Job offer in Malta - moving from Italy

Hello All,

I am writing here in order to get some feedbacks and tips.
I am currently working and living in Italy, but I applied for a job in Malta (in Finance) and I got It.

The net salary would be 2,700 euros / month (after taxes, the yearly salary Is around 47.000 euros gross), i will get a starting one-shot bonus of 4,700 euros gross, the company will pay my accomodation and house expenses, private and life insurance, tax assistance and some other bonuses.

Is this a good offer to live well in Malta, as a single person?
And, in general, I am asking: Is Malta a good Place for a single 35 years old person? I do not know any person there, and I am afraid of solitude. I enjoy International environments, but arriving alone (and being not very young) sounds a bit worrying to me. Also, I have lived abroad already, but I have never been to Malta.

Thank you for any positive and negative feedback you will give me. Sorry for the long message.

I would say for a single person is very good. The rent is not expensive there, the food is also ok, but if you find different places to buy it, you can get good offers available.

There are a lot of groups on Facebook that you can take a look at houses/apartments in all areas there,
such as Malta rent flat, apartment direct from owner.

By the way, I live in Dublin and I am moving to Malta next month. I have been there around three months ago to explore the area before I move for good, I loved it.

Thank you Camila! :) Very kind of you.
I would like to understand if, as a foreigner coming alone to this unknown (for me) country, there are chances to make friends and create a happy life here.
I know it's up mostly to me, and nobody can truly answer me about this, I guess I am only scared. But your message helped, thank you :)

camilacris wrote:

I would say for a single person is very good. The rent is not expensive there, the food is also ok, but if you find different places to buy it, you can get good offers available.

There are a lot of groups on Facebook that you can take a look at houses/apartments in all areas there,
such as Malta rent flat, apartment direct from owner.

Depending on where you choose to live rental rates can be expensive compared to most wages.

Zeneize86 wrote:

Thank you Camila! :) Very kind of you.
I would like to understand if, as a foreigner coming alone to this unknown (for me) country, there are chances to make friends and create a happy life here.
I know it's up mostly to me, and nobody can truly answer me about this, I guess I am only scared. But your message helped, thank you :)

Financialy you should have no problems and there are so many foreign Nationals new to the country, that everybody wants to make friends.

Your salary is very good for malta, you say "the company will pay my accomodation" I'd be sure to get an exact figure and then try to find out if you can find a place suitable for what they state.

Your income will be well above average, malta is very cosmopolitan and you won't have issues for sure.

Thank you all for the latest replies.
I would have accomodation paid until 1.000 euros / month, so I guess it Is good.
I wanted to have a confirmation about the economic part, but the loneliness is my biggest issue.
Here i have a job I really like and a salary which Is more than ok, but I do not like the city where I am. Being 35, I would like to find a place where I can plan a stay and build something, and stop my wandering around Europe :))
I appreciate your feedbacks, and I am once again grateful for all your answers :)

Of course...Any further comment or feedback is very welcome :)

You will live comfortably as a single person even if your employer doesn't subsidise your accommodation. Making friends shouldn't be too hard especially if you live in the St Julians area. You'll find plenty of fellow countrymen to befriend here but there are people from all over Europe and beyond.

Having said that, if you think you can find a job with similar conditions in a city in Italy which you like, it would certainly be a better option. That would avoid you having to leave friends and family behind and give you the possibility to access nature and breathe clean air, both of which are very scarce in Malta.

In other words, if I were in your situation, I would only move to Malta if I expected to save substantially more than you are doing now and if having additional overseas experience on my CV was of importance.

Thank you, Lambada :)

Good points.
In Malta I would earn approximately 9,000 euros net / year more than now.

What pushes me to move would be a new and young environment, as I am having a very solitary life here, in this small and boring city.

On the other hand, I would like to find a place in which I can plan something long term. My CV has already 3 experiences abroad, an additional one doesn't hurt at all, but it's not a "Need".

Summing prons and cons of my situation, anything looks really balanced and the decision is really though.
However, I am grateful for your useful point of view! :)

I have a question: i promise It Is the last one :) being a person who absolutely hates heat and high temperatures, would a good accomodation help me solving the majority of the problem? I am in this big dilemma, having this very big offer but also being afraid of many things (weather too). Thanks for the patience...tomorrow morning I must communicate my final choice😟

Yes, having air-conditioned accommodation would go a long way toward making you feel comfortable. Work shouldn't be a problem because your office will certainly be air-conditioned. Walking to work would be uncomfortable in summer but buses and taxis are air-conditioned. Not sure what your hobbies/interests are but most outdoor sport would be out of the question in summer unless its possible to practise it late in the evening e.g. floodlit tennis court or football pitch. Most gyms are also air-conditioned so that could be an option. Hope this helps.

Life in Malta requires you to enjoy's not something you can escape.

It also a place that you need to be flexible in and can accept for its flaws and have an attitude that requires you to be adaptable.

You should come spend a few weeks here in July and consider carefully if you have the right idea :)