19 this year reached 5.

Stay safe everyone,

Henryb wrote:

This site seems to be the most informative one with regard to COVID restrictions in Mauritius.
So maybe someone has some idea or information if there may be certain changes to the rules before the end of April.


Best regards

We are on the right path, I must say that though we are in lockdown, in some regions of the island we don't really get that feeling as people are going on with their life as usual... In the centre where we got the most cases, we are still cautious and tend to go out only when needed. The number of active cases has been dropping as well... let's hope for the best.

Have a nice day,

Dear Anoushka;

Thanks a lot for your latest view of the corona situation. I agree that Mauritius is on the right track to come to an end of the current lockdown. Especially when we look at the latest daily figures and consider that the last days positive numbers came from day 7 tests out of the Quarantine hotels indicating that the infection of the population is under control.

Like in other countries there is always a discussion about the efficiency of the various measures used to get the infection under control. One of the most un-logical methods used here is the closure of beaches for walking and swimming. There are a lot of expats who live here as retirees or for leisure and feel the same. Maybe the Minister for Tourism and the EDB who wants to attract more people for coming to and living in Mauritius even in the corona time should also be involved when it comes to those measures for closing the beaches.

Have a nice day,


Hi Anoushka
Very pleased to see you are back & trust you have got over your flu and now you are safe and well.
Take your time - your health comes first & of course we look forward to your very detailed reports when you are ready.

Henryb: Wonder if everyone is allowed to go for walk/swims, may prove to be a little bit difficult to manage as it would get too crowded.
I understand you are still being asked to keep a safe distance & stay away from any crowded areas. 
This also applies to us here in the UK and it may seem to be illogical at times - However covid will not differentiate whether you/we are expats or the local population. 
Could it be that the health ministry is trying their best to make it as safe as possible before allowing travellers in (as you so rightly pointed out) as well as allowing everyone in Mauritius to enjoy the beaches/seas again.
I am one of them.... waiting and biding my time before getting on a flight to Mauritius. Maybe someone in the ministry of tourism/EDB will come up with an explanation & give us a very good reason why the beaches are out of bounds.
In the meantime Stay safe everyone.

Hello everyone,

There was no press conference today. However, active cases are now 306.

Going to the beach or running, walking etc is still now allowed unfortunately.

Regarding the econony of Mauritius itself, we are heading towards reopening the economy and definitely we will have to learn to live with the virus. Pre-budget consultations are ongoing at the moment for the upcoming 2021/2022 budget and Business Mauritius and other stakeholders have submitted their proposals. The budget will be driven towards preparing Mauritius to the "new normal".

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all doing fine.

A brief update from the GIS (Government Information Services)

"-Since 05 March 2021 to date, positive cases have been identified as follows: 415 cases through the contact tracing exercise and COVID-19 testing centres; 119 in quarantine centres; and 37 through random testing. As at date, a total of 330 patients were discharged and the number of active local cases stands at 230.

-One positive case was registered during the last 24 hours at Dr Bruno Cheong Hospital. The person lives in Petit Bois and the contact tracing exercise is already ongoing.

-PCR tests will be carried out at Chamarel today.

-Dr Jagutpal commended the population for acting responsibly and observing precautionary and sanitary measures. These measures must still thoroughly be observed so as to ensure that the coronavirus does not spread in the community.

Active cases are now 230, which is very encouraging for a potential upliftment of lockdown.

All the regions of constituencies 15,16 and 17 were removed from the Red Zone except Highlands, the village of Dubreuil also has been removed from this category.

The Prime Minister, Hon. Pravind Jugnauth, has announced yesterday that he will be addressing the population before the 30th of April to communicate on the lockdown (upliftment or extension).

Concerning sport/leisure it is still not possible whether alone or in group. Beaches are closed as well. Restaurants operate only in take-away. Alphabetical order in banks, supermakets, offices is maintained.

As far as flights are concerned

Travel Restrictions to Mauritius
– Up to 30th of April 2021

   1. No passengers will be allowed entry into Mauritius.
   2.  Departing passengers will be allowed to board the authorized flights, should there be any departing flights.

– From 1st of May 2021 to 31st of May 2021 (Kindly note that these flights are tentative or may be cancelled subject to prevailing sanitary conditions in Mauritius)

While travel restrictions have been extended to 31st May, exceptional flights may still be programmed as is the case since last year.

All prospective passengers (including children and infants) travelling to Mauritius must possess the following documents:

1. a certificate of a negative COVID – 19 PCR test administered between 5 and 7 days prior to the date of boarding at the last point of embarkation.

2. a valid air ticket to Mauritius; and

3. proof of purchase of a travel package including accommodation, on a full board basis, at a designated hotel for a mandatory 14-day in-room quarantine.

We will relay related information from the relevant authorities as the situation evolves, and hope to welcome you to our beautiful Mauritius soon.
[link under review]

Till then, stay safe everyone,

Thankyou Anoushka.

Press Release (Breaking News)

The laboratories of the Ministry of Health and Welfare carried out 976 PCR tests at 5:00 p.m. on April 16.

The results are all negative.
344 patients considered to be cured were able to return home.

The total number of positive COVID-19 cases locally since March 5 is as follows:
• 415 cases recorded following Contact Tracing and samples at COVID-19 Testing Centers
• 119 cases recorded in quarantine (negative patients on admission)
• 37 cases recorded following targeted screening
• 5 deaths attributed to COVID-19
The number of active cases at the local level is therefore 216.

Further details and any further developments on the situation will be followed in a press release to be issued tomorrow.

Thanks for update Anoushka.
Seems to be getting better.
Stay safe Evryone

Thank you Anoushka!!
Fingers crossed life starts again.

Hello everyone,


The laboratories of the Ministry of Health and Welfare carried out 853 PCR tests on Sunday, April 18.
At 5 p.m., all results were negative.
362 patients recovered were able to return home.

The total number of positive COVID-19 cases locally since March 5 is as follows:
• 415 cases recorded following Contact Tracing and samples at COVID-19 test centers.
• 119 cases recorded in quarantine (negative patients on admission).
• 37 cases recorded following targeted screening.
• 5 deaths attributed to COVID-19.
The number of active cases at the local level is therefore 198.

Further details and any further developments on the situation will be followed in a press release to be issued tomorrow.
April 18, 2021
Ministry of Health and Welfare

Thanks for the updates very useful.
Is there already something known of what Mauritius will do or what the directions could be, with people that already are vaccinated and want to travel to Mauritius, when the country opens up again?