Covid Vaccine Followup
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cltisdale wrote:You got the wrong vaccine. Pfizer or moderna way better. Mrna technology
You show up and take your chances on what Vac you will receive.
In accordance with IATF resolution No. 120 and Safe City Task Force advisory No. 44
Fully vaccinated senior citizens in GCQ Areas who wish to get out of their homes must carry with them their duly issued Covid-19 vaccination card before entering any establishment or riding any type of public transportation.
Those who fail to show their vaccination card shall respectfully asked to return home.
Yes, and good thing you had it. Sinovac or not, it probably saved your life, even having just the first shot. I'd say it worked pretty well if you are still alive and posting. Many virologists have said far better to get any of them, rather than hold out for perfection.
The important thing is getting one in the first place. So many idiots here in the US won't, so of course the pandemic continues, cases are rising, the virus mutates further, and we will be facing mask requirements, or worse soon.
Here in the US, 83% of cases are now the Delta variant, which has 1000x the viral load of the original. It is HIGHLY contagious as a result.
Many beg for the vaccine when they are already in ICU and dying. Unfortunately it's too late then.
wow. . agree with ya there... much too late to ask for the vax when on a ventilator
My wife’s sister (in North Carolina) had her best friend and anti vaxer die in two days after getting Covid. Her sister changed her anti-vax tune and wanted us to send her video proof that we weren’t magnetized before she went to get a shot. It’s truely insane, what they get from far right news and social media. I will say I sold all my Apple gear and bought Microsoft and have no explanation other Bill Gates nano-microchips in the shot. I hope it’s clear that part was sarcastic
pnwcyclist wrote:Yes, and good thing you had it. Sinovac or not, it probably saved your life, even having just the first shot. I'd say it worked pretty well if you are still alive and posting.
You bring up a good point that I never considered.
There is so much information and misinformation flying around it seems to all melt together. When you finally see the light at the end of the Covid-19 tunnel, it's the "D" variant waiting for you.
Once we turn the corner on the "D" variant, what's next? It could be that we are vaccinated every six months combating new strains as they develop.
With the world population of 7.9 billion, it takes only one mutation to spread to all corners of the planet.
News Just In :
Philippines to place Manila area in lockdown to curb Delta variant...wonder how long more we've got to wait to get vaccinated & when we finally get to take a trip out of here. … 43995.html
There are plenty of vaccine here in Davao, you can walk in if your a senior, they are giving Johnson & Johnson one shot here in my place, I think because so many people will not take a vaccine, no one I know in my wife's family and friends will take it
No such thing being enforced in Davao, doesn't matter if your vaccinated or not if your over 60 your only to go out for necessities
Any US military vet is eligible to get the Johnson & Johnson shot at the Manila VA, including the spouse. They have limited supply and will close the clinic for shots on Aug 7th due to the expiration date of doses received.
You can get an appointment by calling 63-02-8550-3888. Be prepared to hold, though. I waited 30 minutes before they came on.
I have to question the validity of the information you posted.
Here in the US, 83% of cases are now the Delta variant, which has 1000x the viral load of the original. It is HIGHLY contagious as a result.
Sounds like a panic porn industry-generated propaganda piece to me.
I don't suppose you have a source for where you got that information so I can verify it for myself?
We both have Google. I've been working on the motorcycle for the past couple of days and haven''t been online.
But panic porn? Haha, maybe it does sound that way.. but unfortunately only if you don't believe in science.
Anyway, here's some articles. … heds-light … 1627473901 … 1627079604 … ta-variant … om+Twitter
Off topic and apologies to the OP.
Just watching the news over the last few days for hospitalisations of 97% for unvaccinated and around 95% deaths for those admitted that were unvaccinated.
This is out of the US news for the US population, propaganda or not, still undisputed to date by the many in opposition to vaccines.
Appears they are the ones meeting an early demise.
Cheers, Steve.
Man... if they would just get the Vax and be done with it we'd all be in a somewhat better shape or state of mind at least. But 100 years from now.. who will give a shit..right? I just want to get over to the PH and chill at least within this decade!
Being a senior of seniors, with a few grains of sand left in my hourglass, having had Covid-19, it is not just another romp around the park.
I would rather have bypass surgery again than Covid-19, the recovery time for the surgery was shorter with improvement everyday, with Covid-19 no improvement day to day. With bypass surgery I was out driving my car compared to laying in bed with Covid-19 in the same amount of time.
In the beginning I wasn't concerned about catching Covid-19 because my living conditions were more than adequate compared to 97% of the general population and in addition to already having had my first vaccination.
Now I am concerned about the Delta variant and you should be too. Covid-19 was a 100 meter dash, the Delta version seems to be a marathon.
Protect yourself beyond any guidelines
Whatmore can mankind do as this is but the Delta variant...who knows what the situation will be like when we get to the Omega variant.
All I know is the Fed will then start printing a few hundred quadrillion$$ daily & those of us still alive then will all be rich.
I notice immediately that every source is owned and run by liberals. The same people who believe in the propaganda the Communist Chinese were so eager to spread early on. The same people who are DUMB enough to believe anything Dr. Flip-flop Falsi says. The same people that think the Center for Disinformation and Concealment is a credible source.
Actual verifiable science from credible sources have published three recent studies regarding Covid -19 and the delta variant. They all found two things in common using the scientific method. 1. The delta variant is highly contagious. 2. And this is the most important, The current death rate for those who have been infected with the delta variant is LESS THAN 1/2 of 1 percent.
So I'll pass on the liberal propaganda bureau BS. I don't believe a single word they have to say about anything.
What can I say, I got my microchip trackers injected in me twice. Ppppffffizer. Yeah!
Call me edumicated and brainwashed.
I used to skip flu shot and we get sick every fall. Kids bring it home from school, darn it! So, we get flu shot every year. Sick no more.
Well, nowadays, my kids are no longer kids.
Freedom to NOT get ill!
I also accept the fact people can make their own choices.
I repeat manwonder's battlecry:
It holds true for everyone whether you agree with them or not.
But if one gets harmed by their own decision, dare not blame someone else.
Ffffrrrreeeeedddddoooommmm is not free, you will own it.
Vote Jackson4 for President!!!
carlisom78 wrote:I notice immediately that every source is owned and run by liberals. The same people who believe in the propaganda the Communist Chinese were so eager to spread early on. The same people who are DUMB enough to believe anything Dr. Flip-flop Falsi says. The same people that think the Center for Disinformation and Concealment is a credible source.
Actual verifiable science from credible sources have published three recent studies regarding Covid -19 and the delta variant. They all found two things in common using the scientific method. 1. The delta variant is highly contagious. 2. And this is the most important, The current death rate for those who have been infected with the delta variant is LESS THAN 1/2 of 1 percent.
So I'll pass on the liberal propaganda bureau BS. I don't believe a single word they have to say about anything.
And your answer given the propaganda posted by the "Liberals"? You have none! Here say and nothing more! You should back up your statements and learn or end up in hospital with the Falsi non believers. Sadly a divided community with the liberals left alive voting for a better government. See the big picture if you believe that cr#p. Less punters to put a fool back into power?
Do you expect thinkers to listen to the left field cronies sprouting conspiracy theories from a failed Presidency, scrabbling for a piece of of maybe? Look at me I believe in you while the rest of the world watches aghast.
I ask you carlislom 78 to back up your statements with decent/credible info that goes against the numbers of unvaccinated fools now dying in hospitals. I posted figures earlier but have not seen anything online nor from your or other doom sayers wisdom to refute the figures........ go figure and the sheep will follow.
OMO and no disrespect to you carl, just a very different observation. Time is telling.
Cheers, Steve.
First time I ever hear anyone claim the Wall Street Journal was owned by liberals or slanted that way. One of the most conservative papers in the country. Take a read of their opinion pages sometime. Fortunately they have to stick to the facts when it comes to the news, and the facts are we are at over 80% Delta variant here (UK is 97%) and this variant is more contagious than the Alpha variant, which came from the UK and is more contagious than the original. Many unvaccinated are dying in the US.
Here's some more fact based reading for you Carlisom, from the American Society for Microbiology, with links to other sources such as the New England Journal of Medicine. Of course you probably won't trust those sources either. … -B-1-617-2
Feel free to come back with some facts and peer reviewed science to back up your claims, but any more unsupported claims, junk science or conspiracy theories will be removed per forum guidelines.
good article.. nice to know.. thanks
As luck (or bad luck) would have it, my mother-in-law got Covid. We are now expected to foot the bill. I believe all of it. She got the Astra Zeneca vaccine. She's about 70. What should I expect to fork out so my wife and know how much to prepare.
Does anyone know if there is Social Security or something similar to Medicare in the Philippines for old people? She did not work in a company and she never contributed to SSS.
AaronAardvark, Exactly. I would expect they would know more about it than I do. I am still in the US dreaming of retiring in the Phil's. It does not sound more appealing.
I guess I'd have to Google about Phil Health.
....and I thought I can relax now.
Sorry. I let out some of this when I am displeased.
Hey Jackson, my understanding is that senior citizens (nationals) have free Philheath providing they are registered and as you are not visiting the hospital there shouldn't be the white man tax. Obviously it depends on how bad her case is and hospital duration etc.
Hope she has a speedy recovery and keep us posted/heads up for the expat community.
Cheers, Steve.
Jackson4 wrote:Bob,
As luck (or bad luck) would have it, my mother-in-law got Covid. We are now expected to foot the bill. I believe all of it. She got the Astra Zeneca vaccine. She's about 70. What should I expect to fork out so my wife and know how much to prepare.
Does anyone know if there is Social Security or something similar to Medicare in the Philippines for old people? She did not work in a company and she never contributed to SSS.
Sorry to hear the bad news, I hope things work out.
St. Lukes in the Philippines (affiliated with the Mayo Clinic) has posted a notice that they are filled to capacity with Covid cases and those seeking help should look elsewhere.
The question for you is how bad are her symptoms, beyond feeling awful? Hopefully she would be able to recover at home.
It was a bad time for me, but no life threatening symptoms. Paracetamol every six hours until the fever passes, continuing bed rest afterwards.
Another question, it may seem heartless, can you afford the hospital care? You want to do the right thing, but putting her in the hospital for appearance sake is an emotional response.
Enzyte Bob wrote:Another question, it may seem heartless, can you afford the hospital care? You want to do the right thing, but putting her in the hospital for appearance sake is an emotional response.
I agree. On health issues like this, emotion tops reason. Since it is wife's mother, I try to stay away from care decisions.
I almost got myself in trouble when I asked if they checked their benefits with Phil Health. I guess they did not. It bothers me why they did not check their benefits.
Jackson4 wrote:I agree. On health issues like this, emotion tops reason. Since it is wife's mother, I try to stay away from care decisions.
I almost got myself in trouble when I asked if they checked their benefits with Phil Health. I guess they did not. It bothers me why they did not check their benefits.
My better half reliably informs me that it is possible to register your mother in law with Phil Health at the Hospital. Most, if not all hospitals have a Point Care office where the registration can be made. My better half registered our neighbour, a senior, at Talibon Hospital after we volunteered to transport her to the hospital. Apparently it's a simple process but does involve an interview of a relative.
I appreciate all the inputs. It helps a lot. This is one those threads that makes a difference.
I heard St. Luke's in Manila is charging PHP 25k per dose of Remdesivir. Six doses @ 1xday was required.
A private hospital in Meycauayan charges PHP 8.2k per dose for Remdesivir. Six doses @ 1xday was required. Baricitinib @ PHP 3,577 with same number of doses. So, PHP 11,777 per day of med costs.
I also heard these medications are not covered by Phil Health.
They require patients to pay upfront for meds before they give it.
Some hospitals also ask for payment once one accumulate some bills. When asked if Phil Health portion is removed, they say they take it out at the last bill. What!?!?
So we said, we will want to see the complete bill before giving the hospital any more payments.
What happens to those who do not have the means to pay? (Rhetorical question)
pnwcyclist wrote:Great info Jackson. I would say it is more cost effective to get the vaccine, lol..
Mother-in-law had the J&J vaccine 2 weeks prior to getting sick. I think this situation is not as bad as it would be in case she did not have the vaccine.
They got sick after they buried in-law's mother, wife's grandma, a week before getting sick. This is triple whammy. Grandma passed away, wife's mother and brother got Covid. The saga continues....
More info:
The hospital required a person to be with the patient in the room to assist the patient for any needs. That person will also be confined in the same room throughout the patient's stay. Not allowed to go out (jail?). Since she is the second family member confined at the same hospital with Covid, they no longer have someone else to assist the mom, we hired one for 500 pesos a day. 😨 Their neighbor volunteereded in assisting on the outside to bring food and to talk to the hospital about money. The food is handed at the hospital door to a hospital employee on the inside.
I am not sure the same is true at St. Luke's or any other ivy league hospitals in the Philippines.
Recommendation: Don't get Covid-19 virus.
Thanks.. more great info. I have read that the vaccines confer some benefit pretty quickly, probably around that 2 week timeframe, and even more for a single shot vaccine.
I got my J&J jab the other day and I had the typical side effects that they tell you about. I had a slight fever, felt tired, minor headache, and slight temperature rise. After the jab i started to feel some of the effects about six hours later, and It lasted about 12 hours. I took two tylenol every six hours and all was well. Good luck to all.
Off topic a little but we registered with the local private hospital a few months ago, then the local municipal a month ago. The private hospital that we registered with asked our preference for vaccine type (probably because we will pay for it) advised them Astra, Moderna or J&J........ yesterday around 5 pm I see a txt msg. came in @ 2:39 pm saying the Sinovac vaccine was ready and we need to contact them by 4:00 pm to secure a booking for Saturday 21st......... 1 hour and 20 minutes notice for a vaccine we didn't ask for.
Am I too fussy not wanting the Sinovac? Better half says they will contact us again apparently.
Cheer, Steve.
bigpearl wrote:Off topic a little but we registered with the local private hospital a few months ago, then the local municipal a month ago. The private hospital that we registered with asked our preference for vaccine type (probably because we will pay for it) advised them Astra, Moderna or J&J........
I was under the impression that sale and / or purchase of Covid vaccines by private individuals and companies here in the Philippines is illegal. Only the government can purchase vaccines. Private companies may purchase the vaccine directly from the manufacturer provided they get permission from / enter an agreement with the government (probably because Covid vaccines only have emergency-use approval), that they will not sell it, and that the vaccine will only be used for their employees.
I may be wrong. I would suggest you look it up. Purchasing the vaccine from the hospital might get you in trouble.
bigpearl wrote:Off topic a little but we registered with the local private hospital a few months ago, then the local municipal a month ago. The private hospital that we registered with asked our preference for vaccine type (probably because we will pay for it) advised them Astra, Moderna or J&J........ yesterday around 5 pm I see a txt msg. came in @ 2:39 pm saying the Sinovac vaccine was ready and we need to contact them by 4:00 pm to secure a booking for Saturday 21st......... 1 hour and 20 minutes notice for a vaccine we didn't ask for.
Am I too fussy not wanting the Sinovac? Better half says they will contact us again apparently.
Cheer, Steve.
We wanted, and received, a US vax because there is some confusion/concern that some countries may not accept Chinese vaccines.
I haven't seen anything clear on this but we felt better going with the US.
Do not get Sinovac Get Pfizer or Moderna ok
For U.S. expats thinking about returning to the states for a visit, you may want to consider this. Of all the vaccines available for Covid-19 only three will allow you to enter the U.S with a U.S. passport without being required to quarantine. Those three are J&J, Pfizer, and Moderna.
From what I have read the EU does not accept the Chinese vaccine also
Well as far as selling vaccine, I have heard from some workers giving the vaccine that some vaccine are being sold mainly the J&J Phizer, and Moderns, almost everything is for sale in the Philippines, but the vaccine not on a wide scale
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