Solar energy - panels

@rainagain Two people can live for $1000 a month assuming they have no vehicle and don't go out to eat the local garbage food. Then you are ok. I buy fish, milk, cheese from locals. I begin to grow myself at the new property. My tica girlfriend is a normal woman , an excellent cook, which helps a lot. If you don't care about the ocean and nature....then why are people here, in the 3rd world environment? If Canada didn't turn in a s. hole I wouldn't be here either..but for now, ocean and the rest of the nature in the most quiet environment (if it is possible to find a quiet place in this  country) is my priority.

@edwinesamoron, you wrote . . .   

"@daveandmarcia......It is not my fault you can't find this information/data...Save face for you,as someone as yourself, who eats his own excrement and ends up blinded by it ? ?"

    -@edwinesamoron, You're right that it's not your fault that the data to back up your baseless claims cannot be found because it doesn't exist except, perhaps, in your own addled imagination.  And, in the highly unlikely event that you actually do know what you're talking about, you will not (or cannot) share your sources even after I've offered to pay you. What are you hiding?

As for the rest of your post, it's disturbingly reminiscent of the work of an early dropout from the  third grade. You really should give it another try. After a couple of failures, they'll give you a social pass to Grade Four which you will also anchor. Nothing about what you wrote about me has anything to do with why folks leave Costa Rica which is, after all, the topic of this discussion.

Oh! and what does ". . . as someone as yourself . . ." even mean (in English, please)? And, by the way, your limp excuse for an insult is not a sentence that warrants not just one but two question marks. It's not a question.  English speakers end declarative sentences with a period (.). They cover all this in Grade Three. Where were you?


Wow... two people on $1000.... and I thought I was stretching it going it alone...  Good for you!!!  Very Tico

As for 'quiet'...  only when the motorcyle dudes have gone to sleep... but that's the tropical world for you;  I consider it 'white' noise at this point...  Have you been to India?? Or Indonesia??   Between the motos and the Tuktuks... it's literally a beehive of engines... from sun up till sundown.   Luckily, because I live on $1000/month; I can afford to travel and see such places.  Was in Peru in late Feb... amazing.  I would consider living there... in the Andes.

Pura Vida

@daveandmarcia......Either way you have absorbed the essence of my reply to you....Because your dinner has been served by using your own waste, multiple times...Again,it is a common fact that is all over place about your types going off the rails and out of Costa Rica....Costa Rica peddling never fills in the gaps.If the facts are too hard for you and others,"too bad".......Keep that measly change that you are offering me for your elicit activities......Because one thing is for sure,'North Americans in Costa Rica are not a conventional bunch'.

edwinsamoron, when you pose an actual fact, please let us know. otherwise <ignore>.

Oh! So how much will it take for you to tell us your sources so we can verify your bather for ourselves? Maybe we should start a GoFundMe page.

@daveandmaria......Displacement of your angry emotions has the best of....... you.

@edwinemora Agree. I discarded all social contacts for this very reason. People can't handle the functions of their own mind, mine is my companion, as thoughts are observed and controlled. Hatred, envy, arrogance, refusal to accept things, which they can't control and change. My girlfriend is the same, has no "amigas" -serpientas. I don't like this culture or rather mentally but accept it as the only way to live a peaceful life here. Noise? It is a part of their culture but leaving half a mile from the road makes it quiet enough except congos, birds and frogs.


You said it when it comes to the birds and frogs/toads!!!   Sometimes it is easy to just ignore them... but there are a few that just seem to know 'exactly' what to 'sing' and when so that you begin to 'blow' a fuse or two...   I actually bought some firecrackers to toss in their 'direction' to scare them off... don't get me wrong; I love the wildlife here... but those Pecho Amarillos are sassy little farts.   

Pura Vida... I guess.  hahahaha!!

@rainagain I enjoy sounds of animals, monkeys (congo), birds, frogs, etc. I love watching cows (there is a pasture behind the fence), ocean about 15 min walk, rural area in general. Nothing to do in canada. it is no more.

@Henrych.....What we found all around us is with many Ticos or even gringos who want to know everything about us...And no holding back from asking questions that are going over the line, like in regard to finances.....We have had Europeans contact us to mention" that they heard through grape vine that we needed to sell and they can help us but they will call the shots, when, and for how much they are going to buy and designate by survey,the preferred portion  !."..........All we tell them is"I do not know where you got this information but we are fine and not selling"........It is like you develop this other sense about people, especially when they say to you"Let's do Lunch/cocktails"then you know it totally means something else...

@edwinemora yes, this is a local typical mentality (let's call it culture) to stick their nose in the personal life of others. This is why we stay away from both, ticos and also gringos. My girlfriend is especially  sensitive to that. Our time is limited and wasting it on others, who don't deserve isn't wise to say the least. Question: who reads books today? You know the answer...


I too love hearing the congos in the mornings... it makes me happy to know they are there.  And the cows across the road from me... I can actually hear them chewing in the middle of the night!!!   And they are beautiful.  And even though I get a little impatient with some of the birds... they are entertaining; fascinating; and keep my cat occupied/entertained? for hours.

I wouldn't give up any of it... but a few less sapos 'pooping' on my patio and walkways would be a true gift!!   hahahaha!!!

Pura Vida