Vietnam Tax Of Retired Foreigner

Is a retired foreigner, married to a non working Vietnamese citizen, both resident in Vietnam, required to submit an annual tax return?

If you don't work in VN, you don't pay tax in VN. Whether you'll continue to pay tax to your home country of Australia, I don't know.

You don't pay tax PIT in  Vietnam for your pension.
But If you are resident in VN, you have an extra income in your country or VN or both, you have  to submit an annual tax in Vietnam.

galaxyvinh01 wrote:

You don't pay tax PIT in  Vietnam for your pension.
But If you are resident in VN, you have an extra income in your country or VN or both, you have  to submit an annual tax in Vietnam.

Clarifying your statement for most retired expats in this forum:

if you have non-pension income from your foreign country, you have  to submit an annual tax in Vietnam

I don't believe that. What is your source?

:/ … income-tax
Ps see the point " PIT settle ", the residents have to declare tax for income includes: incomes from wayes paid by overseas organizations and incomes from VN organization.
The residents have to submit annual settlement form by the 90th day from the end of year. ( from 2021 the deadline has a  bit change)
Of course the tax be paid in oversea will be deducted to total tax calculate in VN but this deducted amount not be biger than total tax in VN … income-tax
Ps see the point " PIT settle ", the residents have to declare tax for income includes: incomes from wayes paid by overseas organizations and incomes from VN organization.
The residents have to submit annual settlement form by the 90th day from the end of year. ( from 2021 the deadline has a  bit change)
The non- residents do'nt have to submit annual settlement and pay PIT tax for only income in VN with fix tax rate. Some case, the non- residents can  not separate income from oversea and income in VN, the law give them a method to convert to income in VN for pay tax



Are you saying a person living here but NOT working here and getting income from overseas has to pay tax in VN?

If you are resident in VN. The tax in VN will be calculated base on global income.
Then, tax be paid in oversea wil be deducted to tax in VN
For Ex : income oversea 400.000usd - PIT paid at Oversea 40.000usd
      In Vietnam ( not any income) : global income: 400.000 usf- Tax in VN 30.000 usd=》 no need  pay tax in VN.
But Tax be paid  in oversea: 25.000 usd, you have to paid more in VN 5.000 usd

galaxyvinh01 wrote:

If you are resident in VN. The tax in VN will be calculated base on global income.

Note well the definition of "resident".  For foreigners, it seems to only be those with a TRC or PRC.

The OP is a mixed couple, so the referenced article does not appear to answer the question for them.

If non-pension income is owned only be the foreign spouse, it may not be taxable, but ... this is Vietnam and the law may count income from either as income for both.  Therefore, we don't know yet.

P.S. I am not a lawyer and have never been one.

Hi guys
I mean the resident for VN tax ( a bit different than TRC, PRC)
You can see my above link reference which shows the detail definition of " the resident for tax" ( has been present in  Vn for 183 days ....)
* Tax regulation only cares " resident " and " non- resident" to calculate taxpaypale
For the resident in VN
* income tax in Vietnam be calculated by global income, not only income in VN
* If the husband does work, he is a taxpayer.
His wife can be a taxpaye's dependent to deduct his income tax( 4.400.000 vnd/ month) with requrement as : she is over of retirement age otherwise she can not work( she has to provens not enough health for working( like disability...) . And for both cases her monthly income must not exceed 1million vnđ/ month
PS: I am also not  a lawyer😊. I am working as a HR and an accountant.
With my some information discuss, hope OP can consider to submit taxation in VN
I am writting so long but Hope this will help. Please feel free to reach out if you want to more discussion.