Sports & activities for kids

We're moving to Mauritius from the UK later this year and I wanted to find out a bit more about kids sports clubs and activities.
One of my kids (age 10) is a very keen footballer, he plays for a team, has several coaching sessions a week and I wondered if there were any junior football clubs he could join when we arrive?
My older boy (almost 13) does a lot of sport climbing and I wanted to find out if there were any climbing centres/walls on the island. He does bouldering and lead climbing, and we're keen for him to continue if possible.  Does anyone know of any climbing walls on the island?
Thank you in advance

Hello Amy,

Private international schools normally provide a large choice of after school activities. Once you are here, you might want to enquire from the school or classmates' parents.

That said, here are 2 links that you might want to have a look at :

Football for kids


All the very best,


I'm not sure about climbing walls but I'm pretty sure I saw somewhere there's one in the North (RM Club).
As for soccer, AFN (Academie de Football Nord) in the north as well offers 3 weekly sessions of 1.5hours for the U10 age group upwards and additional training camps during holidays. You can find them on Facebook. They are walking distance from Northfields (I just saw your other post !)

Thank you so much Anou and MZGerry! The kids are SO happy about this (which means I'm happy too)
Can't wait to move x

@amy2754  Hi, I'm just wondering if you made the move and how you've found it? We are considering moving from England with three kids age 13, 11 and 7! Would love to hear about your journey!