Me, my wife and my little girl (Oz for a year)

First a quick intro, My name is Rich, I'm 29 years old, married with a 9 month old daughter.

For many years me and my wife Joanne have day dreamed about spending a year in Oz and recently we're thinking it's probably now or never as Emily our daughter is still at an age where she wouldn't need to be up routed from school etc. So basically this is our first step towards look into it, to see if anyone else has done this with a child so young (I'm going to guess they have) and if so what their experiences have been like.
Obviously Emily is our main consideration and if it wouldn't be right for her at this age then we just wouldn't do it.

Cheers, Rich

My husband and I are around your age from the US and living in Melbourne.  We don't have children yet but I know a few people who have brought young children to Melbourne from the US.  One blogger, in particular, recently posted about a book "Melbourne for Under Fives" that might be a good resource;

Good luck with your inquiry!

Hi Rich,

Welcome to! :)

I hope other members will share their experiences with you very soon. Good luck

Have you tried posting in the poms in oz site?? it's a very active forum, you may get a reply sooner!
Just google ''pomsinoz'!

ok I'll try that,


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