Uk man Moroccan lady

Booking from abroad are treated differently. Just make sure you all check in together. I never had a problem with it.

You'd be better off marrying a Pakistani lady.

Why do you say that ?

it is so amazing that people have started discussing personal life on net with strangers, it seems they don`t have family / friends in real life ,No offense

The words “record” and “stuck” spring to mind

Heart Collector wrote:

it is so amazing that people have started discussing personal life on net with strangers, it seems they don`t have family / friends in real life ,No offense

There is a specific kind of people who go to places like Thailand, Morocco or eastern Europe to find a wife. One must question why they are not good enough for women in their own communities.

That sounds very judgemental. Maybe they have a specific profile in their mind or cultural affinity that draws them to women outside their immediate locality.

IntiAlDiamond wrote:

You'd be better off marrying a Pakistani lady.

IntiAlDiamond wrote:

There is a specific kind of people who go to places like Thailand, Morocco or eastern Europe to find a wife. One must question why they are not good enough for women in their own communities.

IntiAlDiamond - Lol. I remember you from a few years ago. You are British-Russian. You married a Tunisian woman.

What does anyone gain by questioning you on why you married a Tunisian? What do we benefit from your answer? Or from why Abizaman has opted to look abroad? Knowing you briefly, you may have done it for other purposes than genuine marriage, but the point is, you married a Tunisian. You went to Tunisia. But who cares about the reasons why you did that or whether you are not 'good enough' for women in your own community. Perhaps the women in your community are not 'good enough' for you. None of this matters and it is of no benefit to anyone lol.

The dynamics and circumstances are different.

I may have come across as being judgmental or prejudiced but having spoken to many Moroccan women who have accompanied men of Pakistani extraction and heard some of their ambitions, I assure you that I'm only trying to prevent this man from having his horns broken off, so to speak...

abizaman wrote:

Hi everyone just thought I would add on here out of interest. I'm a single British guy started chatting to a beautiful Moroccan lady recently. I will probably go to Morocco and meet her and her family.

They will discuss marriage and I will say no obviously as it's way too soon. But I'd like to take things further and develop something and if all goes well maybe marriage. That's the dream right ? But in England I would expect to live together with somebody for a while before marriage. How does it work in Morocco? I would love for her to get a standard tourist visa and come stay with me for a few months and then we see. I absolutely won't do a Moroccan marriage as it's legally binding.

Question there a middle ground ? Like a non binding engagement in Morocco? Are tourist visas to uk easy for Moroccans?

Hi. Just seen your message and not sure if you have done your papers or not.

I'm british and also Married in Morocco. Ignore all the negativity from other and follow your heart and brain.

Culture is different but also little similar to Pakistan and India. Not exactly but have some similarities.

Moroccan speaks Darijaa and also some Fus-Ha Arabic and French. Not all speak all three. But mainly Moroccan Arabic. So Darijaa might be better option for you.

As far as the devoice certificate goes. As it was not a official civil marriage and depending on when your did the Nikkah will determine if you require it.

Anything prior to 2004 ( I think) Islamic wedding Nikkah was not recognised in the U.K.  therefore you do not need to disclose you were married in morocco and no devoice certificate is required.

After this date some masjid were recognised and some were not. If your unsure you can check with the registers in the U.K. 

However from your comments I believe you were not registered as married. Therefore you do not need to disclose this when getting married in Morocco as it will only confuse the process.

You will require a police record from place of residence
Passport entry page and photo page copies.
Passport verified which will be done in morocco at the british embassy and they will also give you a second document.

Letter from your employer with salary mentioned.
Medical certificate given by dr in morocco
Police record in morocco can easily obtain this in morocco.

All Documents should be in Arabic.

Your questions.

is there a middle ground ?
Depends on what you mean by this? You can't get half married. Laws are simple for any Islamic country and most Muslim family are strict on these rules which is fair I guess.

Like a non binding engagement in Morocco?
Moroccans always do Engagement which as non-binding but does not mean you can do anything with each other. She technically can't stay with you especially alone. You can go out on a date but booking a room with each other would be illegal. And going out with each other would be down to the family view on that. Travelling overseas or locally again would be up to the family but technically not allowed as your both not married.

Are tourist visas to uk easy for Moroccans?

Visa for the U.K. are very difficult for Moroccan and factors of a lot of rules and info.

Such as if she working have traveled before. Can show evidence that she will return to Morocco etc etc etc.

Vakil made the exact points I would have mentioned. Also, there is a thread by a user named Jess which has all the requirements about a British citizen marrying a Moroccan national. The only difference is Jess told that story from a foreign female's perspective, where as you, abizaman are a man.

The only difference would be to make or get a certificate of marital status and religious denomination proving you are Muslim. Even if you have never been married, you need to have a certified document proving you are single. This document contains your name, address, passport and ID information and your potential wife's name, address, passport and ID information. The more information you provide about yourself and your potential wife, the better it it as your Embassy and the Moroccan Embassy can find you in their system or enter you in their system. You can find examples of Marital Status Declarations and Religious Denomination Declarations online. The latter simply states your religion, but again add other personal information such as passport and ID information and your address. Most importantly, you must include the names of your parents as it is written on your birth certificate. Both of these documents are signed by you and certified as originals.

I was in a similar situation as you, abizaman, however my relationship has been well over a year since I first met my future wife. I travelled to Morocco and met her in real life earlier in the year and became engaged with the permission of her parents. As Vakil said, our engagement doesn't change what we can and cannot do. I cannot stay with her in a hotel until I have proof of my marriage. Reputable hotels will reject you without this document. And depending on what her parents allow, you cannot even be with her alone in the same room. According to Shariah, until you have made you Nikkah, her protector or guardian remains with her father (or uncle/brother/local imam).

Also, even after Nikkah (marriage contract), there is cultural norm in Morocco whereby you cannot sleep together (sexual relations) until she comes to your home in your place of residence. So, for instance, if you permanently reside in the UK, she must come to the UK on a visitor visa or sponsorship. Moving to Morocco may be a solution for you, but not ideal if you don't know French, Arabic or have a guaranteed job.

Visitor visa are hard to get right now due to the pandemic. Processing times ran range from 6-months to 12-months. It might be even better to applying for sponsorship and applying for visitor visa at the same time. For example, in Canada, the processing times for sponsorship is an average time of 12-months. For visitor visa, the processing times is over 8-months.

IntiAlDiamond wrote:

The dynamics and circumstances are different.

I may have come across as being judgmental or prejudiced but having spoken to many Moroccan women who have accompanied men of Pakistani extraction and heard some of their ambitions, I assure you that I'm only trying to prevent this man from having his horns broken off, so to speak...

Yes, I understand what you're saying. I didn't necessarily disagree with your comment, but felt it was a little unfair. Based on my experience, there are people who after failed relationship(s) with women from their own community, decided to look outside of it and/or abroad for a change. Or had accounts on Muslim matrimonial websites or wherever and they received a message or interest from someone living abroad. And it developed from there. Rather than look abroad as their first option or be the first to initiate contact. And yes, I get your point.

NotBrandonSaad wrote:

Vakil made the exact points I would have mentioned. Also, there is a thread by a user named Jess which has all the requirements about a British citizen marrying a Moroccan national. The only difference is Jess told that story from a foreign female's perspective, where as you, abizaman are a man.

The only difference would be to make or get a certificate of marital status and religious denomination proving you are Muslim. Even if you have never been married, you need to have a certified document proving you are single. This document contains your name, address, passport and ID information and your potential wife's name, address, passport and ID information. The more information you provide about yourself and your potential wife, the better it it as your Embassy and the Moroccan Embassy can find you in their system or enter you in their system. You can find examples of Marital Status Declarations and Religious Denomination Declarations online. The latter simply states your religion, but again add other personal information such as passport and ID information and your address. Most importantly, you must include the names of your parents as it is written on your birth certificate. Both of these documents are signed by you and certified as originals.

I was in a similar situation as you, abizaman, however my relationship has been well over a year since I first met my future wife. I travelled to Morocco and met her in real life earlier in the year and became engaged with the permission of her parents. As Vakil said, our engagement doesn't change what we can and cannot do. I cannot stay with her in a hotel until I have proof of my marriage. Reputable hotels will reject you without this document. And depending on what her parents allow, you cannot even be with her alone in the same room. According to Shariah, until you have made you Nikkah, her protector or guardian remains with her father (or uncle/brother/local imam).

Also, even after Nikkah (marriage contract), there is cultural norm in Morocco whereby you cannot sleep together (sexual relations) until she comes to your home in your place of residence. So, for instance, if you permanently reside in the UK, she must come to the UK on a visitor visa or sponsorship. Moving to Morocco may be a solution for you, but not ideal if you don't know French, Arabic or have a guaranteed job.

Visitor visa are hard to get right now due to the pandemic. Processing times ran range from 6-months to 12-months. It might be even better to applying for sponsorship and applying for visitor visa at the same time. For example, in Canada, the processing times for sponsorship is an average time of 12-months. For visitor visa, the processing times is over 8-months.

Your comment mentions a lot of good points. However there is the part where you say “ Even if you have never been married, you need to have a certified document proving you are single.” this has now changed. When you go to the british embassy in rabat or Marrakech to verify your passport they will also give you a attestation which you fill out and declare your single. Again if you did not have a civil marriage you can leave out the section about being married or devoiced. You only fill this section if you had a legal civil marriage in the U.K. that was recognised by the gov at that time. Once signed and compacted the consulate will then sign and stamp after which you then take both documents to the ministry in rabat for them to also legalise. As this is recognised by the Minstry in rabat this document does not need to be translated to Arabic.

In regards to having Nikkah and not sleeping with your wife until they move home with you. Once Nikkah is done you can book a hotel no need to take her to england or overseas as you legally can rent or book hotels together. Most family's in Morocco these days are not strict in that way as your now officer married

Thank you for your comments. It's certainly a lengthy process. Certainly it's good advice to follow ones heart and brain..what other part is there left to follow. We talk regularly and discuss our future but first obviously we have to meet. After being rejected by 70% of hotels due to no marriage certificate I finally got a place and airport will open up next week. So I'll inshalla be in Morocco next week and then if all goes well will devote time to lengthy paperwork later in the year.

abizaman wrote:

Thank you for your comments. It's certainly a lengthy process. Certainly it's good advice to follow ones heart and brain..what other part is there left to follow. We talk regularly and discuss our future but first obviously we have to meet. After being rejected by 70% of hotels due to no marriage certificate I finally got a place and airport will open up next week. So I'll inshalla be in Morocco next week and then if all goes well will devote time to lengthy paperwork later in the year.

Happy to hear this. Insha'Allah all goes well for you. Of course without Marraige hotels will not let you book one room for the two of you. Sometimes you can find rentals and apartments but again they might ask for marriage certificate if you disclose your not married.

Either way take your time and see how things progress when you meet and if it's ment to be the process will be simple. It's not as lengthy as one things just a pain to keep going to different departments for different documents. Either way it's worth it in the end if your both truly happy and care and love each other.

I hope you are not marrying your cousin back home and you are coming here for sexual marriage attracting ...that's what all pakistani do , hide the pakistani wife that their parents chose and go around the countries looking for another adventure ...pathetic way to show an Muslim example .if you are not good luck and good life .and those who commented comparing moroccan woman's to Thailand women's lol you don't know shit .

hanafisafaa170 wrote:

I hope you are not marrying your cousin back home and you are coming here for sexual marriage attracting ...that's what all pakistani do , hide the pakistani wife that their parents chose and go around the countries looking for another adventure ...pathetic way to show an Muslim example .if you are not good luck and good life .and those who commented comparing moroccan woman's to Thailand women's lol you don't know shit .

Views and comments should be kept clean and respectful. People
Use the site to get advise and see other people

I understand your frustration and this message is directed to everyone not just yourself.

We should not judge other when we do not no them but inly give polite advise.

I agree with you final statement that Moroccan women are not like Thailand women and people should not judge the women in Morocco when they don't no the facts. Every country has the same issues and every country has good and bad people
Men's and women.

Guys please
Stick to
Nice comments and refrain for making judgmental
Comments without knowing facts

hanafisafaa170 wrote:

I hope you are not marrying your cousin back home and you are coming here for sexual marriage attracting ...that's what all pakistani do , hide the pakistani wife that their parents chose and go around the countries looking for another adventure ...pathetic way to show an Muslim example .if you are not good luck and good life .and those who commented comparing moroccan woman's to Thailand women's lol you don't know shit .

Thank you for your comment which really brightened up my day and made me laugh out loud.
Firstly please don't single out Pakistani guys. Men from all walks of life, if they don't have good intentions will try to find a way to seek out sexual advantages for themselves. And women will do that too, not just Moroccan women.

But behind your acerbic comments there is some truth to people taking advantage of each other especially when there is an economic and age related imbalance and things can be kept hidden due to taking place in another country.  I assure you people who are devious and manipulative tend not to be posting their intentions or seeking advice on online chat forums. They tend to me more clandestine. And if you read my comments my intention is to get married if all goes well and bring her to live with me in uk. Why else would I be discussing the marriage process?

The Moroccan lady and I are very open. Video calling each other everyday sometimes for hours talking to each other's parents making clear our intentions and expectations. Calling each other at work, having full access to each other's social media etc. We are as open as can be in the modern age without succumbing to suspicion and cynicism. Threats to honest relationships come from anywhere and people have to be alert   

But I think your post was well intentioned.  Thank you.

Marriage seems all easy, she looks beautiful and life is amazing.

But you should also consider the other side - which is divorce.

I never once thought that I would be in this situation before getting married. But you see things open up more and more as time moves forward.

Out of 10 people who got married from Morocco, I knew 8 who ended up in Divorce for various reasons. The sad thing is that I am now also another number, 9.

Hi there u hp u Ok.. Just wanted to know from where is the girl u married from in moroco? Is it city or village?

A small town. Why? Is it important?

BRother I'm British Pakistani too please stay away as I met a girl online on DEC 2020 then we did the fatiah on January 2021 on video call then September 2021 I went to morocco met her family stayed at her house for a week spent a lot money buying gifts and bought gold engagement rings also spent a lot of money buying gifts for her and her family from here so anyway everything was fine but when I came back her attitude changed she started fighting with me over little things also I have health problems I had cancer in the past so I'm unable to work due to those reasons and what ever the money government gave me I was saving it for her case and also sending her 100 pounds a month which is alot and she started demanding more and when I said no she started emotionally black mailing me telling me that its their tradition that once a girl is engaged then the guy sends her money every month but islamically that's haram she's not in nikah with me yet so she's still her fathers responsibility at first I was thinking I will just send her money for  three or four months so I can show it on my bank statements when my case goes to through for her to come to me but she got use to it taking money off me and when I ask her what you doing with that money she would say its none of your business and that hurt me alot because by this point of course I love her and we have a lot of memories  together and we also took pictures together and everything with her family and went to the beach and everything but now that my pip is in review I have not sent her money for 2 months she has gone crazy always saying to me ahh if you don't send me money that means you don't love me bullshit like this but I am stock as I just been admitted in hospital and now recovering but this whole thing is stressing me out because look yeah the culture is everything but you don't put culture above islam that can never be done ..... A lot of people going through this stuff brother I hear stories that few guys from birmingham got married they went to morocco spent a lot of money I am talking close to ten thousand pounds then once they returned back to UK they girls sent them divorce notice then they had to go back to morocco and everything people warned me as well but I was thinking my own cousin got married to a Moroccan woman and his been married to nearly 13 years with few kids so I was thinking if my cousin is happy so will I but wallah brother I have learned the hard way this is why I am sharing my experience with you stay alert and brother moroccan people in general are really kind wallah their hospitality and their kindness is out of this world but what I have learned from on going experience don't do it try to find a Moroccan woman in UK download muzmatch or something like that but don't get in serious relation ship I went alone brother no mother father or siblings I just wanted to prove to her that I am loyal and I love her this is why even with my current bad health situation I still came but once o came back and stopped sending money this is why everything changed but don't loose hope on Moroccan people they are beautiful and kind people but before you give then your heart search about them ask them to share you their emails,gmails.,Facebook,instagram, Snapchat and see if they are genuine but I would give you a honest advice as a British Pakistani brother we are Muslim and try to keep it halal try to get their familes involve make sure they are aware that you are coming but moraly speaking its not nice to call any woman on tourist visa you wouldn't do that with your sister I wouldn't let my sister go alone so do what's better for you and what's halal but speaking about relationship and everything I think what I told you should be enough if not send me your email and I will get in touch with you to discuss further stay safe salam.

Thank you. Actually this lady and I are no longer talking but I was happy for the experience and I'm grateful for your comments. Just to update I went on holiday when flights opened in June 2021 and we had 2 weeks together in an apartment. It soon became obvious that we were very incompatible. You can be love bombed from afar and a person will say anything but when you are under one roof for a length of time you realise sincerity and good intentions are tested. I can't say if she's honest or not, she certainly never lied. I went to Morocco in sept for a 2nd holiday but this time we only lasted 3 days together before I asked her to leave.

In all honesty there are no short cuts to love and marriage and one shouldn't be blinded by the easy pickings on offer in poor countries like Morocco. People are just doing their best to survive but it's always good to take time and really get to know a person. Yes I gave gifts and money but I would do that in uk too if I was in relationships. The important point is love shouldn't be bought and marriage is not just a transaction. You are choosing somebody to be by your side all your life so you have to see the qualities and the character of that person. Thank you for all the comments.

@paul von can I plz have ur number I need to ask few question regarding moroco

@abizaman first of all, congratulations on your decision to go and meed the girl, Morocco is not Afghanistan so I wouldn't be afraid of anything as I perceive your intention to be genuine and not going to take advantage of her.

You do NOT have to produce any talaq document of a nikah that has been performed my a Imam here in the UK. The talaq you have obtained from your previous nikah, wether is by text, email, watssapp etc, will suffice to show your future wife and her wali that you are divorced.

Finally, I must say as a Muslim, Moroccan and British woman, the majority of the comments here (specially from muslim men) are absolutely degrading and judgemental. You've asked about how to do your thing with this lady but most of these people disgustingly already know the intentions of someone that you don't even know yourself.

😶 Gobsmacked!


@abizaman hi bro am British Pakistani am talking to girl same city where the girl you met

@abizaman how did it go bro coz am flying next month to see her but not going get married just wanted to see her personally


Hi. Where are you going ? Agadir. Be careful hotels there don't allow unmarried couples to stay together. Good luck. You can pm me