Relocating to Munich and dealing with quarantine

Hi everyone -

I'm about to relocate to Munich and under normal circumstances would be very excited but am admittedly a little bit worried about how I'll manage with the current rules.

I've got a late arriving flight and can't get the keys to my temporary apartment until the morning, if I understand the current Bavaria rules I should be going straight into quarantine for 10 days. I explained the situation to my airport hotel and they did however still let me book for the night.

Same issue with quarantine, it's just me without any friends or family there and am not sure what I'll do for basic necessities. I can try to pack some instant noodles for a few days but don't think I'm supposed to be going out at all for grocery shopping. I'd get delivery but don't have a German mobile phone number yet and my language skills are quite rusty.

I definitely want to be following the rules as strictly as possible and last thing I want is get in trouble as soon as I enter the country or put anyone in danger. Has anyone been in this situation recently and how did you deal with things practically?

I'm also hearing potentially you can limit the quarantine to 5 days after taking a test. Is there any information where you can take those tests around central Munich, can it be a self test too? Do you have to bring any evidence when you're out on the street you're actually going to get tested.

Thanks for your thoughts!

which country you are coming from?

Bianka sucht einen Flugpaten wrote:

which country you are coming from?

If their profile is correct, they are Belgium citizens.

As far as I know (but please ask on arrival), quarantine means you have to go straight to your accommodation and cannot leave at all. That, in your case, is the airport hotel!
You can only move after the quarantine is lifted. But hotel staff will certainly help you with foof orders/deliveries and everything else.
Only tests done by trained professionals are counted to shorten quarantine, no self tests!

One should check here about the newest Covid regulations: … oronavirus

From the site they mention this about air travel:

“From 30 March 2021, all persons travelling to Germany by air must present a negative COVID 19 test result before embarking on their journey. This applies regardless of the country from where the individual has travelled and also to passengers only traversing Germany (i.e. for international transit). Persons under six years of age and aircraft crews are exempt. The negative test result must be presented to the airline before departure.

The tests must be done at the relevant test centres abroad no more than 48 hours before entering Germany (time of the swab). In countries where such a test is not possible, airlines may carry out the tests or charge a third party with carrying them out.

Nucleic acid amplification technology processes (PCR, LAMP, TMA) and antigen tests are accepted. Antigen rapid tests are accepted if they meet the minimum criteria recommended by WHO. Antibody tests are not accepted.”

As far as the original post shows, they are Belgium citizens, which means they should be able to come. But it is not clear if they are coming directly from Belgium or not?

Even from within the EU there can be quarantine restrictions if arriving from a highly infected area (areas of variant of concern). But I don't find any confirmation of any such place existing in Belgium, currently only Spain and Croatia.

One should find listings of such places on the website of the Robert Koch Institute: … VID19.html

So, unless the OP is coming from someplace other than Belgium, they do NOT seem to have a Quarantine restriction!