Finding good dog food

I saw an old thread about this place called Garcia's being able to order different dog foods. Are they still around and how do I get in contact with them. Or if someone knows where I can get Orejin brand food I'd appreciate it thanks.

I don't know about Puerta Plata, but we have a little doggie hotel and groomer in town that orders from some big pet supply store in Santo Domingo a couple of times a week. We can't get the dog food we want here locally, so we have them order it for us.

Check with local vets, groomers and others connected to dogs to see if they have a supplier they can order from.

Also, since we can't get good canned food here, I make a stew of rice, chicken and vegetables that supplements their kibble.

Good to know. What is the name of the place you use to get your food?

La Pet-luqueria

-Mr ddmcghee   :0)

Hello again :-)  Does the pet store in Santo Domingo have a website that shoes what brands they carry?  Looks like I may have to wean my pups to another brand before we come.  Thank you.

Also, is it necessary in Dominican to give the heartworm and flea/tick medication to our pets like we do here in Canada?

The options we've been given seem to change over time! I originally asked about Taste of the Wild, because that was what we had been using in the US, and was told it wasn't available here. Either the person telling me that was mistaken, or it's now being imported because I have a 30 lb. bag in my pantry!

A few times, we've had to switch brands of kibble, but I always make sure they are made in the US or Canada (surprisingly more available), have the same primary high-quality ingredients, and match the macronutrient ratios. Since the kibble is just a portion of George's diet and the rest is chicken, rice, and vegetables I make for him, I'm not too concerned about switching brand. As long as it meets my criteria above, I'll take what I can get!

Yes we have  tic and flea infestations here!

Flea and ticks, yes. Heartworm is supposedly not an issue here. One of the vets here in town said they don't recommend a HW preventative but they keep it just for the expats that feel better continuing to give it to their dogs!

Thank you again for the great info 👍