Vaccines required in Brazil

I was posting to a post that quoted the New York Times must of landed I the wrong group

Texanbrazil wrote:

The Brazilian government will require five days of quarantine for travelers who come to the country and cannot prove that they have taken a vaccine against Covid, announced ministers Marcelo Queiroga (Health) and Ciro Nogueira (Casa Civil).

In addition to proof of immunization, it will be necessary to present the negative result of a test to detect coronaviruses performed up to 72 hours before.

It is the first comprehensive measure by Jair Bolsonaro's management of travelers since the more transmissible omicron variant was identified.

Is this still the case? I am happy with the quarantaine rule but I hope that unvaccinated people do have a way to enter by airplane. This is very important to my fiancé.

I hope to find the real answer here

Texanbrazil wrote:

From 11 December 2021, anyone travelling to Brazil by air or land will need to show proof of full vaccination with any COVID-19 vaccine approved by the World Health Organization's Emergency Use Listing (WHO). For travellers without proof of vaccination, entry will still be permitted however, they will need to quarantine for five days in the city of final destination and at the address registered in the Travellers Health Declaration. At the end of the quarantine period, a PCR or Antigen test must be taken and the traveller cannot leave quarantine until they receive a negative or undetectable result. In addition, all children under the age of 2 are exempt from the requirement to present a negative test. Children under the age of 12 who are accompanied by adult(s) who have proof of a negative test are also exempt.

I understand a judge forced this … ter-brazil


Fred wrote:

I understand a judge forced this

Which is totally irrelevant to the legitimacy of the regulation.

We're also on the other side of the world from Indonesia, but thanks (?) for your interest. 


Here's the actual regulation, as published yesterday in the Diário Oficial da União: … -375486913

I don't see any exceptions.  The easiest way to stay up to date on any changes is on the website of the airline that your finacée plans to fly.

abthree wrote:


Fred wrote:

I understand a judge forced this

Which is totally irrelevant to the legitimacy of the regulation.

True, but someone quoted an older, now out of date post with a question based on old information, so quoting a more up to date one with a background comment to justify doing so seemed like an idea.

abthree wrote:


Here's the actual regulation, as published yesterday in the Diário Oficial da União: … -375486913

I don't see any exceptions.  The easiest way to stay up to date on any changes is on the website of the airline that your finacée plans to fly.

My Portuguese isn't good enough to translate all of that.
Does it say anything about quarantaine? Or are they really stopping access for everyone who can or will not take a jab?

GringoLouco wrote:

My Portuguese isn't good enough to translate all of that.
Does it say anything about quarantaine? Or are they really stopping access for everyone who can or will not take a jab?

I'm confused.  I know that your Portuguese isn't extensive because of our previous discussions, but your Brazilian fiancée must be able to read it, and should:  she's the one most directly affected, after all.

No, there are no provisions for quarantine instead of vaccination.  There's a provision for quarantine of people whose vaccination status cannot be determined, but those people are not being allowed to board planes.  There is also a provision for an exemption based on a health condition that prevents vaccination, and is supported by a medical declaration; what qualifies as a medical declaration is not defined.

You just tried posting antivax propaganda for the second time today.   It was deleted for the second time.  It will continue to be deleted.   We're not getting into arguments about it.  We're happy to respond to any legitimate questions you have about life in Brazil; there are other sites for debating fake news.  Please don't bring it here.



Thank you for what you do, and for staying at your post through this crisis.  I'm sure that your patients and their families appreciate it.

Thank you, John, and pass on Brazil's thank you to all health care workers.

Thank you. I'm done after this wave. Thank you for all the important information you give us on this forum. Your experiences are so important for us.

COC of Expat is for questions pertaining to questions those my have.

The forum is dedicated to expat related matters. Topics related to politics or religion won't be accepted.

The moderation team reserves the right to intervene if necessary.

Just advising of the COC. It was not directed to any person,

randazzo wrote:

I'm a CT tech in a hospital in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our ICUs are filled up right now with the unvaccinated. The vaccinated that are admitted are sitting up talking to one another. Last year those same patients without vaccinations would have been on high-flow rebreathers and looking half dead from exhaustion fighting to breath for days.

May we please leave your personal views on Covid and vaccinations out of this group?

Texanbrazil wrote:

COC of Expat is for questions pertaining to questions those my have.

The forum is dedicated to expat related matters. Topics related to politics or religion won't be accepted.

The moderation team reserves the right to intervene if necessary.

And at this point, they really need to

I'm sorry if I offended anyone. I can see how my comments could be considered decisive to others views. I have friends, family, and coworkers who hold them. I will miss them all when I leave the States, but I look forward to getting to know new people in Brazil and consider all of them my friends, and even my family. Thank you for all your help.

Below is a translated copy of the ordinance. This remains in effect today. (excuse the translation having a few words not exactly being correct)
They are being enforced.
Hopefully, further discussions will about the ordinance, because expats do not have much say, except those who have become citizens and vote.

Posted: 12/20/2021 | Edition: 238-A | Section: 1 - Extra A | Page: 1

Organ: Presidency of the Republic/Civil House


It provides for exceptional and temporary measures for entry into the country, pursuant to Law No. 13,979 of February 6, 2020.

THE MINISTERS OF STATE CHIEF OF THE CIVIL HOUSE OF THE PRESIDENCY OF THE REPUBLIC, JUSTICEAND PUBLIC SECURITY, HEALTH AND INFRASTRUCTURE,in the use of the attributions conferred on them art. 87, sole paragraph, items I and II, of the Constitution, and art. 3, art. 37, art. 47 and art. 35 of Law No. 13,844 of June 18, 2019, and in view of the provisions of Art.3( caput, item VI, Of Law No. 13,979 of February 6, 2020, and

Considering the determinations of the Federal Supreme Court in the Investigation of Non-Compliance with Fundamental Precept 913 - Federal District, which imposes on the authorities the duty to require presentation of the proof of vaccination against Covid-19 of Brazilians and foreigners who enter the country;

Considering the determinations of the Federal Supreme Court in the Investigation of Non-Compliance with Fundamental Precept 913 - Federal District establishing that Ordinance No. 661/2021 should be interpreted in the strict terms of Technical Notes No. 112 and 113/2021 of ANVISA; and

Considering the Opinion of Enforceability of the Attorney General of the Union No. 00149/2021/SGCT/AGU, they resolve:



Art. 1 º This Ordinance provides for exceptional and temporary restrictions, measures and requirements for entry into the country, due to the risks of contamination and dissemination of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19).

Single paragraph. The authorization of the entry into the country of travelers of international origin, Brazilian or foreign, will take place in accordance with this Ordinance.

Art. 2º The restrictions that this Ordinance deals with do not apply to cargo transport workers, provided they use personal protective equipment (PPE) and adopt the measures, in national territory, to mitigate contagion of COVID-19 provided for in Ordinance GM/MS 1.565, of June 18, 2020 and those explained by the National Health Surveillance Agency.



Art. 3 - The entry of the traveler of international, Brazilian or foreign origin is authorized to enter the country by air, provided that the following requirements are met:

I - presentation to the airline responsible for the flight, before boarding, of a test document for screening for infection by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19), with negative or undetectable result, of the antigen test type, performed up to twenty-four hours prior to the time of shipment, or laboratory RT-PCR, performed up to seventy-two hours prior to the time of shipment, the parameters indicated in Annex I of this Ordinance and the following criteria:

(a) in the event of a flight with connections or stopovers in which the traveler remains in a restricted area of the airport, the time limits referred to in item I of the caput shall be considered in relation to boarding on the first leg of the journey; and

b) in the event of a flight with connections or stopovers in which the traveler does not remain in a restricted area of the airport, in which the traveler performs migration, and that exceeds seventy-two hours since the RT-PCR test or twenty-four hours of the antigen test, the traveler must present a document proving the performance of a new test, RT-PCR or antigen, with negative or undetectable result for coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19) at check-in for shipment to the Federative Republic of Brazil.

II - presentation to the airline responsible for the flight, before boarding, voucher, printed or electronic, the completion of the Traveler's Health Declaration - DSV, no later than twenty-four hours in advance of boarding to the Federative Republic of Brazil, with agreement on sanitary measures that must be fulfilled during the period in which you are in the country; and

III - presentation to the airline responsible for the flight, before boarding, of proof of vaccination, printed or electronic, with immunizations approved by the National Health Surveillance Agency or the World Health Organization or the authorities of the country in which the traveler was immunized, whose application of the last dose or single dose has occurred, at least fourteen days prior to the date of departure.

Article 4 - The presentation of the proof of vaccination will be dispensed to travelers:

I - with health condition that contraindicates vaccination, provided that attested by medical report;

II - not eligible for vaccination according to age, according to criteria defined by the Ministry of Health in the National Plan for The Operationalization of Vaccination against COVID-19 and published on the website of the Ministry of Health;

III - due to humanitarian issues, in the form of Art. 18 of this Ordinance.

IV - from countries with low vaccination coverage published by the Ministry of Health and published on the ministry's website; and

V - Brazilians and foreigners residing in Brazilian territory, who are not fully vaccinated.

Art. 5º Travelers exempted from proof of vaccination, when entering the Brazilian territory, must quarantine, for fourteen days, in the city of their final destination and at the address registered in the Traveler's Health Declaration - DSV.

§ 1 - The quarantine provided for in the caput may be discontinued due to a negative RT-PCR result or antigen test performed in a sample collected from the fifth day of the beginning of the quarantine, provided that the traveler is asymptomatic.

§ 2 - The acceptance of the terms of quarantine by travelers will be expressly included in the Traveler's Health Statement - DSV.

§ 3 - The information of travelers submitted to the quarantine measure specified in the Traveler's Health Declaration - DSV will be forwarded to the Strategic Information Centers on Health Surveillance (CIEVS) - National, which will send them to CIEVS in their areas of coverage that will monitor the respective travelers.

§ 4 - Brazilians and foreigners residing in Brazil, who left the country until December 14, 2021, are exempted from the presentation of proof of vaccination or quarantine on return, but must meet the requirements contained in items I and II of Art. 3.

Art. 6 º Aircraft crew members shall present proof of vaccination, printed or electronic, with immunizations approved by the National Health Surveillance Agency or the World Health Organization or the authorities of the country in which the crew member was immunized, whose application of the last single dose or dose occurred at least fourteen days before the date of shipment.

§ 1 - Aircraft crew members who are not fully vaccinated will comply with the protocol set out in Annex II of this Ordinance.

§ 2 - Aircraft crew members are exempt from presenting a test document for screening for coronavirus infection SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19).

Article 7) International flights to the Federative Republic of Brazil from or passing through the Republic of South Africa, the Republic of Botswana, the Kingdom of Ssuatíni, the Kingdom of Lesotho, the Republic of Namibia and the Republic of Zimbabwe in the last fourteen days are prohibited on a temporary basis.

Single paragraph. The provisions of the caput does not apply to the operation of cargo flights, handled by workers paramentados with personal protective equipment (PPE), whose crew must observe the sanitary protocols specified in Annex III to this Ordinance.

Article 8 º The authorization of embarkation to the Federal Republic of Brazil of a foreign traveler, coming or passing, in the last fourteen days before boarding, by the Republic of South Africa, Republic of Botswana, Kingdom of Ssuatíni, Kingdom of Lesotho, Republic of Namibia and Republic of Zimbabwe, is suspended on a temporary basis.

§ 1 - The provisions of thecaput does notapply to the traveler who meets the requirements set out in Art. 3, provided that it is:

I - foreigner with residence for a fixed or indefinite period, in Brazilian territory;

II - foreign professional on a mission in the service of an international body, provided that it is identified;

III - foreigner who is spouse, partner, son, father or curator of Brazilian.

§ 2 - The travelers who deal with § 1 when entering The Brazilian territory, must remain in quarantine, for fourteen days, in the city of their final destination.

§ 3 - Brazilian travelers coming or with passage, in the last fourteen days before boarding in the countries listed in art. 8 must meet the requirements contained in items I and II of Art. 3, and when entering the Brazilian territory, must remain in quarantine, for fourteen days, in the city of their final destination.

§ 4 - The quarantine provided for in § 3 may be discontinued due to a negative RT-PCR result or antigen test performed in a sample collected from the fifth day of the beginning of the quarantine, provided that the traveler is asymptomatic.



Art. 9º Fica autorizada a entrada no País, por via terrestre, do viajante de procedência internacional, brasileiro ou estrangeiro, desde que apresentado, nos pontos de controle terrestres, o comprovante de vacinação, impresso ou em meio eletrônico, com imunizantes aprovados pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária ou pela Organização Mundial da Saúde ou pelas autoridades do país em que o viajante foi imunizado, cuja aplicação da última dose ou dose única tenha ocorrido, no mínimo, quatorze dias antes da data de ingresso no País.

Parágrafo único. O comprovante de que trata o caput deve ser apresentado, como condição para o embarque, aos responsáveis pelos serviços de transporte rodoviário e ferroviário internacional de passageiros.

Art. 10. A exigência de apresentação de comprovante de vacinação de que trata o art. 9º não se aplica:

I - ao viajante com condição de saúde que contraindique a vacinação contra a Covid-19, desde que atestado por laudo médico;

II - aos não elegíveis para vacinação em função da idade, conforme critérios definidos pelo Ministério da Saúde no Plano Nacional de Operacionalização da Vacinação contra a COVID-19 e publicados no sítio do Ministério da Saúde;

III - aos provenientes de países com baixa cobertura vacinal divulgados pelo Ministério da Saúde e publicados no sítio do ministério

IV - ao acolhimento a pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade decorrente de fluxo migratório provocado por crise humanitária para execução de medidas de assistência emergencial no território brasileiro, de acordo com os meios disponíveis, desde que a situação de vulnerabilidade seja reconhecida por ato do Presidente da República, nos termos do parágrafo único do art. 3º da Lei nº 13.684, de 21 de junho de 2018, e atendida a legislação migratória vigente;

V - ao ingresso de viajante no País em situação de vulnerabilidade para execução de ações humanitárias transfronteiriças previamente autorizadas pelas autoridades sanitárias locais;

VI - ao tráfego de residentes fronteiriços em cidades-gêmeas, mediante a apresentação de documento de residente fronteiriço ou de outro documento comprobatório, desde que seja garantida a reciprocidade no tratamento ao brasileiro pelo país vizinho, salvo nas localidades de fronteiras em que sejam executadas as medidas previstas no inciso IV; e

VII - ao trabalhador de transporte de cargas, incluídos motorista e ajudante, desde que tais trabalhadores comprovem adotar os equipamentos de proteção individual (EPI) e as medidas para mitigação de contágio explicitadas pela ANVISA.



Art. 11. Fica autorizado o transporte aquaviário de passageiros, brasileiros ou estrangeiros, exclusivamente nas águas jurisdicionais brasileiras, de embarcações de cruzeiros marítimos.

§ 1º A autorização de que trata ocapute a operação de embarcações com transporte de passageiros, nos portos nacionais, fica condicionada à edição prévia de Portaria pelo Ministério da Saúde, que deve dispor sobre o cenário epidemiológico, a definição das situações consideradas surtos de Covid-19 em embarcações e as condições para o cumprimento da quarentena de passageiros e de embarcações.

§ 2º A operação de embarcações com transporte de passageiros, nos portos nacionais, fica condicionada à edição de um Plano de Operacionalização no âmbito do Município e do Estado, que estabeleça as condições para assistência em saúde dos passageiros desembarcados em seus territórios e para execução local da vigilância epidemiológica ativa.

§ 3 - The sanitary conditions for the boarding and disembarkation of passengers and crew on sea cruise vessels located in Brazilian jurisdictional waters, including those with foreign crew and without passengers on board from another country, shall be defined in a specific act of the National Health Surveillance Agency.

Art. 12. The sanitary conditions for the boarding and disembarkation of crew members of cargo vessels from another country and platforms located in Brazilian jurisdictional waters will be defined in a specific act of the National Health Surveillance Agency.



Art. 13. For the purposes of this Ordinance, the traveler who has completed the primary vaccination schedule is considered fully vaccinated at least fourteen days before the date of shipment, provided that:

I - immunizations approved by the National Health Surveillance Agency or the World Health Organization or the authorities of the country in which the traveler was immunized are used;

II - the vaccination vouchers contain, in the least, the name of the traveler and the following data of the vaccine:

(a) trade name or name of the manufacturer;

b) Number(s) of the batch(s) applied dose(s);

c) Date(s) of the application of the dose(s).

§ 1 - No proof of vaccination shall be accepted in which the data provided for in the caput items are available only in QR-CODE format or any other coded language;

§ 2 - Covid-19 recovery certificate will not be accepted in place of the full vaccination voucher.

Art. 14. The restrictions, measures and conditions provided for in this Ordinance constitute requirements for the entry of travelers into the country, without prejudice to others suitable for their migratory condition, including that of carrying an entry visa, when this is required by the Brazilian legal system.

Single paragraph. The migration authority should prevent the entry into Brazilian territory of foreigners who do not comply with the requirements of this ordinance, demanding technical information from other border surveillance authorities, if necessary.

Art. 15. Failure to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance will imply, for the offending agent:

I - civil, administrative and criminal liability;

II - repatriation or immediate deportation; and

III - incapacity of asylum application.

Art. 16. The immigrant in a situation of vulnerability due to migration caused by a humanitarian crisis recognized by the act of the President of the Republic, pursuant to the sole paragraph of Article 3 of Law No. 13,684, of June 21, 2018, and who has entered the country, in the period from March 18, 2020 until the date of publication of this Ordinance, migration status is regularized in accordance with current legislation.

Single paragraph. The provisions ofthe caput applyto immigrants who, having entered the country from March 18, 2020 until the date of publication of this Ordinance, presents proof of vaccination, printed or electronic, with immunizations approved by the National Health Surveillance Agency or the World Health Organization or the authorities of the country in which the traveler was immunized, the application of the last single dose or dose occurred at least fourteen days before the date of inspection.

Art. 17. Normative acts and technical guidelines may be prepared by the Ministries in order to complement the provisions contained in this Ordinance, provided that the scope of competence of the Ministry is observed.

Single paragraph. Regulatory bodies may issue guidelines complementary to the provisions of this Ordinance, including sanitary rules on services, procedures, means of transport and operations, provided that the scope of their powers and the provisions of Law No. 13,979 of 2020 are observed.

Art. 18. The Ministries may forward to the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic, in a reasoned way, cases omitted in this Ordinance and requests for exceptional cases, regarding compliance with sanitary requirements, to meet the public interest or humanitarian issues.

§ 1 - The exceptional requests referred to inthe caput mustbe forwarded to the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic, at least five working days before the date of entry into the country.

§ 2 - The Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic shall request, within an appropriate period of time to the urgency of the demand, the manifestation:

I - da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária;

II - de outros órgãos cuja pertinência temática tenha relação com o caso, se entender necessário; e

III - dos Ministérios signatários deste normativo.

§ 3º A decisão, por consenso, dos Ministérios signatários será comunicada pela Casa Civil da Presidência da República.

§ 4º A fundamentação deverá demonstrar a razoabilidade e proporcionalidade do pedido de caso excepcional para atendimento do interesse público ou de questões humanitárias.

Art. 19. Os Ministérios, no âmbito de suas competências, deverão adotar as providências necessárias ao cumprimento do disposto nesta Portaria.

Art. 20. Os documentos e demais requisitos necessários para o ingresso em território nacional podem ser avaliados pelas autoridades de imigração, ficando o infrator sujeito às penalidades previstas nesta Portaria.

Art. 21. As disposições desta Portaria poderão ser revistas a qualquer tempo sempre que houver mudança do cenário epidemiológico, conforme manifestação técnica prévia do Ministério da Saúde.

Parágrafo único. O cenário epidemiológico será monitorado pela Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde do Ministério da Saúde.

Art. 22. Os documentos exigidos nesta Portaria e emitidos no exterior deverão ser apresentados nos idiomas português, espanhol ou inglês.

Art. 23. Ficam revogadas:

I - a Portaria Interministerial nº 661, de 08 de dezembro de 2021; e

II - a Portaria Interministerial nº 662, de 10 de dezembro de 2021.

Art. 24. Esta Portaria entra em vigor na data de sua publicação.


Ministro de Estado Chefe da Casa Civil da

Presidência da República


Ministro de Estado da Justiça e Segurança Pública


Ministro de Estado da Saúde


Ministro de Estado da Infraestrutura



A testagem para detecção da infecção pelo coronavírus SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19) exigidas, nos termos desta Portaria, aos viajantes de procedência internacional, brasileiro ou estrangeiro, deverão atender os seguintes parâmetros:

1. O teste laboratorial RT-PCR ou teste de antígeno com laudo deverão ser realizados em laboratório reconhecido pela autoridade de saúde do país de origem;

2. As crianças com idade inferior a doze anos que estejam viajando acompanhadas estão isentas de apresentar documento comprobatório de realização de testes para rastreio da infecção pelo coronavírus SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19), desde que todos os acompanhantes apresentem documentos com resultado negativo ou não detectável, do tipo laboratorial RT-PCR, realizado em até setenta e duas horas anteriores ao momento do embarque, ou teste de antígeno, realizado em até vinte e quatro horas anteriores ao momento do embarque;

3. As crianças com idade igual ou superior a dois e inferior a doze anos, que estejam viajando desacompanhadas, deverão apresentar documentos com resultado negativo ou não detectável, do tipo laboratorial RT-PCR, realizado em até setenta e duas horas anteriores ao momento do embarque, ou teste de antígeno, realizado em até vinte e quatro horas anteriores ao momento do embarque;

4. As crianças com idade inferior a dois anos estão isentas de apresentar documento comprobatório de realização de teste para rastreio da infecção pelo coronavírus SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19) para viagem à República Federativa do Brasil;

5. A entrada em território nacional de viajantes que tiveram covid-19 nos últimos noventa dias, contados a partir da data de início dos sintomas, que estejam assintomáticos e persistam com teste RT-PCR ou teste de antígeno detectável para o coronavírus SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19), será permitida mediante apresentação dos seguintes documentos:

5.1. dois resultados de RT-PCR detectável, com intervalo de no mínimo quatorze dias, sendo o último realizado em até setenta e duas horas anteriores ao momento do embarque;

5.2. teste de antígeno que apresente laudo com resultado negativo ou não reagente, posterior ao último resultado RT-PCR detectável; e

5.3. atestado médico que deverá conter a assinatura do médico responsável e declarar que o indivíduo está assintomático e apto a viajar, incluindo a data da viagem.



Os tripulantes de aeronaves que não estiverem completamente vacinados deverão cumprir o seguinte protocolo:

1. ausência de contato social e autoisolamento enquanto permanecer em solo brasileiro no deslocamento entre o aeroporto e o hotel:

1.1. quando necessário - o operador aéreo deverá providenciar o deslocamento entre a aeronave e as acomodações individuais da tripulação em meio de transporte particular e garantir que as medidas de higiene sejam aplicadas e que o distanciamento físico entre as pessoas seja assegurado desde a origem até o destino.

2. ausência de contato social e autoisolamento enquanto permanecer em solo brasileiro, no alojamento. A tripulação deverá permanecer em residência ou em quarto de hotel, neste último caso, deverá ser observado o seguinte:

2.1. a acomodação será ocupada por apenas um tripulante;

2.2. a acomodação será higienizada antes e depois da sua ocupação;

2.3. a tripulação não utilizará as instalações comuns do hotel;

2.4. a tripulação realizará as refeições na acomodação;

2.5. se o serviço de quarto do hotel não estiver disponível, o tripulante solicitará refeição do tipo "para viagem";

3. cuidados com a saúde e automonitoramento - a tripulação deverá:

3.1. monitorar regularmente os sintomas, inclusive febre e outros sintomas associados ao coronavírus SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19);

3.2. evitar o contato com o público e com os demais tripulantes;

3.3. permanecer no quarto do hotel, exceto para procurar atendimento médico ou para executar atividades consideradas essenciais;

3.4. lavar as mãos com frequência com água e sabão, quando possível, ou utilizar álcool em gel;

3.5. usar máscara; e

3.6. observar o distanciamento físico quando for necessário deixar o hotel;

4. em casos de sintomas - caso a tripulação apresente sintomas associados ao coronavírus SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19) no território brasileiro, deverá:

4.1. communicate this to the air operator;

4.2. seek medical assistance to assess possible involvement by SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19); and

4.3. in case of positive result, cooperate with additional monitoring, according to the protocols adopted by the local health system;

5. occupational health - the following measures will be adopted:

5.1. those responsible for the occupational health programs of air operators will maintain permanent contact with the crews, in order to ensure the realization of self-monitoring by their employees and the execution of health protocols that reduce the risk factors associated with exposure to SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19); and

5.2. the air operator will implement an education program with the aim of guiding crews on the sanitary measures to be adopted during the period of confrontation with SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19);

6. crew health management plan - it is up to air operators:

6.1. develop and maintain a permanent management plan for the health of crew members, with the risk assessment of the exposure of the crew to SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19); and

6.2. demonstrate, whenever requested, the supporting documentation of implementation of the mitigation measures of SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19), without prejudice to the surveillance, monitoring and control actions to be carried out by the competent authorities.



The operation of cargo flights from the Republic of South Africa, the Republic of Botswana, the Kingdom of Ssuatíni, the Kingdom of Lesotho, the Republic of Namibia and the Republic of Zimbabwe shall be carried out by workers paraded with personal protective equipment (PPE), whose crew must observe the following health protocols:

1. completion of the Traveler's Health Declaration (DSV), provided for in Article 3, item II of this ordinance, being exempted from presenting a document proving the performance of rt-PCR laboratory test, provided that it complies with the protocol contained in Annex II of this Ordinance, in which it may be;

2. it is not authorized the landing of crew members, except in case of emergency need, previously authorized by the local health authority, a situation in which quarantine should be carried out for fourteen days, under the guidance and monitoring of the health authorities of the respective State or Municipality, and if the emergency landing is only for transit at the airport itself, the crew member must make constant use of face mask and social distancing;

3. if necessary, the supply of food and water shall be carried out by workers paramentated with personal protective equipment (PPE), and trolleys carrying crew food are not permitted;

4. the removal of solid waste and effluents generated on board is not allowed;

5. it is not allowed to carry out procedures for cleaning or disinfection of the aircraft, except for exceptions at the discretion of the local health authority; and

6. where the presence on board of local workers is required, the aircraft commander shall ensure that the appropriate mitigation measures are adopted.

This content does not replace that published in the certified version.

Hello everyone,

I would like to inform you that some posts were removed from this thread.

Kindly do not engage in coronavirus vaccine debates.

Thank you for your understanding.

Diksha team

Thanks a lot for your post-Diksha. I have just returned from Brazil a couple of day's ago. So I am writing down the Travel vaccine and all the related things for Brazil -

Due to Brazil's history as a trading port and colony, it is a melting pot of African, European, and Latin American cultures.

Brazil is also home to one of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet, offering an incredible range of flora and fauna. A trip to Brazil is a chance to experience a taste of everything.

Yes, some vaccines are recommended or required for Brazil. The CDC and WHO recommend the following vaccinations for Brazil: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, typhoid, yellow fever, rabies, meningitis, polio, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis), chickenpox, shingles, pneumonia and influenza.

COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for travel to all regions, both foreign and domestic. Check with your local Passport Health clinic if immunization is offered in your area.

See the tables below for more information:

Recommended Travel Vaccinations for Brazil
COVID-19    Airborne & Direct Contact    Recommended for all unvaccinated individuals who qualify for vaccination
Hepatitis A    Food & Water    Recommended for most travelers
Hepatitis B    Blood & Body Fluids    Accelerated schedule available
Typhoid    Food & Water    Shot lasts 2 years. Oral vaccine lasts 5 years, must be able to swallow pills. Oral doses must be kept in refrigerator.
Yellow Fever    Mosquito    Recommended for all regions except Fortaleza and Recife
Rabies    Saliva of Infected Animals    Moderate risk country. Vaccine recommended for certain travelers based on destination, activities and length of stay.

Routine Vaccinations for Brazil
Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR)    Various Vectors    Given to anyone unvaccinated and/or born after 1957. One time adult booster recommended.
TDAP (Tetanus, Diphtheria & Pertussis)    Wounds & Airborne    Only one adult booster of pertussis required.
Chickenpox    Direct Contact & Airborne    Given to those unvaccinated that did not have chickenpox.
Shingles    Direct Contact    Vaccine can still be given if you have had shingles.
Pneumonia    Airborne    Two vaccines are given separately. All 65+ or immunocompromised should receive both.
Influenza    Airborne    Vaccine components change annually.
Meningitis    Airborne & Direct Contact    Given to anyone unvaccinated or at an increased risk, especially students.
Polio    Food & Water    Considered a routine vaccination for most travel itineraries. Single adult booster recommended.
Sources: CDC, WHO and ISTM

A yellow fever vaccination is not required to enter Brazil but is highly recommended. See the yellow fever section below.

Malaria and dengue are present in Brazil. Be sure to take proper precautions to avoid these mosquito-borne diseases. Bring repellents netting and antimalarials, if needed.

Zika virus has been found in Brazil. Some travellers are at increased risk including women who are pregnant or may become pregnant. Make sure you use repellents and netting where needed.

Brazil's climate can vary depending on which region you are visiting.

In the northern parts of the country, the climate is tropical, while in the southern regions the climate is more temperate. Most of the population lives in cooler areas like high altitudes or the coast.

Popular tourist destinations like Rio de Janeiro suffering from an extremely hot climate. Temperatures there are usually above 100 degrees Fahrenheit during the dry season.

In the areas closer to the Amazon rain forest, temperatures higher than 90 degrees Fahrenheit are rare. Basically, remote onboarding software is very much required if you want visa through video conferencing, Basically, it helps me alot. If you are travelling to cities in the upper region of the Amazon belt like Belem, heavy rainfall is common between December and April.

It is best to study the micro-climate of the region you are visiting while planning a trip to Brazil.

U.S. citizens should travel with their passports on them at all times and be prepared to present it to local law enforcement, if necessary.

As a whole, the danger level of Brazil is classified as high. The murder rate if four times that of developed nations, and the crime rate reaches similar numbers. Travelers should remain vigilant at all times. Try not to travel outside of where you are staying after dark.

Do not ever enter the favelas. They are mostly operated by gangs, and are extremely dangerous even for locals. It is best to avoid them completely. If you are planning on going somewhere that is off the beaten path, consult with locals first to find out if it is safe.

Avoid carrying large amounts of money with you. If absolutely necessary, divide it up between several pockets. The efficiency of the police force varies depending on the region. It is imperative that you do not attempt to bribe them for any reason.

All Americans visiting Brazil should register online with the U.S. Department of State before departure. This will inform the office of your travel plans within the country and will allow them to reach out in the case of an emergency or evacuation.

Once in Brazil, the information for the U.S. Embassy is:

U.S. Embassy Brasilia
SES 801- Avenida das Nacoes, Lote 03
70403-900 – Brasilia, DF Brazil
Telephone: 011-55-61-3312-7000
Emergency After-Hours Telephone: 011-55-61-3312-7400
Fax: (61) 3312-7651

Visit the Embassy to Brazil website before departure to confirm the correct contact details for the office.

If you have any questions about travelling to Brazil or are wondering what shots you may need for your trip, schedule an appointment with your local Passport Health travels medicine clinic. Call us at 1-888-499-7277 or book online now!

Hope this article will help you properly.

Woah... This escalated quickly.  hahaa.  I was following along and then it kind of exploded so didn't finish. 

But can we clarify if COVID vaccination is required for entry? It wasn't as of November as that is when I entered, but I do know that there was some court-issued thing.  And that said it was required.  But also, it was being fought, so not sure of the status of it as of today.


Cakinator wrote:

But can we clarify if COVID vaccination is required for entry? It wasn't as of November as that is when I entered, but I do know that there was some court-issued thing.  And that said it was required.  But also, it was being fought, so not sure of the status of it as of today.

Yes, it is.  See post #4 in this thread: … 03#5358691

You might want to think twice about the J&J vaccine. My wife was considering getting  it and on the StarMed Clinic website it states “Due to the risk of clotting the J&J vaccine is not recommended for women Ages 30 to 49.

Most unvaccinated adult travelers, or travelers without proof of vaccination, will not usually be allowed to enter Brazil unless they meet the criteria set out by the Brazilian authorities. In this case, they may also be required to undergo quarantine for 14 days. Some exemptions exist, check with the Brazilian authorities prior to travel.

To whom this may concern,

The vaccines are a safe and efficient way to protect lives against Covid-19. As with anything in life (eating nuts, taking Tylenol, taking corticosteroids...whatever) there is always a small risk that one might die, or experience an adverse reaction. There will always be a poster child for a vaccine death or a stroke or a heart attack or whatever. The percentage is so small when compared to how many lives have been saved. If the Johnson & Johnson website specifically states not to take the vaccine if you are a woman within a certain age bracket, do not take it. However, check the official Johnson site, as this will provide authentic information. We have a lot of Pfizer vaccines floating around Brazil. I took the Pfizer and did not have any problems. It may be best to also check with your doctor if you are unsure, as I did. Trust in God my friend. When in doubt consult Him.

Brazil is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world and I know so many people who have taken all of the types of vaccines (except Moderna because we do not have it here) and nothing serious happened to them ( and we are talking all ages here). The ONLY problem in Brazil is that that the public clinics that administer the vaccine do not have an EPIPEN if something goes wrong so try to get the vaccine next to a hospital if you are worried. I did this and it reduced my anxiety greatly. Good luck. God bless.

The question is what is required to enter Brazil.
Let's not get into another vaccine opinion,
Please read the COC of expat.

I'm planning a trip in November and assuming the mandate is still in place l will have to deal with it. The Novavax is available here now as an option.
So at least there is that.

I'm planning a trip in November and assuming the mandate is still in place l will have to deal with it. The Novavax is available here now as an option. 
So at least there is that. 
- @KenAquarius

yes it is

It remains in place now. As of Nov, who knows?
You are considered fully vaccinated with 2 jabs prior to 14 days of traveling. All CDC and WHO vaccines are approved to enter Brazil.
Yes sir! That's they way l understand it.
I have time, but if the mandate is still in place just have to deal with it. We have not been to Brazil since 2019 and my wife needs to see her mother. Plus I miss my annual Brazil immersion, and my mother in-laws cooking😀

  • What is your relationship to vaccines in general?

If properly tested throughout the years having done extensive research and being transparent with the side effects not relying on immoral influences to boost it's importance, I'm pro. If not, then I'll wait for the mass international trials to occur first lead by deaths - horror - panic and mutations during the trials to then reevaluate my decision.

  • Did you get vaccinated before moving to Brazil?

Only the ones recommended by disease control and the yearly ones not including the flu shots.

  • Were these vaccinations compulsory or recommended?

Until last year 2022 the vaccinations were recommended, get them who wants them. However, the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (The Child and Adolescent Statute) states that vaccination of children under 12 is mandatory. Yet, parents are allowed to choose if they want to vaccinate or not their child based on their religious, philosophical, moral or existential beliefs. Even so, there is a chance you will get prosecuted if you don't vaccinate your child and it dies because of this. And even with that chance, it doesn't hold in court due to the allegation of extensive traumatic experience the parents suffered due to their decision, and consequences of their actions will be lifted. This free will is available because the government of Brazil values ​​the freedom of Brazilians. Vaccinate who wants.

Now 2023 ***[Political], there are talks - gossips that this freedom will be non-existent with vaccinations. We will see.

  • Did you refuse to get any vaccine that was recommended for Brazil? If so, why?

Yes, all the Covid ones due to lack of research, media hyped, mass scare and international pressure. If dengue and zika (viruses) don't have an effective vaccine, and have been around for 300+ and 60+ years respectively, than it's a rational decision to be aware of a covid vaccine that saves lives. The dengue vaccine is also not recommended if you've never had the virus. [moderated].

I'd rather follow all the necessary health guidelines except the Covid vaccines, and If I ever get Covid, have a lifelong immunity against that particular virus serotype instead of deliberately pumping my body with new variants and mixed chemicals and playing Russian roulette with my life.

  • If you are an expatriate in Brazil, are you encouraged to get a COVID-19 vaccine? Do you have access to the vaccine and do you plan to get it?

Not encourage and access is free to Brazilians or foreigners, there's no discrimination here. At the start of the pandemic Brazil did discriminate heavily that only those that worked in the healthcare with humans were allowed priority. All of my professors whom lectured about health and or were actively participating in the veterinarian medical area daily, were not given priority. Yet masseuses that proved to work 1 hour weekly, did. The first 10 months were playing favours because there wasn't enough. Now anyone that wants it can get it and may even pick their favourite one just like any other object.

  • Is this vaccine required for entering the country now?

No vaccine is required to entry Brazil up to date (01/2023) however, there's chance that this will change with this new president and vaccine will be mandatory. [Political] In my opinion it's just a matter of time for the vaccine to become mandatory.

I'd like to leave a piece of information here for everyone because just like the 2020 Covid pandemic, this will also affect Brazil in the future. And, it's also connected to vaccines. [External link moderated]

Moderated by Bhavna last year
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