Average rent and utilities in Costa Rica town that is westernized

Hello I am looking for a westernized town in Cost Rica. Can you please let me know some westernized towns in Costa Rica. I also want to know local website to peruse the rents. Maybe you know the local prices as well.

Thank you.

costaricabound........Here is warmer for your westernized Costa Rica.Tamagringocondo,,Nosaraestafa,Jacococalputas,Domiladrones and Uvitacarito.

:lol: 🤣

No disrespect intended, but why on Earth would you want to do that?

No disrespect intended either, but for westernized places, I would advise you to move to the US or to Europe, where I come from  :lol:

Domi.....but you live in Samacanadaeuro......

Domi.....but you live in Samacanadaeuro......

costaricabound wrote:

Hello I am looking for a westernized town in Cost Rica. Can you please let me know some westernized towns in Costa Rica. I also want to know local website to peruse the rents. Maybe you know the local prices as well.

Thank you.

Some of the people on this forum are rude.
To answer your question, I will have to assume you mean an area where a lot of gringos live.
You can sometimes find "groups"/pages on Facebook for certain areas.
Near San Jose, a lot of gringos live in Escazu and Grecia and Atenas.
At the beach there are a lot of gringos in Tamarindo, Samara, Jaco, maybe Montezuma, some parts of northern Guanacaste (Flamingo for example).

The more gringos there are and the more luxurious the area is, the more it will cost.
To preruse the rents look for FB groups for those areas and real estate sites that also handle rentals.
Google can help find them.

When you ask on another forum or page, tell them how many bedrooms and what if any luxuries you want to have (pool, sauna, etc) and ask if there are additional Development/Gated Community fees in addition to rent or purchase.

Try Tamagringo ( Tamarindo )

Yes, there are Europeans and Canadians and other gringos/gringas like me, but it's a small town and not as Westernized as most of the other mentioned places...

Prepare a fat wallet to be open and emptied quickly. This is the most expensive Latin American country.

greetings all. Im hungry for more expat interaction so i hope im at the right place.  I Started coming to costa rica in 2014. Bought a condo in Flamingo Beach area 2016. Traveled most of the country by traveling there 4 times a year since 2014.  Still exploring this amazing country.  Plan to retire here December 2023.  I plan to do good works for needy costa ricans and have already accomplished several small projects (visit rancho costafalo.com) or visit on facebook.  Happy to share  ....Farmer John

Jgmort24........Ticos survived before freebies,tourism and gringos.Working the land was our Grandparents and our parents.Everybody else now is too lazy,need gringos for this and that.Just drive at night within the interior roads of Guanacaste and see these drunks walking in middle of road hypnotized by their iPhone.

Jgmort24... welcome to this site but beware, there's alot of negativity here. Don't let anyone hamper your loving, kind & helping others spirit. The planet needs MUCHO more people like you!

Blessings & Good Luck

thank you.....appreciate the glass half full attitude.  Every place has its issues

          It's not negatively it's each person opinion and experience they had or having while trying to make the perm move here
Wouldn't be fair if we all painted the same picture that CR is Xandu

It's has good and bad qualities here
Please don't taint the jury

Peace out

I wrote "a lot of negativity" because the majority of the posts reflect the bad aspects of CR. I have never read a post that reflects a positive opinion or experience.

If what JB says is true, there's a lot of people having bad experiences which lead to bad opinions.

So I ask... why doesn't anyone write about good stuff? This site needs more "Xanadu"  pleasant stories.

Tsaheylu22..........That is what those other groups on FB are for.Foreigners who put their eggs in one basket and can only gush-cake Costa Rica because they have to.This is a refreshing group,with real life,other side of the coin experiences.There is huge monument North end entrance to Jaco,the"Sonesta Towers",a salinated,crumbling to the elements testament of what goes wrong here,that will be only repeated again and again and...............

Edwin... this site is a Down Side of CR. According to you, FB is Gush-Cake Side of CR. Neither of which offers a balance of negative & positive. I'm not unrealistic, I know problems exist in CR, problems are everywhere!

The question on my mind is... all the negative on this site, is it because bad experiences led to bad attitudes, or, bad attitudes led to bad experiences. I'm thinking the latter is the more prevalent.

I won't know the answer to that ? until I'm living in CR. However, this I do know... What we are, we draw to us; Like attracts Like.

Unfortunately, I guess I'm just not compatible with this site.

Adios all & stay safe in these uncertain times.

Things i know about costa rica
1. its a beautiful country
2. the people i have met are kind helpful and generous with their time and  genuinely care about others
3. i currently live here part time and find myself adjusting to the fact that i must summon up my patience for things that dont work efficiently like banks and govenment institutions. Having run several companies including one with 125 employees, i know human resource issues is the most problematic at times.  We all can be constructive in our analysis and strive to be better people.  We all have and will have problems in our lives.  Lets chose to act like God would like us to act

Tsaheylu22........Do not be so fragile-sensitive ! Those comments are nothing compared to real life anywhere.What is not clear is,if you ever been to Costa Rica or the region"La Zona Sur"where you are headed ? It is too bad you are not here now to see a real rainy season.The sooner you get here the better.The foothill towns on the slopes of the Chirripo are on their axis to being rediscovered,but this time globally.This is due to the high end sustainable community of Kinkara and the York University of environmental studies.One thing is for sure,you are going to run into a lot of solo people from the U.S.like yourself using the same script,why they are here in Costa Rica.Start watching the local news"Noticias de Perez Zeledon y Zona Sur de Costa Rica".This will help your Spanish before you get here because you are going to need it !

tsaheylu22...their are plenty of you tube videos out there.  If you weed through them, i found contacts that helped me and  might give you answers to some of your questions.  Let me know if you end up at another site  jgmort24@gmail.com

jgmort... you have an AWESOME attitude!

I won't be looking for another site. I find that "know-it-all" types don't take kindly to being challenged about their negative outlooks. I've been tagged a "Snowflake" and now "Fragile-Sensitive" from these kind of personalities. I had done exhaustive Due Diligence before joining this site. I joined this site out of curiosity to see what people were like and what they were discussing.

Since you signed "Farmer John" I'm wondering if any of your past/present/future CR projects involve sustainable farming? I've read that there is a big need for this for CR natives.

Whatever you initiate, you will certainly be an asset to CR!

After posting my last post to jgmort, I stumbled on an Expat.com article. Believing there's Divine Intervention here, before signing off from this site, I'm inspired to share the following excerpt from said article...

"Respect and humility are the keys to successful integration into a new country. This is why well-integrated expatriates prefer to disassociate themselves from other foreigners. Cultural diversity is an opportunity, and moving abroad is a good way to understand others and oneself. When these are placed on the right balance, expatriates are better able to appreciate their new life and all the changes brought into themselves."