Covid restrictions


I'm considering re-locating to the Greater Accra area with my family (ex-wife and children are Ghanaian citizens), but I'm a bit concerned with Covid restrictions. I have the following questions, which I hope members of the forum will take the time to answer:

- Are mask mandates heavily enforced by the authorities?
- It seems lockdowns/curfews are no longer in place, but are they still used locally in certain cases?
- Is there any talk about making vaccines mandatory?
- Are there talks about vaccine passports?

Thanks in advance!

Looks like Covid cases are rising so things might change.
Most stores and restaurants etc require masks before you can enter.
Not had any lockdowns since April last year
They haven't enough vaccines for those who want them so impossible to be mandatory at the moment.
No talk of vaccine passports for the same reason

Thank you very much for your reply!