Expats & vaccine against COVID

Hi everyone.

I am interested in hearing how fellow non-Indonesian citizens in Indonesia are doing with getting vaccinated.

I am from Sweden and unless I've missed it my government/embassy has issued no information to Swedes here on how to best plan/hope to get vaccinated. The Swedish vaccination program only includes people living in Sweden and Swedish citizens living in Europe. Fair enough. The official line from them for everyone else is to keep an eye on if/when local vaccination programs include foreigners in some way, shape or form.

I know that Bali, due to its local economy being quite dependent on expats, is including expats in its "Green Zones" program (-see Marcello's excellent post on that topic). My guess is that for foreigners living in Jakarta, vaccines will only become available when they are commercially available to purchase at hospitals and clinics. But that will of course only happen once the government has been able to extend its free vaccination program as far as it will go and there is surplus vaccine to spare. Also fair. But when might that be?? Asking my private health insurance provider about this (a little while ago now), they had no knowledge or plans regarding vaccination, as of yet.

I want to go to Sweden to visit my elderly mother, but I don't really want to go before a) Sweden's official travel warning expires on 31 May, and b) I am vaccinated, myself.

It seems it should be in everyone's interest to get as great vaccination coverage as possible, as quickly as possible, globally. Having said that, I fully agree of course that we, all of us, have to ensure vulnerable groups are targeted first.

How is everyone else doing with this? What do your embassies say? Do you have plans to get yourselves and your families vaccinated?

Otherwise I hope you are all doing splendidly in these trying times. Thanks!

Well, just in Jakarta I was vaccinated although my living town on my KTP is Yogyakarta. And it went smoothly, well organised also. I just walked in and was immediately helped. Istora, Senayan.

Thanks. That's interesting. It makes me feel that I actually might qualify for a free jab at some point! I mean it seems they care more about Indonesian residency than citizen status, which is good!

I just turned 50, though, so may not be eligible until we reach phase 4?? I'm not even sure if we are currently in phase 2 or phase 3. Does anyone know?

Mr Pontus wrote:

Thanks. That's interesting. It makes me feel that I actually might qualify for a free jab at some point! I mean it seems they care more about Indonesian residency than citizen status, which is good!

I just turned 50, though, so may not be eligible until we reach phase 4?? I'm not even sure if we are currently in phase 2 or phase 3. Does anyone know?

Based on the official vaccination program, we should be at the phase 3 and 4, but Im not sure that all the regions are waliking at the same speed.
https://setkab.go.id/en/covid-19-vaccin … ur-phases/
More info at the government Covid website

Thank you, Marcello!