Clothes alteration

Looking to get some dress shirts and pants altered. Any options in D2 or D1?

Ben Thanh market have people alter clothrs or same with any market sell clothrs they have people that alter them.
Look for "Sua Quan Ao"

They are literally everywhere like ants.
On a google map, search --->  thợ may
The trick is to zoom in on a neighborhood, then click "Search this area" button.
Look for a cluster. If it is a hem, drive down the alley, you should see men and women sitting in doorways with a sewing machine.
I would just try one shirt first as a possible sacrifice to test your ability to communicate.  ;)

If you want to find an English speaking one, I don't know, you might have to try clothing shops on main streets with young people inside, or Bui Vien area?

exip6006 wrote:

Looking to get some dress shirts and pants altered. Any options in D2 or D1?

Unless you are a master negotiator, I would definitely stay away from Bến Thành Market and any of the upscale areas of D1.

As mentioned, tailors are everywhere in that area, but they are highly unlikely to charge you the rates they would charge an average Vietnamese person.

I had good quality alterations at a tiny hole in the wall on what's commonly called Malaysia Street.

Pretty sure it's this place...

KL Tailor at 15 Nguyễn An Ninh
Phường Bến Thành, Quận 1

Google Maps link includes phone number

...but I needed the help of my Vietnamese massage therapist to get the woman to significantly drop the price she wanted to charge.

Another place a couple blocks away made me a decent pair of custom Bermuda shorts, but I can't find any listing for their location there.

Probably the best information you can have before searching is to know the average price that Vietnamese people pay for the work you need done.