
How to apply for SRRV visa from overseas.

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I have a friend who normally lives in the Philippines but because COVID he has been stuck in Australia for more than a year now. Although he has a Filipina fiancee and intends to get married to her here, he is really peed off by now about being stuck there and he has asked me to find out what I can about the SRRV visa and in particular, can he apply and process that in Australia or can he just arrive at the airport in Manila and state that he intends to apply for that. I have just found this so I guess it should be possible in some way. … 7892660697


For the latest information on the SRRV program you can search for Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA). That will give you a list of links and office locations, as well as phone numbers Straight from the Philippine gov.

Another Philippine Gov. organization website you might find helpful is Philippine Bureau of Immigration (BI) they have a host of information on different types of visas. You can find a list of eligibility requirements for each type of visa there.

Carl Isom


Sorry to hear about your friend being stuck overseas...(OMO) I am not sure/unable to verify the info stated on the link that you provided...but sadly there are already many current srrv holders (me included) who are still having some difficulty getting out & back into the philippines; infact its so bad that *some members are now even demanding a cancellation & requesting a refund for their usd$ investment for having been left in such a lurch... being unable to exercise their so called rights in being able to return as an approved srrv visa holder.

An official link for your enquiries


I agree with manwonder. Like him and many others I am stuck outside The Philippines and I am flabbergasted how they have the nerve to start selling the visa again while bona fide visa holders are still being discriminated against and unable to return as per the conditions of their visa. I know, it's not PRA's fault, but still the announcement of taking in new applicants while those with visa already are denied to return is a bit unfortunate.

The short answer to your question is: NO, you cannot apply and get issued a visa when you are not in The Philippines.

For those who are in the Philippines already and need free assistance with their application, please do message me.


emvaningen wrote:

I agree with manwonder. Like him and many others I am stuck outside The Philippines and I am flabbergasted how they have the nerve to start selling the visa again while bona fide visa holders are still being discriminated against and unable to return as per the conditions of their visa. I know, it's not PRA's fault, but still the announcement of taking in new applicants while those with visa already are denied to return is a bit unfortunate.

The short answer to your question is: NO, you cannot apply and get issued a visa when you are not in The Philippines.

For those who are in the Philippines already and need free assistance with their application, please do message me.

I was unaware of this problem, I mistakenly thought that once you already had an SRRV you were free to come and go as you please.


Dont know if I am able to visit America even with my permanent section 13 visa so I will just wait until it all blows over if it ever does. Visited my family in Calif Thanksgiving 2018 and I have a feeling that was the last time.I have already made my last Wills one for USA and one for America so I am all set to retire  a second and last time upstairs when its my time. The longer I live in this world the crazier it gets. Kinda fed up with it all. Things are becoming boring and annoying. Selfishness is peaking out and it will either get worse or subside. Laziness is being pushed upon the American people by a bunch of dig bats on the left trying to gain power and  control over the American people  All the things in the scriptures that were mentioned were  going to happen in the latter days is happening now. "It wont be long now" That's what the monkey said when he backed up into the fan. Joke lang!  Maybe he didnt say it but I am sure he was thinking it......JIMMY


capricornrising wrote:

The longer I live in this world the crazier it gets. Kinda fed up with it all. Things are becoming boring and annoying.

I'm not.  I got some bored of not geting to Phils to start my plans, so I'm starting one of them now anyway at distance :)

capricornrising wrote:

The longer I live in this world the crazier it gets. Kinda fed up with it all. Things are becoming boring and annoying. Selfishness is peaking out and it will either get worse or subside.

Well. I can agree to it's a problem, but it was a problem 30+ years ago too.  t was hard to find good people worth bothering about back them too  - except childrem specialy 3-7 yo between the protest ages   :)
But I have "allways" aimed at making a TINY part of the world better. E g I have done much volontary work during the years mainly for kids and 1993 I started a tiny aid organisation, which have done different Help-to-self-help projects. And now I found some people in Phils, mainly tribe people, worth trying to do it for too I believe, so I start rural there trying to not bother much about the crazy world outside   :)

"Capricornrising" meaning you are a capricorn?  Capricorns have a tendency to become depressed IF not DOING something useful.  The only Capricorn I know, who are not depressed, do so much both within carriee and sports, so he don't have time to get depresed   :)  So I suggest you find  or make a Help-to-self-help project for poor Filipinos assising them with their businesses.

capricornrising wrote:

All the things in the scriptures that were mentioned were  going to happen in the latter days is happening now.

Well. Christians have said many times  the end of the world will come at xx date - without it happened...    :)


capricornrising, Just today I read an article syaing that the U.S. numbers for newly reported cases of Covid-19 are out for last week. GOOD NEWS! Not 1 state reported a staistically significant increase in the number of new cases reported.

Now the question would seem to be how long will it take our unelected bureacrats in the U.S. to cease the panic porn and go back to NORMAL?


capricornrising wrote:

The longer I live in this world the crazier it gets. Kinda fed up with it all. Things are becoming boring and annoying. Selfishness is peaking out and it will either get worse or subside. Joke lang!  JIMMY

Jimmy looks like you need to do some dancing to release that stress build up.
(You are not alone)
We just had one of our regular laser light dancing/karoke/drinking/smoking pot luck parties at my place last night & now I am having a slight hangover.

No Joke lang  :cool:


Yes am a Capricorn-Jan 7th and Capricorns like to keep busy and many are athletic like I was in my earlier years training in martial arts  over a decade and taught self defense for a few years in the states. Went thru the police academy when I was 47 and did better in training than some half my age. Did some weight lifting as well as isometrics and never smoked and that helped a lot.I go jogging now 3-5 times a week light jogging/walking to keep my immune system in check. Problem is there isnt really much we can do during this pandemic. I taught English 3-4 hours a day before the covid hit for about 7 years here in Baguio. I seriously doubt the English academies will re-open and majority of students come from Korea, China,Taiwan, Japan and a few other Asian countries. Cheaper to learn English in Philippines than other countries even though  most Pinoy teachers dont have a great command of the English language and comprehension is always a problem with any new language learned. I am trying to find something online to do and can easily get a job online teaching English and have done it before Didnt really care for it.I prefer one on one or group classes and I dont see that happening anytime soon. Possibly find some writing employment editing and resume writing for others. Being retired is nice where I dont have to do anything if I dont want but I prefer to keep busy doing something. Kinda hard to do now with this crazy covid. Just taking it a day at a time like everyone else is doing.JIMMY


capricornrising wrote:

Problem is there isnt really much we can do during this pandemic.

But there are A LOT you can do   :)
You mension some yourself. But it DON'Tneed to be PAID jobs.  As I wrote I have done many volontary jobs with kids, and now I do business consulting for free for poor Filipinos. 
(Althoigh one I improved so much so she went from loss to earn so much so she needed to work only 2-4 days per month plus when she looked for new prospects, so stupid by me to not charge her   :)

I counted how much time I would need to do only my hobbies as much as I want and there weren't enough hours even if I wouldn't do anything else neither sleep. That was before internet, so even worse now   :)

So I suggest get more hobbies.


Coach-send me some ideas.(Anyone can do) Thanks....JIMMY.........................***

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capricornrising wrote:

Coach-send me some ideas.(Anyone can do) Thanks....JIMMY.........................***

The forum don't want us to publish private contactinfo in public (but ok through message).

But I write here so others can see anyway.
Beside lazy stuff as pasive look at movies and listen to music.
Now I'm serious injuried by an old sports injury broke up, but I write things I did before too.
/Be in nice nature exploring and pick eatable wild things direct. Wakking in cities I ffind to booring - except iwhen I found "junk shops"  = old things shops NOT displayed as in antique shops so things become expensive   :)    (When season for common eatable wild things I never brought anything to eat even when I went away a whole day.)
/Before covid I went much to NOT quality auctions. ((I have made a lot of bargains at such e g an antique 25 piece dining set i  got for 5 dollars because preparers had been stupid and put all in a BAG UNDER a  display table so the auctionere thought it was a mix of almost wortless plates and no one else had noticed. And I bought an industrial lamp for 3 dollars because I found it so it so unny UGLY.  My mother told me to threw it away every time she saw it when visiting. Years later I just happened to see whenI zapped between TV channels such ugly lamps had become very popular!!! Similar were sold for 800 - 1200 dollars in antque shop.  I got mine sold easy through internet not seen other than photo for 500 usd inspite of long distance so no one wanted to go and look.))
/Chess.  Can be played both against people, against computer and "against books"  =Try to figure out what champions played step by step.   (But I have stoped playing because I want to see my opponents so I can jugde personality so I know if best chance to winn by shocking them or boooooring them  :)
/Dance.  Can be done at hih age too.  E g an acuantance was polular amon the ladies still 80 yo by he wa charming and dance good (calm dances) . And an other at age around 70 comppeted still in SPEEDY "bug" dance some similar to jitterbug but no high ligys or trews allowed  At that age he thought of if quit compeeting or replace his 35 yo dance partner to a younger because he fund she had become to slow    :lol:
/Researching things for instance ancestors.  (I can claim almost all king crowns in Europe by blood lines although bastard lines   :)    IIt was very common aristocrats made maids pregnant. If finding such connection then the rest is just hard work.  (I found at my mothers side. Family story told about such at my father's side too including name of the aristocrat, but I didn't find any such connection there.)
/Canoe and (tiny) sail boat. Mainly exploring or just be in nature. I compeeted at rather high age too
/As teenager I found it fun to invent things/make constructions of new things.  Or transformed scrap to something useful. But I skiped that when I got angry at Swedish Tax laws not leting me deduct for the costs for material of a prototype of an alarm I had made. When they denied I decided theey will never earn anything from my inventions(constructions neither, so I skiped making any other of the many ideas  I had and the alarm prototype is still in my storage    :lol:
/Biliard.    Can be comined with table tennis if make the heiht a bit wrong
/Table tennis.  Can be played at high age too although less good  :)   I STARTED playing at club level at age when normal people have stoped doing sports in clubs, but I'm not nprmal    :lol:
/Make music.  When I started making recordins in my teenage it was very hard but nowadays there are rather easy to use computer programs so not even need to manage to play any instrument to make it sound good  :) (If having/making the miusic notes).  I got very suprised when a composition "my" group made in kid age were played in the American comedy serie "Friends" and were well known there! I knew it was famous in Sweden because music schools have used it much.)
/Both profesion - in Sweden  - and hobby - In Phils.   Business consulting, assisting Filipinos to earn better by themselves.    Plus the business I'm starting now in Phils, which is a combination of serious earning and "aid" by add jobs and opportunities to poor mainly tribe Filipinos. I aassist two tribes one with just knowledge, the serious for me one I put in some money too.
/Many kids are fun, specialy 3 - 7 yo.  Or coach a sport team with some older kids.  (I have coached both basketball, football , chess and hamdball.  Started when they were around 10yo. When they got older we even reached top division for seniors BUT don't need to reach top results to be fun, that's jjust a bohnus. Can start with younger too,  then it's fun to just look at how they forget everything tought, making mess everyone at the ball when it become match    :lol:
/Computer games.  I have played - and developed - strategic such before they went to internet too.
/Read and write books.

/Others make other creative things as for instance drawing, but I don't because I'm crap at such. My sisters got all such talent we had in family   :)

/And nowadays there are many more options by internet.

Edit:  Perhaps noticed?   It's common my hobbies can cost to buy the EQUIPMENT, but (almost) no cost to USE them.

Many play golf, but I find that to booring by to much "dead time" between actions,. Much more action in table tennis   :)


capricornrising wrote:

Coach-send me some ideas.(Anyone can do)

When my father got retired he
/exersoced dogs to behave and some agility competitions too.
/organiced and played league boule.
/compeeted much in (team) quiz  competitions at rather hgh level to exersise brain. He quit when he became 80+ when he still knew the answers but had became to slow to answer within the denanded seconds.
/Went around within the closest counties and performed playing in a music band.

He had so much to do with his hobbies.  he said:
-I don't understand how I had time back when I worked, I don't have time enough for my hobbies...




That is how it should be. and it is unrelated to COVID measures that apply to all travellers of course.

SRRV is a product of EO1037 and guarantees indefinite residency and hassle-free travel in- and outwards.

However because a small number of younger SRRV holders of a certain nationality are suspected of wrongdoings, all SRRV holders have been discriminated and denied re-entry (as compared to other visa), which is, in fact, a violation of the law.

I am one of the many who have asked the government, via The Philippine Retirement Authority, to abolish the draconian measures related to travel by genuine retirees holding an SRRV.

It is a bit strange that PRA has started again selling the visa while at the same time people that have the visa already are denied the advertised and promised benefits of it.


[This before info from emvaningen below  - it was based on PRA office visit that still confusing to me so leaving as is]

FYI - this is about the abuse of the SSRV, apparant or otherwise, I was told today in applying for EED here in makati via PRA I not need the order that granted me the SSRV as part of my application b/c I am not that pretty much tells you this is all about that "scandal" and not Covid...

And I left with the impression that PRA has never delivered on being able to get EED for anybody curious if ANYBODY tells us otherwise.

as all I want to do is take family to USA where we all can get vaccine next win for everybody...but while I can go easy enough with a travel pass OUT (told they can do in 30 mins), I am well aware I may not be able to get back in nor my school age WTF


Just to repeat what i posted elsewhere.

1. Currently all SRRV holders need an EED ifvthe want to return to the Philippines
2. I have one, my friends returned and i have see hundreds of names of people who got an EED.

Indeed I have seen zero names of PRC nationals on the lists with approved persons.


again, great on the EEDs - how are you seeing lists of approved persons?

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